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88.88% DC x Marvel: Son of Fate / Chapter 8: Is it wrong to want a quiet day?

Chương 8: Is it wrong to want a quiet day?

Sitting on the steps of a pristine white temple of ancient design could be found two silhouettes, one large and one small, gazing at the stars as they snuggled up to each other.

"Mom~, why don't you teach me magic?"

"Did something happen Rachel, did any of your teachers treat you badly?"

Shaking her head at her mother's question, the petite figure, who was a beautiful girl of at least 5 years old, puts a pouty expression on her face.

"There is nothing wrong, besides, teacher Azar takes good care of me and talks to me"

"So what's the problem my little one~"

Looking up from her, the appearance of the person sitting next to Rachel finally kicks in, revealing a beautiful woman in her 30s similar to her but with a more mature figure.

"I would like to spend more time with you mom, I don't understand why we can only see each other once every half a year"

He he. Letting out a rather elegant little laugh, the beautiful woman hugs Rachel a little more tightly, bringing the little girl's face closer to the two large mountains that she had as her chest and giving her an affectionate kiss on her forehead.

"You must understand that she has her own motives of her own, Rachel…."

"I understand but...."

"....she can't at least increase the times we see each other, she won't even let me send letters to show you my progress!"

An expression of annoyance is drawn on the little girl's face. Seeing that her daughter seemed to be in complete disagreement with the decision of the person who took them in, the beautiful woman softly and slowly caresses Rachel's hair, while a warm feeling consumes the latter.

"Remember Rachel, Miss Azar chose you to be her successor and the new hope of all Azaroth, I don't like having to be away from my precious daughter either, but in order to protect you I ended up accepting such a decision"

"But mother, I don't understand, why would I need protection?" asked the little girl, as she looked at her mother with a curious expression on her face.

Seeing the curious gleam in her daughter's eyes, a rueful smile appeared on the older woman's beautiful face. She didn't want her daughter to have to live with a cruel fate, so, maintaining her resolve, she just kept stroking and combing her daughter's straight hair along with a smile that was no longer pitiful, but very calm and happy.

"In any case, you must follow everything Ms. Azar tells you, do you understand Rachel?"

"Okay mom, but I'll still try to make her give us more days together~!"

"Oh~, it seems that my daughter became very stubborn, right?"

Humph* "If they want me to follow their demands, they must do the same too"

"Hehe~.... if your teacher listened to you you would have a lot of problems Rachel"

"That's why I put a spell around us, I don't think any of them are capable of..."

But without her noticing her, four different voices were heard from behind her. Noticing familiar presences beginning to appear, a wry smile appears on the older woman's face.

"So we're not capable huh~" x4

"....from even reflecting my magic-" Once the voice reached her ear, Rachel tensed and mechanically turned her head.

"Hi Rachel, we were looking for you to give you a little gift...."

"M-Master Azar!"

".....But I guess that can wait for later..."

After the strange silhouette said this, Rachel began to float in the air while an amethyst-colored aura surrounds her entire body.

"First we must work on your manners young lady"

With that said, a portal appeared behind the strange figure. Each of the figures that had appeared bowed slightly towards Rachel's mother and then passed through the summoned portal.

Watching as the strange figure took her daughter away, a complicated expression appeared on the beautiful face of the mature woman. But before her daughter disappeared, the older woman recited a small chant causing a contented smile to spread across Rachel's face as she passed through the strange portal.

'Next time we meet we'll go out and see the world together....'

'....Good luck my little Raven!.....'





As she called countless times to the person most important to her, a tear formed in Rachel's left eye, sliding down her cheek and finally falling onto the pillow where her head lay.

A frown appeared on Rachel's sleeping face. Her eyelids closed due to the exhaustion she suffered earlier were trembling slightly and little by little her beautiful dark eyes opened, waking up Rachel from her peaceful and comforting sleep...

Although it was only a short time after she woke up, her expressionless eyes did not divert her attention from the ceiling that covered her from the warm rays of the sun.

"I was hoping that dream would last a little longer…" Rachel said, even if she was unable to feel and show affection towards other people, she will never forget all the time spent by her dear mother's side.

Sigh. After lamenting her unfortunate fate, she lifts her upper body causing the warm sheet to slide over her curvaceous body. Noticing the clothes she was wearing, a frown appeared on Rachel's expressionless face as she had no recollection of wearing such clothes the night before.

"Come to think of it, how did I get here?..."

Reviewing each of last night's events, a memory flashed through her mind. After the young man who suddenly appeared saved her, she had been taken away by him but after both of them were consumed by that strange golden circle everything else became a blur.

"I feel slight traces of mana in me..."

Rachel came to the conclusion that this young man had cast a spell on her to render her unconscious. But despite not being able to express her feelings, there was something that bothered him.

