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Chương 24: Red

I quickly side-stepped one of Guy's attacks, not bothering to even react to the {|Magic Missile|} that soared past my face. Each one of his swings had both fighting spirit and magic power needed together into them, so when he threw a punch, he was also firing off a magic attack of some kind. However, just because he could casually cast magic while throwing punches, didn't mean I was any lower than him in terms of combat proficiency.

Each one of my casual swings with my Sword or a thrust of the Spear also contained a large amount of Holy Energy inside of it. Furthermore, my swings always became sword beams, so the Red Primordial was actually having a harder time fighting me than I was fighting him.

He had, of course, watched my brief clash with Misery and Rain and noted that my attacks would cause wounds he wouldn't be able to heal, so that mean that he couldn't be careless, as a single swing and he'd lose a limb and the fight would be over in the next instant. Furthermore, he couldn't inflict any meaningful damage on me, even if he could manage to get a hit in.

My Regeneration was extremely high and due to the fact my [Argonat] Unique Skill converted all of my energy into pure Holy Magic which would then be imbued with my own aura, his own magic would be weakened greatly. This was because my aura which surrounded my body purified magicules on contact and converted them into spiritrons, which I could then use to coat my weapons. {|Melt Slash|} for my sword and {|Melt Strike|} for my spear.

Both of these magic arts had enough power to destroy the spiritual body of the target, so even for a Spiritual Lifeform like Guy, it would be extremely detrimental for him to get hit, even if a single hit wouldn't likely kill him.

My greatest asset, however, wasn't all of these abilities, it was the regeneration of my Magic Power. [Argonaut] will constantly refill my Magic Power at a very fast rate and even though my total energy is a bit less than half of his, all of his strikes reduce his total amount of energy, I could continue to fight forever, as these strikes used less energy than I passively restored, so even though I started out with a disadvantage, so long as I didn't take any critical hits that I couldn't recover from instantly and continued to wear down his magic power, I'd be the winner.

These were the thoughts that ran through my head as I began a flurry of high-speed thrusting motions towards Guy, who weaved between them with ease before suddenly noticing my trap and jumping backward, barely missing being caught by my {Disintegration} spell.

Guy smiled brightly as the Holy Magic Power faded and he looked at me from the other side of the scorched earth that was the epicenter of my attack meer moments ago. "You're quite the tricky opponent. That's perfect! I was beginning t think the only real challenge around here would be to fight the oldest True Dragon, Veldanava!"

"You'd lose." I replied in a hearbeat.

Guy's smile diminished and he looked at me with cold eyes. "Oy bastard! Don't get cocky just because we fought evenly while I was playing around just now. Don't think that just because I like fighting you that I won't kill you for your insolence." he cautioned.

"For someone who ran away from my attacks just now, you sure like talking a big game." I spat back. "If you can't even deal with this, then you'd never stand a chance in hell against that guy."

Guy looked at me unamused for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and began to speak, more to himself than to time though. "It was too bad. I was planning on sparing you since you'd make a good sparring partner, but I can't have you looking down on me."

The next moment, Guy's aura changed completely, becoming more intense and violent than before. He snapped his fingers and the sky suddenly began to change color. I didn't even need to look up to realize what he had just done. I quickly began to sprint towards Guy and in only a second, swung my blade horizontally, forcing him to jump in the air, however, he needed to twist his body in order to dodge the sudden thrust of my spear toward the direction of the jump.

"I'll play with you more if you survive this, human!" He declared as the several dozen meteors broke through the cloud cover of the sky and began to rain down upon me.

Without skipping a beat I turned around and used a [Holy Burst] to reach Velzard and picked her up in the princess carry she likes so much.

"I'd have been fine, you know." She snorted.

"I know, but I wanted to recharge my Velzard power before the fight got serious," I said as I teleported the two of us into the sky, high above the impact zone of the meteors. I cast a mid-level wind spell {Cushion of Wind} to drastically reduce our falling speed to an extremely gradual descent while I held her close.

The meteor's impact stuck, shaking the earth below us and causing a massive fireball. I shook my head as I looked at it and was about to say something but Velzard beat me to the punch. "Velgrynd would love this."

"I know right! I was just thinking that!" I exclaimed before quickly pulling her closer to me and spinning the both of us in the air while rapidly lowering our altitude.

In place of where we just were, Guy floated, arm outstretched and covered with a mighty fighting spirit that could shatter even the soul. He clicked his tongue before looking toward me and my beloved and taking on a more relaxed stance. "The hell. I'm sure I completely concealed my aura just nw. How did you know I was there?" He asked, genuinely intrigued.

