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37.83% Borderlands: Conquest / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Wanted (3)

Chương 14: Chapter 14: Wanted (3)

Author note:

Here's the upload schedule for now:

18/06/24 - Chapter 15

21/06/24 - Chapter 16

22/06/24 - Chapter 17 

25/06/24 - Chapter 18

Please do me a favour and leave a review, it encourages me to write more.

Likewise with this chapter it means we've reached a milestone of 100'000+ words, what a stunna!

Thanks to all of you who stuck the year long hiatus for me to continue the series. And as always Deus Valt!


- Athena -

Pandora's stench littered the wasteland; this world was absolutely detestable. It never failed to amaze me how vast this universe was. Having come back from my search, I failed to find my sister.

The next location was the local villages surrounding Dornwhich, which hadn't been destroyed. Small in populace, I had taken the time to search high and low in New Haven but came to little conclusions.

Most likely, she was either hiding or hidden so deep in the dunes of the villages that she couldn't be found. I knew she hadn't died because her ECHO device remained online, yet untrackable.

I had done this on purpose, and it came back to bite me. I couldn't allow Atlas to know that she was still alive. Once I saved her, I'd leave this barbaric corporate entity. The Atlas corporation was filled with nothing but torture, training, and killing.

So, I obliged for six years. For six gruelling years, I had trained till I bled, till my bones rattled. There was nothing in my mind but survival. My parents had died that day, their blood-drenched in my hand.

But in doing so, I guaranteed my sister's life. She had unknowingly been spared. We knew what they'd do, what they'd want. So, at the age of sixteen, I decided to lock her under the family cellar.

I had left a recording in her ECHO device to ensure she knew that one day—I would find her. I didn't know if she survived, but hearing her name from that man's mouth, I knew she would survive.

You're sisters coming, Jess. Please hang on tight; big sis is finally coming home.

"Leave us two alone, we'll have to chat." I voiced towards the soldiers guarding the entrance. 

Left alone, the silence between us grew longer.

"So, you're the Iron Sentinel." I voiced towards the tortured soldier.


"To be truthful, the only reason you're awake is because I haven't ordered your execution. The general finds your resilience impressive yet futile. Hurry up and reveal the Iron Monarch's location." I explained before turning my back to ensure that the room was empty.

Truly, I was attempting to delay the man's execution. It was my only way of thanks to Alexander. Stories of his kindness towards my sister were consistent with each villager.

Apparent stories of his heroism also rose in discussion when they saved his life. While they acknowledged his heroism, he was apparently a freak of nature—an individual capable of overpowering a grown man.

While such stories seemed exaggerated, every single townsperson foretold similar experiences and stories. His violet powers and inhumane tenacity seemed to never tire. Experiencing it firsthand, even I was taken aback by his superhuman strength, agility, and unknown regenerative abilities.

The villagers' stories also foretold Alexander's stature as childlike, yet the man he met was far from childlike. While slightly lean, he was oddly tall for a supposed child.

Had he experienced a growth spurt?

"Listen, I've pinged the base location to your superior. When you escape, find me at these coordinates. Consider this a favour to your boss," I informed, showcasing the man a set of numbers.

"Thank you..."

Having spoken for the first time since his capture, life seemed to brim from his eyes.

"The Legion never forgets."

Leaving the Atlas outpost, I commanded my squadron to relocate back to headquarters to report our findings. General Knoxx, while a tiresome man, was an excellent strategist and a person I would almost call father.

Arriving at the lance at sixteen, he seemed to pity my sister and me, taking us on tours and training us. He was a nice break from the strict and unforgiving instructors on Promethia. While the wounds healed, they often left more scars—and scars never healed.

"So, you've returned. What's new?" He voiced uncaringly, the room ventilated and cooled. The nasty air of Pandora left to waffle outside his office.

"Nothing of importance. We managed to sabotage their mining operations and dismantle their platoon. As of now, their commander has yet to divulge any information regarding their current operations. Given enough time, I'll ensure you we will—."

"How's the search for this 'Jess' going?" He interrupted. It seemed he had expected the outcome already.

"Positive, I only need time. Given enough, I'll be able to reunite with my sister. You already know how this company is run—it won't be long before they run themselves into the ground. I hope you can understand why I'm doing this."

"Ah, huh." He voiced, his mind set on the gamepad in his hands.

"Listen, I'll be leaving the lance once I find her. You know that I hate this company more than anyone else—those tours on Promethia made me question if there was a higher power at times."

"Yeah..." He voiced, emphasizing.

"Thank you."

"No worries, don't forget that it's ice cream Tuesday. It's the craze currently with the troops. Cheer up, grab a cone." He voiced.


Walking out, I was greeted with the sight of my comrades, their gazes often judgmental.

If it wasn't for the fact that I could destroy them all in combat, I would've been thrashed or bullied—such was life at Atlas.

