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64.28% Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF) / Chapter 72: Chapter 72: A wolf's dilemma (warning: lemon scene)

Chương 72: Chapter 72: A wolf's dilemma (warning: lemon scene)

Harry studied the design of the new ship that was specifically designed to traverse the treacherous sea lanes of the Bay of Ice around the icebergs of the area. He planned to take the ice from this region and transport it to all corners of the known world when he had a huge fleet under his command. He looked at the specifications of the Naval ram that was proposed to be built into the ship for breaking away the ice obstacles in the sea. It was supposed to be built with Ironwood, and Harry planned to add some magical augmentation to the ship once the construction started.

'I suppose I'll call it Icebreaker.' Harry thought.

However, Harry was not that impressed with the Ironwood ram. While Ironwood lasted long in seawater, it decayed like any other wood. He had the idea to create a metallic ram for the proposed icebreaker ships.  It'd be purely experimental, and if it performs better than the Ironwood ram model, then the future icebreakers could house a metallic ram. There were other reasons he was going to such lengths to collect ice when he could easily fish it from the lakes and rivers in the North.

Reason one; the perilous journey to the Bay of Ice, like sailing along the lengths of the Ice River and the Gorge, would give his sailors some much-needed experience as they flirt with the danger of the wildling attacks and nature.

Reason two; the consecutive sea voyages would help the North develop more naval technological advancements that'd become quite useful in sea battles. He was also hoping to incorporate the magnetic compass and the ram into his war galleys. Hunting for ice along the shores of the Lands of Always Winter was going to make his sailors more experienced in their work.

Reason three; the shores beyond the Wall need to be explored if the war with the Others forces him to plan a strike at their strongholds. It was not clear whether the Others had the ability to attack from water bodies. In case, they have that ability, then the need to dominate the Bay of Ice with his fleet was paramount. The Frozen Shore and the regions close to the Shadow Tower were strategically vital should the war with the Others escalate into long attrition. He also planned to establish several hidden outposts along the shores for supplies in case the war demanded it.

Reason four; the need for landing armies and, if need be, rescue operations were also a capability that he needed to explore. He had the airships under his command, but it was better to have an alternate method just in case.

Reason five; he was planning to modify his ships with a propeller powered by magical runes and charms. The Bay of Ice sounds to be one of the most isolated places in the known world to carry out mock battles, weapons experimentation and, most importantly, accurately mapping all the vital shipping lanes as well as shores.

Harry made some side notes in his diary about adding the metallic ram. Perhaps, it could even be spellforged metal cast into the likeness of a ram fitted at the underwater portion of the bow of the ship. If he could field more propeller power ships, all fleets in Westeros and Essos would become useless against the might of his fleet.

He was not planning to launch a naval invasion against other political entities, but it was better to be prepared for such an eventuality. The present situation with House Lannister stands as a testament highlighting the need for a fleet for the North. In his mind, he saw the need for two fleets. The Sunset Sea and the Narrow Sea would need more Northern ships in them if the North were supposed to project its strength and grow further. With more trade, it was only natural that there would be more threats. The realignment of economic interests had always spelt the start of wars between nations. Harry was not expecting anything less when the North corners certain key markets in Essos and Westeros. He had already seen a bunch of no-good assassins sent after him by some no-good Magisters of Myr. He was expecting more from those slavers. In fact, it had been eerily silent on their front. After all, he quite liked killing off unthinking muggles and their servants. It was an acquired taste that was hard to leave him anytime soon.

There was a knock on the door, gaining his attention. Harry set aside his diary and took up the parchments that contained several petitions from landed knights, lesser lords, the Night's Watch and even lords from the great houses of the North.

"Come in." Harry said, dipping the quill in the inkpot and putting his signature on the bottom of a petition granting fresh rations for the Night's Watch from Winterfell's granary.

The door to his office swung open, and it was none other than Maester Luwin.

"Don't tell me you have more petitions handed to you." Harry said hopefully.

"I don't, my lord." Maester Luwin smiled, which made Harry relieved.

He had enough work with all the assortment of petitions he was receiving from the smallfolk and the nobility of the North.