"He was the one who changed my clothes?"

Click. At that moment, the doorknob began to move slowly. Once the movement ended, the door opened, slowly revealing the figure of Chris next to a tray of food.


"Mmm?.... Oh! I see you woke up already"

".... Yes...."

Even though he got a meek reply, Chris put on a smile at this. He hadn't expected her to get up so early, so he was somewhat surprised when he saw her.

"Well, here you go, the house special"

Rachel didn't reply, but that didn't stop her from glancing at the tray Chris had brought. It was an American style breakfast, it had bacon, eggs, a couple of pancakes with jelly and orange juice.

"So... what do you think?"

"Am I supposed to eat this?"

"In fact, it will be good for your body"

Sigh. Rachel just shook her head, she wasn't hungry and even if she needed to eat, a small bite would suffice. She turned her attention away from the appetizing breakfast and stared at Chris.

"Hah... I'm just trying to help you. Is it so hard for you to understand?"

"The difficult and truly annoying thing is that you still try to help me when I already told you that I didn't need anything"

For a long time they both locked eyes, but in the end the one who ended up giving in was Chris. He had already done his part and Lia told him that the rewards would be given to him shortly, so she should drop the matter at this point.

"Okay, I won't go on anymore..."

"....By the way, do you have a place to stay?"

When Chris said this a place crossed Rachel's mind, but the latter quickly dismissed the idea and just stared at the boy in front of her.

"Well, you can stay if you want, I don't really care much, honestly, this house is very big, I don't think it matters if you stay or not"

"Not that,...."

".... The best thing would be for me to leave here, I don't want to involve you in my affairs anymore"

The tray of food that Chris had brought began to rub in the air. After that, Rachel got up from the comfortable bed, but when she looked back at the figure of her reflected in the mirror in the room she realized that the pajamas she was wearing were a little...

Hmm. Noticing the suspicious look Rachel was giving his, a confused expression appears on Rachel's face. When he realized that it seemed that she was annoyed by the pajamas, Chris let out a small laugh.

"It's the only 'comfortable' pajamas I found in my mom's closet though... I must admit it looks great on you"

Rachel didn't know why, but despite being 'off', she felt like she must give Chris's lovely face a hard blow.

Sigh. Rachel begins a small chant causing a strange violet light to cover her completely.

Once the violet light faded, Rachel's figure appeared again, but she was now wearing the same outfit she had been in the night before.

"Those things do they sell or do you create them? If it's the last one then you should create more clothes it would be bad if you catch a cold"

"....Have they ever told you how annoying you are?..."

"Yes, although the only person is the girl in front of me"

"....Really annoying"

After that, a dark porch appeared on the spot. When Chris paid attention to this strange phenomenon he saw that on the other side of the portal there seemed to be complete darkness.

"You will be fine?"

".... Yes...."

Assent. Chris I don't talk anymore. While it was true that he felt worried, he couldn't do anything if she had already made up her mind.

Still, he didn't forget to put some enchantments on Rachel, the only reason she couldn't feel her mana, was because he hadn't put any on her body, but on the earrings and necklace she wore.

But before Rachel walks through the portal, she fixes her gaze on Chris making the latter slightly surprised.

"Something happens?"

"... You name..."


"What's your name!"

Laugh. Come to think of it, he had never once told Rachel his name. Although he didn't do it on purpose, he hadn't thought it was necessary, after all, she didn't seem to care much who he was, but hearing her 'claim', it seems he was wrong.

"It's Christopher James Miller, but you can call me Chris"

"Chris... I understand..."

"...my name is Rachel Roth, th-.....thank you for helping me"

After that, she hurried through the portal, leaving Chris with a subtle smile. Lia had told him about the affection points he had gained after completing the quest the system gave him.

The affection points he gained, caused the affection one had towards him to change. But along with this sudden affective change there was also a slight change in the way of thinking in these people.

This is why he wasn't all that surprised by Rachel's sudden thanks, though he had braced himself for the latter's beating the moment he saw what kind of garment she was wearing.

"Lucky me, I don't think she would have endured his 'Azarath Metrion Zinthos'"

[Hehe, you shouldn't make her angry too much, you know...]

"I know, by the way I think I'm forgetting something"

[The school, Chris, the school]


Chris had been too focused on Rachel that he didn't remember that he had school today. With quick movements, he goes from one place to another, first he makes breakfast, then he takes a shower and finally he packs his backpack to leave.




Several people began to leave a classroom. Among those vast people could be found a certain group of teenagers chatting with each other.

"It's the first time I find a class as fun as the one we had"

"And you're the first person other than Pette I've heard say that."

"Come on Gwen, having the opportunity to perform a chemical reaction is something that anyone dreams of!!"