"Well, if it isn't our great leader," Daphne spoke, her role being one of the squad leaders under me.

There were five of us: Daphne, Alexandra, Maria, Iris, and Chloe, each one of us commanding a squadron of Atlas soldiers.

While there wasn't any animosity between all of us, a sort of rivalry broke out during our early years. Spars would often break out with each battle being my victory. While they never spoke it outright—they wouldn't hesitate to stab my back if they could.

"Has the general issued any other mission?" She inquired.

"Unfortunately not. He has decided to restock on ammunition until further orders from the admiral."

"Admiral? As in admiral Mikey? I thought they were kidding when they promoted that kid..." She muttered, confused.

"I share similar sentiments. It's quite the conundrum..." I answered, disappointed.

"So, Athena," Alexandra started, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "what's the deal with this mission? You got a secret plan you're not sharing with us?"

"Sure, Alexandra," I replied, matching her tone. "My secret plan involves ice cream and rainbows. I thought I'd surprise everyone."

"Very funny," Daphne said, bitterness evident in her voice. "Why are we really on Pandora? What's so important about this wasteland?"

"Why indeed?" I shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe it's the stunning views or the lovely climate."

"Cut the crap, Athena," Maria snapped. "We've been busting our asses out here, and for what? Some wild goose chase?"

"Maybe if you paid more attention during briefings, you wouldn't be so confused," I shot back, rolling my eyes. "We're here for a reason. Not my fault if you can't see it."

"Enough with the games," Chloe interjected, her frustration palpable. "We deserve to know why we're risking our lives."

"You'll be told what you're needed when it's needed. Return to your post soldier." 

"I request a duel, if you win I'll follow your orders without further complaints. If I win you tell us the truth, Athena. You brought us here, we need to know why!" Chole heaved frustrated, the veins on her brow throbbing franticly.

"Fine, meet me at the barracks - no weapons, no poison and no cheap shots." 

It was time to show her once again why I was chosen as squad leader. 

"Done," She voiced dropping her gauntlets and blades to the floor. 

Removing pieces of our equipment I followed similarly, my hands reaching to drop my breastplate, weapons and gauntlets. Wearing polyester combat overalls underneath, with bandages across our breasts and joints we locked eyes with one another. 

"I hope you don't regret this Chole. My track record speaks for itself." 

"Well today will be different, not only will I be your first loss but I'll find out the truth. We're not just expendable soldiers, we're the best of the best and we are not like the rest!"

"Heh, if that's what you think..." I murmured, disappointed. 

Unfortunately, the harsh reality was that we were all expendable and at the end of the day were another statistic under Atlas' watch. 

It seemed that the brainwashing and propaganda had already altered their grandeur of life. 

Circling one another we touched gloves before engaging, feigning with a left hook she seemed to remain still her eyes locked against my shoulder. Her eyes watching anticipation.

Going for a liver shot she deflected and brushed against my fist her next attack aimed against my neck. Ducking to my side I used to momentum to sling a quick punch to her chest, the impact pushing her back. 

Watching her clench her jaw she seemed enraged, her eyes set back on me to retaliate. Utilising her legs for reach she attempted to leg-check my shin, I was thoroughly prepared for the abuse. 

Hitting her legs against mind she seemed to wabble dettered.

I pivoted on my heel, launching a swift roundhouse kick aimed at Chole's midsection. She managed to dodge, but I followed up with a series of quick jabs, each one finding its mark with precision.

She retaliated with a flurry of punches, but I easily blocked and countered, my movements fluid and controlled. Each punch seemed to roll off against my shoulder, her attacks slipping through my defences yet having no solid landing. 

Similarly, each punch and elbow strike I sent her way would be missed by a millimetre, her ability to remain distant and out of reach true to her title.

Yet her ferocity seemed to cool down and her attacks seemed to lack the lustre it once had. Without enough force to connect her combo, she started to get thrashed, the constant leg kicks doing numbers against her nerves - my attacks remained consistent in intensity the flow of battle never once against me.

My attacks aimed to tire her out, allowing her to make mistakes that I could capitalise on. The downside was that it relied on counter play meaning fighting someone similar in style. I had yet to find someone of similar calibre as it was often slow or boring. 

The others found my fighting style too technical and intensive, it was rare to find an opponent of equal or higher strength during assassination attacks but that didn't mean they didn't exist.

The tours on differing planets revealed the skills needed to survive on the battlefield, Maliwan and Vladoff were ruthless enemies and under no-man zones erupted unprecended chaos.

Numerous memories came, scenes of the Iron Bears and Maliwan shock troopers a true horror - Bullets reigning from every angle, you never knew when you were next. 

It was insane to know just how lethal molten metal was when put against human flesh. 

Regaining focus on the battle she was slowing down, but our battle had no breaks, none of us would be leaving until the other fell. Had this been a tournament she probably would've won due to the break needed to recharge her stamina but in real life, there were no such things as breaks. 

