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66.66% Lonely in: Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid / Chapter 6: Ch. 6 A Wild Tohru is Tamed By Miss K. And Calmed By Mr. Farrell

Chương 6: Ch. 6 A Wild Tohru is Tamed By Miss K. And Calmed By Mr. Farrell


Evan puts his palms over his eyes as he sits up and puts his feet on the floor. He rubs his eyes as the sun was stabbing them when he woke up. And there was a sharp pain in his head. He drank way too much the previous night.

He lets his elbows rest on his thighs and then let's his hands fall between his legs as he slowly opens his eyes to get used to the light.

"Argh" He stands up and stretches. His body felt sore and stiff.

At least it seems he took his suit off before he went to bed. But he couldn't find his jacket. Weird.

He went to the bathroom to take a shower but stopped to look at himself in the mirror.

"There you are, you handsome Devil you~" Evan was checking himself out in the mirror. But when he went to pose while showing his back muscles in the mirror he froze.

"Huh?" Evan stopped flexing and backed up closer to the mirror to get a better look at his back.

Between and on his shoulder blades there is a tattoo of a sword with Devil like wings and the cross-guard of the hiker curves upwards to represent a devils head with its horn almost.

"How much did I drink last night? And there isn't even a bandage or blood on it. So how did I get this thing?" That's when Evan remembers the events of last night.

"Oh yeah! That means that…..Tohru is going to stay at Kobayashi's place soon!" Evan can't wait to see them together more.

"I'll just ask Tohru what this thing is. Maybe it's got something to do with my sword disappearing?! I hope that's the case and the Devil didn't just collect his payment from me when he said he wouldn't interfere with this life" Evan then hops into the shower and gets clean.

He puts on a pair of dark blue dress pants on when he hears a loud roar outside. He disappears from his spot, and leaves a blinking outline in his place, as he appears at the door. He doesn't even put any shoes on as he runs out his door.

There he sees a giant dragon standing outside the apartment building with its head right outside Kobayashi's door. Then it roars at Kobayashi after it opened its mouth. There was saliva dripping from its teeth and roof of its mouth.

Very intimidating to normal people. But, Evan was definitely not normal, he was admiring the awesomeness of it instead of fearing it.

The giant dragon then formed a red magic circle in front of its open mouth. It's body turned red and shrank down to the figure of a curvy woman with her dragon horns and tail still there. And her clothes were that of a maid. When her form stopped glowing it revealed her blond hair that fell behind her, now in a double ponytail, 1 on either side of her head.

"Tada~!" Tohru shouts as she lands. And 0.1 seconds after she lands her breasts also remember that they are effected by gravity and giggle with a 'boing' sound effect.

Imagine Evan's surprise when he actually heard that 'boing' sound effect like it really came from Tohru's breasts.

Tohru stood before Miss Kobayashi with a cute smile on her face. She seemed really happy today, and not at all like the previous grumpy dragon they found in the woods.

Kobayashi was left speechless.

"Good morning, Miss Kobayashi" Tohru says with an energetic tone.

Kobayashi has a dazed or unbelieving expression. "Good….morning"

"Ohaiyo Gozaimasu! Tohru!" Evan shouts as he jumps to hug Tohru.

But what he didn't expect was to sail right over her as she ducked out of his way. He continues sailing through the air until he hit the wall with his face.

"Would it be alright if I come come in?" Tohru asks with a smile on her face, as she places her right hand in the middle of her chest.

"Oh, sure, come inside" Kobayashi also chooses to ignore the half naked guy this early in the morning that just came flying out of nowhere.

Kobayashi stands beside the door and makes room for Tohru to walk past her into her apartment. And Tohru walks inside.

"Sumimasen~!" Evan says as he tries to also walk in. But he gets the door shut in his face. "Oh….." Evan just kinda stands there as he hears them talking inside. "….ok then"

He walks to his apartment and walks back inside. Luckily he left his door open.

He hurries and tosses on a vertically lined dress button down shirt. He also tossed on a black suit jacket. He puts on his black leather dress shoes and similar belt on.

Evan, now feeling decent and more presentable, walks outside after taking his keys, phone, and wallet. He felt presentable before due to his awesome figure, but now he reaches Kobayashi's standards.

