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29.72% Highschool DxD: A New Satan / Chapter 18: Ch. 18 Trip to Sunrise Land pt.1

Chương 18: Ch. 18 Trip to Sunrise Land pt.1

I was hoping to achieve a few things during this early trip to Japan if possible.

My two Japanese peerage candidates weren't going to be born for a few decades anyway, but I still had a potential recruit for my lands.

If he passed my assessment then he would be reincarnated under Fia due to his purely supportive function. He is too specialized to join under me and his role would be to just continue as he is, but only for me. Plus it'll be a good test for my self made evil pieces.

When the day arrived for the trip arrived I was quite looking forward to it.

Sera and I even took the trouble of dressing according in proper Japanese apparel, which meant Kimonos. Fia meanwhile would be staying in her maid outfit.

I chose a mainly dark purple kimono with black haori and hakama, with my House crest embroidered in silver a bit above my shoulder blades. My plum colored hair was put in a tight high ponytail instead of its usual loose one.

And Sera was absolutely breathtaking when she appeared wearing a pale blue kimono which faded into white as it got closer to the sleeves, decorated with small snowflakes and held together with a white obi. Her long black hair flowed down her back with a blue ribbon holding it together near the end.

"How do I look?" She asked bashfully.

"Like my own snow fairy coming to steal my heart." I warmly answered.

"Hehe, then it was worth going through all the trouble." She happily responded with a happy smile. "If you're a good boy then I might even dress in these kimonos more often."

"It is a nice change of pace from the usual fashion down here. But I'm not sure it really does anything for me though." I said to her as she began giving me a once over.

"Maybe without that coat, but with it you just look like you're trying to look older." Serafall reviewed.

"True, but it's supposed to be for formal events and I think meeting the highest authorities in the Shinto pantheon counts." I said with an amused smile at my lady love.

"At least I get to try a lot of these kinds of outfits when visiting different pantheons. And now you can too." She said with a beaming smile which might mean I have to do a lot of shopping or cloth ordering in the future.

"I at least look forward to seeing you in them. Now shall we?" I responded as I held out my hand to Sera.

She took it as we intertwined fingers and I opened a portal to the entrance to Takamahagara, which is currently a great Torii near the peak of Mt. Fuji. Fia silently followed closely as we all walked through to meet our guide to today's meeting.

It appeared to be one of the Shinshi, or Divine Servants. She was a young black haired woman, who seemed to have her eyes closed, had a pair of white tipped black fox ears and tail.

"It is an honor to meet you Leviathan-sama and Azaroth-sama, this one is named Mitozaiki and is a servant of the great goddess Amaterasu. I shall be your guide for the duration of your visit." She introduced herself with perfect etiquette as she even bowed to us.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Mitozaiki." Serafall replied calmly as she put her more childish nature aside for this, "We have brought tokens of appreciation for this opening of dialogue and we were wondering when and where it would be appropriate to gift them."

"I am sure my lady will be delighted. The gifts can be presented at the great gate. We mean no offense, but everything must be checked for the safety of Takamahagara." She politely answered.

"That is more than alright. My betrothed will hand everything over once appropriate." Sera understandingly responded.

We were then led through the Great Torii and finally introduced to Takamahagara itself.

It was quite a sight to be sure to see what is essentially an incredibly majestic Castle City built on the very clouds themselves. It had wide streets filled with some shops run either by other divine servants or bored gods, retired servants or divine soldiers, or those with some familial relation to any of the former. The people walking around were all rather careless, but this is what happens when there hasn't been any inter-pantheonic wars in a long time. And overall the place looked like what a 'perfect' Japanese city would, which might actually be something Shinto believers helped shape alongside their gods unknowingly.

As we passed the gate I gave the gifts to their security and we simply moved on as guests of Amaterasu. The people we passed were very curious to see both myself and Sera due to her European features and my exotic skin color.

Nothing openly hostile, which was good. I wondered if that would change once the Europeans start messing with Japan and when the Americans basically threaten the country into trading with them.

We walked through the city and noticed some rather wondrous sights as we crossed peaceful gardens with blooming Sakura trees, calm ponds which golden carps inhabited and I'm sure I saw a few eastern dragons in as well, Golden temples dedicated to the parents of the current leaders, a great bamboo forest and bountiful rice fields. I am pretty sure there were a few divine horses and oxen too.

The castle itself seemed to be radiating light and warmth once we neared it, giving the feeling as if it was the sun of this realm. It was at the same time grand, modest, ostentatious and secular, making one wonder how such opposing concepts could truly blend together but this time they created the picture of a divine palace.

