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46.95% In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 53: Chapter 53 - Man-Made Monster

Chương 53: Chapter 53 - Man-Made Monster

Bolting the doors shut behind them, the team made their way to the main office building towards the center of the island. Making sure that the automated defenses identified them as allies before making their approach, they got inside in a hurry as a storm was rolling in off the Pacific. Making their way to the roof, they found the building littered with gruesomely mangled corpses and more dried blood. The squeamish maintenance group fought their urges to flee knowing full well all the awaited them was a painful execution.

"What the fuck got loose in here?", one of the soldiers said examining the corpses better, "Looks like they were cut by something extremely sharp, and crushed by something ridiculously strong. I have seen the Tyrants mess people up, but this is a whole other level."

"Shut up and keep your eyes open. We don't know what we are looking for as a threat, it could be disguised as a corpse for all we know.", one of the squad leaders told the soldier.

Making it to the roof safely, the maintenance people quickly restored communications to the building by replacing satellite dish parts and a transformer. Confirming with HQ that they had remote access to the internal systems again, the order came down to clean up the facility for the groups headed for their location. Groaning the maintenance crew got to work repairing structural damage, gathering up the corpses, and washing off blood splatters. As the soldiers were clearing the building floor by floor, the came upon a body that was cleanly cut in half at the waist. After having been cut in half, the person managed to drag themselves several feet and wrote a note on the wall

"Don't fall for her looks, she is a devil in disguise...", one of the soldiers read, "What the hell were they talking about? Who is the woman they are referring too?"

"I heard this facility was built to study the Energy Fragments a few years after they were discovered, maybe they discovered the mutational effects but never relayed that intel?", Alpha Team Leader said, "Commander, you know anything about this place?"

"No I don't.", the Commander replied, "HQ, can you give us some background on the facility so we know what we are looking for as a potential threat?"

"The facility was built to bioengineer superior humans, and to see what possibilities were locked away in our genome. My mother, Fiona Ford, was the head of the facility when it was operational. Officially all information of this site was scrubbed when it went offline, but from what she told me they were working on the New Genesis Project there. There was an Energy Fragment onsite, but it stopped producing energy around the time the shutdown happened.", Jessica stated, "The only information I have on what you are looking for is that a woman with horns was the cause of the chaos."

Getting the upper levels cleaned and organized, the maintenance crew took the corpses to the incinerators in the basement to dispose of the corpses. While they were burning the corpses, the group heard something moving around in the next room. Alerting the security detail immediately, they activated the cameras in the room to what was making the noise. Seeing no signs of life, the Commander moved his team into the room with the maintenance team to ensure their safety.

"Sir, is it in the wall?", one of the soldiers asked.

"No, it's a solid concrete wall.", the Commander remarked, "Bravo Team, check it out."

"Sir!", the Bravo Team Leader said promptly leading his team out of the room.

Stacking up outside the door to the room in question, the Team Leader had his youngest soldier kick the door in. Rushing into the room once the door swung open, the team scanned the entire area for a threat. Not seeing anything on thermal or infrared, they were about to leave when one of them bumped into something. Looking for whatever he bumped, he saw nothing there and realized that something was wrong.

"Shit...", the soldier said as his blood ran cold.

"What is it soldier?", the Team Leader asked.

"Something is right next to me...", the soldier responded, "It's got stealth capabilities!!"

Jumping back from what he bumped into, he opened fire on the invisible thing. Hearing an ear piercing scream, the next moment the soldier was slammed into the wall. Splattering like a fly, the rest of his team quickly got into formation to attack.

"Open fire!!", the Team Leader ordered, "Don't stop firing till we see a body!!"

Firing on an enemy they couldn't see, the Entity picked up a locker and flung it at them. Side stepping the locker, they threw a few thermite grenades in the entities direction as their bullets were being deflected.. One of the grenades managed to make contact the creature causing it to scream with immense pain and the extremely hot substance burned it. Running out of the room in a hurry, it tore the door frame clean out of the wall and screamed as it ran down the hall.

"What the hell was that!?", the Commander shout over the radio.

"Sir, we were able to identify. It has optical stealth capabilities, we only knew it was here when we bumped into it.", the Bravo Team Leader replied, "We are down a man now, Bill was crushed like a fly! Thermal and Infrared cameras don't register it!"