"Instinct!" I said back while letting down Velzard, who also began floating in the air beside me.

Guy smiled wickedly and I could have sworn he licked his lips a bit too, as I felt a shiver run down my spine. "I'm going to enjoy eating your soul. It'll be delicious."

"Well, now I'm definitely not losing. I don't want to know what this pervert is going to do with my soul." I stated, which got a chuckle from Velzard.

After our mid-fight banter was over, I once again prepared for our second bout, this time in the sky like we were DBZ characters or something. Guy also got into some kind of martial arts stance that looked suitable for quick jabbing.

Velzard floated away, nearby the other two primordials who looked a bit uneasy when she approached but didn't make any moves. "Hello there." She politely greeted them.

The two primordials didn't respond and Velzard didn't care that they didn't either, as she simply turned around to watch our clash again. Her characteristic gentle smile didn't leave her face, but beneath the surface, she was still worried for her lover and ready to stop time to save him if he was ever about to die.


I smirked as I looked back at Guy. The two of us had been in an intense clash for several hours now, and neither of us had received any major damage. Guy had been grazed across his chest once and I had had my stomach blown out, but the both of us had already restored our wounds by now. My energy levels were still nearly topped off, but I hadn't whittled down nearly as much of Guy's magic power as I was expecting.

I figured that if things continued like this, then I'd eventually win after a few days of fighting, but it was unlikely that guy would stick around for that long and risk defeat, so I decided it was time to change strategy.

"This really is frustrating..." I muttered.

Guy, whose smile hadn't left his face since we began the second round, looked mildly amused by my comment. "Why? Thought you'd have beaten me already?"

"No... thats not it. I am duty bound to beat the shit out of you and have a personal reason to accomplish that task, however for various reasons I can't kill you here." I admitted.

Guy looked surprised but didn't bother asking any further, as he could tell with my change of stance that I was about to prepare something big. I raised both hands and held them to my side before releasing them. Both my sword and spear continued to float beside me and eventually float around my body slowly in a defensive pattern.

I quickly interlocked my fingers together and stretched, popping my knuckles before shaking the stiffness out of my shoulders while closing my eyes. A spiritual lifeform doesn't have stiffness in their shoulders, so this whole routine was mostly only for my own peace of mind as a habit I'd gained during my grueling training with Velgrynd and Velzard back when I was only an Enlightened.

I opened my eyes and looked Guy right in the eye. "Now. Come at me prepared to face your death." I said monotonously.

Guy grinned wider and didn't hesitate as he approached with the intent to break through whatever I had planned for him.

His charge was instantly met by a telekinetic swing from my sword which sent forth a large beam fo Holy Energy towards him at blinding speeds. Guy's charge was at full speed and despite being intercepted, he was easily able to parry the energy wave.

He was slightly slowed by the force behind it, but quickly he dissipated the energy from the attack. Golden sparkles of Holy En3ergy rained down around him harmlessly as he continued to charge at me, only to come to a sudden stop, barely being missed by my spear that shot at him from underneath.

He smirked, thinking that if this was the extent of my trick then he had severely overestimated my danger level. However, the moment that thought crossed his mind, his eyes widened in shock. He noticed that my sword had maneuvered below him while my spear hovered above him. He also felt a large amount of Magic Power escape my body at that moment.

"Oh, so you noticed, well the preparations are nearly complete, so you can't escape now," I said tauntingly. "[Damocles]!" I shouted as huge amounts of magic power erupted from the tip of my spear and sword.

This technique of mine was created by combining Spatial magic with [Holy Burst] to create a Light-Speed Attack that locks onto the target and is inescapable. It was my trump card to use in my fight against Velgrynd, who was the fastest being alive. Even Veldanava had a hard time keeping up with her speed enough to hit her, so 'I' could never do so unless it was wit a trick like this.

The two beams of light instantly met in their halfway point, which was the center of Guy's torso and a blinding light lit up the heavens for miles. Those on the ground, who were already getting prepared to go to be in the evening were suddenly startled by the appearance of a second sun in the sky for a few seconds.

Guy let out a painful grunt as he endured the burning attack which was more potent than even {Disintegration} in terms of attack power, however, he poured all of his power into his body in an attempt to endure the strike.

After a few moments, the light faded and Guy let out a sigh of relief internally. He looked at the dissipating golden energy as it rained down around him like a shower of sparkling glitter and silently thanked himself for investing in learning defensive techniques for his physical body recently, otherwise, he may not have survived that last attack.

