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98.93% Ichigo Awakens / Chapter 185: Setting The Trap

Chương 185: Setting The Trap

(Reverse London: 13 Days before the next Game)

The hustle and bustle of the city had grown as of late; more Witches and Wizards were flying about as the numbers of Wing Bind grew, an increase of draconic entities and varieties brought on by increased study, and the preparations for any conflict with the Khaos Brigade if what Soul Society told them was true. The increased activity over the trees and buildings was the main view for one man sitting at a balcony table at a cafe. He had shaggy blonde hair with black sunglasses, wearing a white dress shirt with a blue undershirt and baggy greenish brown pants while a large briefcase sat by his feet. This was Harry Shayk, the head of the Billionaires accounting division of Wing Bind, enjoying a cup of tea while reading over reports and waiting for his guest, another cup of tea sitting on the opposite side. Eventually his patience was answered with a sound of static.

"You called this morning to set up this exchange." He said, setting the papers down to face his guest. "I like taking my time Ichigo." The hybrid in question was wearing a white shirt with a stylized '15' on the front with a red hoodie and black pants while holding onto his own much slimmer briefcase.

"Sorry Harry." The Captain Commander returned as he took his seat, picking up his mug and taking a sip of the steaming flavored water. "But we are approaching a deadline."

"Indeed." The Wizard agreed before pulling up his briefcase, laid it on its side on the table, and opened it to reveal a several wrapped bricks of white powder. "Shaved down to a powder, but it retains every last bit of magical energy and potency." The Soul Reaper reached into the case and pulled out one of the bricks, feeling the residual power still thrumming inside of every last grain. He gave a nod of satisfaction before putting it back in the case before putting his own the the table, opening it to reveal twenty hand sized glowing blue scales. "Shiny." Harry said before picking one up and examining it, pulling out a pocket magnifying glass to get a better glimpse at it. After another few seconds he put his tool in his pocket and returned the scale to the briefcase before flashing Ichigo a thumb's up.

"Pleasure doing business." The hybrid said as they took the other's briefcase. "To a brighter future." He held up his tea and declared before drinking as a sudden presence caught his attention. "Is that Tannin?" He asked, believing his Pesquisa picked up on the Dragon Devil.

"Maybe." Harry answered as he finished his tea. "Someone on your side sent us the means to summon him and suggested we work out some kind of deal with him. A steady supply of new Dragon materials to work with in exchange for helping him cultivate more food for the Dragons in his territory. I believe his name was 'Kisuke', and so far we've seen a twenty percent profit increase." Ichigo decided that he needed to review the paperwork and reports for the last month to see if he missed this, and to bitch slap Urahara into a coma anyway.

(Soul Society: Squad 11 Kendo Hall)

The room was bare of decorations, making room only for racks of wooden swords of varying length and weight either by craft or enchantment. The members of the squad had little need for anything else but their melee prowess, focusing on furthering that one skill as the main infantry unit of the Gotei. As such, it was the perfect environment for Issei and Kiba to have their sparring matches.

"Come on Issei, you're only defending!" The Gremory Knight called out, bokken in hand as he made another swing that Issei managed to block on sheer instinct. Both peerage member were only wearing their pants and were covered in sweat, Kiba in a light sheen while Issei was dripping and had a few welts start to appear.

"I'm still getting used to the basics Kiba." The Red Dragon managed to pant out, readying himself for the next round. Today was dedicated to swordplay practice for Issei and the Gremory Knight was happy to assist his dear friend in his training. As such, the two of them and Okita were directed toward Squad 11 after asking about the ideal environment for that training. At first Issei tried listening to their advice, adjusting his sword and stance, his footwork and swings, everything they shouted as the two fought, but only one voice echoed in his mind.

"Understand your Sacred Gear and yourself." Arthur's voice echoed in his head as he shifted to anything that felt natural to him. At that point, their voices faded as the two focused on their own sparring match. Each bout slowly showed the progress of the Red Dragon, coming closer and closer to understanding his own relationship with a sword. They kept this going until Kiba's swift motions spun around Issei's sword hand and knocked his practice sword out of his hand, for the fifth time.

"You're getting better Issei." Kiba said while his partner rubbed his bruising wrist, a small smirk of satisfaction appearing on his face. "You almost seem like a changed man. I keep expecting you to come up with something boob related, but I don't know when."

"Certainly not against you." Issei returned with a smile. "You have no tits to speak of." Kiba felt himself chuckle before hearing his stomach growl.