"Damn it, Bravo and Charlie teams pursue it and take it out.", the Commander ordered, "Those new echo location devices HQ provided us, and see if you can't find it!"

Joining up with Charlie Team in the hall, the two squads pursued the entity down the hallway following the path of destruction it left behind. Ending up in a ruined lab, the group found containers hold creatures they had never seen before. Some looked humanoid, but with animalistic traits...and not the friendly looking ones.

"Sir, just what the hell where they trying to accomplish here?", one of the men asked, "Some of these things look like dinosaurs!"

"At this point I haven't the foggiest idea what the hell they did here.", Bravo Team Leader replied, "Messing with the dead was one thing, mutilating life before it came into the world is a whole other level of fucked up."

"Any traces of the creature?", Charlie Team Leader inquired.

"Negative, echo location, thermal, and infrared shows nothing just like the first time.", one of the men said looking around the room, "Hang on, I found something."

Walking over to him on the far side of the lab, the soldier pointed to a hole in the wall about the size of large man. Not knowing if there was explosive materials on the other side, the Team Leaders gave the order to advance through the hole. Shaking his head the soldier replied that this sort of thing was how people died in horror movies. Switching to his pistol the man advanced into the hole to investigate. Having two more soldiers follow him through, they stumbled into a hidden laboratory that wasn't on the blueprints.

"What do you see men?", the leaders asked.

"Well we found the capsule it probably broke out of.", they replied, "Searching the room for-"

Before they finished their report, they started firing at something in the room. Hearing their screams as they were firing, the Team Leaders gave the order to blow the wall out. Strapping C4 to the wall the groups stepped out of the room and blew the wall out. Rushing back into the room, the men found a woman in an early production stealth suit glaring at them with malice and hatred. On the floor was the mangled remains of the soldiers that were unidentifiable now. Raising their rifles to shoot her she lunged at them, and went on the offensive.

"Kill her!!", the Team Leaders shouted.

Firing on her their bullets ricocheted of something that they weren't able to see. Going to lobe a thermite grenade at her, the woman glanced over at the man. In a split second the man was cut to ribbons as some invisible force sliced him like a meat slicer. Realizing there was more to her than meets the eye, the Team Leaders flicked on their cameras to ensure that information was being sent to HQ.

"What the fuck is she!!", they yelled, "Commander, we have a situation and need immediate backup!!"

Hearing the gunfire, the rest of the combat teams came barreling down the hallway to lend aid. By the time they arrived the only thing that remained was bloody pieces of what once was Bravo and Charlie teams. Seeing a pink haired woman with two horns standing over them, all of them instinctively backed away as she stared at them with her red eyes. The overwhelming fear they felt told them that this wasn't someone they were equipped to fight.

"Guns and conventional weapons won't hurt her, that is Fiona's greatest creation. That is an early prototype of what became Project New Genesis. Unlike the other New Genesis specimens that currently running amuck, that woman has Vector Control and limited telekinetic powers.", Jessica told them, "She's the reason the base was base was closed down. Our scientists believe she managed to siphon off the energy from the fragment, and went mad because of it."

"How do we handle her?", the Commander asked.

"Try using nerve gas or flashbangs to disorientate her.", Jessica told them, "The Thermite grenade probably only worked because you caught her off guard. If you can do it again, kill her!"

"Roger!", he said tossing a gas canister at her.

Instinctively slicing the canister in half, the gas shot out and covered the area where she was standing. Screaming as she tried to stop inhaling the gas, the men opened fire on her. Unable to stop the gas and bullets at the same time she immediately retreated for the time being into an air duct.

"Shit she is getting away!", the commander shouted, "Gas the whole building, everybody out!!"

Running out of the building in a hurry, the Commander tossed several gas canisters into the air ducts before sealing the entrance for the time being. By now though the woman was already out of the building, and on her way to where she had made a home. Falling into her shelter, she peeled the suit off her body. Putting a stick in her mouth when she pulled off the portions that had been seared to her flesh all she could think about was slaughtering all of those invaders. Unfortunately for her a combination of the gas, her injuries, and blood loss had weakened her to the point that she passed out a few moments after stripping.

---Victor POV, Next Day---

Having said our goodbyes to the people we escorted and those we saved from Incheon we were on our way to Busan already. Deciding to stay with their countrymen, the people from Incheon were extremely grateful to us for saving them. Personally I was more than fine with the arrangement as it meant that we had less mouths to feed, and needed to make less stops on our way northward. Still though some of the people onboard had befriended a few of them so there were some tearful goodbyes.