The only true break you had was when you were dead as even in your sleep you had to guard yourself. The true enemies never struck from the front, it was always from your back.

With the sound of our fists meeting echoed through the barracks, the air thick with tension as we continued to exchange blows. Sweat dripped down my forehead, stinging my eyes as I focused on Chole's movements, anticipating her every move.

"You're tired, give up." I voiced.

"Make me." She spat, her spirit still high. 

I would break it. 

As the spar wore on, I could feel the fatigue setting in, my muscles burning with exertion. But I pushed through the pain, determined to emerge victorious. Chole fought with everything she had, her determination evident in every strike, but I refused to back down. 

Slight knicks against my cheek were starting to form and similarly, Chole's legs and arms began to wabble. The taste of blood seemed to wash against my mouth, the iron a solid reminder of her ferocity. 

It wasn't until the third minute struck that she fell to the ground collapsed her legs unable to move due to frequent attacks. It was basic training number one, your legs dedicated your movement and strength. 

Without your legs, you were defenceless, an easy target. While in the warzone if you dropped to the ground for whatever reason you were dead. The enemy would never allow you back up unless it was in a body bag - and that was if you were lucky. 

"You're one nasty bitch you know," Chole swore unable to walk, her body failing the moment she had decided to strike her legs against mine.

"One of you, take her to the infirmary. We'll all be heading back to headquarters, and you four don't you dare question my orders - let this be a reminder of why I'm the leader and not you four." I explained.

They wouldn't dare steal this opportunity from me - Pandora was my only chance at a normal life.

I couldn't allow them to take it away from me - not when I was this close.

Walking outside the barracks I headed towards the prison cell holding Joshua. Now lively the man appeared far more alive than ever, a smile brimming from his face when seeing me. 

We approached Joshua, who was restrained and looked worse for wear. I turned to Iris and Daphne. "You two, transport Joshua to headquarters. Make sure he's secured properly. If he escapes, it's on you."

Iris nodded, her face set in determination. Daphne didn't look thrilled, but she didn't argue. They lifted Joshua, ensuring he was secure, and began the trek to headquarters.

"Everyone else, let's move out," I ordered, keeping my gaze on the horizon.

As Daphne guided Joshua away, I trailed behind the rest of the team, watching their progress through a telescope. The terrain was rugged, the sun beating down mercilessly. The smell of dust and sweat filled the air, mingling with the faint scent of blood.

If it was one thing about this planet it was that everything wanted to kill you. 

From my vantage point, I could see the undulating dunes and jagged rocks that made Pandora's landscape so treacherous. Every shadow held potential danger, every rustle of the wind a possible threat.

"Why the hell are we here?" Daphne muttered, breaking the silence. "This place is a nightmare."

"Focus on the mission," I replied, not looking away from the telescope. "Complaining won't help."

Surveying the sights ahead only the local wildlife could be spotted, their movements oddly unnatural.

As we moved, the air grew thicker with tension. The heat was oppressive, making every step a struggle. Sweat dripped down our faces, soaking our clothes. The ground was hot enough to fry an egg, the heat radiating through our boots.

Something was coming our way and it wasn't just the local fauna. 


- Third person -


Time seemed to pause for the crimson lance squad as they heard the rustling and shrieking of the fauna around them. 

"What was that?" Daphne muttered unaware, her instincts flared yet she could not quite point out what was setting it off.

"Above?" She thought before being mauled. 

emerging from the shadows a large Skagg hidden underneath sand emerged shattering her shield. 

Armoured and towering at two and a half metres tall, it bolstered muscle capacity that would put any bodybuilder to shame. It roared with ferocity, a deep clicking sound stemming from its maws - an insatiable hunger rushing the atlas officers who were frightened to discover that the beast had a shield of its own.

Attached behind its back its head, shoulders and hind quarters were armoured.

"Fuck me!" An officer spat before being swooped by a Rakk its large talons pulling the man into the sky before dropping him down.

Attempting to shoot the bird it too utilised a shield, the animal's rare intelligence freighting. Caught off guard their small squad slowly dwindled before steps slowly echoed near the cavern. 







Appearing from afar Alexander wore his steel armour with confidence, his cold glare met with lines of ammunition. Running towards the crimson lance officers they were alarmed at the man's speed. Now met with numerous fronts, the crimson assassin left her squad to face the elusive figure.

True to his name he was dripped from head to toe in iron, a true iron monarch. Sliding away from the man she felt his silence odd. There was no grunt, no struggle and no passion in his movements. 

With the guards equipping themselves with launchers they quickly exploded the beasts away who oddily retreated. This left the Monarch alone, his lonesome figure oddly frieghting.

Having distanced themselves from the titan they targeted Alexander with their launchers a barrage of explosives striking against the man's armour.