"We should probably hit the springs and get lunch." The pair planned as they did some cool down stretches. "Master, you want... to..." The knight started as he looked over to Okita, finding him casually resting on his sword surrounded by unconscious Shinigami with Ikkaku holding a glowing hand over parts of his body. "What happened?"

"He kicked our asses, that's what." The squad lieutenant said while the Shinsengumi member nodded in admittance. "Gotta admit. His skill is something else. Now I'm more pissed that he didn't die and join us in Soul Society."

"Well, I have more fun as a Devil." The Lucifer Knight said with a friendly smile, making Ikkaku smirk.

"Yeah, that's the main point isn't it? Enjoying yourself." The bald Soul Reaper agreed as he rose to his feet. "You guys are welcome to train here again. We could use the entertainment and motivation, can't disappoint the captain by slacking off while he's training."

"And he's the strongest Shinigami right?" Okita asked, confusing Issei.

"I thought that was Commander Kurosaki." The Red Dragon stated, gaining everyone's attention.

"Commander Kurosaki is the most powerful of the Gotei, of that there's no question." Ikkaku started explaining. "He has the most spiritual power and the mastery of various abilities to keep him at the top, but Captain Zaraki is the strongest, as in physical power. To use your terms, he'd be Soul Society's strongest Rook piece, I believe."

"Interesting." Okita said, getting a sense of disappointment at missing a chance to test his strength against someone close to the one that made his remember the chill of death. "Oh well, we can put that off till later. Kiba, Issei, let's go!" The elder Knight declared with the Gremory members already heading for the door, opening it and shivering at the sudden chill.

"H-hey. Is it me, o-or is s-something v-v-very wrong here?" Issei asked, shivering as the trio watched the snow falling.

(Shadow Karakura: Silbern Underground Training Hall)

Despite her desire to train her entire peerage within the confines of the Soul Society for the next two weeks, Rias and her peerage were subject to their own separate training schedules that Azazel and someone named 'Urahara' drew up for them. As such, Issei and Kiba were currently in the Soul Society to practice swordplay, Koneko was sent to Kyoto to practice Senjutsu, and Rias herself was brought to Shadow Karakura to get more combat experience. So here she was flying around an arena of fast, ever shifting sand, sparring against a roughly equal opponent, both dressed in black skintight bodysuits. And this opponent was one that she's all too happy to vent her frustrations on.

"There!" The Gremory heiress shouted, spying Sona on the ground as a tower of sand shot the Sitri heiress into the air. Rias pointed her hand to her opponent and quickly charged a blast of magical energy, aiming to blow off the top of the tower. Sona heard the shout and immediately reacted, gathering her magic to her feet and using it to jump off the tower and straight toward the ground. Rias kept her focus on her opponent and immediately bolted toward Sona, aiming to intercept and blast her at a much closer range. As they neared the ground they felt their instincts scream 'danger', immediately making them divert their flight paths as the sand erupted into spikes around them

"Damn it!" Rias cursed as she just narrowly escaped getting hit by one spire, through her suit's left thigh flashed a light pink to indicate that it did brush against her. "Not fast enough!" She growled as she generated magic shields and tried to deflect a few as she flew out of the danger. She caught glimpses of Sona, skating around it all with water concentrated at her feet. She heard the sound of shifting sand and turned to see one of the spires heading straight toward her and got an idea. She aimed herself for Sona and tucked her feet up, generating another magic shield and waited. The shockwave reverberated throughout her body as she went from standing still to rocketing toward her rival on an intercept course as the Sitri twisted around another spike.

"Got you!" She shouted, just in time to jump off the shield and tackle the other Devil. She kept a tight hold as they slammed into a wall of sand that collapsed around them, raining as they fell to the ground with a hard thunk as Sona bore the weight of herself and Rias. The Gremory, having been cushioned by her opponent, managed to recover and pull herself up. The moment she saw Sona's disheveled and scuffed up face, Rias's mind went back to their Rating Game and how she was utterly humiliated. The crimson Devil gritted her teeth and punched Sona in the face, feeling a shock race through her hand and arm, but she ignored that in favor of venting.

"Part of the mission!?" Rias shouted, her knuckles turning red from the force with which she threw her fists from her spot, straddling Sona's torso. "Did you really have to hurt them so badly!? Throw away any sense of honor!? Treat me like I'm a child!?" She kept yelling and punching long after it was clear the fight was over, so focused on delivering her vengeance that she didn't notice the glowing ball that sank into her back before blowing up and blasting her off the Sitri heiress. Rias flipped about and tumbled for a bit before rolling to a stop, and a boot lightly stepping on her throat.