"That's good. Are you here for the star charts of Proxima galaxy?" Harry asked curiously, as that was the only interesting thing he did once he took over the 'Stark of Winterfell' post.

It was even an accidental find made by Sansa. His little sister had grown frustrated with him because of his lack of time in teaching her magic tricks with runes, and therefore she took it upon herself to mess with his telescopes in the Astronomy tower. One thing led to another, and Sansa somehow traced out a distant galaxy almost 300 million light-years away. Exactly how that happened remained a mystery as his telescopes were difficult for a child to operate. Harry suspected his sister's magic was undergoing a transformation of sorts. He was keeping an eye on the changes he was bringing to his siblings because of magic's revival and his own resurrection of the lost magical languages.

"That'd be an interesting topic of discussion, but no. I've received a raven from the Bear Islands. Lady Mormont expresses her profound gratitude and says the victims were suitably compensated as Lord Eddard ordered."

"I see." Harry nodded thoughtfully. "That's good. Is that all it says?"

"The surveyors you sent have taken note of the facilities in the Bear Islands. They've identified a good spot for the harbour you have in mind. Lady Mormont has given her blessings for the land to be taken for the harbour." Maester Luwin reported.

"Hmm. That's good."

"There is also another matter." Maester Luwin said, a tad hesitantly, which caught Harry's attention.

"What's it?" Harry asked, frowning at the older man.

"Lord Manderly has caught an Essosi merchant ship that had veered off from the permitted course facilitating illegal boarding of foreign citizens into the North a few miles away from White Harbour."

"Illegal migration?" Harry asked, a little bit surprised.

Harry was frankly astounded that something like illegal migration would happen, especially in the North. The harsh climate of the North had always been a factor in keeping the North isolated and writing it off as a place for families to migrate. Perhaps, there were foreigners in the North hiding out here, escaping the local justice systems of their former homes. The vastness of the North had certain advantages, but the obvious disadvantage was the difficulty in policing the settlements. It was one of the reasons why he kept a registry of citizens when Avalon began receiving a huge influx of immigrants from the nearby lands.

"I'm afraid that's not the only thing Lord Manderly discovered after interrogating the ship's captain and crew. He…" Maester Luwin cut himself short, looking very hesitant to say further.

"Out with it, Maester Luwin. You might as well finish the rest." Harry prodded, nodding encouragingly at the old Maester.

"You should not act rashly or needlessly fear, my lord. It seems Lord Manderly unearthed a conspiracy to have you assassinated by interrogating the ship's captain. The Myrish glassmakers hired the services of assassins from the House of the Undying of Qarth"

"The House of the Undying? Never heard of it. I thought Qarth was famous for its spices, not assassins." Harry frowned thoughtfully.

"The city of Qarth is a gateway between the Free Cities, Westeros, and Slaver's Bay. They trade in precious gems, silk, and spices but also have warlocks centred around the House of the Undying. The warlocks are said to be great practitioners of magic, but their power has waned over the years after the death of the last of the Targaryen dragons. Even so, they are feared all over in Essos and Westeros."

"Ah! I think I remember reading about them now. Is this the bunch of fools who drink some magic potion turning blue-skinned to use magic?" Harry asked curiously.

"I wouldn't term it exactly like that but essentially, yes." Maester Luwin coughed behind his palm, but Harry picked up on the snort of laughter the old Maester was trying to hide.

"How many of these assassins have landed on our shores?" Harry asked.

"Lord Manderly claims there are three, but we cannot trust that number. The warlocks are trained assassins. The captain of the ship may not necessarily know the true number." Maester Luwin said anxiously.

"Hmm. I suppose we'll need to increase the security in Winterfell. I'll also order the guards to routinely inspect the inns nearby for word of any strange travellers. Send word to other Northern Houses as well. We cannot rule out the possibility that they might be here to target someone else while using me as a distraction."

"I'll do that right away, my lord."

Harry waved his hand dismissively. He watched Maester Luwin leave calmly. When the door was closed shut, Harry immediately jumped out of his seat and celebrated the news with a dance.

