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60.65% Crimson Destiny (Fantastic Beasts Fanfic) [Temp Hiatus] / Chapter 35: The Order of Light (III)

Chương 35: The Order of Light (III)

"Destiny!! What the fuck happened to you?!" Ambika shrieked hysterically as soon as she saw Destiny. Both Ambika and Cassiopeia were waiting for Destiny in the living room and even though Destiny could have avoided the two of them if she wanted to, she was feeling kind of exhausted and her other self was inside her room, so she wanted to avoid meeting her other-self. After knocking out Albus Severus Potter, she started to experiment on the Portkey inside the laboratory… Well, technically, it wasn't a laboratory, but Cassiopeia used that room for Rune testing, so it was a kind of laboratory.

When Destiny was finally done experimenting on the Portkey, she was left pretty amazed by the ingenuity of the first person who created this type of Portkey… While the theory behind the Portkey was quite simple, the process of creating such a Portkey was nothing but complicated. Destiny was also slightly disappointed over the fact that the Portkey was tied to the blood of Albus Severus Potter and no matter how much she tried, she could not activate the Portkey. There were also several security measures embedded in the Portkey.

If she triggered any of them by accident, then if she was lucky, the Portkey would probably fry itself and if she was unlucky, then she would be dropped somewhere around the North Pole without any clothes… That was an outcome Destiny wanted to avoid at any cost. That is why she did not try to force the Portkey to activate and that is also why Destiny did not try to track the location of the base of the Order of Light. Destiny was hoping that she could use the Portkey to track the location of the base of the Order of Light, but that was not going to be…

Even though Destiny was unable to extract the location of the base of the Order of Light from the Portkey, she was able to learn how the Portkey worked. There is a rune matrix carved at the back of the Portkey and the rune matrix was designed to extract a lot of raw Magic from a source, namely the person it was keyed to, and release it in one go, which would shatter the Anti-Portkey Wards. The rune was based on some sort of advanced Anti-Portkey Wards dismantling theories… Destiny did not know the exact theory since the Rune scheme was yet to be discovered, but Destiny could still guess its functions…

Now that Destiny knew the basic concept behind the Portkey Rune scheme, she could make something even better. Making improvements wasn't going to be easy, but if she failed, she could always use the existing Rune scheme to create the Portkeys. It wouldn't be ideal as the Order of Light would know what is and her army was working with, but it was still better than nothing. So, Destiny decided to keep the Portkey inside her vault for the time being, of course, for safekeeping and all that.

There were a few more things she had found on Albus Severus Potter's person, and she didn't know shit regarding any of them except for one of the artefacts he was carrying. Destiny just needed a single glance to recognize the Rosier Family Heir Ring… The ring wasn't an imitation, it was the real deal. Destiny couldn't fathom how Albus was able to wear the ring on his finger without dying a painful death… Even after scratching her head for nearly half an hour, she failed to find anything. Destiny had found three more artefacts on Albus' person.

One of them was a talisman, even after inspecting the talisman for nearly 10 minutes, Destiny failed to discover its functions… The only thing she was able to deduce was the fact that the talisman has to do something with Blood. Destiny is extremely adept when it comes to Blood Magic or anything related… It could be said that Blood Magic is her speciality even though she rarely uses it in the public just like Elemental Magic. Those two are her trump cards and there was no way that she was going to use them to deal with riff-raffs… Albus Severus Potter finally was good, but he wasn't that good… In fact, she had taken him down pretty easily.

The next artefact she had found in Albus' possession was a mirror, but Destiny could easily feel that it wasn't a normal mirror… First of all, the mirror was practically radiating Magic, so Destiny's Magic sense easily picked it up. Secondly, she had found various types of Rune schemes inscribed on the back of the mirror. She wasn't able to understand all of them, but she did manage to decipher a couple of them. 