"THAT, is how you do a sneak attack." Bambi lectured to the Devil beneath her heel while Yuzu flashed in and started tending to Sona, the Kurosaki's hand glowing with healing power. "Not shouting and alerting them the moment you see them." The Explode pulled her foot away and walked over to an empty space and made a holographic console appear before typing in a new command. "No more flying, navigate an ever shifting maze to find and fight each other." The Quincy ordered while Sona and Rias got to their feet, Sona looking completely healed while Yuzu started on Rias's back.

"Was that explosion necessary?" The Gremory asked while she was being healed.

"I teach best by giving examples." Bambietta returned before flashing away, Yuzu soon disappearing as well as walls of sand erupted around the Devils. "Round 2, start!" The Devil shook her head and started looking for a way through the maze.

(Shadow Karakura: Kurosaki Manor)

The Kurosaki Manor was a large three story building of dark blue and silver, built shortly after the establishment of Shadow Karakura, as a home for the members of the Kurosaki family. The whole building was a mix of Japanese, Spanish, and German trying to reflect on the hybrid nature of the owner, especially since this was where most of his family would usually be. It was only in the last two years did his children start exploring the world beyond the confines of the various estates they called home to expand their horizons. It had been almost ten years since any new occupants would be added to the estate, changing with the addition of Celdia Sitri.

"Nel? Is that you?" Serafall called out to her sister wife thinking she heard the sound of Descorrer opening, the Devil wearing a business suit while carrying her daughter into the foyer of the manor. Celdia was bundled up in an ice blue blanket and fish themed clothes, resting against her mother's chest. As Serafall made her way to the entrance, she found the green haired Arrancar standing there in a green sundress with a smile on her face. "Thanks again for agreeing to watch her Neliel." The Satan said as she approached her sister. "I've been away from work for too long and we don't want anyone to get suspicious."

"No problem. Besides, it reminds me of when Abareru was a baby." Nel said with an understanding smile as she held out her arms, that she held out for a minute while Serafall made no motion to hand over her baby. "Sera, you have to give her to me if I'm going to babysit." Serafall's response was to put a more secured hold on Celdia.

"I don't wanna." She said with a pout. "Can't we do that artificial body and soul thing to have a body double take my place instead? I don't wanna leave her!" She whined, nuzzling and cradling her baby and eliciting small laughter from the babe.

"No Serafall, we can't. They don't have enough time to make a convincing enough body double anyway, you have to actually go to work." Neliel told her, getting the Devil to stick her tongue out at the Arrancar.

"Fine." Serafall finally said, holding Celdia up to eye level. "Now sweetie, mommy has to go away for a while. Be sure to behave yourself for your other mommies until I get back. Kay?" She said with a smile as her baby cooed happily, making her resolve crumble again. "I don't wanna go~!" The Devil said with an exaggerated cry as she held onto her baby, making Nel smile as she remembered acting the exact same way. They paused as the doors opened to reveal an exhausted looking Sona, holding her head.

"She's gonna hold onto that grudge for a while." The young Sitri groaned out as she walked through the foyer toward the stairs. "Hello Neliel. Thank you and everyone else for letting me stay here. I'm just gonna take a bath and go to bed so good night." She said as she walked by, taking a few steps past Serafall before stopping suddenly. She slowly turned, finally noticing that her blood sister was cradling a baby that looked very much like said sister. "S-sister? Wha- what?" She asked, raising a shaking finger.

"Oh yeah, I still haven't told anyone." Serafall said, remembering that there was still a few people out of the loop before smiling to her sister. "This is my daughter, Celdia. Celdia, this is your aunt Sona."

"...what did I miss?" Sona asked, her brain trying and failing to process this information.

(Heaven: Dusk of that same day)

Ichigo stood in front of large white gate, waiting for Gabriel and her suit so they could depart for Soul Society before determining her main residence in Japan, while taking in the "holy splendor of Heaven". It wasn't the first time he visited the kingdom among the clouds, but it wasn't often enough that it would bore him. The 'land', or whatever made up the ground, was a vast field of clouds with a number of stone walkways with the main one leading to a massive white gate. The buildings beyond the pearly gate were gothic stone and ivory all under a bright white ceiling hanging high above the apparent six other levels of the white city. It almost reminded him of the divide of the Rukon, Seireitei, and Royal Realm in the more corrupt years of the Soul Society. Heaven was seemingly less corrupted, but at the same time felt far less free. He was brought out of his musings as the gate slowly opened, revealing the Angels he was waiting for.

