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5.88% This FF has a lot of issues so it being rewritten with a new plot / Chapter 1: Chapter. 1 Reincarnated
This FF has a lot of issues so it being rewritten with a new plot This FF has a lot of issues so it being rewritten with a new plot original

This FF has a lot of issues so it being rewritten with a new plot

Tác giả: Games_of_Karma

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter. 1 Reincarnated

Naruto incarnation is main protagonist (me) and Sasuke incarnation is deutragonist (my friend snipe. it was his idea for two friends to Reincarnate together and sasuke's behavior and attitude are decided by him)


At new york airport, A sudden explosion takes place the crowd starts a riot and began a stampede which caused the death of two best friend who held each other's hands till end. But little they know that it wasn't end for Them.

Jack: Huh! where are we and why is everything all-white.

Jones: Yeah, weren't we just at..... airport.

Jack: The explosion and the-the stampede.... weren't we crushed by the stampede caused by crowd.





???: My, My aren't you guys idiots.

Jones: Hey bastard! what did you say.

Jack: wait, who are you and where are we.

GOD: I am GOD.

Jones: Are you kidding! YOU are GOD and like we'll believe it right Jack.

Jack: Please take my respects Kami-sama.

Jones: Hey Jack! do you really believe him.

Jack: Ye-

GOD: If you don't believe me then how about this. GOD snaps his fingers and see suddenly three of them were falling from sky on an active volcano.


Jones: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I take back my words please save me I don't wanna die.

GOD snaps his fingers again they arrive at an all-white place.

GOD: So as I was saying! I am GOD and you two are dead. But you weren't supposed to die so you will be Reincarnated blah...blah and you'll also get gifts from me so your survival will be easy. Now in which world you want to be Reincarnated in, you can choose any world including from movies, cartoons and anime

Jones looks at Jack and nods* and Jack understands the meaning of it

Jack: We want to Reincarnate in world of Naruto

God looks at Jones and asks "we'll do you agree with it boy"

Jones silently nods

God: Now do you wanted to be Reincarnated as character in the anime or original characters

Jones: Well I want to Reincarnate as Sasuke.

Jack: What I thought you were gonna choose Original characters, very well if you choose sasuke then I choose Naruto.

God: okay now that out of way let me explain your gifts you have a choice whether you want 2 individual perks and 1 individual wish or you want 3 same perks for both and 1 individual wish now boys which of these do you want you must both give permission for one way give it some thinking.






Jack: Hey Jones I think second option is better as we get three perks each they just will be same.

Jones: But on the fist one we'll have 2 individuals so we cover each other's back.

After one hour of nonsense muttering the two finally came to an agreement.

Jack&Jones: we'll choose the latter.

God: Okay then tell me what perks do you want.

Jones: How about we go turn-wise first he'll tell the first and third perk I'll tell the second perk.

God: Ask him? I don't have any objections.

Jack: I also don't have any objections. So let me tell you our first perk.

1. our first perk will be that we want pure kaguya otsutsuki bloodline with which we will have prime kaguya's chakra. with enhancement like never stopping chakra growth our chakra rises each day. and in one month one tails amount of chakra is increased. And we'll get all of dojutsu derived from kaguya and all kekkei mora. But we can choose to discard a dojutsu to enhance another's power, and our dojutsu will evolve during a fierce battle unlike sharingan's gory way or tenseigan's complicated way and power to change look of our eyes.

God: Sorry, I can give you pure kaguya bloodline right away with that dojutsu enhancement but you'll die because this of mental stress due to chakra so your chakra will accordingly increase till you are sixteen years old when you are at that age you will have prime kaguya's amount of chakra and after that your chakra will steadily and significantly keep rising and your mind and body will evolve accordingly. And at one time only one dojutsu will evolve and which dojutsu will awaken/evolve is random well the good news for you is there are only two dojutsu lines Sharingan and byakugan as main part of kaguya's bloodline.

Jones: Now onto second perk.

2. We want absolute Chakra control.

God: Granted

Jones: Just like that a simple but an overpowered perk.

Jack: Onto our third perk.

3. We want absolute potential. So we'll have absolute pinnacle of basic elemental natures all seven of them to be precise. and Potential in Genjutsu, fuinjutsu, ninjutsu etc.

God: Granted

Jones: That's my bro, always a better thinker.

God: Now with your perks decided we'll discuss about your wishes.

Jones: For my wish, hmmm let me see. Oh yeah I got it.

1. For my wish I want powers of meliodas dragon sin of wrath.

God: Granted, But your powers will be nerfed accordingly so it doesn't cause extinction of otsutsuki right away and you'll unlock your powers one at a time but you'll be able to use full counter from birth but you can't spam it more than once in five minutes, okay.