Mitozaiki led us to the main chamber where our meeting with the big three of the Shinto pantheon was to be held.

It happened to be what was the throne room of Takamahagara, where the Shinto gods showed their power and status.

And in it we finally saw the Chief Goddess of the pantheon, Amaterasu herself seated highest with a golden sun built behind her, her twin brother Tsukuyomi with a silver moon and Susano'o with a lightning bolt.

Amaterasu was an absolutely beautiful Japanese women with delicate but regal features, shinning black hair tied in low ponytail with a golden ribbon, golden eyes reminiscent of her divinity and bountiful, almost mother-like body covered by a white and red shrine maiden outfit. She currently exuded a Queenly aura of superiority and authority as we walked in.

Clearly all psychological bolstering, but rather effective nonetheless when it comes to those weaker of mind or will.

Her twin possessed many of the same looks, but had a much colder presence with harsher features, paler skin and silver eyes. His lithe frame was covered in a silver embossed black kimono and had a much more subdued presence than his sister.

Meanwhile Susano'o appeared just as wild as the rumors said. He had wild storm Grey hair going down his shirtless back, storm themed tattoos covering his right arm, only had a pair of black pants on, sat like he either couldn't be giving less of a shit or like an irritated child, and even brought a war club which rested beside his right hand.

"Announcing the delegation from the Devils my lady.

Lady Serafall Leviathan and her betrothed Lord Lith Azaroth." Mitozaiki clearly said as she bowed to the three deities.

"Thank you Mito, that'll be all for now." Amaterasu calmly ordered her as the servant bowed once again and exited.

"Eh? So this is what one of the new Satans looks like? A little girl?" Susano'o rudely said as he openly sneered.

"It is an honor to be here Amaterasu-sama. Serafall and I have very much been looking forward to meeting you and your brother." I said with a calm smile as I completely ignored the divine brat.

Best way to deal with attention seekers like him is to ignore him really. I mean the hair, tattoos, outfit or lack thereof and the blatant weapon at a diplomatic meeting scream of a child wanting attention. It also didn't really match up with all the information I had on the god and thought it was suspicious.

"Lith is right. I've always admired you for being one of the only women in the supernatural world in a true leadership position Amaterasu-sama. I truly hope we can forge proper diplomatic bonds between our people and maybe become friends." A sincere Serafall followed up with as she followed my lead of ignoring Susano'o's comment like what it was, beneath her.

She has dealt with people of this character hundreds of times during devil gatherings, with this time it being an overpowered one, but similar nonetheless.

It would also show exactly where the Shinto gods stood if they continued to let Susano'o actually mock and harass diplomatic envoys like this, reducing their reputation amongst all other Pantheons since even if devils have a rather poor reputation, we are a new faction which fought to not go to war.

But if it was like I thought, then I would be stopping things soon.

"Did you weaklings just ignore me?!" A rapidly maddening storm god yelled as we continued to stare right into Amaterasu's eyes.

If she didn't stop him and things actually turned violent, I would portal us out of here. None of them had anywhere close to my authority regarding [Space] and their little pocket dimension is made to keep others out a lot more than in.

"Enough Susano'o! Either stand down and be quiet or I will punish you severely for your completely improper behavior.

I let you attend in that unacceptable form, but now you even speak before I and insult my guest!" Amaterasu authoritatively spoke as her eyes glowed brighter.

"But sister-" the wild god tried to say.

"But nothing! You not only disgrace yourself but now us as well." She sharply interrupted before turning to us, "I apologize for his behavior. Takamahagara welcomes you Lady Leviathan and you Lord Azaroth."

"It's ok, I've heard much worse coming from other so-called nobles before." Serafall said with a soft smile as I did a mental note to figure out which lives I was going to be ruining later.

"No apologies for an act needed Amaterasu-sama. Such things are necessary to protect your interests and project strength and authority to visitors." I smoothly replied with an elegant bow.

"Thank you for- eh!?" She began saying before freezing because she assumed we would both simply accept her apologies and move on without thinking too much.

But I want this to not take days and getting through all the nonsensical show out of the way would allow for a much more honest relationship.

"W-whatever do you mean Lord Azaroth?" Amaterasu asked as her queenly aura flickered for a moment there.

"Well this is an act right? Because even though I have heard of Susano'o-sama's past endeavors, all recent information suggest that although wild, he cares for you far too much to make trouble like this without provocation.