"Ichigo! We're here!" Gabriel called out, wearing a white T-shirt with a red heart and a pair of beige pants that clung to her body and a large brown suitcase. Behind her were two women dressed as nuns and also carrying suitcases, one was Griselda Quarta, and the other was a taller woman with ash blonde hair and blue eyes and a-

"Sweet-!" Ichigo started before covering his mouth before he could shout anything. The other nun seemed to blush and looked away as they came closer to the hybrid, Gabriel seemed confused, and Griselda just seemed to chuckle.

"Thanks for picking us up Ichigo." The Seraph said as they got face to face. "These are my suit members: Griselda as my Queen," the senior Quarta gave a wave, "and my Ace, Mirana Shatarova." The other nun gave a nervous bow.

"Здравствуйте (Zdravstvuyte), l-lord Shogun!" Mirana said as-

"I'm sorry, but how have those things not crippled you?" Ichigo asked, pointing to her large chest. The Russian sestra flinched in surprise before shyly looking away.

"She's had her whole life to grow and get used to them. That's how." Griselda answered with a smile, finding this humorous while Mirana gave a small whine.

"Well, hopefully Issei's got a better handle on his tits obsession." Ichigo sighed out before flicking his wrist and opening a hole into the Garganta. "This way ladies, your chariot to the Soul Society awaits." He said as he took the first few steps into the void dimension, generating a path made of glowing blue light. The Angels watched this and sprouted their feathery wings in preparation before taking their tentative steps onto the construct of spiritual energy, not used to the idea or concept, before settling on with their full weights and luggage. Once Ichigo saw that they were ready he willed the platform of Reishi to move, steadily gaining more speed as his passengers adjusted to the shifts, until they reached a point he was well familiar with. "Well, here we are." He said as they slowed down and a new tear opened, just in time for them to fly out. "Welcome to... THE FUCK?!"

"Oh... is it winter here?" Gabriel asked in genuine curiosity as they took in the sight of a Soul Society, coated in a blanket of snow as more gently fell from the sky.

"What happened!? I was gone for a few hours, what could've... oh right." Ichigo continued, having a mini freakout before remembering something that happened last night. "She's been practicing." He said, looking up at the sky toward the Royal Realm, before returning his vision to the streets of the Rukon and Seireitei. "So has Toshiro and Esdeath it seems." He said, finding the Squad 10 Captain and Lieutenant using their Zanpakuto to manipulate the snow into forming... ice sculptures, from the look of it. He took another cursory glance over the streets, finding adults clearing paths and children playing. "Well, as least things are still peaceful." He said, finding the positives in the current situation. "Still, I should address this sooner rather than later, but I can't just abandon you three here to do it." Ichigo brainstormed his options before realizing something. "I need to message someone."

(Shin'o Academy Zanjutsu Training Hall)

The sound of clashing steel rang out as the two warriors inside did their battle under the careful watch of Kyoraku, Xenovia in her Shin'o Academy uniform and Irina wearing her Exorcist battle uniform. The Brave Saint had her wings out and was wielding a glowing katana, moving at speeds that seemed somewhat unnatural for her. Xenovia, meanwhile, had in her hands a broadsword with a spiked guard over one side of the hilt as she utilized Shunpo to match her opponent's movement. Irina continued to train with the various mixes of Excalibur while Xenovia came closer and closer to finding her Zanpakuto's name and unlock her Shikai. The Angel took flight and aimed to pin down her Soul Reaper friend, her Excalibur taking the form of a spear just before shooting to the blue haired girl. Her blade sunk deep into the floor as she dropped to her knees, Xenovia disappearing at the last second with her flash step to reappear just next to Irina.

"I win." She declared, her blade resting on top of Irina's neck. The Angel released a sigh as her Excalibur turned into a white ribbon and wrapped around her upper left arm.

"I really thought I had you that time." Irina said while Xenovia removed her Zanpakuto from her friend. "I figured I could match that Shunpo with Excalibur Rapid Mimic."

"You just need to practice more." The budding Shinigami said as she sheathed her Zanpakuto. "You're still getting used to wielding more than one Excalibur."