Evan was about to knock on the door but is shocked to see it already opening, it reveals a Tohru with tears in her eyes and her shoulders slumped. Evan can tell she wasn't in a good mood.

Tohru looks up at the human male named Evan and sees him looking softly at her with sympathy in his eyes. He gives her a small smile. His hair is also down in his face compared to its usual Ives to the side look.

"Tohru!" They hear a shout from inside.

Tohru slowly turns around. "Huh?"

Kobayashi comes running towards her and then grabs her left hand since her right is still on the door handle.

"Can you fly?!" Kobayashi asks. She seems to be running late for something.

Tohru has her eyes wide and quickly registers what Kobayashi asked her. Her expression transforms at a slow visible rate to a smile as she gets a small blush and tears in her eyes. Then it suddenly turns into a big open mouth smile. "Ahh!" The dragon girl makes an adorable sound.


A large green dragon flies through the sky over Japan towards a certain woman's workplace. Atop the back of said dragon was a woman sitting crisscrossed while screaming 'ahhhhh ahhhh AAAAhhhhhh!' As her red hair waves behind her as the air rushes past her.

Behind her was a man standing up and seemingly surfing on the dragons back while he wears a suit. His amber eyes wide along with a big smile on his face. His hair and jacket flap behind him with the wind rushing past his figure. "Hell Yeah!" He shouts.

Evan and Kobayashi don't fall because of a magic spell Tohru cast to allow them to stick to her scales. So of course Evan knew exactly what he would do. After a certain point he move his feet from the surfing position to a shoulder width apart as he faces the direction they're going and does the 'praise the sun' pose with his arms above his head. He could get used to this feeling.

And then Tohru kicks it up a gear and she speeds up. Even with the spell Tohru cast it takes a great deal of strength and effort for Evan to stay standing like he is. But he doesn't care, it's worth it to experience this.

"Super fast!" Kobayashi shouts.

Tohru's dragon head turns to look at the humans on her back. "Huh? What'd you say?" And then she moves her head back to her front to look where they're going.

"You're Damn fast!" Kobayashi shouts.

"Your fast as fuck, boi!" Evan shouts as well and then laughs at his own reference.

Tohru doesn't respond and Kobayashi stops screaming as she gets used to the speed. Kobayashi's face goes neutral as she looks up. "Guess I'll hire her" she quietly says to herself.

Tohru whips her head to the side to look at the small human female on her back. But she also sees the male as well. "Really?!"

"So you can hear me" Kobayashi flatly says.

Tohru turns back to watch where they are flying as Kobayashi begins her inner monologue. 'Maybe it won't be so bad to have someone around from now on-'


Kobayashi looks behind her and sees Evan. He has his shirt untucked and it's slightly raised to reveal his abs. His hair is blowing behind him along with his jacket.

'Definitely can't get worse. At least there would be someone besides this buffoon' Her expression doesn't change. She didn't mind Evan but his personality was just a handful….for about 2 people to try and keep ahold of.

'Thinking that way-..." A jolt of pain hits her lower back like a garbage truck going decently fast.

Kobayashi's expression twitches as she feels the pain. 'This really hits my lower back' She thinks to herself. "How can Evan be the same age as me yet he doesn't hurt like this" She complains as she rubs her back.

"B…..e I h.rt i. oth.. w…"

Kobayashi hears Evan say something behind her but she can't hear it over the wind. She looks behind him to see his previous smile that was the most genuine she had seen before had been replaced by one of his rare fake smiles. It was nearly the same as his usual smiles he has but it was distinctly different in his eyes.

Evan noticed Kobayashi turned around and acts like he didn't say anything, because he didn't mean to. "Whhhhhheeeeeeeeee~!" He looks up with his eyes closed and squeals.

They continue flying for a little longer. Evan keeps forgetting how far away Kobayashi works. He's visited her and Makoto to get drinks after they get out before and it's a few train stops away.

Tohru lands and they get off her back. Tohru transforms back into her human form and she waves Kobayashi goodbye.

Kobayashi runs into her her works office building barely getting out a thanks and goodbye.

After Kobayashi leaves Tohru stops waving and puts her hand down. But the smile doesn't leave her face as her gaze lingers at the spot Kobayashi disappeared to. A blush on her face that doesn't fade.