And you my lady, are known as rather kind and very diligent, with you preferring more modest behavior and honesty, even if you are very much capable of leading your people and being strict if needed." I answered with a bit of a mischievous smile.

"Oh? And what do people whisper in the night about this Tsukuyomi Lord Azaroth?" The moon god asked out of curiosity and wearing an amused smile.

"You my lord, are both enticingly calm and bring fear to many. The most patient and most unrelenting. You are said to be the most intelligent of you three siblings. And I'm assuming you were the one to convince them to put on this play in order to pressure my lovely Sera." I answered as our eyes met and we recognized each other as informed and mildly scheming individuals.

Every faction needs one willing to take such a role to continue thriving after all, and Tsukuyomi was the one for the Shinto pantheon while Susano'o was a military leader and Amaterasu was in charge of most Foreign and Domestic policies using the counsel of her brothers.

"*Chuckle* Indeed I am. You surprise me Lord Azaroth. I will make sure to have that not happen again." He said as a serious light flashed through his silver eyes. "But it would seem there is no more need to act since it has been revealed"

"This was really an act?" A surprised Serafall asked as she looked around the room.

"Just take this as a lesson love. You can't just focus on the pantheon's ways, you have make sure you know each figure you will be speaking too very well in order to not be fooled. Because being tricked usually means you missed some information and that could be bad for the Underworld." I gently explained as she earnestly nodded in understanding.

"I'll make sure to do that. Thank you honey!" She enthusiastically said with a kiss on the cheek.

She didn't take my actions negatively since she had actually brought me as backup for something like this in the first place. After spending years together she knew how thorough and attentive I was.

"Uwa-wa-wa!" A red faced Amaterasu suddenly cried out as she hid her face behind her hands, but left a space to look though.

"Bwahaha! Guess I can stop being a complete barbarian then. Sorry about that girly. Honestly I'd try to court you if you didn't have a man! Best diplomats we've had since the Greeks sent Aphrodite and Athena I tell you!" The suddenly boisterous Susano'o said as he slapped his own thigh in amusement over his brother's little plot being seen through.

"Brother!" Amaterasu called out with embarrassment.

"Lady Athena does make for rather pleasant conversations. But it was unfortunate Lady Aphrodite had to be added to the list of banned Greek deities alongside Zeus, Ares, Apollon until he returns our instruments, Heracles, Hera and Poseidon." Commented Tsukuyomi, hinting at some rather interesting/horrible/stupid stories involving the Greek Pantheon visiting.

"Now those are tales I would rather enjoy hearing." I said to that, which kinda returned their attention back to us.

"Indeed. Maybe next time over tea." the moon god said with a nod.

"I will bring the snacks then." I replied as the two of us committed to meeting privately another time.

It was always interesting talking to intelligent people who could keep up with higher level conversations.

"Can i come?" Serafall asked with big eyes.

"This one will be for the men, but I'm sure you could invite Amaterasu-sama for tea and get to know each other." I suggested, which made her eyes light up.

"Can we?" She immediately asked with a hopeful expression at the goddess who was surprised at the sudden invitation.

"I-um, i would love to Lady Leviathan." The sun goddess replied a bit shyly.

"Yay! We can have so much fun getting to know each other!" The suddenly very energetic Serafall said as she appeared before a stunned Amaterasu and took her hands. "We can talk about our families, our friends, magic, what you like to do, and it's going to be great!"

Yeah, Serafall doesn't have many female friends and Grayfia is difficult to get to hang out when she hasn't gotten plastered. Which is an even more difficult thing to achieve.

"I-I would love that." The almost overwhelmed goddess replied with a smile on her face at the energetic Serafall.

"I am sure we can arrange things on our own ends, but I do believe we should return to the original goal of this meeting sister." The moon god politely said as he too wanted his sister to have some more real friends, while also making sure he would throughly investigate both halves of the visiting couple.

"Indeed." I agreed, "Sera I will be leaving you to it since the hard part is already done anyway. I know you can do it."

"Yes! I've got this!" She declared confidently.

"I know. But while this is happening, may i visit your lands below Amaterasu-sama?" I asked the trio, "I have been curious about such a different culture than the European one we adopted in the Underworld and experiencing something is almost always better than reading about it."

"Of course. I will assign Mito to you as a guide and sign that you are my guest." Amaterasu replied amiably.

"Thank you for your hospitality and I hope the rest of the meeting goes well for everyone." I responded as I bowed and exited the room.