One of the Rune schemes was related to heat… So, when that particular Rune scheme was activated, the mirror would heat up and it was directly connected to two more Rune schemes. One of them was pretty simple to decipher. When the second Rune was activated, the mirror would start to vibrate… Destiny was quite familiar with Vibration Spells, so she would recognize that Rune scheme anywhere. The vibration Rune scheme was parallel to the Heating Rune scheme, while the last connected Rune scheme must be the activation Rune scheme. 

At first, Destiny did not recognize the Rune scheme but she was sure that she had seen it somewhere. So, after reviewing some of her memories, she realized that the activation Rune scheme was some type of Transmission Rune scheme. The Rune scheme used by the Wizarding Wireless Radio was something similar… She was able to recognize one more Rune scheme, it was related to Projection or something like that. Destiny did not know the function of the mirror, but if she could guess, it was some sort of communication device. Destiny would have danced in joy, but unfortunately, she did not know how to make this work or even replicate it… 

Yes, she could simply ignore everything and copy the Rune schemes behind another mirror, but she had no idea how the mirrors were even connected… There was a high chance that the Order of Light would be eavesdropping on her conversations… That would be a disaster. So, she needed to know the exact function of all the Rune schemes before trying anything with them. Destiny had been trying to create a form of communication for years, but she had yet to make a breakthrough in that department. The letter box was the closest thing to what she had planned originally. Destiny couldn't help but sigh in frustration at her failure…

The last artefact she had found on his person was a hip flash… It was a stretch to call it an artefact since it didn't have anything special about it, except for the fact that it was magically expanded and it was Charmed with Preservation Charms from the inside. Anything inside the hip flask would not go bad for at least a decade and a decade was a lot of time. Additionally, a person could store nearly 100L of liquid inside the small thing… Destiny was quite impressed with whoever Charmed the flask even if the said person was her enemy.  The person might be her enemy, but that did not mean that she couldn't respect them for their brilliance…

There was something else Destiny had realized while she was working on the artefacts, she had realized that she could have easily died if Albus had pointed his Wand toward her throat instead of her chest. She could have easily died if Albus had used any of the Darker variants of Curses… Destiny was at the mercy of her enemy and that was something that did not sit well with Destiny, and even though Destiny knew who her enemies were, all of them were still at large. Destiny didn't even know where the fuck their base was… and the Order of Light still had the real Marcus Rosier in their clutches…

Without the location of their base, there was not much Destiny could do, but if she had a bit of his blood, then she could have used it to track down the boy… Destiny knew that this could only end badly for her. After contemplating for some time, Destiny realized that it could end very badly for her… First of all, the Order of Light knew of her existence because of fucking time travellers. Until now they were being subtle because they wanted to maintain their secrecy, but now that the cat was out of the bag, they were going to come after her more boldly.

The Order of the Light simply needed to tell The Daily Prophet or the Department of the Magical Law of her existence and Destiny would find herself in a shit storm. A lot of her plans would come crashing down on her from all sides. Until now, Destiny was able to move freely because nobody knew of her existence, but if her existence was revealed then a lot of Ministries were going to come after her. She was wanted for various crimes in multiple countries, they were only not baying for her blood because they did not know of her identity. If her identity was revealed along with her current location then all of them would be coming after her…

Additionally, they had the original Marcus Rosier in their clutches and they could use him to blackmail his parents. The Rosier Family is one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight and the DMLE was going to pay extra attention to them if they said that Destiny Grindelwald kidnapped their Heir… Destiny groaned in frustration. Destiny started to wonder if it would have been better if she had not captured the imposter? After only a couple of seconds, Destiny shook her head to clear her mind. She was being stupid, if she had not captured the imposter, then she wouldn't have discovered the existence of the Order of Light…

Even if she had not captured Albus Severus Potter, the Order of Light could have always revealed her existence to the public and the Magical Governments. That would have been even worse… Destiny would have no idea how her information was leaked. Additionally, she would not know anything about the existence of the Order of Light… Knowing your enemy is about half of the battle and if Destiny had not captured Albus Severus Potter, then she would have lost the battle even before it started… Once again, Destiny shook her head. Slowly a determined look appeared on her face… Everything wasn't lost, she was still in the fight… 