"Ooohhhh Shit! Someone get a doctor because Tohru fell hard!" Evan shouts causing a lot of people to look at him and Tohru.

This causes the dragon girl to turn to Evan with furrowed brows, still with the previous blush, and a slight frown on her face. "I do not need this 'doctor' I have not fallen and gotten injured! And even if I did get hurt I would be able to use my magic to heal myself!" She cutely shouts.

"I never said you got hurt….." Evan holds his hands up. Tohru looked so cute. "I was just making a joke. I was saying that because you love Kobayashi don't you?" He sends a knowing look and smile her way.

"I do!" Tohru's attitude changes. The blush gets a little deeper and her frown goes upside down forming a smile. And her eyes have sparkles in them. "And you better not!" She then goes back to her frowny face and points at his face as her other hand goes to her hip.

"Better not what?" His hands now on his hips. He stands nearly a foot taller than Tohru.

"You better not love her!" She points her finger harder at him. "And you better stay away from her from now on as well!" She says like a jealous wife.

"And what if I don't?" As soon as Evan said those words, he knew he fucked up.

Tohru's expression turned scary like the previous night when he pointed his sword at Kobayashi. Her face went dark as her yellow eyes glowed and her hands became claw like. Her teeth became sharp and large. And a fiery aura exploded around her. And dragon wings appeared from her back as her tail slapped the concrete and broke it. "I would have to make sure you stayed away" She said in a demonic, or draconic, voice. "Permanently"

She somehow towered over Evan and he looked up at the scary figure.


Tohru shrank back down. Why couldn't she intimidate this human. She isn't able to harm him because he also saved her, but that doesn't mean she can't scare him away. But all she got as a reaction was a sigh. What's this humans deal?

"Don't worry Tohru. I don't see Kobayashi like that" Evan closed his eyes and shook his head. He puts his hands in his pants pockets. "Sure I might love her but it's almost like a sister or a best friend"

Tohru doesn't understand what the difference in the type of love between lovers and friends. She knows you love your significant other and you can like someone as a friend. And she doesn't know the sister or family love, but understands it's meaning. Basically this guy wasn't going to try and take Kobayashi away. She narrows her eyes at him trying to find if he was lying or not. She used her clairvoyance to view his heart and didn't notice any changes as he said this. Which meant he wasn't lying.

"Hmph! I'll believe you for now" Tohru crosses her arms below her bust as she turns her head to the side and puffs her cheeks out.

"Aren't you just adorable?" Evan puts his hand on her head and pats her.

Tohru starts growling at him as he pats her head. She looks at him out of the corner of her narrowed eyes as she starts puffing her cheeks out.

"That's even more adorable!" Evan says as he takes his hand off her head.

"I may not be allowed to harm you, but that doesn't mean I have to tolerate you" Tohru turns around and begins to walk away.


Tohru stops but doesn't turn around.

"I need to ask you something, privately" Evan looks at the people watching them. Most left and were carrying on with their day but some had nothing better to do.

"I'll hear you out, human" Tohru says, clearly not pleased.

"Thank you, and the names Evan Farrell. Not human" He says not in his usually goofy and loud manner of speaking.

Tohru walks to the side of the sidewalk they were on and waited for Evan to come over. Once he was near she cast a magic spell.

"Nobody else can hear what we say now. So speak"

"Geez. Nice to see you again as well Tohru. Wonderful weather we have today" Evan sarcastically says.

"It's still unpleasant to see you, Evan" She responds in a flat tone.

"Well at least I have a name now" Evan smiles and shakes his head. "Now, I want to ask 3 questions"

Tohru nods as a response, neutral expression on her face.

"Alright, number one!" Evan holds up his right index finger. "Can I as a human learn magic?"

Tohru sighs. "Yes, humans can learn a form of magic. It's different but similar to the magic I can use"

"Great" Evan says appreciatively. "Now 2" He holds up his middle finger and his index finger together. "Can you teach me magic, or a form of it! Or can you give me a hint or a slight push in the right direction?" Evan was really hopeful about this part. He doesn't know how to make his sword come to him or even where it actually is. Just because he thinks he knows doesn't mean it's real.

Tohru closes her eyes and exhales through her nose. "I am Kobayashi's maid....and I'm not a teacher. I can't teach you magic…."

