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32.35% Rising Through the Fallout / Chapter 9: Ch. 9 Long Road

Chương 9: Ch. 9 Long Road

Colton puts his hat back on and makes sure the two soldiers and two ladies didn't get any funny ideas.

"Let me check Dan's throat" Colton moves to the injured guy. He kneels down and Dan tilts his head back so his throat can be seen.

Colton looks at the guy. And it doesn't look good. With his 47 medicine, Colton doesn't know how this dude is breathing.

The throat is definitely bruised, and it's already begun to swell. And since the guy can't talk, that means it's also got internal problems. As far as Colton can tell, this guy is lucky to be breathing with major difficulty. But he's just got a slight increase. Wasteland logic or something. Or he just has a lot of use with his throat…..

Colton takes his hands away from Dan. "Alright Dan. Ready for Docs diagnosis?"

The guy nods slowly.

"So obviously your throat is injured. It's bruising and swelling. I can't treat it much, and that's if I had all the proper equipment and not in the middle of nowhere. But you should live. I say you watch what you eat. It probably hurts like hell to even think about eating solids and you'd be correct. Even water will hurt, anything involving your throat should thoroughly thought out for the next few weeks. And stimpacks in the throat are very dangerous. You never know where the super healer is actually injected with all the tubes there. So I can wrap it for you…"

Colton explains what he can do for the guy. It's not much currently, but it could make it so they can get to a real doctor.

"You guys going to the Mojave? I've been walking on this road for a while and hadn't caught hide nor hair of you" Colton says as he treats Dan's other injuries. Mainly a splint on his left arm.

"Yeah. We were heading to the Mojave Outpost. It's where I-15 meets the Mojave and the NCR have set up shop there to regulate and keep logistics of the caravans coming and going…..We we're just stopped for the day… the brahmin just didn't want to continue forward. So we checked the area up ahead and there were geckos so we took care of them. And when we came back… the damn raiders were already on top of us…" Hank looks at the bodies still laid out on the ground. Both his friends and the raiders.

"I'll be taking the loot from the raiders. You can have what's left if you want. Gotta cover the cost of my bullets used" Colton stands up and loots the raiders bodies. The raiders didn't have much. He wouldn't take their clothes. They had limited ammunition but he took that. And he compiled the guns. He couldn't carry all of them technically, so they ended up going into the wagon.

He makes small talk with Hank and the stare girl. The quiet woman seems not so stable. But Colton can't blame her. What she went through was terrible. And was about to get a whole lot worse. It reminded Colton that the Legion weren't the only ones to do that sort of thing, they were just the biggest threat that did it.

The brahmin luckily weren't killed or they would have been screwed. They moved the caravan off the road and behind a rock. They made camp and we're getting ready for sleep.

"So, 'Lucky' huh?" The girl that was looking at him previously says. Colton found out her name was Chloe and the quiet woman's name was Lauren.

"Yeah, parents said I was their 'lucky charm' when I left home. Was very touching…. just made it all that harder to leave..." Colton remembers their faces.

"Why'd you leave then?" Lauren quietly asks.

Colton shrugs his shoulders. "I'm 18 now, needed to get out of our safety net and make my own"

"And you're going to the Mojave for that?" Hank asks him. He wonders if this guy really did have a few screws looser than he thought.

"Well, the Mojave would be the most exciting place. I hope at least. I'm looking to do some good for the common men and women, and if I can have some fun while shooting hordes of scum radioactive creatures that's a bonus" Colton contemplates what he's going to do. He needs a reason to do what he wants and to have loads of caps. What job did he want.

"Whatever man. People have gone to the Mojave for less ideal goals anyway. Just don't get yourself killed before you and Dan can have a drink together. At the Mojave Outpost there is supposed to be a bar of sorts for those passing through or visiting. You have to let us buy you a round since you won't take our caps as a thank you" Hank tries to persuade Colton.

"A drink?" Colton hadn't thought about getting drunk.

"Yeah, you know. The alcoholic kind. Sure it'll be shitty, but still. We want to show our thanks" Hank seems like a good guy. He was thinking and then had an idea. "I know! Why don't I tell the NCR about what you did! They'd definitely appreciate that you did their job for them. They're supposed to patrol and protect the I-15. If anything you could get a good word in. They might even have you become a Ranger if you join them. With the skills you showed you could be the youngest NCR Ranger yet!" Hank seems to have gotten a fire pit inside.

"No, I don't mind working with the NCR, but not for. I'm looking to stay as free as possible" Colton waves Hanks Ranger idea away.

"That's commendable….." Chloe quietly says. "But can you really survive on your own?"

Colton can hear some worry in her voice. "I sure hope so!" He says loudly kinda startling the other 4. "I've trained for what….4 years for this? No way am I going to get myself roped into being a dog….. no offense"

Hank and Dan have a conflicted face.