Before the Order of Light could do anything, she needed to make her move… Destiny quickly devised a plan inside her mind, which would cripple all of her enemies in one fell swoop… For her plan to work, Destiny needed to take care of a lot of things before she could move forward with her plan. First of all, she needed to inform her most trusted aides about the recent developments. Now that, Destiny didn't have anything else to do… she decided to call Bibly, which was probably a bad idea. Hindsight was always 20/20.

As soon as Bibly had appeared she made started to make a fuss and whatnot… With a lot of difficulties, Destiny was finally able to convince the frantic house-elf that she was completely fine. It took Destiny nearly 10 minutes to convince the fussing house-elf… It was a chore in itself. After telling Bibly to take all the artefacts to her vault, Destiny released a relieved sigh. Now once again, Destiny was cursing herself as she forgot to change clothes…

"Nothing! I am perfectly fine… Just stressed…" Destiny waved off Ambika's concerns in a dismissive tone. Cassiopeia and Ambika looked at each other and without saying anything else, they rushed to Destiny's sides.

"Destiny, no matter what you say, you are not fine and your suit is drenched with blood and there is a massive cut in your suit" Cassiopeia pointed out worriedly. Destiny could only release a tired sigh… 

"I might have been injured, but I am perfectly fine right now" Destiny scowled as Cassiopeia and Ambika started to lead her toward the couch. Destiny twisted her shoulders to get out of Cassiopeia's and Ambika's grip. "I said I am fine" Destiny said with a hard look on her face, leaving no room for arguments. Both Ambika and Cassiopeia looked extremely reluctant, but it was pretty clear that Destiny was in no mood for their coddling.

Destiny huffed with an annoyed look on her face and then she threw herself at the couch… "Dinky!" Destiny called out and moments later, the said elf appeared in front of the couch with a soft pop. As soon as the creature appeared in front of Destiny, her tennis ball-sized eyes grew wide in shock and worry, but Destiny was already expecting a reaction like that, so she raised her hand to stop the little creature from going off a rant. The little creature whimpered in concern for Destiny.

"Get me a Blood-Replenishing Potion and don't worry, I have healed myself" Destiny said and after a small bow, the small creature popped away. Destiny released a huge sigh and she closed her eyes as she leaned back on the couch. Ambika finally gathered her courage and cleared her throat. Destiny's eyes snapped open and she stared at Ambika.

"So, what happened?" Ambika asked. It was pretty clear that Destiny did not want to talk about her injury or at least, she did not want anyone fussing around unnecessarily, so Ambika decided to ask what happened.

"Well, the imposter turned out to be more complicated than I have anticipated. I will explain later… First, let me summon the other Lieutenants and Cassi, please summon Sirius" Destiny said, and Cassiopeia immediately started to make her way toward the Floo after giving Destiny a nod of her head. Meanwhile, Destiny simply flicked her Wand and her Patronus sprang out of the tip of her Wand. Moments later, she flicked her Wand for the second time, Conjuring a second Patronus, and after a few moments, she flicked her Wand for the third time, creating a third Patronus. 

While this was happening, Dinky had popped inside the room with a vial of Blood-Replenishing Potion in her hand. She was staring at the silvery constructions with a look of awe and respect on her face. She was completely gobsmacked by the display and her respect for Destiny Grindelwald increased several folds. When all the three Patronuses were gone, Ambika decided to sit down beside Destiny on the couch and Destiny also noticed Dinky's arrival. 