[Sheild capacity: 12%]


[Aura: 679/1'000] - outputting aura per secound

[Sheild capacity: 100%]


[Aura: 100/1'000] - 0 aura per secound 

A list of information poured from Alexander who while brought to a knee by the force of the explosives remained untouched.

"Oh, no..." An Atlas officer muttered, the titan rushing the man walking right through him.

[Aether syphoned]

[10 aether gained!]

The others watching the supernatural scene could not help but continue their assault, the man's constant rampage unstoppable. Buldovering through targets he even forced a target alive during his odd ritualistic powers.

"Someone! Please heeeeelppppp!!!!!" The soldier shouted, his eyes withering before them.

[Aether syphoned]

[50 aether gained!]

With Daphne unsure what to do she called out to Athena.

"Athena! Do something!" She screamed to her superior only to find radio silence.

"You fucking bitch!" She swore.

Specialised in espionage, close-quarters combat and assassination she knew that the man in front of her was far more powerful. While his actions appeared barbaric underneath they were calculating, unflinching and unapologetic.

Attempting to run away the assassin was suddenly pinned to the ground by a Rakk forcing her down. Stabbing the thing in its neck she continued to run but it was far too late - he had caught up to her, his speed inhumane.

The man was sprinting inside a suit that weighed nearly over a thousand kilograms! In what world was this normal?

She mentally sowre at her misfortune her end looming over the horizon. Grasping her blades she started her attacks against the man's shields and while doing damage, the risk was far more than what the reward entailed.

It would only take one hit from the man to end her. 

Holding bags of sand he sprayed it against Daphne's eyes, the tool only slightly blinding her vision due to her helmet.

Shrugging the attempt she merely scoffed at the effort.

However what met her when she saw again the almost three-metre titan now in front of her holding a large canon in his hand, magically appeared the barrel now calmly placed against her head out of nowhere.


Shattering her shield instantly her body flung a few metres away, the sudden recoil dislocating her shoulder. Attempting to get up she failed to stabilise her footing.





Casually aiming his canon towards the other soldiers they didn't face similar treatment and died instantly their bodies ripped in half against the bullet's penetration. Alexander watching the weapon overhead dropped it back into his inventory.

Unable to plead for mercy she merely screamed in an attempt to deter the man's next gruesome act. Peiricing her chest with both hands he left the woman in half, his hands then quickly spread apart.

Tearing her body apart, her organs appeared to sling against the ground her blood and tarnished armour dropping to the ground. Athena kilometres away could only watch the gruesome scene.

He then appeared walking from corpse to corpse extracting their life force his reserves now returned to a respectable level. 

Turning to face Athena who seemed hidden near the plateau she looked shocked at being discovered. 

Looking down at Joshua's decaying body he appeared to not have eaten or drunk water in the last few hours, unhealed wounds apparent against his body.

"Heh, I'm sorry boss. Seems I won't be enjoying that two-month PTO you promised. A shame really... *cough* would've loved to visit Eden-9 for at least one more time..." Joshua smiled, and while their journey lasted a year he grew fond of the kid.

His antics while often extreme were just and righteous, if there was any abductor of justice on Pandora it was Alexander.

Alexander frantically attempting to revive the man's body failed, the numerous sytencies broke by his side - the extreme conditions of the planet mixed with his unhealed wounds leaving the man dead. The blood loss and delirium doing numbers on his physical. 

"I apologise but this was the best I could do - any other support would've meant suspicions from my superiors," Athena spoke communicating with the man through her ECHO device.

Picking Daphne's ECHO device he responded.

"Your condolences fall on deaf ears Athena," Alexander stated lifting Joshua's body, his beasts returning to his side.

[Scanning life form]

[Current status...]



"I'm sorry Alexander I didn't expect the man... to be so fragile." She voiced.

"The Legion never forgets." Alexander voiced devoid of emotion.

"I'm sorry Alexander... I could've done more." Angel voiced attempting to comfort Alexander whose mind was seething with frustration.

'In what universe did they dare believe that they could take what was rightfully his?'

'Did they not understand his claim?'

'I am only the truth, only I am the one who has the right to take and give.'

'Only I am the one who has authority to dictate what is right and what is wrong'

'Only I am.' 

'There is no greater truth than I!'

'And yet they dare wield what was mine.'

'To kill such a valuable investment.'

'It was a shame, a great shame.'

Clenching his fist he left his hand on the man's chest, his body slowly eroding turning into dust. 

[Aether syphoned]

[2 aether gained]

"I'm sorry Alexander, it was a mistake..." Athena voiced, her antics not helping the situation.

"Can she not shut up for a moment!" Angel murmured, she had gone through a similar loss, the pain all apparent to view.

"I have no malice for you, Athena..." Alexander answered unexpectedly.

Staring at the sky, he looked at the Hyperion Helios station's discontent - his influence and reach too small.