"You aren't wrong Colton. We do have a pretty short leash" Hank says while looking at the ground. "But we aren't exactly like you ya know. We can't just take down a dozen raiders single handedly. So we did what we could. Pay is shit, but there's protection and guns. And we fight for freedom too. It's just…. Like you said, we do as we're told like dogs. We can't move as we want and have to listen to orders…."

"You're doing what you can, right? That's all anyone can demand of you. And that's more than what others are willing to do" Colton pats Hanks shoulder.

"So what are you and Lauren doing out here?" Colton asks Chloe.

"We actually we're the ones transporting the goods to the Mojave. And when we got to the last checkpoint we picked up some soldiers for protection..." Chloe trails off. She was maybe as old as Colton. Which surprised him. And Lauren was maybe a year older.

"Well, I know I haven't officially said it yet. But can I tag along on our way to the Mojave?" Colton doesn't know why he didn't ask earlier.

"That would be great if you could. With you I don't think we would have to worry as much" Chloe says with a smile.

"Would be my pleasure" Colton nods and smiles. "Now I'll take first watch, so get some sleep you 4"

The others went to sleep and Colton got comfy on the rock up above. He was tired, but he could wait a few hours. And he wasn't too sure they wouldn't spit his throat in his sleep. Although he highly doubted they would, it's hard to trust others out in the Wasteland.

[ Complete:

- < (optional) Find other people to travel with >

1/2 Objectives Complete]

"Yay~" Colton quietly cheers. He then looks at his status.

[ Status

Name: Colton Lucky King


lvl: 6


Strength = 8

Perception = 9

Endurance = 9

Charisma = 1

Intelligence = 5

Agility = 9

Luck = 1


Barter = 24

Energy Weapons = 31

Explosives = 31

Guns = 89

Lockpick = 31

Medicine = 47

Melee = 32

Repair = 33

Science = 33

Sneak = 24

Speech = 54

Survival = 41

Unarmed = 34


[Taunting Jack… of All Trades] [Skilled] [????-???????-???-??????] [Rapid Reload] [Educated] [Run n Gun] [Family Love]

Companion Perks:

Condition: Good ]

"Man, my skills are higher… but now they are all weird numbers…." Colton scratches the back of his head. "Screw it. I'll just focus on increasing one skill at a time. I hope I level up soon…."

Hours pass by with nothing happening. He looks down at the 4 people sleeping. The next shift is supposed to be Hanks, and then It's Chloe's turn after him.

Colton gets down and swaps with Hank who groggily gets up. Then Colton goes back up the rock and gets in his sleeping bag. He didn't mind the hard ground, he also left the sleeping bag open so if something happened or he fell he could get out of it fast enough.

He slept very lightly. If a person made too much noise when they moved he woke up. But he would just as quickly go back to sleep.


"Colton" The voice of Hank calls out.

This causes the man himself to wake up. He rolls onto his side and looks down at the 4 people looking up at him.

"Mornin" Colton says and then yawns.

"We're getting ready to leave, we wanna make some good time, we've got days to travel after all" Hank informs Colton

"Shit biscuit" Colton expected it, but really didn't want to walk that long just to get to the Mojave. No wonder his quest told him not to die. Even though that should have been an obvious objective.

"What?" Hank heard Colton whisper something under his breath but couldn't understand it.

"Nothing, I'll be coming down in a sec" Colton rolled his sleeping bag and attached it to his pack. He threw the pack on and put his hat back on after pushing his hair back into place. He grabbed Purifier and jumped down bending his knees and landing in a squat.

"You're going to regret doing that when you're older man" Hank says.

"Maybe, maybe not. Thats if I can live that long as well" Colton says with a smile as he slings his sniper rifle over his shoulder. "We ready?"

The five people move the caravan back to the road. Colton had moved the bodies to the sides and put the bodies of the NCR holiday-men separately. Hank gave him their dog-tags so he can hand them to the Mojave Outpost once they get there. Colton just took them, not like it really mattered. He assumes Hank and Dan don't want to carry the tags of their fallen friends.

They began traveling and Colton was getting bored already. "Mind if I turn on some music? And do you care if I sing it? I'm trying to get better"

"You sing?" Chloe asks. But the looks of the others also showed the same curiosity.

"I do. And I'll still be just as vigilant, promise" Colton was walking along the road as the others were on the wagon. There wasn't enough room for him and the goods. He could also use the exercise. Not like he would be sprinting alongside the caravan or anything, just a decently fast walk.

"Sure… if you want. Probably beats the sound of the Wasteland" Chloe gestures to their surroundings.

"Coolio" Colton turns on the radio so the others can hear it. Not too loudly, but just enough.

"Born to be wild~" sounds out.

Colton puts on his goggles as he smirks. 'Good one, Pipboy'

"Get your motor runnin'

Head out on the highway

Looking for adventure

In whatever comes our way"

"What is that?" Chloe asks

"Oh, I've got some unique songs that you guys have probably never heard. I guarantee that they're better than the same old 20 songs you guys have on repeat" Colton assures them and continues his singing.