"Thank you, Dinky. Can you also get me a set of fresh clothes?" Destiny requested and the elf squirmed when Destiny thanked her. Dinky already respected Destiny and now that she respected her even more, for Dinky Destiny was the second coming of Morgan Le Fay… Being thanked by such a person was mind-boggling for her when house-elves were rarely thanked by their masters or their guests. Dinky was already planning to boast about the incident to the other elves… All of them were going to be so jealous of her…

"Lady Grindly shouldn't bes thanking Dinky" Dinky said as she handed the vial to Destiny. The crimson-haired girl simply raised her brows at the elf's weird reaction. Dinky simply respectfully bowed her head and popped away. Destiny turned toward Ambika and gave her a questioning look. Ambika simply shrugged dismissively.

Destiny didn't know what to say, so she uncorked the vial and gulped down the contents in one go… Destiny grimaced at the taste but quickly gulped down the Potion. Destiny vanished the vial with a flick of her finger. 

"So, I guess the interrogation didn't go the way you wanted?" Ambika asked carefully and Destiny simply snorted.

"No, it did not" Destiny answered with an amused snort…

"At least, the meeting went as you planned" Ambika tried to console Destiny and after hearing Ambika's words, Destiny turned toward Ambika and cracked a smile…

"Indeed…" Destiny muttered with a smile and moments later, a set of clothes appeared on the table in front of her. Destiny picked up the clothes and glanced at Ambika. "Let me get changed, if anyone arrives, tell them to wait…" Destiny trailed off as she made her way toward one of the washrooms… 'Thankfully, the meeting after the Ball went off without a hitch, or I would be having a lot more problems on my plate…' Destiny shook her head in disappointment as she finally entered the washroom to change her clothes.

But before changing her clothes, she needed to do something else. She needed a quick shower to remove all the blood from her body. So, after placing the clean clothes on the shelf, she started to take off her suit. As soon as she was done, she stepped under the shower and turned on the tap…

~~Unknown Location, Bristol~~

"I think it is safe to assume that, Albus has been captured" The Leader of the group, known as the Order of Light said with a hard look on his face.

"So, what do you want us to do? Give up on him?" One of the other members snarled in anger. It was the same Witch who had helped Albus capture Marcus Rosier. 

"Listen, I don't like it any more than you do, but what would you have me do? I can't mount a rescue operation when I don't even know where she could have taken her" The Leader snapped back and after a few moments, he released a sigh as he started to rub his temples…

"Well, we still have Marcus Rosier in our custody… We could use him to exchange Albus" One of the members suggested and the Leader seemed to start contemplating the suggestion, but he knew that it wasn't going to be so simple.

"No… That ship has already sailed… If Albus was really captured then it is also safe to assume that she already knows everything about us… Even if she doesn't then she is currently working on it" The Wizard said and then he glanced toward everyone seated around the table. After that, he took a deep breath and turned toward the Leader. "Let us be honest here, how long do you think Albus will be able to handle the torture? Not only that, but she could also Legilimency to extract the information from Albus" The Wizard explained, and even though a lot of members didn't like his line of thinking… They could only agree with him even if reluctantly…

"What are you trying to say?" The same Witch who was helping Albus growled as she glared at the Wizard. The Wizard remained completely unbothered by the glare as he stared at the Leader…

"I say we use Marcus Rosier to control the Rosier Family… How do you think the DMLE is going to react if the Rosier Family lodges a complaint against a budding Dark Lady?" The Wizard suggested and the Leader finally understood what the Wizard was trying to say… Having the support of one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight would be great and they could frame Destiny Grindelwald for kidnapping Marcus Rosier… Destiny Grindelwald revels in the darkness and if they could bring her existence out in the open, they would be dealing a killing blow to Destiny Grindelwald and her movement…

Gellert Grindelwald might be dangerous, but he wasn't anywhere as dangerous as Destiny Grindelwald… The damage she could do to a country was colossal before they could even realize what was actually happening… At first, he wanted to reveal Destiny Grindelwald's existence to the public so that she could no longer hide in the shadows, but after some time, he decided otherwise… Destiny Grindelwald did not about the existence of their group… They were completely unknown to her, but if they did reveal Destiny's existence to the public, then she would realize that there is someone out there who knew of her existence…

