The Professor was just staring at me, her eyes filled with inquisitive wonder and a longing for knowledge. She wanted to know more, she truly did, but she was a woman of her word, and didn't press me for details, not yet anyway.
"Well, Addie, we have a lot of work to do here. If you are able to read this with no issues at all, can you help me out with it? Each page has been assigned a number by us, so just mark the pages with numbers at the bottom or top, like this." She wrote the number fifty-two on the sheet.
"I can do that." I nodded at her. "And just so you know, this to me looks like it is a novel. A book that someone once wrote. We won't know for sure until we translate it all, but that is what I believe that it is." I told her as I looked at the words she had written and some of the words on top of the other nearby pages.
Once again the translations are from my novel, The Unknown Princess. I thought that it would be fun to use another of my books for Addie to translate in this story. As they both are in worlds with magic that are not quite Earth.