He was far too insignificant, in this universe, his potential limitless. 

One day, the hour shall come that this world shall become mine. 

'I only need more power!'

Returning his thoughts to the present he laid out instructions for the Atlas assassin.

The steps were easy to follow. 

"Leave Atlas Athena, go find your sister and don't ever return," Alexander commanded.

"I... understand." 

Unable to disregard his command she accepted, her blades dropping to the floor - burying the weapons beneath the sand she made her move towards the horizon. 

"Are you okay?" Angel inquired, unable to perceive the man's grievances. 

He had taken the loss quite well - too well. 

"The mission never stops, today was but a lesson and cruel reminder of the world we live in." Alexander voiced burying the man in the sand. 

Exiting the power armour his ECHO device was suddenly interrupted by an unsolicited call - the number unknown. 

"Hey man, me again. The Admiral gave me a to-do list for today written in crayon. Seriously, he spelled 'prison' with a picture of a tree and some macaroni glued to it. I work for children... literally, the Admiral is five. Five. Goddamn nepotism. *Sigh* I see you got my gift, listen I have no hard feelings. I mean it. I only want you to die, so why don't you join your friend? I would greatly appreciate it. Toodles!"

Disconnected from the call, Alexander stared at the transmission.


Angel behind her screen couldn't help but fester with anger at the injustice. She didn't care that she didn't know the man all so well, she could stand the pain she watched. She hated feeling powerless, her inability to support her investor gnawing against her mind. Again she had been a bystander to others' suffering. 

"I know your suffering... I know you can do this " Angel voiced genuinely while the man had often appeared cheeky and playful she knew that the raw emotions hidden underneath the man's mask were real. 

"We'll have our opportunity. Every war incurs casualties." He voiced.

"I know you're hurt, it's okay." She continued.

"Emotions will only get you so far, Angel. Your thoughts are appreciated but I prefer you not provoke me with your sympathies. I reject your pity." He detested. 

"It's going to be okay." I continued.

Sighing, Alexander could only retort, "It will be." 

On the other side of the canyons, Mordecai and Brick were busy carrying out their mission. Their objective: to cause as much mayhem and destruction on the enemy's munitions supply as possible.

Mordecai lifted his arm to the side and called upon his companion, Bloodwing. The bird's lethal gaze stared into the abyss, its talons gripping Mordecai's arm with fierce determination.

"You wonder if the kid's got it?" Mordecai asked, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of trouble.

"He'll be fine," Brick replied, his voice a low rumble. "He's got grit - more than you, to be honest." Brick jabbed, a sly grin spreading across his face.


Rolling his eyes, Mordecai rebutted, "Look, I prefer maintaining distance and a well-placed shot. Not everyone's got a freakish physique like you."

"You don't need to tell me any more," Brick shot back, his grin widening. "I stopped listening at 'distance.'"

The two Vault Hunters continued their banter as they moved through the rocky terrain, their senses heightened for any sign of danger. The canyons around them were a labyrinth of shadows and echoes, the air thick with the scent of dust and impending violence. The sound of distant gunfire and explosions punctuated their steps, a grim reminder of the chaos that ruled Pandora.

Brick's massive frame moved with surprising agility, each step causing the ground to tremble slightly under his weight. His muscles rippled with every movement, a testament to his raw power and strength. Mordecai, in contrast, moved with the grace and precision of a predator, his eyes always scanning for the perfect vantage point.

"Alright, we're close," Mordecai said, raising a hand to signal a halt. He pointed towards a cluster of buildings in the distance, their outlines barely visible through the dust and haze. "That's where they're storing the munitions. We hit that, and it'll cripple their operations."

Brick nodded, cracking his knuckles in anticipation. "Sounds like a plan. You take the high ground, and I'll go in and make some noise."

Mordecai smirked, already moving towards a nearby outcrop of rocks that would give him a perfect vantage point. "Just try not to blow yourself up this time."

Brick chuckled, his deep voice echoing through the canyon. "No promises."

As Mordecai settled into position, his keen eyes scanned the area through his sniper scope. Bloodwing took flight, soaring high above the canyon, its sharp eyes searching for any threats. Below, Brick advanced with the unstoppable force of a freight train, his every step a promise of destruction.

Mordecai watched as Brick approached the munitions depot, his massive fists ready for action. "Here we go," Mordecai muttered to himself, adjusting his scope to cover Brick's approach.

Brick reached the first building, and with a roar, he smashed through the door, his fists meeting resistance in the form of surprised guards. The sound of flesh meeting bone and the resulting groans of pain echoed through the canyon, a symphony of violence.


Mordecai's sniper rifle spoke, a single shot taking down a guard who had managed to slip past Brick's initial assault. "One down," he murmured, shifting his aim to the next target.