"Thank you, my Myrish friends. Thank you!" Harry jubilantly crowed as he danced around in his room in excitement.

He was bored out of his mind, stuck with resolving petitions and holding court. For the first few weeks, it was fun as he was engaged in a lot of decision-making that revolved around infrastructure projects like widening the Kingsroad, building up a better road network into the settlements of the Mountain Clans and overseeing the next crop planting after the harvest was done. But as time passed, the exciting stuff was swept aside by boring complaints, border disputes, labour disputes, encroachments, and the usual politicking between the Northern houses. While he had taken on the duties with vigour, he missed Avalon and all the exciting experimentation that he could engage with his students. He was even looking forward to studying Elsera Snow's unique magical powers when disaster struck in the form of a war in the south.

Because of the war, he was forced to spend all his time in Winterfell without anything exciting going on in his life.

'I suppose the warlocks of Qarth might hold information on the Golden Empire of Yi Ti, the Five Forts, the Valyrian peninsula and even some of the mysteries surrounding the apocalyptic event known as the Long Night.' Harry thought.

He stopped dancing as a thoughtful expression came on his face. There was a chance that the awakening of magic in Westeros also affected the warlocks. In that case, there was a need to get better prepared to capture a bunch of magical assassins. While he doubted these warlocks were anything but weak charlatans, it was better to be prepared.

He was in such high spirits for the rest of the day that he decided to take up Sansa and Arya on their demand to teach them more rune-based magic.

XXXXX Warning: Lemon begins XXXXX

Cersei bit her lips as a trail of fiery kisses was being rained on her back, slowly climbing up her spine all the way to her shoulders and then her neck. She could feel the hot breath of the pirate captain on her skin, stirring her insides with pleasure. Captain Rowello began using his teeth against her skin, drawing moans from Cersei as he settled against her ear with his lips nibbling on her earlobe.

She could feel Rowello pawing at her ass and pushing her leg to the side. Closing her eyes, she imagined it was Jaime pressing down on her back.

Cersei let out a long, drawn-out moan as she felt herself getting full with Rowello ploughing her insides with his cock. She tried her hardest to imagine it was Jaime, but in her mind, she knew her twin was either languishing in a cell or escaping from her brute of a husband. She hoped with all her heart Joffrey and Jaime escaped the clutches of Robert. She hoped her father would crush her oafish husband and his heathen dogs.

All those thoughts and worries about her family fled her mind as Rowello picked up the pace, and there was nothing she could do but scream and moan as her body burned with passion. She couldn't remember all the details of the first time she shared bed with Captain Rowello as she was drunk out of her mind. But she remembered the second, third, fourth and fifth times quite clearly. After spending a whole night in Rowello's bed, the pirate captain was under the impression that she belonged in his bed from there on out. She didn't protest because she was aware Captain Rowello had the advantage. The pirate scum could turn his ship around and sell her and Myrcella off to her brutish husband.

Such an outcome was intolerable for her interests and her continued existence. Therefore, she welcomed the pirate captain into her cabin with open arms. Within one night of vigorous fucking, she gleaned some of the pirate's intentions towards her and her daughter. The man wanted to leave her at Lys. From that statement, Cersei realised she and her daughter were in danger. It was then that she made the decision to seduce the captain and make him dance to her whim.

She had thought it'd be a difficult task, but the pirate was an idiot. It took her only two nights to make the pirate believe it'd be a better idea to sail for Tyrosh. The reason was quite simple. She conveniently let it slip after one night of passion that her father had extensive contacts in Tyrosh, and she knew some of those wealthy Magisters who'd reward the pirate for safely transporting her and her daughter.

It was true she knew some of the Magisters of Tyrosh by name as she had interacted with some of them in Casterly Rock and King's Landing. But, there was a chance those Magisters could easily hand her over to Robert. It was a risk she had to take if she was to survive. She knew for certain she could not stay on a pirate ship for too long.

A cry escaped her lips as Rowello became more frenzied as he slammed against her ass repeatedly with great force. Their flesh clapped against each other, creating a steady music in the cabin. Cersei had to bite into the pillow to arrest herself from screaming her heart out as the pirate captain became more vigorous in fucking her.