"Hard to believe that time at the peace summit was sheer luck." Irina groaned as she got to her feet and stretched out. "By the way, this has been bugging me, but what's up with your Zanpakuto? I thought they were all katana." Xenovia blinked for a second as she tried to remember her lessons regarding the sword.

"Well, their most basic form is that of a simple katana sword, but that's when they're completely blank." She started explaining as a member of the messenger corps appeared next to Kyoraku. "But the more we use them, the more they're imprinted on by our Reiryoku and begin to shift into a more unique sword. When I meet with lord Oetsu, he's the man that makes all of the Zanpakuto, he explained that my change is so drastic because I'm more used to Western style swords and my Zanpakuto changed to suit me. Said I was close, but not there yet... something about 'still holding something back'."

"Huh... well, even Michael admitted that the Church was a little too restrictive in many cases." Irina said, thinking back on their past 'indoctrination'. "Reminds me of Martin Luther and the Reformation... we've had a turbulent history." She whispered sadly at the end while Xenovia offered a gentle smile and a hand on her former partner's shoulder.

"Remember the truest lesson, 'Love one another, as I have loved you.'" She said, gaining a reassured smile from Irina as they clasped their hands. "Amen."

"Oi! Xenovia!" Kyoraku called, gaining their attention. "Ichigo's got a mission for ya! He wants you to escort Gabriel and her Brave Saints around Soul Society, then take her to Kurosaki Manor!" He said, surprising the young Soul Reaper for being assigned such an important task... before she remembered who was the Seraph's Queen.

"Oh fuck."

(Royal Realm: Ichigo's Arena)

The usually barren stone disc was covered in a layer of frost and shards of ice, the air thick with the cold and creating the snow that was now blanketing the Seireitei and Rukongai. On this frozen disc was Rukia, clad in a pure white kimono with line patterns and an ornate collar and shoulder accessories of translucent ice with long looped ribbons on her back and an ice flower on her chest. She herself was now as pale of the snow with her long black hair now pure white, with a hair accessory of ice on the back of her head, wielding her Sode no Shiraiyuki as a now transparent blade of ice. This form, resembling a goddess of ice and snow, practicing her swordplay, was her Bankai, Hakka no Togame. She was in this form for almost a full day.

When Ichigo informed both her and Captain Zaraki that the Soul King wished to see them, she was unsure of what to expect. Even though his majesty was slightly more involved with the affairs of the world at large, he entirely operated through her husband and only when he deemed necessary. The all seeing God of the Soul Society was a mystery to almost everyone, but knowing that he now worked to also maintain the Balance of Souls put their hearts at some ease. Thus, both captains were brought before the Soul King who then used his left hand to alter their bodies. He stated that they needed to be able to withstand their powers and use them to their fullest potential. After that, the two began their own training to get used to their new bodies; Zaraki was sent to the depths of the Muken while Rukia stayed in the Royal Realm. Here she danced with her blade, a body that was completely devoid of heat, bringing winter to the Soul Society. She made one more swing, sending out a wave of cold energy that turned to ice, before stopping and turning around with a smile as she heard the hiss of ice against heat.

"Hello Ichigo." She said, facing a figure cloaked in fire, the flames making the ice melt and crack from the rapid change in temperature. The flames calmed somewhat to show her husband, still wrapped in the flames of Kagutsuchi.

"Been training hard I see. You look truly radiant in this form." He said walking up to her and placing a burning hand on he cheek, the fire immediately getting extinguished as his hand began freezing from the contact. "A beauty matched only by how deadly it is." She leaned into his touch, unable to sense any heat but could somehow feel his warmth. "I'm sorry that you have to stay here while you train."

"I understand the reason. But... could you still visit? At least once a day?" She asked, holding the hand against her cheek. He gave her his answer by placing his lips against hers, the contact freezing his flesh briefly before they separated.

(Rushing the rest of this timeline, because this is taking too long. Each segment is a separate thing.)

"She's so CUTE~!" Gabriel squeed while cradling the bundled up baby Devil Celdia, the Angel and her suit loving her almost immediately after seeing her upon their entry to the Kurosaki Manor. All was well for the preparation phase for both the Rating Games and coming battle with the OSF was underway.

Azazel delivered the other Sacred Gears that were the other fragments of Vlitra and Saji would soon undergo an operation that intended to restore the Dragon King as a stronger Sacred Gear, provided Saji survived the Dragon's test.