"Leave them Gwen, brainiacs understand each other, hehe~"

Yes, that group of young people was: Chris, Peter, Gwen and M.J.

Zzzp. As he put the things he left in his locker into the backpack he'd brought, a strange shock crashed through his brain.


[Chris, someone is trying to bond with you]

"Someone who!!?"

Bam. Due to the sudden comment in his head Chris ended up screaming impulsively dropping the books that he had taken out of the locker to put them in his backpack.

"What happened?"

"Are you okay Chris?"

"Did you see a ghost or something like that?"

Noticing the confusion on the faces of his friends and the other people who were walking down the hall, he manages to recover from his bewilderment.

Scratching the back of his head as a goofy expression begins to cover his face, Chris lets out a laugh and says, "Ha ha, sorry I just remembered something I was supposed to do..."


Whispers. After that the people around went about their business, although they still kept an eye on Chris.

Regarding M.J, Peter and Gwen, they just nodded at his friend's silly excuse. Although they wanted to ask out of curiosity, the three of them thought that it must be something important, so they decided to wait to ask for an answer.

When Chris noticed that the attention on him had dispersed, he let out a tired sigh from his lips, but quickly reached down to pick up the books he had dropped on the floor while continuing the conversation he was having with Lia.

"(Lía, what do you mean she wants to 'bond')"

[An outside entity seeks to link its mana with yours.]

"(Binding mana? Wouldn't that create a counter?)"

[That's true, but this entity seems to have great control over mana. It not only diverts the aggressive flow, but also concentrates the minimum amount so that the harmony between the two is not broken]

"(...Do you know who he is or where he is?)"

[I feel your energy, but because it's only a very thin part of her, it's very difficult for me to track your location...]

[.....If it wasn't for the restrictions that the system also imposes on me then there wouldn't be any difficulties, sorry Chris]

Sigh* "(It's alright Lia, in any case it's me who's also still weak...)"

"(....Please let me know if you find anything else)"

[Okay Chris, I'll do my best~]

With that final message the conversation in his mind was cut short a thoughtful expression appeared on his face. Once he finished gathering his things, Chris closed his locker but kept thinking about what he had talked about with Lia.

Because his consciousness was submerged in the different thoughts he had, he did not notice the dark figure that appeared behind him.

"Bear hug!!!" exclaimed the young woman who appeared behind Chris who was Cindy who had not missed the opportunity to scare her friend.

Oh. Due to the sudden scream that came from behind him, Chris regained his consciousness and turned his head to see the person who had 'attacked' him in a surprise way.


"Mou~, at least you show more reactions"

Seeing the pouting expression on Cindy's face, a feeling of confusion comes over Chris because he doesn't understand what his friend was trying to say.

"It seems that you failed Cindy" said Barbara with a mocking expression towards her friend.

When he heard the other voice coming from the right side of him Chris quickly turned his head and his gaze focused only on the beautiful redhead with glasses walking towards him.

Assent. Giving a meek nod to Barbara, he tells Cindy to get off his body, but she keeps insisting that this was her 'punishment' for showing no reaction.

When Peter and the others noticed the bustle next to him they quickly turned their heads to see what was happening.

"Let me go Cindy!!!"


A dumbfounded expression was placed on the faces of everyone who was watching the rather hilarious scene of Cindy 'gluing' Chris.

A small laugh escaped Gwen's full lips as she said, "Wow, this is..."

"It's a lot like when someone wants to tame a horse" added Peter who couldn't help but put a smile on his face as he was amused by his friend's 'suffering'.

"...It's more like when you play 'bull riding'"

" Already!!!...."

"...Don't you think it would be better to call this, 'How to tame a wild Chris?'!"

Pfft. Hearing the others taunts, Barbara couldn't help but cover her mouth as she let out several laughs.

In the end, the winner was Cindy who managed to dodge every one of Chris's attempts to get her off her back. Once the matter was 'settled' they all headed for the exit.

As they walked down the wide hallway, Chris struck up a conversation with Peter, in turn, the girls also started talking to each other.

It was kind of annoying to be carrying Cindy, but it wasn't like she was going to lose much right?

Feeling the soft sensation on her back, Chris doesn't hesitate to thank her for this 'nice' moment.

Yes, his life in this world was quite peaceful-

[Chris!, a battle is going on outside your school]

Well, at least it was like that...

When Lia's words reached his ears, Chris was caught in a momentary bewilderment, but he came to when he heard the screams of the people outside the building.


"What's going on!?, s-the school is..."



The moment Chris heard this several black lines covered his forehead.

"Wh-What's wrong, s-is something happening outside!?" Cindy asked as she tightened her hold on Chris's neck.

At their friend's words, Peter, M.J and Gwen don't know what to respond either, after all, the three of them were just as puzzled as Cindy.