I had come to support her and I've done just that by lowering the difficulty of her first meeting dramatically. The rest would depend on her abilities and I trust her to do great. I just wanted to help my lovely future magical girl before I let her do her thing.

After leaving Takamahagara with my escort, I spread my senses over the island nation in search of my target.

Unexpectedly I felt three points of interest.

I decided to focus the two most pressing ones, with the most urgent currently being two sisters about to about to be separated by life and death.

-Region of Kyoto, unknown fox with two tails and brownish gold fur POV

'Have to get Yasaka out of here! Those people are just going insane!

We helped protect these lands for centuries so why do they want to kill all of us? Haven't we been nice and helpful!?' I thought as i desperately ran carrying my little sister.

I ran thought the forested mountain to find a place to hide, at least for her.

But despair hit me again once i heard those humans from the so-called five principale clans shouting. They couldn't just stop at taking away their family but also had to kill us. Even Yasaka who's still young.

I didn't know what to do, but I used senjutsu to sense where the humans were, only to find out that they had already surrounded the entire mountain.

Losing hope to at least let Yasaka escape, I suddenly felt a possibility as i discovered cave with a river running though the mountain itself.

I immediately ran for the cave, hearing our pursuers getting closer and closer.

By the time I reached it, I knew I couldn't go with my dear baby sister and would need to stay back to make sure they wouldn't be able to catch up to her once she was going down the river.

"I am so sorry for leaving you alone Yasa. Just know that your Tamamo-Oneesama loves you a lot and that she hopes you'll be able to live a happy life." I emotionally said to the sister I had put to sleep before escaping.

I was about to make something to carry her down stream when I suddenly wasn't in the cave anymore.

Yasaka and I suddenly found ourselves in front of an odd house made of wood, with different stars above our heads and seemingly elevated from the ground.

I urgently used senjutsu to find out where we were and possibly who brought us here, but to my surprise my felt a huge structure bellow us filled with so many things I couldn't even identify. Even the small house was a mystery due to being larger on the inside than it should be.

"So what do you think about my home little fox?" A smooth and pleasant voice asked from behind me, but the fact that he managed to be behind me at all while using senjutsu terrified me.

But I couldn't run and leave Yasaka, so i did my best to stand my ground and hopefully scare this abductor away using some of the fox fire I knew how to use.

"*Chuckle* My apologies little fox. I did not mean to scare you so much." The man said as he suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

He was the largest man I had ever seen, wearing an expensive looking purple kimono and black haori and hakama covering his large frame. He had the oddest skin color I had ever seen, hair resembling plums and eyes which almost sucked me in as their almost glowing green color seemed to overshadow precious stones.

"What do you want human!?" I growled out as I refocused.

"Well I'm not really human, only half, and I felt two girls in need and decided to help. It's almost become a habit at this point. You two are actually something like the 24th time I've done this." The large man replied which gave me some hope since those damn clans would never allow anything 'taint' them.

"Prove it!" I demanded even though i knew he didn't have to.

He was able to bring both myself and Yasaka without me even realizing and escape my senses.

"I would love to convince you, comfort you for your losses, feed you a nice meal and allow you two to rest In peace, but I have to go help another who caught my attention.

In the meantime, please don't damage anything, I'll only be gone for a short time, and this is a separate dimension so no one will be able to hurt you here." The man quickly said as he vanished like he was an illusion.

But illusions don't leave footprints in grass.

'Who is he?' I thought before checking to see if anything was wrong with Yasaka.

-Uesugi Clan territory, unknown teen pov

"Kill the demon! Just like her witch mother!" Those supposed monks yelled as they kept coming.

I couldn't even feel the rage anymore.

I just wanted to be with mom again.

Maybe if I let them kill me too I can be with her again.

I hope so.

I hope the gods aren't too mad about all these monks I killed in exchange for mom's life.

They just wouldn't stop coming and still don't.

And for what? Because I'm some sort of dangerous demon?

They attacked us!

They hunted mom and me everywhere we went just because of my cursed father.

Even when all those people threw stones at me for looking different, i listened to mom about not giving in to their fear and hate, so I don't become as bad as them.

Because of that mom had to give up everything and live a life like she was nothing to take care of me, and I had to cover myself completely everyday of my life.

But when those people killed mom by throwing rocks at her while she was protecting me, I snapped.

I don't even remember how, but I woke up surrounded in their bodies.

Then all these monks attacked and I just kept fighting so I could escape with mom's body. She didn't deserve what I knew they were going to do with the supposed witch's body.