She heard the pirate let out a growl, and in the next moment, she was pulled up from the bed. By the time she blinked, Cersei was sitting facing the pirate with her legs wide open. Rowello looked like a crazed beast, and he didn't waste a moment to sheath himself inside her again. She felt her ass getting groped harshly as Rowello slammed into her again, making her release boundless cries inside the cabin. Her tits rubbed against the skin of Rowello, her nipples hard as a rock.

"Rowello," she whispered throatily. "Harder. Faster."

The pirate captain slapped her bottom in excitement and picked up the pace. Rowello's grunts and moans mixed with her pleasure-filled moans. As the captain enthusiastically ploughed her insides, Cersei had to throw her arms around Rowello's neck for support. She could feel she was getting closer to completion and enjoying this position quite well. She didn't voice her approval; instead, she showed it by slamming repeatedly along his length, accompanied by loud cries.

Cersei threw her head back and screamed in joy as she came around Rowello's cock at a hard thrust from the man. She continued to rock her hips against the pirate captain as she rode down from her high. Her hair was dancing behind her back, and she could feel her hair getting sticky to her sweat-glistering body.

Though she was just about ready to curl up in her bed, captain Rowello was hardly finished with her for the night.  

The pirate captain took hold of her hair at the back of her neck and pulled her back, making her groan in pain.

"I'm not done enjoying you yet, my queen." Rowello growled, his grip tightening on her ass-cheeks.

Cersei was carried by Rowello out of her bed, who had a vice grip on her ass, slamming her back against the wooden wall of her cabin. She had no choice but to wrap her legs around the captain's waist for support. She felt raised as high as possible against the wall, and in the next moment, Rowello slammed into her warm core again with a force that knocked the air out of her lungs. A muffled yelp escaped her throat as Rowello slammed his lips against hers while he invaded her with rapid smooth movements.

Cersei felt her toes curl as Rowello dragged his lips downward along her chin, then her neck, until finally, he littered a trail of fiery kisses all along the fine contours of her breasts. She tried to squirm as Rowello took one of her nipples into his mouth, but she had nowhere to go. She could only gasp and moan as she tightened around the pirate's cock at the rough treatment he was dishing out on her tits. One of Rowello's hands was pawing at her other breast, heightening her pleasure.

She didn't know how long she stayed that way against the wooden wall, but she felt the tell-tale signs of its end when she heard a feral growl from Rowello. She let out a gasp when Rowello suddenly pulled out and began spraying his seed against her belly. She couldn't help but shiver as she reached her climax for a second time. Exhausted with their carnal activities, they fell into the bed in a tangle of limbs.

XXXXX Lemon ends XXXXX

Cersei struggled to catch her breath after a vigorous session of lovemaking with Rowello. She tried to roll over and set herself against her bed, but the pirate captain had other plans. He held on to her body by her hips and made her lay on his body.

"I wish to enjoy your warmth, my queen." Rowello whispered into her ears.

Once again, she wished it was Jaime lying beneath her and whispering sweet nothings against her ear. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

But Rowello was a good lover. She enjoyed her time with him on the ship despite the reasons behind it. Closing her eyes, she tried to purge her mind of the pleasure that was pervading her body. It was a difficult task, but she managed it somehow since her and Myrcella's lives depended on it. It was the same way she managed to convince the pirate captain to take her Tyrosh, where a hefty reward awaited him.

"I think I'll have Magister Vhaegrys arrange an additional ship for you captain." Cersei purred seductively into Rowello's ear.

"Oh! Why? You already promised me two ships and two chests full of gold and silver." said Rowello, tracing circles with his fingers on her naked back.

"With one more ship for you to crew and refit, you'll stay a little longer in Tyrosh. I believe I can secure accommodations for you in a manse with me, my brave captain. My bed would be less warm without you in it." Cersei whispered coyly, her nails scraping the skin of the pirate while her legs rubbed against the ensnared pirate's legs.

"Mmm…" Rowello captured her lips in a kiss. "I think…" his lips gained vigour as they battled for dominance. "...I'd like that, my queen."