Inside the depot, Brick was a whirlwind of destruction. He moved with brutal efficiency, each punch and kick sending guards flying. The air was filled with the sounds of battle: the crunch of bones, the screams of the injured, and the roar of explosions as Brick began to detonate the stored munitions.

"Heh, nice try." Brick snickered, and an Atlas soldier attempted to stab the man's hands only to find the blade struggling against his tough skin.

Lifting his fist back he punched the man's face in, his skull caving in by the pressure. Rattling his brain, he fell to the ground in a seizure the action causing Brick to sadden.

"Ah, my bad. I didn't expect that to happen. Let me fix it for you." He continued before finishing the job, his body now still.

"Much better..." 

Outside, Mordecai provided cover, his sniper rifle picking off any guards who tried to flee or mount a counterattack. Each shot was precise, lethal, and delivered with cold efficiency. Bloodwing swooped down occasionally, talons tearing into any enemy foolish enough to get too close.

"Clear," Brick's voice came through Mordecai's earpiece, slightly breathless but triumphant. "Depot's rigged to blow. Get ready for some fireworks."

Mordecai smiled his finger on the trigger. "On your mark."

Brick stepped back from the depot, his massive frame silhouetted against the burning fuse. "Three... two... one... mark."


"Booyah! High-five!" Brick voiced towards his comrade. 


"Now that's what I'm talking about!" Brick voiced enthusiastically, the veins in his nick bulging at the sight. 

The explosion rocked the canyon, a massive fireball lighting up the sky. The shockwave sent dust and debris flying, and the sound echoed for miles. Mordecai watched as the munitions depot was reduced to a smouldering ruin, the enemy's supplies gone in an instant.

"Now that's what I call real fireworks..." He voiced smiling, "Alright, let's get out of here before more show up."

Brick grinned, wiping sweat from his brow. "Always a pleasure working with you, Mordecai."

Returning back to base they found the barracks deathly silent, the mood swinging in another direction.

Heading towards the barracks the mood seemed to be at an all-time low, the atmosphere tense and filled with despair. 

Many of the legionaries sat anxious, their eyes filled with dejection - the future unknown. 

"What's with the sad faces? Did someone die?" Brick laughed only to immediately stop after seeing the dog tags slung across Alexander's palms.

"Ah..." He moaned dejectedly, "I'm sorry. I didn't know." 

"None of us did," Roland explained, his head pitted to the ground depressed.

While the situation never changed the feel was all too familiar to the ex-soldier. 

Another was taken back to heaven.

Alexander holding the dog's togs, held them with purpose, his cold gaze hidden beneath the silver mask.

"War, war never changes." Alexander began," Today shouldn't be treated as a day of loss but rebirth. Amongst you, positions of authority are now open. It is time to step up and lead the legion. We have not only lost a general but a brother in arms. Let his loss not be remembered as a failure of succession but the beginning of victory - The Legion never forgets." 

Stepping outside he then began the promotion and brainwashing of personnel, first beginning with the mayor. Selecting one of the senior guards he maintained a frequent flow of thoughts towards the manbrain, which ensured loyalty. 

While lacking the capabilities that were required of his role was merely a despot, a being only tasked with the sighing and review of paperwork. Expansion of the town would now be on hold, and Alexanders' new efforts now sighted on their military growth. 

Commanding officers to group the people towards the town square, a large podium was constructed to announce city affairs and changes that required the citizen's attention. 

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen, I will not waste your time here today with long messages or spill a soothing message of prosperity. Joshua Graham is dead and as such I shall be taking over the role of General, in my place a trusted member of our council has been chosen to look over you. Please welcome, Eldric Thornewood." Alexander informed, the middle-aged man smiled elated, his stature large and bulky. 

"Thank you so much for this opportunity!" Eldric exclaimed, his hand vividly shaking Alexander's.

Allowing the despot to speak he left the man to rile the crowd and blind them with granduars of conquest and succession. The town would be kept running without issues, the military sector another story.

Arriving towards the Scooters workshop, he alongside two engineers named Dust and Whisk twin Dahl employees that were left behind after that cascade. They were all discussing the build quality of the MK 1 T11, a few fingers running across the damaged areas. 

"Here I thought our wielding was quite good... There's more damage to the palms than a skag on a whore." Scooter murmured, his eyes set on the damaged gauntlet - forcefully punching armoured infantry wasn't always good on your equipment. 

"I say we cut down on the plated armour, it'll decrease energy strain and increase mobility. It's a wonder how the boss can get the damn thing moving." Dusk voiced.

"We'll have to remove the panels alongside the feet to decrease weight, our batteries don't have the charge or capacity to power these things." 

"Shitty books mashed in a paper. We'll have to wait until we can get our hands on better minerals. Speakin' of minerals, my mom once took some. She said she had to stop after a while, som bout' her throat hurting." Scooter voiced.



The twins ignoring the mechanics' last few sentences continued their conversation.