While he might have decided not to reveal Destiny Grindelwald's existence to the world, he never gave up on the plan… He was still planning to do it, but he was waiting for the perfect time to land the blow. Right now wasn't the perfect time, but they could still do a lot of damage if they revealed her existence to the general public and the British Ministry of Magic, but he started to wonder if he should wait for a day or not… He was also worried about Albus, but that did not mean that he was going to give up their cause. They needed to stop Destiny Grindelwald, or she was going to destroy the Muggle world…

"We follow his plan…" The Leader said pointing toward the Wizard who suggested that they use Marcus Rosier to blackmail the Rosier Family to act against Destiny Grindelwald… When it came to Pureblood Families, all of them would almost do anything to ensure the continuation of their line. 

"What about Vinda Rosier?" Another member asked from the end of the table and the Leader rubbed his temple. That was a valid question and Vinda would never agree with her Family, in fact, there was a chance that she might kill her parents to stop them from making a move against the Grindelwald Family… He did not know if Vinda Rosier even knew about the existence of Destiny Grindelwald or not, but there was a very small chance that she would make a move against Destiny Grindelwald… Vinda Rosier is a fanatic.

"...Right now, she is in France, and we tell the Rosier Family not to reveal anything to her until they inform the DMLE" The Leader said with a thoughtful look on his face. That was the best he was able to come up with…

"And what about the Albus, are you just going to leave him?" The same Witch asked dangerously and the Leader almost palmed his face, but it was a close thing. 

"Albus is not our priority… Our priority is defeating… her" The Leader said pointing toward Destiny Grindelwald's picture. 

The Witch glared at the Leader with a fire burning in her eyes… She slowly stood up from her seat. "I shouldn't have expected anything else from you, after all, Albus Dumbledore is your role model. Tell me, how many people did he sacrifice for the Greater Good of the Wizarding World?" The Witch asked in a challenging tone, making a lot of members gasp… The Leader growled in anger and his hand twitched toward his Wand, which wasn't missed by the Witch…

The Witch simply snorted in disdain… "Go on, curse me… Isn't that how Voldemort controlled his followers when anyone dared to question him, displease him or didn't listen to him?" The Witch asked in a mocking tone and then once again several gasps were heard from around the table.

"Girl, don't speak about something you don't know anything about" One of the Wizards snapped gruffly and the Witch simply sniffed.

"I understand enough… His priority is to defeat Des… her" The Witch almost blurted out Destiny's name, but she finally stopped herself from making a grievous mistake, and then she snarled at Destiny's picture. "So, what is he going to do next, sacrifice all of us for the Greater Good, tell me if that wasn't the tagline used by Albus Dumbledore and it is the same excuse used by the Grindelwalds!!" The Witch challenged. Nobody could form any arguments against her statement.

A bespectacled Wizard stood up from his seat… "I agree with her. If we sacrifice our own just because it is convenient for us then we are no different than Tom Riddle… I don't want to be any part of this group if we are ready to sacrifice our own for the Greater Good of our cause and you should remember that it was you who asked Albus to infiltrate the Ball" The bespectacled Wizard pointed out and the Leader simply closed his eyes as he looked down at his desk…

A few more Wizards and Witches stood up from their seats. "We also don't want to be any part of this… Tomorrow, you might ask us to sacrifice ourselves" Another Wizard said while shaking his head and soon the whole group walked out of the room. 

When all the members who didn't agree with his plan walked out of the meeting room, the Leader finally decided to speak up. "Meeting is dismissed" The Leader called out and the remaining members looked extremely reluctant, but they still decided to leave the room. They understood that leaving the meeting at this point would be much better at this point… Everyone left the meeting room except for the Leader and another Witch.

The Witch placed her hand over the Leader's shoulder, trying to comfort him. "What do you think, do you agree with them too?" The Leader asked in a whisper and the Witch stood up from her seat and engulfed the Wizard in her arms. 

