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45.24% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 252: Chapter 237

Chương 252: Chapter 237

"So this is Remnant." I didn't interrupt Scáthach as she looked around. It was her first time on a world that was not an iteration of Earth or its connected realms, it was a new experience that I didn't want to interupt.

I took us a little ways outside of a medium-sized town that was some distance away from Mistral.

Honestly, I liked watching her expressions as she inspected every last detail. Finally, she tilted her head up and looked towards the sky. "To actually see it….." She muttered.

"Yeah, took me by surprise too." I walked next to her, eyeing that broken Moon in the sky.

"Jinn told me about her home, but this image really puts things into perspective." Scáthach had a contemplative look on her face. "I don't know if such a thing will ever become normal for me."

Yeah, the Moon back in our home was significantly different in its existence.

She eventually shook her head and looked away, seemingly content with have checked the surroundings. "Do you have an agenda or did you just coming here to play around?" She asked.

"Yeah, going to check up on some people I know." I nodded. "So you were kind of vague about what you wanted. Anything I can help you with there?"

"The offer is appreciated, but I just intend to wander around for a period. I was feeling wistful and wish to relive the days I did this before I took over the Land of Shadows. Traveling the land, meeting strange people and equally strange creatures. Slaying monsters and all manner of villains." She smiled wistfully.

Well, it seemed like she wanted to play around in her own way. I of course would never fault her, Gods knew my other girls had their own 'me time', this was simply Scáthach's own variation of it.

"You know enough about the place?" I asked.

"I know the broad subjects that Jinn discussed." She nodded. "Monsters known as Grimm, Magic is unknown. Your Aura and such." She waived her hand. "I believe I can made do with that as the remainder seemed similar to Kyoto."

"That's not untrue." I said thoughtfully. "Yeah, you can probably bullshit enough. If anyone asks any questions – you come from a remote village or some other nonsense, people don't really push. Lets see…..any random things? She probably mention Faunus…." I just shrugged, nothing else came to the top of my head. "I guess you don't care for me to point you to anything in specific?"

"Fufu, no I can handle such a thing. I was going to scry a direction to go and take to that." She smiled.

"Sounds interesting." I stroked my chin. "You'll tell me of your adventure when you're done?"

"Of course." She laughed. "While I know of these Grimm creatures, I do not know the specific types of them. I am excited to see what foes await my spear."

"Oh." I perked up. "I got some extra Scrolls…" I looked into my storage ring, pulling out the things I almost forgot about. "The type of communication device used here. And I have some of the money they use – Lien." I took out a good chunk for her.

"My, it's nice to have my man take care of me." She happily accepted it all, putting it into her own storage bracelet.

"I'll always take care of you." I wrapped my hands around her from behind, pulling her closer. I snuck a few kisses on her neck as she giggled.

"Stop it~" She playfully swatted at me. "If you continue, I fear this soreness between my legs will only be further enhanced."

"You make it hard." I whispered.

"Mmm." She took a moment and allowed herself to sink into my arms, accepting my touch. "Are you sure you will wish to meet whatever target of your affection is here after you fuck me again?"

Ah, that bluntness of hers combined with her gentle tone, always cute.

"What do you mean 'target of my affection'?" I questioned her.

She snorted, breaking from my arms. "Don't take me for a fool." She lightly tugged at my cheek. "I speak no words of displeasure, my student. However, you know what I expect from you."

I grumbled, but accepted her words. "Alright, there is a woman here I've taken a bit of a fancy to. I haven't really…. committed to anything, and I wanted to see her again."

Scáthach nodded, pleased with my answer. "Very well." She quickly kissed my cheek, flashing me a warm smile. "I will set off then."

"Even if I know it's pointless to say, be safe."

"Fufu, you are a silly boy." Her eyes softened considerably.

"Have fun?" I offered as well.

"I plan to." She grinned.

She gave me one last look before heading off, Runes spinning around her fingers? as she chose a direction to go in.

I hate to see her leave, but I love to see that ass go.


The Grimm Lands were just a Grimmy as they were when I first came here.

I hummed to myself as my Swords floated around me, slicing up the more simple minded Grimm that didn't have the common sense to stay away.

Just like last time, the smarter ones kept a healthy distance

There were even some variants I had never seen before. A large Lobster-like one that had the legs of spider.

That one in particular got burned until only ash remained.