"We'll need more Crystalline Aetherium and Adamantinite if we want to create a proper battery for the thing, it's amazing how established our current batteries are when under the boss's electrical charge." Dusk revealed extracting the armour's power core, the cylinder Crystalline Aetherium shattered.

Dusk analysing the power core, voiced amazed, "It's broken, would've taken at least three gigawatts to power the thing and it's fried..." 

"It's almost like it's living energy when he's wearing it." Whisk commented. 

"We'll need to find a way to charge the thing. The windmills here can only produce around 800 watts an hour per windmill, it's not nearly enough to power this thing at all."

"You'd be better racing the sun than waiting for that little thing to charge." Scooter voiced.

Turning their heads they were embarrassed to see Alexander observing their dialogue from the workshop entrance, his eyes focused on Scooter's project.

"Ah, sorry boss. Didn't notice you there." Whisk apologised.

"Your concerns are unwarranted, please continue." He disregarded walking behind Scooter.

"What is this?" He inquired.

"Something I always thought of building but never had the resources to get it running." He explained.


"It's a defence grid, the perfect deterrence against invaders and those stinkin' bandits." He explained.

"Interesting, how long until we can have this operating?" 

"Probably now if we had the power to turn the thing on." He explained.

"Maybe I can help." Moxxi voiced walking in.


"You aren't planning on seducing the machine are you?" Alexander asked.

"Don't worry about me getting things up sugar~." She stated, "We don't even know if you even have one~."

"How humourous," Alexander clapped before inquiring further, "So what is it?" 

"Coordinates to an abandoned Dahl facility. One you might find interesting, sugar~." She revealed.

"Your price?" 

"A year instead of two. Do this and I'm willing to play your game Alex~," She smirked winking at me.

Stipulating the contract in his head he knew that the girl while advantageous to the brand would cause a lot of trouble in the future.

Alexander noting her promiscuity and sly nature it wouldn't take a lot to guess the extent the woman would take to get her way. 

She had scoured high and low to find a way to lower her term, she didn't want to be underneath the thumb of Pandora's warlord. Especially when she wasn't the one in control as he couldn't be bought with money, power or sex.

Nothing seemed to kill the bastard and her promiscuity even seemed to disgust the man to a degree - no one had ever declined her advancement even women. 

Money appeared to be another avenue but was shot down considering that the man only utilised money as a tool to increase the power of the town.

With the loss of Ironhold's great general, this left a gap in his ranks which meant she could slip her men in time.

Furthermore, he now lacked protection over the town a perfect opportunity for her to exploit. 

Alexander thinking of the compromise decided it was better to take the shorter term, "You're sly, although... I'll indulge. My ideals aren't so stiff to wade your efforts. I'll have our newest Mayor contact you later." 

"I like the sound of that player." She smiled winking before sending Alexander the coordinates. 

"That's Mad Moxxi~?" Dusk murmured his tent rising similar to a shield hero.

"Did you see the size of those melons!" Whisk scoffed.

"Hey! Don't talk bout mah momma like that!" Scooter spat.

"Wait she's your mom?" 

"Yeah, and she's a real class act. I'd appreciate it if yah didn't make those comments, man."

"Ah, sorry about that..." Dusk murmured.

"Nah, I'd still hit." Whisk commented. 



"You better sleep with one eye open." Scooter stated.

Alexander, unperturbed by the exchange, continued to analyze the coordinates Moxxi had provided. The abandoned Dahl facility could hold the key to the power issues they faced. The potential for advanced technology and resources there could turn the tide in their favor.

"Prepare yourself, we'll have you two scavenge the abandoned facility for anything useful. You'll be sent under a platoon," he commanded, the twins nodding their heads at the order.

Moving towards the barracks, Alexander quickly ordered the current captains to prepare a platoon alongside Brick and Mordecai to guide and protect the engineers.

Looking over the number of troops left in the Legion, the numbers had dramatically dropped due to the last ambush. The thousand-man battalion was reduced to three companies.

Taking time to look at Joshua's locker, Alexander emptied the contents, a large sigh escaping his mouth.

"Have you wondered if there's more to this world besides violence?" Angel inquired.

"I'm guessing it's my turn to answer questions?" Alexander responded.

"It's only fair, right?" she replied.

"I guess so," he conceded.

"Well, to answer your question. I do. There are always grander concepts worth millions more than violence. Yet, I do not believe that one can get anything without it. Violence is the universal language of intelligent life; it offers protection."

"But it also offers despair..." Angel interjected.

"You're correct, but at the end of the day, it is merely a tool. A blade can cut the lives of many but also save just as much. It all depends on where your heart is."

"Where's your heart?" she asked, catching him off guard.

He paused, realizing the answer he wanted to give—that he didn't have one—wasn't suitable. Her wit was growing.


"Hahahaha, I guess I've made you uncomfortable now it seems!" she laughed.