"...I do think that you are putting much focus on defeating her… You are still a human and you shouldn't forget that. You have to understand where they are coming from" The Witch explained softly. "What would you have done if it was me in Albus' place?" The Witch inquired softly and the Leader looked up at her with a horrified look on his face. He finally understood what the Witch was trying to say and where he went wrong during the meeting…

"I see, you finally understand where you went wrong during the meeting…" The Witch pointed out with a soft smile on her face. "You would have done anything to save me, I would also do the same for you" The Witch said and Wizard simply smiled lovingly. 

"But what should I do? I am lost… We need to defeat her or she will destroy the Muggle world…" The Leader said with a lost look on his face.

"Well, there are some ways we could find him, but they are kind of questionable at best…" The Witch pointed out with a sheepish look on her face. "I could use Blood Magic to track him" The Witch added and the Leader grimaced after hearing her words.

"Oh… You don't need to make that face. Blood Magic might be considered Dark Magic and illegal, but it isn't all that bad" The Witch pointed out with an annoyed huff.

"Try extremely illegal, it is banned in all the countries including Spain where the Unforgivables are perfectly legal" The Leader pointed out drily, but the Witch easily noticed the amusement in his eyes.

"The Talisman we use to fool the Heir ring also uses Blood Magic and it is the same with the Portkeys, and did you forget that your mother also used Blood Magic to protect you?" The Witch pointed out with a haughty look on her face and once again the Wizard grimaced.

"Fine fine!! You are right! So you need Albus' blood to track him?" The Leader asked and Witch nodded her head in understanding. "Then it is a good thing that we keep all of our blood samples" The Leader grinned and the Witch nodded her head in agreement. 

"So, what do you think? It is much better than nothing…" The Witch asked eagerly and the Leader released a sigh after contemplating for a few moments.

"It is the best we have, but before trying anything else, let's talk with the others. Let's see what they think about it" The Leader suggested with a smile and the Witch nodded her head in agreement. "Even though they are the same people, I can't believe how different they are…" The Leader sighed with a longing look on his face.

"Well, what else did you expect?" The Witch asked with a snort. "You have to remember that they are the ones who won the war in their own worlds…" The Witch pointed out. "All of them have been Leaders in their own worlds as you already know. They only allowed you to be their Leader because you are the strongest. If their ideals start colliding with yours then they wouldn't think twice about abandoning you…" The Witch reminded the Leader and even though he didn't like what she said, he had to agree with her…

"You are right as always…" The Leader said with a smile. Then he grabbed the Witch's hand and pulled her down on his lap. Before the Witch could complain, the Wizard captured her lips. The Witch rolled her eyes, but happily returned the kiss. The two of them finally separated from each other after a few minutes and both of them stared into each other's eyes. "I love you, Hermione" The Wizard said huskily as he continued to stare into the Witch's eyes…

The Witch now known as Hermione smiled brightly and caressed the Wizard's cheek lovingly. "I love you too, Harry" Hermione said as she slowly leaned forward and captured Harry's lips. Soon the two of them were lost to the rest of the world, but all of a sudden, Hermione remembered that they were still in the meeting room. Even though her mind was clouded by lust, she still had a part of her mind in control. She was known as the Brightest Witch of the generation and the title wasn't just for the show.

So, when Hermione finally remembered that they were still in the meeting room, she separated herself from Harry, who gave her a questioning look. He started to think that he might have done something wrong… "Harry, we are still in the meeting room" Hermione said with a meaningful look on her face as she could probably guess what Harry was thinking.

Realization hit Harry like a ton of bricks. "Oh…" Harry muttered dumbly and Hermione giggled after she saw Harry's dumb reaction. "Well, then I suppose that a change of scenery is in order…" Harry cheered and once again Hermione giggled, but Harry quickly picked her up by her arse, which made her yelp, but she didn't struggle. She simply snuggled into his arms and moments later, the two of them disappeared from the meeting room with a loud crack…


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