Evan deflates. His shoulders droop down and his hand that was holding his fingers up also went down so that his 2 fingers now pointed at the ground.

"….But I know someone who can. Although I don't know when or even if she will do it, don't get your hopes up" Tohru opens her eyes and sees Evan beaming.

"All I'm asking is an attempt. You don't even have to go that far out of your way for this! I may not even be able to use magic, but just the chance is what I'm asking for! Thank you Tohru!" Evan give her a thumbs up.

He straightens up his back and holds up his right hand with three fingers. "And lastly number 3"

Evan turns around and Tohru wonders what he's doing. She can see him doing something with his hands but can't see through his body.

After a few second Evan let's his suit jacket and dress shirt fall to his elbows to show Tohru his tattoo. "What is this tattoo?"

Tohru looks at it and narrows her eyes. "I noticed it last night as well….are you sure you don't already know magic?". She seemed curious.

"I honestly have no idea about any form of magic. Last night my body was enveloped in pain until it wasn't. And there was a flash of redish light before I felt the pain, does that mean I cast a spell?!" Evan looks over his shoulder to see Tohru looking intently at his back.

"Oh Tohru~, if you look at my back that intently you'll make me blush~" Evan coos in a teasing and embarrassed tone.

"This is a sort of seal. Somehow the sword of God has been changed by you and is now part of you….or something. I don't really know that much about this topic. Not much is known about Gods sword besides it's feats of strength when wielded by God himself. But it seems to have become yours and has given you some form of...power? That must be why you were fine after I punched you lightly yesterday…"

"That was lightly? Geez…" he looks towards Kobayashi's work building. "Good luck to you Miss Kobayashi, your back is gonna need some serious magic healing in your future"

"What do you mean?! Are you going to hurt Miss Kobayashi?! Is she already hurt?! Does she have an illness?! Is she going to die?!" Tohru turned Evan around and started violently shaking him.

"She's….fine….Tohru…..I….was….just…..wishing…her…good…health" He said inbetween the violent shakes that were bringing back his hangover.

"Phew, I was worried" Tohru closes her eyes and smiles in relief.

"I could..tell" Evan was a little shaken up, Tohru didn't restrain herself as much when shaking him so his world was shaking now.

Tohru releases Evan and turns around. "You should be able to just call the sword out whenever you want. How? I don't know. But I don't recommend trying until you are behind closed doors. You never know who is watching. And God may want it back" Tohru informs him.

"Well fuck this God. It's my sword now so he can suck the Devils balls!" He shouts louder than he meant to, he was really glad the silence spell was active. "Ahem, so what do you want to do now?" He puts his shirt and jacket on and begins to button them.

"I shall wait for Miss Kobayashi!" She says like it was common sense.

"Then I'll join you, I kinda wanna ask Makoto about leveling anew character" Evan says.

"New character? Leveling? Makoto?" Tohru wonders what these things are.

"Ah, it's a video game. Don't worry about it. Basically I'll wait with you until Miss Kobayashi is finished with her work"

"Acceptable I guess. But don't you also have 'work' like the other humans?"

"Ah, I don't have to work everyday to make a living. I've got a passive income now~" He dusts his shoulder off.

"I don't know or really care what that means…." Tohru was going to brush this fact off but realized. "Wait! If you can help Miss Kobayashi make this 'passive income' then does that mean she wouldn't have to work?! And that I could spend more time with her?!"

"Well….yes and no Tohru" Evan thinks about it quickly and responds.

"Yes and no?" That doesn't make sense to her.

"Yes I can help her get started on a passive income, but it requires a decent amount of money to start with if you want to live off it. And it's very risky. One fuck up or one bad day and you could be left with nothing if you don't do it properly. So 'yes' I can help her. But 'no' because she might turn me down due to the high risk. Because no matter how good I am, the odds will never be 100%. And I'm not sure if Kobayashi likes working or not. Sure she complains about it, but she does seem to enjoy programming and working, just not her boss and what she is forced to do"

"She's forced to do something by this 'boss'?! I'll kill this being that dares command Miss Kobayashi!" Tohru goes part Demon-Dragon again.

"No! Not what you were supposed to get from what I said! You've missed the point completely!" He blocks her path towards the building. "She isn't harmed at all! Remember the part where she likes her job?! It may not be perfect but she's ok with it! Just wait and I'm sure that you can talk about this with her later!"