"Maybe my antics are rubbing off on you," Alexander suggested.

"Well, maybe if you weren't such a flirt!"

"Why? You don't like it~?" he teased.

"Just shut up, Alexander."

"Please, call me Lex. Feel like you're going to be stuck in my head for a long time."

"I shouldn't have started this," she sighed.

"I know," he said, with a hint of amusement.

The next morning, Alexander's preparations were complete. Brick and Mordecai stood ready with the platoon, each soldier equipped for the potential dangers ahead. The engineers, Dust and Whisk, looked both excited and apprehensive about the mission.

"Ready to move out?" Mordecai asked, glancing at the twins.

"Yeah, we're good to go," Dust confirmed.

"Remember, the priority is to find anything that can help with our power situation," Alexander reminded them. "But stay alert. That facility has been abandoned for a reason."

"Got it," Brick grunted. "Let's get this show on the road."

As the platoon marched out of the town, Alexander turned his attention back to the Legion. There was much to be done to ensure their survival and growth. He couldn't afford to lose focus, especially now.

Leaving his ECHO device secured in his locker he headed towards his old laboratory.

He had decided to return to his old hobby of medicine and biological experimentation - his personal growth and understanding of his power had to be further explored. 

Looking for any technology that could be possessed he removed them out into the lobby his attention returned to his old paper notebook - its existence a diary of his thoughts.

 Today marks a year and a half since my conception and while not exact due to the planet's ninety-hour cycle I found that while the moments seem to last an eternity the years do not.

Current experimentation finds that the energy "Aether" syphoned from enemies and produced into "Aura" can be used to evolve biological life into stronger beasts. 

While such tests have yet to be done on humans tests done on Rakks and Skags have created the ultimate scouts and tanks.

Evolved Skaggs now fly at an increased rate of twenty kilo-metres per hour an almost double increase. Their general bone density has also increased the sharpness of their talons capable of ripping through an average skag's body.

Skaggs in a similar fashion have an increased muscle density and bone structure. While the initial test showed slow and minimal increases, their current maturity has shown more strength and intelligence than the average adult variations. 

I believe that a super soldier project would be appropriate, minimising the needed soldiers sent on expeditions. However, I fear that I do not have the necessary equipment to ensure accuracy. Early tests of Aura strengthening led to the beasts' deaths a slow and steady dose was required. 

Rosey my first minion and dominated Skagg was the first retention of this phenomenon her height now reaching nearly three metres, her intelligence now at the level of a small child and her loyalty absolute.

She would even kill her children if told to do so. Unfortunately during testing one of them died and expecting anger or pain from the mother she appeared neutral and uncaring. It appeared the brainwashing had fully taken control over the Skagg's mind. 

While Brainwashing was an excellent source of control, a semblance of freedom and critical thought was needed.

I needed capable soldiers, not mindless drones - it consumed too much Aura. Perhaps in future, my powers may develop to a degree but for now, brainwashing only appears to alter pre-existing thoughts and beliefs. Any extreme alterations would force their neurons to fry. 

The current number of beasts under my command includes ten Skaggs, and twelve Rakks a few of the previous ones dying due to the assassination and ambush of General Joshua Graham.

While most never moved away from Ironhold due to the need for border control, I made an exception for my previous general. 

I believe that with my powers I would be able to pull the man back to life, his loyalty unnatural and without my influence.

Secretly digging into his memories while he was asleep showed that his trust for the legion or more importantly "Alexander" was high. It was a core belief. Not many in the legion had such thoughts much less beliefs, it would take time to nurture the individuals into capable soldiers. 

The current captains of the legion are Xion E. Demillion, Isaac Sato and Jeremiah Iga.

These officers would be the first to be tested in the super soldier program after preliminary work on captured bandits, the influence of my brainwashing slowly working to increase their loyalty.

I needed more time to enact these plans into full effect, project midas was currently ablaze with a steady income flowing into my pocket. The cafes, taverns, bars and recreation centres were all controlled by me.

The income of each individual was not taxed but every transaction was meaning any slight purchase regardless of the amount was sent to me. A few exceptions were made on this, Marcus had argued against it but in exchange would work in getting experimental weaponry at a discount - I of course accepted. I had neither the connections nor time to work in such an area. 

Projection Dune was still ago the aim to control pandora in a few years, I would not wait years to wait. The objective was to increase the military bases of the legion to other sectors.

New Haven and Old Haven were now despots for the Crimson Lance - Mayor Elena Pierce had been threatened by the Atlas soldiers to house their soldiers. 

Of course, Old Haven was New Haven's old base that was flushed out by Comnadnant Steele.

While the will to attack them directly was there I couldn't just randomly enact my plans without a stable foundation.

The death of Joshua had severely impacted the progress of numerous projects my workload now doubled. But all will be done in due time, my hour to come. 

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