"I said I'm fine! Put me back in." Rias ordered Akon as she was sat in a chair with a headset resting on her crown with a screen over her eyes. One of her training measures included a VR dive into past experiences and simulated possible events to hone her decision making skills and thinking quicker. Her Rating Game with Sona was almost constantly repeated, trying to overcome the worst game of her life. Unbeknownst to her, however, was that she was leaking out small traces of her destruction magic. Which was something Urahara and Mayuri intended for to extract and study it, in case it was necessary for... anything.

"You know, I had my doubts, but I can see how this is good exercise." Akeno said with a small blush while her, Rias, and Asia watched Yoruichi swing and wrap around a pole while wearing lingerie that left almost nothing to the imagination and instructed them to do the same. The Shihouin woman brought all three to a room with a pole for each and gave a demonstration on their next 'physical exercise' course. Her final tip was 'dance like your pervy Dragon was watching'. Issei happened to be in a room next to them with a window that required he keep a steady stream of magic channeling through if he wanted to watch them dance.

The pillars and Kido were completed and Shinji oversaw the transfer of them over to Ajuka for the finishing touches, devising a spell specifically designed to separate the civilians from the fighters for when the battle finally began. The innocents would stay with the city proper while the duplicate became the battlefield for the OSF and the Gotei.

Saji would survive the operation and after completing his rehab, would find Issei and challenge him to another fight with nothing holding them back. The rematch was observed by Urahara, Mayuri, Azazel, Ajuka, and Serafall while Sona and Rias gave their respective pawns some 'motivation'. Sona gave Saji a kiss on the cheek, and Rias had Issei poke her nipples... both promised a little extra if their respective pawn won. Issei, while possessing more self control, almost immediately activated his Scale Mail for the promise of more of Rias's tits. This battle was recorded and Serafall took a copy, getting an idea for the entertainment media side of her Satan job and she would later announce a script writing contest based on that fight. Eventually she got an entry of two co-authors under the pen names of 'Satan Red' and 'Angel Black', titled 'Breast Dragon Emperor'.

Ajuka would complete the additions to the pillars and would start planning out how best to distribute them throughout the floating region of Agreas. As he did so, he had the idea of making multiple duplicates to serve the same broadcasting purposes that the pillars were advertised to do. He figured it'd help sell the deception and not bring too much attention to the ones in Agreas. A few days later and the set up was completed, many Devil citizens gathering around the new and unusual sights. They did a couple tests to ensure the broadcast function worked, and then Serafall would have the Saji/Issei rematch air on the system while giving it the different scripted narratives from the contest from earlier. Breast Dragon Emperor became the favorite of the children.

(Squad 1 Barracks: Head Captain's office)

Ichigo looked over the various reports of the past two weeks, mostly combat data and training reports of the Gotei and the two Devil Peerages. Ajuka told him that it looked like they were averaging out into the high class with Issei showing the most improvements, currently in the middle high class. It was one of the better news pieces to cross his desk, but another was one from Shinji. It took a moment for him to make sense of the Vizard's habit of inverted writing, most of it was Shinji messing with some of the Devils and 'finding his only love' multiple times, but there was the most important piece of information hidden in it. The trap is set.

"Now to get ready for the assault." The hybrid said with a smirk, raising his head as the doors to his office opened to reveal Kenpachi Zaraki. "How are you?" The Squad 11 captain stretched his neck while rolling his right shoulder, his bones popping with the movements.

"Still pretty stiff." The berserker answered. "Maybe a good fight will loosen me up." Ichigo flashed in front of him and swung Kyoka Suigetsu for Zaraki's neck, the only result being a clang and sparks against the Kenpachi's uncut skin. The two smiled in an unspoken promise to have a proper fight later on.

"Kagetora!" Ichigo called out, his lieutenant flashing to his side. "Send word throughout the Gotei, we're heading into battle. Get into position around the fake Agreas. Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya and Orihime will play the part of my escort while we go to meet up with Captain Shinji Hirako in the Devil Netherworld. For now, I'm going to retrieve Captain Rukia Kurosaki from the Royal Realm."

"Sir. Rules of engagement for when the battle begins?" Nagao asked, already knowing what the answer will be.

"No mercy. Slaughter every last member of the OSF." Ichigo said coldly.

Teloch Teloch

If you like my writing and what I do, please buy my book Commencement by Joseph Lankford(available on Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, wherever). Because I would rather sell a finished product of my own work than open a pat reon for donations on a fanfic. Just makes me feel better about myself.

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