Cersei let out a giggle as she nuzzled into the crook of the neck of the pirate. Her green eyes gained a dangerous glint as she thought of her success in ensuring her captor into the trap she was setting.

'I'd be warming the bed with you, dear captain. But it'd be with your blood.' Cersei thought vindictively, her eyes slowly closing as exhaustion seeped into her body.


Eddard observed the silhouette of the castle of House Lefford called the Golden Tooth. It was not a massive castle by any means, but he knew it was going to be a bloody affair to take it from Lord Leo Lefford. It'd be a tough siege as he could see there was no way a large army could siege the castle sitting atop such a rocky hill without bleeding men in the thousands. Despite the difficulty, he had no choice but to ensure the castle fell into his command should the combined Northern and Riverland armies invade the Westerlands.

"As I said, not an easy task to accomplish." Lord Tytos Blackwood commented, coming to his side and observing the castle that was sitting safely high in the hills guarding the Kingsroad.

"I hate to agree with a Blackwood, but by the Seven, the man is right. We must find a way around the Golden Tooth or hope Lord Lefford somehow surrenders the castle without a fight."  said Lord Jonos Bracken, exchanging a less-than-friendly look with this fellow Riverlord.

Eddard was aware of the infamous rivalry between House Blackwood and Bracken. He was, however, heartened to see that the two lords answered the call of their king even when their liege lord refused to honour the call. He hoped the two lords continue their support as he needed them to lead the Riverland lords in the absence of his goodfather.

"I've already sent some of my best scouts to search for alternate routes around Golden Tooth. Perhaps you could find some of the better scouts from the Riverlands, as we Northmen are unfamiliar with the terrain."

"Leave that to me, Lord Stark. I have some good scouts that we can use." Jon Bracken said.

"Good." Eddard sighed in relief. "Do either of you think Lord Lefford would surrender if we offer generous terms?"

"How generous?" Tytos Blackwood asked with a frown.

"Lord Arryn has charged me to offer an expansion of Lefford holdings in return for swearing allegiance to his grace's cause in this war." Eddard said honestly, as he hoped the Riverlords would have a better opinion of Lord Leo Lefford.

"I doubt Lord Lefford would accept anything that'd put him at odds with Lord Tywin. The lordlings of the Westerlands fear Lord Tywin, and they know the cost of defying the lions means the death of their entire family." Said Jonos Bracken.

"Lord Jonos speaks true. Appealing to Lord Leo's duty to his king would not move the man. I'd suggest that you offer him protection, my lord." Lord Tytos Blackwood suggested.

"Protection? Isn't the protection guaranteed as our army faces off against Lord Tywin?" Eddard frowned.

Eddard watched Lord Blackwood and Bracken exchange a long look between them.

"I'm speaking of an alliance, my lord. Lord Leo Lefford has one daughter who is also his heir. Her name is Alysanne Lefford." Lord Bracken explained.

"If you were to offer a marriage alliance to Lord Lefford, he'd be more amendable to help us. If his daughter's inheritance and life are protected by marriage to a Great House of Westeros, Lord Lefford would be less inclined to throw in his lot with Lord Tywin." Lord Blackwood commented, agreeing with Lord Bracken.

Eddard looked between the two lords with wide eyes.

"You mean to say I must buy Lord Lefford's allegiance by promising him a marriage pact with my heir?"  Eddard asked incredulously.

"It'd certainly help to convince Lord Lefford to join us against his liege lord. House Stark is a Great House and far out of reach of Lord Tywin. A man like Lord Lefford would always look to ensure his daughter's future before anything else. As a father of two daughters yourself, I'm sure you also feel the same, Lord Stark." said Lord Tytos Blackwood.

Eddard was thoughtful for a moment as he weighed the opinions of the two Riverlords in his mind.

"You've given me much to think about, my lords. I shall take your advice into consideration before I send any emissaries to talk terms with Lord Lefford." Eddard eventually said before retiring to his tent.

He could not help but wonder whether it was worth promising Robb or even Harrion for Lord Lefford's daughter to secure passage into the Westerlands. He hoped the scouts return with an alternate route, as he'd be left with two difficult choices.

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