Tohru reverts back to her human-ish self. She seems to be conflicted about what to do. "Fine"

"Ok. Phew….. So what do you want to do in the meantime? And you can cancel the silence spell. I'm sure people are confused by now" Evan doesn't know if people cared or not, but he'd rather not draw too much attention from their mime act.

"Hmm…. I don't really know" Tohru rubs her arm and awkwardly looks around.

"Anything you wamna do within reason we can do. My treat, and I'll even tell you some stories about Kobayashi" Evan tempts the ridiculously strong dragon with information about a human.

"Really?!" Tohru jumps at the idea. She falls for the distraction hook, line, and sinker.

"Yeah, and why don't we go to a cafe?" Evan says and Tohrus eyes widen like she has an idea. She opens her mouth to talk but. "No maid cafe"

"Awwww, why not?!" She complains.

Evan folds his arms across his torso. "For one obvious reason you are overlooking" He waits for suspense purposes as Tohru begins to get impatient. Then he finally says his reasoning. "We aren't going because wouldn't you rather go with Kobayashi alone for your first time at a maid cafe?"

Tohru's eyes widen suddenly. And then she stands up staight as she crosses her arms below her chest. She closes her eyes and nods. "That was close. I almost did something unforgivable"

"I don't know about unforgivable, unfortunate definitely. But unforgivable?" Evan was almost hurt.

"Unforgivable! I almost went to a maid cafe with you instead of Miss Kobayashi! That itself is unforgivable that I didn't immediately reject it. I let my curiosity get the best of me…" Tohru was talking more to herself than Evan at this point.

"If I was a lesser man that would make me very sad. But I am me so it doesn't bother me" He puts his left hands finger tips on his chest. "Now if you would like, we can just go to a regular cafe for the day and talk until Kobayashi finishes work"

"Talk about Miss Kobayashi!" Tohru corrects him.

"Yes. Talk about Kobayashi. No need to be rude about it" Evans eyebrow twitches lightly. "I'm not that bad a company. Who knows, you might enjoy our conversations" He complains and states.

"I will enjoy our conversations!" Tohru says as she looks up at Evan's face.

Evan smiles, it seems he judged her too quickly. He might have already passed her tests. He was one of the people to save her life not even 24 hours ago.

"…..Because they will be about Miss Kohabashi!" She finished cheerfully.

Evan wanted to cough and puke up blood. This just proves his theory that you just can't trust women with pretty faces. They just toy with you and use you for their benefits.

"Haaaaah, let's just go" Evan says annoyed. Not even with a smile on his face. His eyebrows also furrowing slightly in frustration. He's worked hard to be positive this long.

And for some reason this slips right through his thick skin suddenly. "Fuck…" he rubs the bridge of his nose. He turns around and walks down the street. His movements much more rigid than before. 'Why the fuck does this bug me so much!'. He wants to destroy something for some reason. It's like his emotions are spilling out. He normally has a tight hold of them so he's confused why they are randomly boiling over now.

He walks with narrowed eyes and his lips are flat. No emotions on his face, besides what seems to be frustration or displeasure.

Evan rubs the back of his neck and a little bit down his neck under his shirt as well. That's when he realizes that it could be the sword fucking with him. He takes deep breaths in through his nose and out through his mouth.

Tohru is just humming behind him and skipping along.

"Hey cutie, what are you doing?"

Evan turns his head to see 5 guys around Tohru. He already wasn't in the mood and now anime logic decides to kick in. Of course.

"Why don't you come wi-"

The guy talking was grabbed by the back of his head.

The dudes trying to do something with Tohru were all relatively short and had different builds. This guy that Evan now has a hold of was the bulkiest of them muscle wise.

"Sorry dipshits, she's already taken" Evan says dangerously as he looks down at the other 4. The guy couldn't even turn his head and he felt his skull getting squeezed like someone was trying to juice a fruit.

"Cmon man. You look like a guy that's willing to share, so why don-" This dudes soul exits his mouth aft Evan just kicked his balls up to his throat.

"I'm done with this shit already" Evan than drives the bulky guys head into the sidewalk cracking it.