"Just die you monster!" Another self-righteous monk who probably never had to live half as harshly as mother and I had yelled.

He barely registered as I used the only good thing about that cursed father of mine, his powers.

With one burst of black lightning he died.

"Well aren't you interesting." A male voice said from right beside me, with the least amount of negativity I've ever felt when someone talked to me.

Doesn't mean he didn't surprise me, but then I realized that I couldn't hear anymore shouts or movements from the hundreds of monks.

I looked around in shock as they all seemed frozen, but I could see their eyes moving around rapidly as if they were horrified.

"I can't kill them due to being a guest in these lands, but I'm sure Amaterasu-Sama won't mind me doing this to help the poor girl right Mito?" The male voice said which me look in its direction.

I reacted instinctively before and didn't identify it as a threat since he didn't feel bad to her senses, but being able to get so close alarmed her.

"Indeed Azaroth-sama. I am certain Amaterasu-sama would do even worse for the actions these people have taken against child which had been innocent." A woman's voice responded this time as I finally saw who spoke, but them mention the sun goddess mom told me about like that scared me.

The man was very tall, with a large body, fine clothes, an odd color of hair, eyes so green the forests would be jealous, but the thing that struck me the most was his skin…

"Are you… my dad?" I asked the man who's skin was like mine in a mix of hope, sadness, anger, and other feelings I couldn't even understand right now.

"Azaroth-sama?" The fancy looking servant asked accusingly.

"Sorry child, but no. I have only had relations with a few women before becoming engaged and none have come from or have been to this land before. I'm also certain none of them have gotten pregnant either." The man the woman called Azaroth-sama answered, which made me lose almost any sort of hope I held of not being alone or being saved.

"Then why are you here?" I asked the man without any emotions.

"To offer you a home if you want it." He answered seriously as he looked at me directly in the eyes.

'No one could do that without showing any disgust except mom.' I thought as i looked for the fear, anger, disgust or malice I was used to seeing in everyone's eyes, but he didn't have any, just empathy.

"Why would you want a monster like me?" I asked the man in self derision.

Even if we had nearly the same skin, when my damn dad's powers activated I grew a black horn on the left side of my head, some of my teeth got sharper, me nails became claws, my hair glowed white as small bursts of lightning went though it, my left eye starts glowing white too and I can use two different colors of lightning. I also get a lot stronger and faster than any human, and it always feels like I know what they're going to do and can react to it.

I was a monster.

"I might not have as many physical changes as you, but some people have called me a monster as well. In fact, my people might be the most hated in the human world." He responded in a casual way.

"Don't lie to me!" I yelled out as my emotions suddenly exploded over this man giving me hope and then taking it by basically mocking me.

"I'll prove it then." He just said seriously.

"Azaroth-sama please wa-"

She didn't get the chance to finish as wings that looked there but not spread behind him and then I could see it. Everything started to look like it was twisting and turning, the ground broke apart, the trees seemed to dance, and then everything seemed to be upside down, then back to normal, all those monks suddenly disappeared and then it all stopped.

I started gasping for air as a pressure I didn't even realize was there stopped, looking at the man who sounded like the great gods mom had told me about looked at me with a smile.

"So do you believe I'm a monster now?" He asked.

I could only nod dumbly at as I was trying to get what just happened.

"Azaroth-sama! Please tell me what was done to the monks!" The female servant with now very open eyes urgently asked.

"Hypnotized them into thinking they had killed the girl and that they were going to make camp to celebrate for the night before retrieving the corpses of their comrades. They have forgotten everything relating to the supernatural as is procedure." He answered as some of what he said made me think of the power he had.

The power that I could have used to help mom if I had it.

"I will ask the clans to make sure. We cannot have the humans assume a new deity appeared or things might get complicated." The servant seriously said as Azaroth-sama simply gestures her to go ahead.

It was then that I made up my mind and approached him, which made Azaroth-sama raise an eyebrow at me.

"Please make me strong like you!" I desperately asked the man who seemed like a god walking on earth now.

"I cannot make you strong like me." He answered which made me desperately think about ways to convince him, "but I can help you become your strongest self and give you a place to call home."

"Why can't you teach me to be like you?" I asked a bit disappointed.

I knew it was selfish and unrealistic, but I wanted to be able to do what he did. To control things by just being there.

"Because the ability I showed is unique to my bloodline and I'm the first and only member with it." He answered, which made sense.

I've never seen anyone do what I can either.