Jack: Sorry Jones You'll gonna be disappointed by the wish I am about to make So...

1. I want ability to create ______________ Numbers of a special type of truth seeking orbs which like normal truth seeking orb can block any physical attack and deflect or absorb chakra attacks but also Deflect or absorb senjutsu or any type of energy and permanently add that to my chakra pool. Also these orbs will act like an elemental kekkei genkai where I could perform different type of techniques with them and also be able to use them to utilize other kekkei genkai, tota or mora.

Jones: What that's so much better than my wish. You ARE a thinker.

God: Okay wish granted but unless you achive kaguya level chakra you will not be able to create infinite amount of them and before achieving 5-Tails level chakra anytime you use these you chakra reserves will be halved.

Jack: okay. I am fine with it

God: Now with everything done Are you ready to enter your new life.

Jack: please give us a second to discuss something.

God: Go on.

Jones: what is it.

Jack: I just wanted to tell you that once again we Reincarnate as Naruto and sasuke we will call each other by those names not as our original names, so let's meet as Naruto and sasuke okay.

Jones smiled and said "Okay"

God: So now you two are ready.

Jack & Jones: Hai.

### With Naruto ###

Naruto woke up in brightly lighted room. He Knew exactly which room in he was as he saw and old women and, he was in the room in which naruto was delivered as He saw a red-haired woman gently holding him and yellow haired and blue eyed man looking at him with a warm smile. As he saw Minato and Kushina he smiled and lifted both of his hands toward them as Minato held his left hand and gave a warm smile. Naruto chuckled and began shining in a silver aura as the aura covered Minato and Kushina they were surprised that this silver aura that their son was giving was very warm and it consisted of pure Yin & Yang Chakra as it sobered them and formed a Black circle like tatoo on both of their palms. Minato was amazed at what just his son did children normally developed chakra network at age of 3 to 5. And Just now he just didn't used chakra, he just didn't use any ordinary nature but he used Yang chakra just which are way advanced than normal chakra natures.

Minato's chain of thought was broken when he heard

#####Obito vs Minato happens like canon#####

#####Nine-Tails attack happen like canon#####

###Scene:Kushina binding kurama via chains###

Kurama was immobilized by kushina's adamantine chains when kurama suddenly noticed something, he noticed a very strange but a very familiar chakra signature, Kurama after sensing the same chakra again and again began to think "No, it's not possible, it's not.... possible he died Centuries ago, no it can't be him it is exactly like his chakra but purer so much purer..... I can't mistake in sensing this chakra signature it's .... it's father's."

Kurama faced his head towards the chakra signature and he saw a blonde newborn, it was yondaime's son and for some weird reason his chakra is like Rikudou sennin and at the first place why does he have active chakra network, my father. Kurama saw Kushina lying there and Minato besides her with Naruto in his hands. After thinking for sometime kurama spoke.

Kurama: Yondaime, that child of yours he is different.

Minato: What do you mean Kyuubi.

Kurama: He is like someone I know.

Minato: Someone YOU know.

Kurama: Not just me but most people know about but I along with all my siblings and A few elder sages know him personally. Your child's chakra is divine, that's why it's silver.

Minato: Silver Chakra? I know that tailed beasts have red chakra but I never heard of someone who has silver chakra. Stop playing games with me Kyuubi and state what do you want.

Kurama: You haven't heard of any person having silver chakra but you have seen it with your eyes haven't you, so I would directly come to my point 'Give me your child to raise Yondaime.'

Minato: HOW DARE YOU! Right this second I am going to perform reaper death seal and seal you into reaper's belly.

Kurama: Stop Yondaime, I am asking to watch over that child of yours and train his to become someone who single-handedly take out the likes of Hashirama senju and Madara Uchiha.

Minato: Why do you want to watch over Naruto?, and who is this person with silver chakra you speak of? and besides that setting you free would be a huge blow to Fire country.

Kurama(thought): I never thought that I would be willing to say some thing like this, but I can't give up on this child, there's chance that this child could be father's reincarnation just like Hashirama and madara were Ashura and Indra's reincarnation. If there's a chance that he is the reincarnation of father then I should be at his side to help him whenever he needs it and even if he isn't father's reincarnation even then this child have such potential to change the world so I need to guide him to a proper path.

Kurama: I am making you a offer. you can seal me but I choose your son as my vessel. Like this I'll be in fire country and sealed inside someone and I could also watch over your son, help him when needed and even give him my chakra, but I only have one request if you seal me, seal me inside that kid. Kurama said pointing towards Naruto.

Kushina: Kyu...Kyuubi do you really speak the truth.

Minato: And how can we trust you.