Otherwise, it was a peaceful little walk to Salem's castle. Following the towering spires that reached over the bleak forest in the distance. Almost like a nightmarish version of following the yellow brick road, as there was a path, albeit a bit worn out.

Well, I am here to meet a witch as it were…

As I approached, I made sure my clothing looked good. My tie was straightened, and no creases I could see after a quick look around. I contemplated wearing my hat, but dismissed it. It didn't feel like a hat moment.

Luckily, I also had the foresight to get some flowers before I came. An idea after spending time with Izzy and I saw that she enjoyed receiving them.

There were a few more big Grimm that guarded the castle proper, but even they cowered away. They didn't move, but the large bear-like nightmares clearly looked like they wanted to be anywhere else.

[I missed when things cowered in my presence. You don't know what you got until it's gone.]

"Really, Ddraig? That's what you miss?"

[Hey, don't judge me. I spend the majority of my time not even really 'existing' in the outside world since it usually takes awhile for a new host to awaken me. And don't even get me started on the ones that don't or die extremely quickly while I'm still in the form of the Twice Critical.]

Huh….now I feel bad.

[I also miss eating.]

That's understandable. It's one of my biggest vices, one that I could pretty much indulge without any consequences due to my Devil Biology. Which brought up an interesting question on if my other 'biologies' that were added also did something similar?

[I've gained some strange cravings from experiencing what you eat. It's not unpleasant though.]

"Hey Ddraig…..why don't we look for a way to free you?" I felt bad that he was still trapped when he'd helped me so much.


"Of course."

[Aren't you scared of losing my power? I don't want to brag, but I'm pretty damn strong and I'm basically one of the most powerful weapons at your disposal.]

"You said we were partners before. As your partner, shouldn't I try to help you? Yeah, it'd suck to lose the Boosted Gear, but if it meant you were free, I think it'd be worth it."

[…..Do whatever you want, brat.] He grumbled before going silent.

Well, it would be difficult. He existed as a soul-based form that was held together by the prison that was the Boosted Gear. But if I was confidant in finding a way for me and Meridia to have children, I think this would be a simpler task. Off the top of my head, I could think of a few brute-force methods that might achieve a result, but the consequences were…..unforeseeable.

I think it'd be better to find a more surefire method.

Well, it was something to think about later. For now, I focused on the dark castle I entered for the second time.

Surprisingly, there was no one to greet me as I walked right inside. No Salem sitting on her throne, not wonderful legs to sneak glances at as she acted all haughty.

It's unlikely she wasn't aware of my presence, so she must be preoccupied at the moment. Well, she gave me pretty much free rein to come and go, I may as well walk around.

As soon as I resolved myself to do so, I saw a familiar figure float down the hallway.

"Squidward!" I exclaimed seeing the tentacle grimm that followed me around last time.

It seemed to recognize me as well as it waived its tentacles in my direction. If it weren't a horrendous eldritch abomination, I may have even hugged it.

It's like a nightmare version of a Pokémon.

"Where's Salem?" I poked its squishy head.

It waived its tentacles some more and I think it just told me to stay put and wait? It was a little confusing, but since it didn't make a movement to drag me anywhere, I think I guessed correctly.

"Well, how've you been Squidward?"

It made some Grimm noises, so I guessed that's good?

"I've been pretty good too." I put my elbow on his squishy head, leaning on him for support. "Had to deal with a stupid family issue not too long ago. My friend's idiot son did something stupid and I interfered there, almost caused a rift in our relationship. My Gramps got a girlfriend….or something. Still kind of vague there, but I think he's happier. "

It wiggled its tentacles some more, as if responding to me. Honestly, I don't know what kind of intelligence this Grimm had, if any; I was mostly amusing myself by playing with it.

I wondered if I could toss it up into the air like a ball?

I contemplated that before the large doors to the door burst open. Several people stormed out with haste, only to stop in their tracks as they noticed me holding Squidward in a throwing motion. The flowers probably made it seem even more awkward….

"…This isn't what it looks like." I stated. "We...were just talking?"

There were two men, two women. One of the women had black hair and wore a provocative red dress. The other had mint green hair with some kind of dagger-submachine guns at her side. As for the two men, one had a very large braided pony tail and a maniac look in his eyes with some type of collection of blades around his wrists. The other had silver hair and looked amused by the whole ordeal..