"Then how can i be strong like you?" I sadly questioned as he approached me.

"Hmm. How about I make you a deal?" He said as i lifted my head when i noticed he was close to me and wanted to look in his eyes.

"What deal?" I cautiously asked.

"I'll train you. And for what I can't train I will find trainers for. And if you reach a level I deem acceptable or if you show enough talent and potential for me to invest in, I will offer you a place amongst the personal team I will be building.

To enter this team you will have to join my race and become a devil, which will allow me to strengthen and teach you much more, while also giving some bonuses.

In exchange you will become one of my own and join House Azaroth. You will join my family. Whether you become part of my team or not." He seriously said to me.

He patiently waited for my decision as I thought about what he said.

'I didn't know what a devil was, but people already call me a demon so it can't be worst. He said I would be stronger if i became one too.' I thought as I really couldn't even see any other options in the first place.

It was either follow Azaroth-sama, become stronger and hopefully don't waste the life mom spent hers helping, or just try to continue living like I did with mom at best and be hunted down until I die at worst.

"I'll do it!" I answered him, "But I want to make a grave for mom."

"Easily done." He replied with a satisfied smile on his face. "I will need a name for her grave, and yours so I don't keep calling you girl or something like Little oni."

"Mom said her name Haruna and my name name is Mana Tatsumiya, Azaroth-sama." I answered as politely as I could to the lord i would be under from now on.

Mom always said to be respectful to lords.

"So it'll be Haruna Tatsumiya then. And you can just call me Lith, Mana-chan." Azaroth-sama responded as he made mom's corpse disappear somewhere like he did with the monks.

"Yes Lith-sama!" I replied with made his smile a bit strained for some reason.

"I'll work on that later. But for now I have a pair of sisters to talk to. Rescued them right before you." He said as he gestured to come closer, which I did.

The entire world then shifted and that was when I would always say i truly began living.



About the Shinto Pantheon:

Everything I just wrote is original due to them not even having descriptions in the wiki. Had to do some research to even get General vibes for them.

Amaterasu is a bit of a mix between Gabriel due to having over protective if slightly naughty brothers, a big sister type, shrine maiden and when needed a samurai girl type. She is the most powerful of the three but also the most naive.

Tsukuyomi is basically the strategist and spymaster of the Shinto pantheon due to his rather extreme legends he is also capable of being cruel and thorough, while appearing calm and serene.

Susano'o is basically MCU Thor, but not as stupid, actually takes care of his family and is wilder. Near Sis-con too.

Next is the two fox sisters:

Everyone knows and basically lust's over Yasaka, but nothing is known about her past so I'm making shit up about the principle clans being the dicks they are and pushing even the youkais who protected humans out of 'their' territories. (They'll get punished later for that by the gods.)

Someone then suggested to me Tamamo-no-Mae and this is what I decided to run with. Yasaka's elder sister who had sacrificed herself in the original timeline, but is now gonna basically pull a Kuroka. (Serafall's peerage since I thought they would go well together)

Neither will be part of Lith's peerage and that's final. Reasons given will be because Yasaka will want to return and lead the youkais, even if it means rejecting Lith since Youkais would not follow her if she became a devil. Doesn't mean other stuff can't happen, but I'll see when I get there.

And lastly is Mana Tatsumiya from Negima:

When I was looking for inspiration on OC's and peerage members, I stumbled on this badass little half-demon and thought she would be great as at least an agent for Lith.

She's actually gone through quite of few modifications since i originally planned to had her in but now here's what I have:

• She is half Youkai now. Her father was a black Oni and her powers were inspired by some depictions with lighting abilities while the aesthetic changes are a mix of her original half-demon form and oni features.

•She will be a gun specialist and will receive a sacred gear I've already chosen.

•She will be a pawn in his peerage. It just won't be immediate since Lith himself doesn't really know if she fits his standards, just that she does have very high potential.

Beyond that, I'm leaning for more of a sister-like relationship over lover.

Alexander_the_grey Alexander_the_grey

So yeah, things happened and I wasn’t planing for it to be this long, so second part tomorrow.

Shinto gods aren’t pricks and I felt like Serafall should be able to be friends with Amaterasu. It’ll certainly help when the devils would want a place in Japan latter.

Now I have two fox sisters rescued with fates only I know.

First peerage member candidate get. Look up Mana Tatsumiya from Negima.

Next will have some recruitment and leaving Japan.


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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
Báo cáo nội dung không phù hợp
lỗi Mẹo

Báo cáo hành động bất lương

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