Kurama: You can trust me because the person he reminds me of is my father, the legendary Rikudou sennin. I know it's hard for you to trust a lump of hatred but I, KYUUBI NO YOUKO THE STRONGEST OF 9 BIJUU give you an oath that as long as I am alive I'll be there for you child.

Minato: Rikudo sennin?

Minato(though): Right now Kyuubi seemed honest, he had a truthful look in his eyes. it seems that he really means what he said. while pondering the thought he looked at Kushina and Kushina smiled and nodded*.

Minato: Okay Kyuubi we trust you but if you dare betray us I am gonna seal you in reaper's belly using reaper death seal.

Kurama: Worry not Yondaime, I won't let your son face any suffering.

That being said Minato used Eight Trigram Seal and sealed the whole kurama into naruto. Hiruzen came running toward Minato and Kushina who were lying exhausted on the ground.

Hiruzen: Minato! Kushina! are you guys okay.

Minato: hai, sandaime-sama we are just injured and exhausted but it's not anything major.

Hiruzen: We've recovered biwaki & taji but they lost too much blood and I doubt they will survive.

Minato: I am sorry sandaime-sama, I wasn't able to save them.

Hiruzen: No Minato, don't blame yourself.

When Minato and Hiruzen were talking Yang seals on Minato and Kushina's hand started shining in a bright golden light which covered Few meters of area and covered Hiruzen, Minato, Kushina, Biwaki, taji and naruto. when the light along with both Yang seals disappeared, surprisingly Minato, Kushina, Biwaki and taji's all wounds were healed they just had chakra exhaution. Both Biwaki and taji's life was saved thanks to that light.

Hiruzen: Wha...what was that light just now it completely healed the wounds of those who were covered in it.

Minato: It was a seal made of pure Yang chakra created using Yang Release.

Hiruzen: How could this be, there is no one in my, the professors knowledge who could have that level ofastery over Yang Release and making a seal like that would take many year. Minato, where did you get that seal from.

Minato: Sandaime-sama, I know that it sound impossible but thsi seal was given to us by Naruto.

Hiruzen: What Naruto! You mean your son! Who is a newborn with an age of not even one day. How could that be.

Minato: I know, it sounds crazy but you can confirm it from Kushina-chan, Biwako-san and Taji-san.

Hiruzen: Let's leave this topic for now.

Minato: Now that I am partially healed, I have somthing to do.

Minato picked up Naruto, Naruto looked at Minato and smiled. Minato used hiraishin to get to on top of hokage's building where all shinobi were gathered.

Choza: Yondaime-sama! are you okay.

Inoichi: How did this happened.

Shikaku: did something happened to kushina-san is she okay, and what about Kyuubi did you seal him.

Tsume: Where did you sealed Kyuubi, Yondaime-sama.

Minato: Everyone litsen up I have an announcement to make. Today when my wife was delivering my son Naruto, at that time a masked man attcked Kushina, my wife and jinchuriki of Kyuubi no youko. He was successful in unsealing Kyuubi and controlled him via a very strong genjutsu.

Danzo: Genjutsu? Don't speak funny Minato, we all know there is no shinobi who could put Kyuubi no youko in an genjutsu.

Minato: Maybe you are are forgetting someone who was able to do so, when that shinobi was alive he wasn't just able to control Kyuubi he was also make the world shake with fear with just a glance from his eyes and tha lt man was Madara Uchiha.

Fugaku: Are you implying that Uchiha clan is behind all this, Yondaime-sama.

Minato: No I am giving you all an example that if madara Uchiha could do that there ought to be a few shinobi in the vast world who can do it too. World is so big that masked man could be anyone.

Danzo: let's not forget to control nine tails madara was strong enough to go toe to toe against Shodaime-sama.

Minato: If you want to know how strong the opponent I faced was then you better know that he is one of the strongest shinobi I've ever faced. But the situation is now under control.

Shibi: So Yondaime-sama, where is Kyuubi now

Minato: In my hands.

Everyone: Huh?

Minato: I sealed Kyuubi in my son. He is the Hero of the the hidden leaf. The one who you from Kyuubi not me But my son UZUMAKI NARUTO.

Civilian1: Yondaime-sama's son saved us from Kyuubi? HE IS A HERO.

Civilian2: Yeah He Is A Hero!


Kushina: Minato-san this-

Minato: Look Kushina-chan, our son unlike other jinchuriki is called a hero.

Kakashi: Sensei! your son is so cute, kawai!

Mikoto: Congratulations kushina-san on having such a Cutie of a son.

Fugaku: Congratulations Minato.

Hiashi: Congrats to both of you.

Minato: thank you hiashi, fugaku.

???: So looks like my God son is doing pretty good isn't he.

Minato: Ah! Jiraya sensie it's you.


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Games_of_Karma Games_of_Karma

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