While he probably wouldn't have died for real, as he was an immortal primordial, and his soul would simply be reformed somewhere in the Demon World after several hundred or thousand years, he'd lose access to his material body and the Material World that he had grown to enjoy.

"You're not out of the woods just yet." I said to the relieved Guy. "I all of that was simply the preparation phase, now is the real trick!" I yelled before holding up my hand forwards and sacrificing over half of my remaining magic power.

"{Gold Dust}!" I called out.

Immediately, the glittering sparks of Holy power that had surrounded Guy before, which he had dismissed as the remnants of my earlier attack, began to rapidly swirl around him. I had also encased the entire area around him in a barrier of Spatial Magic, so he couldn't escape via teleporting.

The swarm of golden dust slowly closed in around Guy and began to eat away at his physical and spiritual body. Guy attempted to use magic to blow away the dust in a furry, but all of the magicules from his attempts were neutralized before they could even form the basic components of a spell.

"Ah, Alaster's won," Velzard stated aloud.

Misery and rain looked at her for an explanation but didn't open their mouths at all.

"No matter how strong he is, that Red Primordial Demon over there is a being that can only survive off of magicules. Alaster's {Gold Dust} eats away at all magicules so quickly that not even us True Dragons are able to use magic to escape it. Furthermore, he's added the spatial element to each particle so even if that demon could escape the barrier, the attack would continue to follow him, even across dimensions." She explained to the stunned duo.

Velzard stopped short of explaining that controlling such small particles of Holy Energy at a distance was incredibly energy intensive for me and that it was now a battle of magic power, me versus Guy on whose magic power would run out first.

This technique was extraordinarily effective against all targets and even those with [Magic Immunity] like Dagruel wouldn't be able to resist it completely, however, since it became a battle of whether or not my Magic Power would outlast the opponents, it could never beat a True Dragon, who had energy reserves dozens of times larger than my own.

Guy grunted in pain attempting to endure the attack while sweat began to pour down my forehead as the stress of effectively pouring out all of my magic power was extremely strenuous.

The inside of the barrier began to glow, as the friction from the energy circling inside such as small space at high speeds also began to add a heat component to the attack, further damaging Guy's body and, after a few more seconds, when I only had 20% of my energy remaining in my body, I finally released all of the power I'd compressed inside of the barrier, leading to a massive explosion in the sky wich even I was thrown back by.

Due to my low energy state, I couldn't effectively stop myself from being blown away and the thought of hitting the ground from what was probably over 10,000 feet didn't sound too appealing but thankfully I had my waifu on hand, who caught me.

"You push yourself too much you know." She said with a smug look on her face.

"Aww! Don't say that. You know you love me!" I replied to her, only to be dropped.

Thankfully I had regained my baring and was expecting this, so I was able to use a bit of magic power to catch myself in the air and float.

I looked down as the body of Guy fell from the sky and impacted the ground below at high speed. Rain and Misery hurriedly rushed to his side to see if their master was ok or not and Velzard and I floated down beside them.

the two maid primordials tensed as we approached but I simply raised my hand to stop their worrying. "I'm not going to kill you, don't be so on guard."

The two didn't look convinced but realizing they couldn't stand a chance against me, quickly gave up. Misery began examining Guy's body while Rain started to complain about how today was awful and Guy would be such a pain to deal with when he woke up since it was the first time he had lost.

I smirked thinking of it and quickly pulled out a pen and paper I had hidden in a dimensional pocket I had access to, courtesy of Dino's instruction. I quickly scribbled down the location of Veldanava's residence whenever he was in the Cardinal World and threw it at rain, who caught it and looked at me funny.

"When he gets up, tell him if he wants to give fighting Veldanava a try, to go there, but he is going to have his pride crushed again," I stated as I walked away grumbling.

"You let him go? I thought you hated him for killing your friends." Velzard asked, confused about my actions just now.

"Oh, I do hate him. With every fiber of my being, I want to destroy him, but if I did that then things would get... complicated." I muttered in return.

Velzard simply shrugged her shoulders and forgot about it as the two of us walked away.


Lore Bit: Guy's martial arts involving thrusting were copied from the Primordial Violet during one of their many battles in the underworld. This is before he got his sword Earth, which I'm assuming he got from Veldanava since it was Mythical Grade and equivalent to Tenma, Milim's sword, which was a gift from her father.

A/N: I thought about splitting this chapter into two parts but there never really was a place I could do so organically, so yall got an extra long chappy today.

Golden_Slime Golden_Slime

Extra Thicc Chapter today

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