He grabs a leg by the ankle that was trying to kick his face. He was holding the ankle in his left hand and he stood up with it. Surprising Oy the skinny guy was quite flexible. But Evan was willing to test the limits. He stepped on the guys other foot and grabbed his face by the cheeks. "Not a word out of you. Do you understand me?"

"Y-ye-" The guy immediately regretted the kick but now that he was held with his leg above his head he was done and ready to leave.

"I said!" Evan forces the leg he was holding higher into the air and directly above the guys head. Making him stretch like a bow. "Not! A! Word!"

After passing the guys limits of flexibility a bit he drops him to the ground 'gently'.

He only threw the head he was holding to the side towards his buddy's ass. It's not his fault these guys are so horny.

"You 2 fucktards really wanna try?" Evan intimidates them as he cracks his knuckles and doesn't even smile when he normally would be when beating idiots.

They sweat and pull out knives. One is more bouncy ball than human while the other is like 19 with a beer gut or something.

To be honest, Evan doesn't even wanna touch these two. "Fine…."

Evan jumps into the air and kicks the beer belly guy in the face. He couldn't even try to stab or slash at him.

Blood escapes the presumed broken nose as the guy falls onto his ass hard.

Then it's just the round guy left. He tries to stab Evan while he's in the air but Tohru jumps into action.

Only for her to not be needed as Evan kicks the wrist holding the knife. The guy drops the knife and holds his wrist that is throbbing.

"What the hell?!" The rolly poley shouts.

Evan kicks the guy in his large stomach and is nearly has to worry about losing his shoe. But his foot comes free as the guy falls back to the ground clutching his stomach.

"Devil Damnit!" Evan dusts and straightens his suit out.

He looks around to see a crowd of people looking at him. 'Not good. Why do people like recording violent attacks? Maybe I wrapped this up quick enough' He thinks to himself.

"Don't be creeps and perverts from now on. And this was self defense on my part. And me defending my friend so this is on you chuckle fucks" Evan turns away from the ground lickers. "Let's go Tohru"

And Evan walks quickly down the street.

Tohru watches as Evan leaves for a second before following. She also uses magic to alter the videos of the incident. It was child's play even for a Chaos Dragon who specializes in offensive magic such as herself.

She walks behind Evan. She notices that he seems to have relieved some stress as he isn't so rigid. But she goes back to thinking of Kobayashi, she must be even stronger than this guy since she beat him.

Evan gets close to the train station and finds a cafe. They both go inside and get some breakfast and something to drink.

After Evan eats he's feeling much better. "Guess I needed a Snickers bar. 'You aren't yourself when you're hungry' or whatever it is" He mutters into his paper napkin as he wipes his mouth.

Tohru was still enjoying her icecream sundae after he was done.

"Wanna listen to me talk about Kobayashi as you cont-"

"Yeph-" Tohru says with the spoon still in her mouth.

"Don't talk with food in your mouth" he scolds her.

"Now, I guess we can start from the beginning of how we met?" He looks at Tohru from the corner of his eyes as he pretends to be thinking. She's nodding and scooping spoonfuls of icecream and eating them. Sparkles in her eyes.

"Alright. A few months back I moved to Japan and moved into the apartment next to Kobayashi. I eventually met her after she asked me to turn my music down, which I did-n't. I kinda forgot. Anyway..."

Evan goes on to explain his interactions with Koyabashi over the past months. Trying to leave himself out of it as much as possible. Mainly because it wasn't necessary for Tohru to learn about him. And she would seemingly become annoyed when he stopped talking about Koyabashi. And when he was done. Only like an hour and a half had passed.

"Huh…..I thought there would have been more" Tohru said.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but that's it. We are only neighbors and occasional drinking buddies. And some of what I told you you already know from last night. We are friends but she….is a person that has kept me at a distance. And I was glad to see that you managed to succeed where I failed" Evan puts his left cheek on his fist as he rests his elbow on the table.

"Where did I succeed and you fail?" Tohru wonders.

Evan smiles gently. "You made her actually smile and open up last night. Sure we were drunk, but I've not seen her look like that before. And the way she looked at you, I'd say you've got a real shot at getting with her Tohru. You've got my support"

"Ehehehe…." Tohru blushes and laughs goofily as she remembers last night. She was very much so in love with Miss Kobayashi.

Quade_The_Unknown Quade_The_Unknown

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