"Liar!" The braided haired man declared. "Only the Goddess can talk to Grimm!"

I blinked at that, and the others turned to him with a strange look on their faces. "It's my semblance?"

"Blasphemy!" He howled, pointing at me.

"Dammit, Tyrian! Be quiet." The women in the red dress hissed before turning to me. "How did you get here?!" She demanded to know.

"Well, there are these things called legs." I deadpanned. "You put one foot infront of – "

She waived her hand, and some dusted burst out, condensing into a flame that shot at my feet. I think it was supposed to be a method of intimidation as she looked smug at my sudden silence. "Answer my question."

"Hey, aren't you that guy that took down a bullhead with a dildo?" The silver haired guy spoke up, though he was closer to a kid now that I got a look at him. Probably under 18 if I had to guess.

"Why – " I straightened my collar. "Yes I did." I puffed up proudly.

"Can I get an autograph?"

"Quiet, Mercury!" The red-dressed woman growled and turned back to me. "I know you. The Wilhelm that's wanted through out Remnant. Now! How did you get here, why are you here!?"

"And what are you doing to our Goddesse's poor subject!" the ponytailed man looked aghast as he apparently realized what I was about to do to Squidward.

I ignored the ponytailed one. He didn't seem quite as....put together as the others. "The truth is…..I'm here to capture your queen."

"What are you– " The Woman in Red was cut off.

"HEATHEN!" the pony-tailed man shrieked, his wrist gauntlets moving to overlay on his hands as he rushed towards me.

"DAMMIT TYRIAN!" The Red-clothed woman groaned before joining in as the other two also took out weapons and got into a combat stance.

The man with the large braid had an interesting way of moving, staying low to the ground as he ducked and weaved, making his movements erratic. As I got a good look at his back, I also noticed a large scorpion's tail. He was a Faunus, but an interesting 'species' of one, which made me curious about them as a whole now.

I wonder if I could pass my wings off as being a Faunus?

"Yaaah!" He let out a strange battle cry as he arms flung out, his wrist-blade weapons a perfect combination for his hectic movements. Though, it was quite slow for the new me. I merely let go of Squidward, and stepped to the side. Tyrian's arms flung out, fully extended as he spun his body, diving to the ground, and flung them up.

It was only a matter of weaving though his attacks and he never even touched my Aura. The only time he got close was when I was surprised as his tail -- his scorpion tail -- lashed out as well.

He jumped back as some dust-based elemental attacks came flying my way, followed by an arrow let loose by the woman in the red dress. I ducked and slid to the side avoiding them, glancing at her I noticed that the Bow, Arrows, and even portions of her dress appeared to be made from dust.

How interesting.

The Silver hair kid came rushing at me, legs lashing out as he let loose a barrage of kicks. With my free hand, I caught his leg, noticing the metallic and solid feeling under his pants, I then tossed him to the side. Just in time for the mint-haired girl to raise her guns and unload on me.

I just sighed, and stood there. I let the bullets slam against my Aura as I gave her a bored look.

I raised my free hand, and flicked the air, creating a bullet of compressed air that slammed into her, taking her by surprise. Her Aura flared to receive it, but it knocked her off her feet.

Perhaps I had put too much power in it?

It was just a simple application of Telekinesis, but then again, I was much stronger than I was like a couple weeks ago.

I caught an Arrow in the air, and threw it back at the source.

The Pony-tailed man leapt at me and I followed up by slamming my knee into his sternum, sending him sailing into the nearby wall.

"Emerald! Use your semblance!" The Red-Dressed woman shouted.

The Mint-Haired girl got up, and I was curious what her Semblance was, so I didn't move. She looked at me, and appeared to be about to do something however—

"Enough." A voice carried over the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing to turn to its source.

Salem stood in the doorway, arms crossed, sweeping her gaze around the room.

"Mistress!" The crazy-man stood up, almost diving to her feet. "He dares to –"

She completely ignored him. "You've come back." She was obviously addressing me.

"Well, how could I stay away from you?" I gave her my most charming smile.

"M-mistress?" The Red-dressed woman squeaked out in confusion.

The other two looked surprised as well, but I didn't quite understand why.

"And you already begin with those kinds of words." Salem rolled her eyes, but I think I saw her lips curled up briefly.

"I got you flowers?" I offered them up.