Hank, Dan, Chloe, and Lauren didn't mind it. But they hadn't heard of this song before. But it was welcome because it did beat the same old songs on the radio on repeat.

Colton would stop every now and then to shoot and skin a gecko. If they couldn't take him on the wagon they could take the hides of the things he kills. There's no way he would leave his pack with them though.


A week passes as they continue along. They haven't met any other caravans going west. Or East for that manner. It was weird. But they just keep going. Not like they can stop now.

Colton might have been able to get to the Mojave by now. But because they had to let the brahmin eat, drink, and rest it took a while longer. He even cooked some geckos for them to eat. Wasn't tasty, but it filled the belly. The radiation wasn't too bad on them either. He made sure of that.

He also checked his Karma and saw that it went up some. He had already put that on silent with some other notifications.

Hank and Chloe would join him in singing every now and then when they remembered a few of the lyrics. They hadn't felt like this in a long time. Colton was a great bodyguard, it was like he knew where the enemies were before anyone else could even see them.

They hadn't had another run in with anyone trying to kill them, which they all were thankful for.

Lauren had gotten over the event, but would not be continuing this line of work. It was her first time and it would be her last. Some people just were babied too much at NCR headquarters apparently, but Colton wouldn't say anything like that. It was a traumatic even and could have shaken the sturdiest of wills.

"So what do you plan to do, Colt?" Chloe asks as she holds the reigns of the brahmin.

"I'll tell you the same thing I've been saying. 'I'm not sure'. Maybe a mercenary? Someone that does odd jobs that others can't? I want to find some competent companions that can help me if possible. But I'm not sure that will be easy" Colton looks around the area. A group of geckos are off in the distance away from the road and he'd rather just get by peacefully.

"So that's a no for bodyguard?"

"Not if you're heading back west. I'm staying in the Mojave for at least a year and then who knows what after that" Colton shakes his head. She's tried to get him to tag along with her and Lauren. Hank and Dan would just stay at the Mojave Outpost for a bit. They didn't feel up to going to New Vegas.

"Boo~" Chloe slouches. She hopes to eventually ware him down but it's not working so far. It's not often you meet someone good looking and capable like Colton.

"Boo hoo, you'll live" Colton stretches his back.

Hank and Dan just stay silent. Not like they want to be part of that conversation anyway. And Dan can talk, it just hurts.

"How can you be sure of that? It is the Wasteland" A smaller and quieter voice states. It was Lauren, turns out even before the attack she was quiet and shy. Colton really wondered why she would agree to move the cargo then. But Colton assumed that money is money.

"I just am. You already gotten some luck from me being here….. It's just a shame I can't get that same luck" Colton seems to be lucky for others, but himself? He'd say 50/50. He's lucky he got to them when he did. But that's more their luck. And he isn't sure what luck really does. Because his shots do critical hits as long as he's hidden from the target anyway. Maybe he'd get lucky in other ways?

"Ok Lucy" Chloe chimes.

"Excuse me?" Colton looks over at her. Her back was now straight and she had her chest puffed out.

"That's what I'll call you, Lucy" Chloe says.

'Why? Just why?' Colton is lost. "If that's your way of getting me to join you then it's not very good"

"I've given up on that. Nothing stops us from being friends though" Chloe looks at Colton without turning her face from the front.

He had his goggles on and mask up. He looked kinda intimidating at first. But now not so much.

"Aren't the five of us already friends? You wound me~" Colton puts his right hand on his chest and fakes being hurt.

Chloe just sighs. Hank and Dan just shake their heads from the wagon. They may not have a lot of room, but it beats being between them 2. Poor Lauren has to deal with Colton's obliviousness. Although, she can't entirely blame him. Chloe just sucks at flirting. If she didn't already have a fiancé she might have also fallen for their cowboy savior.


"What. Is. That?" Colton is looking at 2 giant metal statues off in the distance.

"That, is our destination. Didn't I tell you that there would be 2 metal giants shaking hands" Hank let's Colton know.

"You didn't say they were actually giants!" Colton points at the 2 metal men shaking hands in the distance. They were pretty far out, but Colton could still tell they were huge.

"What do you think I meant when I said 'giants'? Did you think I meant supermutants?" Hank shoots back.

"Fair enough, but still…. How did people make that without prewar tech…." Colton doesn't understand. They are clearly made out of metal, but they weren't smooth. He could guess that it was just a bunch of scrap or salvaged metal stuck together.

"Crazy right?" Chloe looks off and can barely see it.

"Let's get going! Maybe we can sleep in a bed for a change" Colton begins walking again with some pep in his step.



- <Get to the Mojave without dying>

2/2 Objectives Completed]

[ Quest Completed: Lonely Road ]

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

3037 words

It was today that I realized if I update a already published chapter it deletes comments on the chapter.

So please go to the Auxillary and comment some perks on the ‘Perk Suggestions Request’

I’ve gotten some of the old perks but others were lost. I will not update a chapter after I’ve posted it from now on. Unless it badly needs to be altered

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