But unlike the four of them, Chris and Barbara were aware of what was happening outside the school, so they both said at the same time.

"A power battle is taking place outside the building" x2

"Power Battle!?" the others answered in unison, but neither Chris nor Barbara heard them as they were both lost in their own thoughts.


It was at that moment that a loud noise came from his right flank, causing everyone to cover themselves with their arms due to the storm of dust and debris caused by the surprise explosion.

"Ugh, what's going on!" Peter yelled as he tried to cover himself from the strong sand 'storm'.

Because his friends were 'blinded', Chris seized the moment and used a small spell to quickly disperse the cloud of dust around. But once he managed to do this, he saw a swift projectile-like shadow heading in his direction.

'Shit!' Chris thought.

But without flinching he created a shield of golden energy that managed to protect Peter, M.J, Cindy, Gwen and Barbara. When that 'projectile' hit the force field, a strong wave spread throughout the place.


Once all the dust cleared Chris removed the shield he had put around them while also looking at each of his friends.

They were still trying to get their bearings, but there was no visible injury on them, so Chris turned his attention away from them and towards that shadow he had seen earlier.

'What was it...' Chris wondered, but because he was still holding Cindy he couldn't get close.

"Ouch, that really bothered me..." said that 'shadow' without noticing the people behind her.

Once she was fully up, Chris was finally able to glimpse and recognize the mysterious figure that had been sent flying.

In front of him a beautiful woman with dark green skin and hair of the same color appeared. She had quite a prominent height along with various lines on her arms, legs, and back that highlighted her beautiful, well-trained body.

She was wearing a purple and white colored outfit that quite highlighted her shapely and big butt along with her toned back. Although Chris wasn't able to see her full body because her back was turned, he was completely mesmerized by her 'incomplete' figure.

"Tch, that damned beast still doesn't think to give up!?" she wondered that woman, but when she checked where she had fallen she finally noticed the presence of Chris and the others.

Peter, M.J, Gwen, Barbara and Cindy had already recovered, but when they noticed the 'huge' figure in front of them a puzzled expression appeared on their faces.

"H-Hello, erm.... y-are you alright?" asked the huge green woman as she had a goofy smile on her face.

Neither seemed to be able to react to the green woman's words, but before Chris said anything, Barbara's voice began to be heard.

"You are, Jennifer Walters a.k.a She-Hulk, right?"

Showing a bright expression, the beautiful green woman, no, Jennifer starts scratching her nose and says, "Hehe~, it seems like I'm getting famous these days..."

"..." All.


"Wh-What's going on!?" Peter asked, but no one managed to come up with an answer.

Losing their balance due to the sudden movement, everyone except Chris (he only bent one knee) and Jennifer fall. Moments later several debris falls from above where they were.

When Chris looks up his eyes go wide. Without wasting a single second and takes Cindy, Gwen and Gwen because they were closer to him while Jennifer, noticing that something was wrong, does the same with Peter and M.J.

But the speed difference was quite a lot due to this Chris just clicked his tongue and threw Cindy, Gwen and Barbara as far as he could while he prepared to stop what was to come.

'I just wanted a quiet day...'


Along with that thunderous noise the entire roof began to crumble and a large platform that started from it was falling at an unreal speed.

Ugh. Touching her head due to the sudden blow she had suffered, Cindy looks up from her, meeting her classmates who, like her, were also puzzled.

The moment a bit of clarity returned to her vision the three looked around her for her friends, noting that Jennifer had saved Peter and M.J, but..... where was Chris?

"Don't fuck with me...." Barbara said as she got up from where she was and she wanted to start running.

When both Gwen and Cindy saw this they both wanted to stop their partner from going to where the big platform was falling. But when they noticed Barbara's desperate look they immediately saw where she had her attention.

"Chris!!!" once they recognized him, Gwen and Cindy set Barbara free and also hurried over to where Chris was once they realized what he had done.

Hearing the girls scream, Peter turns his eyes to where Chris was.

"What the hell, Chris is still there!" Peter exclaimed as he pointed to where they were earlier.

"Wha-what!!" M.J exclaimed as her expression turned into one of fear and anxiety.

'Tsk, I must hurry up' Jennifer couldn't help but have a bitter feeling in her chest, after all, she was the hero, but the boy was the one who had made a sacrifice for his classmates.

Leaving Peter and M.J in a 'safe' area, Jennifer runs to the three girls to stop them from doing something crazy.

All this happened in different 'spaces', but time seemed to stop as the shadow of that great rubble covered the entire place where Chris was.

'Okay, it's already in my range.' Lifting one of his arms up, Chris starts to say, "Door, release my-"

But before he completes his chant he is interrupted by two voices quite familiar to him.



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Leuris Leuris



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