She stepped forward with even strides, accepting them without any fanfare. She slowly brought them up to her nose and she gave them a quick smell. "Hmm, they are lovely I suppose." She looked pleased before adopting her neutral expression and glanced at the other people in the room. "Should I be upset or pleased that you were able to keep these whole while my supposed elite subordinates attacked you."

"Mistress, I – " The Red Dressed woman tried to speak, but Salem cut her off again.

"Cinder, go fetch me a vase for these."

"But –"

"A nice one." She reiterated, giving the woman a glare.

"R-right away, Mistress." The Red-dressed woman who's name was apparently 'Cinder' quickly rushed off to fulfill the request.

"You look very nice, did you decide to let your hair down permanently?" I asked, admiring the look she was rocking. It flowed past her shoulders and was very cute.

"Hmph, I decided it was time for a change. Do not presume to think you had any baring on my decision." She sniffed. "Now, if you would follow me, we would speak in better accommodations." She turned and began walking.

Still don't' know why these kids were looking at me so strange. Nor why that pony-tailed guy looked like he was about to cry, but I didn't dwell on it.

I would much rather stare at that ass that was infront of me. And I felt no shame in doing so, as I caught her looking over her shoulder, and she swayed it just a little bit more for me as we walked.


Omake – Azazel's Gender Bender Gun, Part 1

"Hey, did anyone order a package?" I held up the nondescript brown box that was sitting right outside the door. I swept my gaze around the room as all my girls were idly chatting or otherwise hanging out.

"Can anyone even deliver here?" Jinn asked. "I think the barriers and such prevent...almost everyone from approaching."

"….so that's why my other orders never arrived." I whispered.

"Idiot student." Scáthach poked my cheek. "I do hope you noticed the subtle magical energy pulsing off it."

I let out an indignant huff. "I'm not blind."

"And you just brought it inside" Artoria asked.

"I'm curious about that as well. While not the same, we do have a procedure at my mansion about things like this…." Yasaka added.

"Master, don't bring strange things inside." Raikou lightly chided.

"Do you all not have any faith in me? Of course I scanned it. There's nothing wrong even if it's a bit magical in nature."

"You have a track record of recklessness." Yasaka pointed out.

"I do not –"

"Wilhelm." Artoria crossed her arms.

"….Maybe a little." I acquiesced. "But I checked!"

"Well, open it then. I'm curious." Scáthach demanded.

"Jeese, no patience, woman." I set it down, tearing off the tape. "Its…..a gun?" I questioned, taking it out along with a pamphlet.

Scáthach took hold of the gun-like thing, inspecting it as I held the little booklet in my hand. "Let's see…..It's called Azazel's Gender Ben –" A strange beam hit me, emanating from the Gun in Scáthach's hands.

I felt strange, really strange. Like something important, something derived from my essence had shifted. I was somehow different, yet, my senses didn't pick up on any anomalies or foreign attacks. I looked down at my hands and paused.

I paused, because something was blocking my vision. To be precise, it was two – very large – mounds of flesh that now were attached to my chest. "What the hell!?" I blurted out, and stopped again. Because a very feminine, and admittedly sensual voice had replaced my previous one.

I looked at the pamphlet in horror as I read the title fully and realized what happened. The others looked at me In complete shock as I hastily conjured a mirror.

Perfectly unblemished skin. Long, beautiful red hair that went past my shoulders. A new jaw line and cheek bones the extenuated my natural beauty. A very – very large bosom. And to top it all off, some long legs that went on for days. I was too scared to look at my ass, because I knew it would also be damn near perfect.

"Dear Lord…..I'm sexy."

I looked up at everyone else who were still a bit dumbfounded. Well, all but Artoria, I looked at her and she stared at me intently. "Artoria…?"

"I now understand many of your previous gestures and desires." She stated. "Let it be known – " She licked her lips. "I will have first."

"P-pardon?" I didn't get a chance to contemplate her words as she grabbed me and started dragging me upstairs towards the bedroom.

I only heard more numbers being called out below as Artoria tossed me on the bed and slammed the door.

"It's time to fulfill your queenly duties." Artoria stared at me with a lustful gaze. "Do not worry, I will be just as gentle with you as you were with me."

And suddenly, I regret all the things I did to her butt.


A word of warning, I'm moving this Saturday/Sunday, so no guarantee on chapters.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my pat.reon.com/astoryforone

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