Walking out onto the deck with a cup of tea to get some fresh air, I saw Ryu, Ken, and Guile leaning over the railing looking a bit sickly. Having drank themselves silly last night, they had made a fool of themselves with their singing and dancing. Unfortunately for them Cammy and Chun-Li had managed to record their antics for future blackmail material.

'Too bad neither of them got that drunk, I would have loved to see how they acted.', I thought, "How's it going fellas? All of you doing alright?"

"Too loud...", Ken groaned, "Keep it down, my head is killing me..."

"Brought you boys some medicines for hangovers.", I chuckled handing them some meds I grabbed from the medical bay, "Maybe next time you three won't partake in a drinking contest. That was probably the stupidest decision you could have made considering how little water you drank yesterday."

"No more drinking...well not for a long time anyways...", Guile moaned, "My head feels like I took a Hadoken to the face."

"That's because you did.", Cammy snickered, "That was some funny stuff right there."

"I did?", Guile asked trying to remember what happened.

"Yep, you were all like 'I can take you Hadoken to the face like it was nothing' to Ryu last night.", Nathan said with a cup of coffee in hand, "I admit watching you skip across the beach on your face was enjoyable. That said...watching it in slow motion is even funnier."

"Fuck you...", Guile replied before groaning again.

"Consider it pay back for excluding me from the last drinking party.", Nathan stated with a smirk.

Teasing them for a bit, Nathan eventually returned to his cabin. Telling them to drink some water, Cammy went to prepare for today's training. Back to normal, now that the escort mission was over, teams were back at training hard with weapons and their fists again. Returning to the wheelhouse, I found some of my lovers stumbling out of bed wearing several of my shirts. For some of them the button up shirts were barely containing their breasts, which were in the process of tearing the poor buttons off.

"Good morning.", I said.

"Morning...", Shizuka replied with a yawn as she gave me a warm hug.

"Need me to get you some coffee?", I questioned with a smile.

"No...I just need to hug you for a bit.", she giggled nuzzling into my neck, "Coffee comes later..."

Giving her a big hug, she smiled and let me go a few minutes later. Walking off to our bathroom to wash up, I took a seat at the controls to get an idea of where we were. My map showed us a few hours from Busan, it also showed that the horde had arrived at the border and was leveling everything in it's path. Waiting to bring things up till everyone had a chance to wake up and get breakfast, once everyone was good I called a meeting about two hours from Busan.

"What's up?", Nathan asked, "Something happen?"

"By my count that large horde should be at the border now, Jeong can you get us a live view?", I requested.

"Coming up!", Jeong replied.

Hacking into the Seoul security system, Jeong quickly had cameras up for us. After a few moments of buffering we greeted by a literal sea of Undead and Demons crashing against the walls the survivors had built. As far as we could see on the cameras the enemy was surging forward towards our view point. In my opinion it looked like the Gates of Mordor had opened, and their legions had come to Seoul.

"Mother of God...", Ju gasped.

"Shit...hearing a number and seeing it is unreal.", Kenichi said.

"How are their defenses holding up?", I asked.

Pulling up an internal memo, Jeong stated that they were holding for now but they were completely cut off. Telling me that that undead had completely encircled the walls, there was no escape for them. Stating that they were requesting aide from anyone that would respond, I held back my laughter. After the shit they pulled there was no one coming for them, not us at least.

"What's your AI say are their chances for survival?", I questioned.

"Less than five percent, they are going to run out of bullets and weapons before the horde is gone.", Jeong advised.

"Understood, we need to take everything we can in Busan. There is a high chance that it will be too dangerous to resupply anywhere else for a while.", I told everyone, "This is the time to be greedy because soon supplies will be hard to come by. When we get to Busan I want Itami, Kohta, Takashi, and Hisashi's teams to head into the city to get bags of fertilizer, seeds, and any other farming equipment you think we will need as well as the usual supplies. My team will stay at the base and resupply the ship, while there may be fewer Undead and Demons in this area I want you all on your toes. They aren't our only threat now, I am sure word has spread of the horde so desperate people will make desperate plays to survive."

"Agreed, a cornered animal is the most dangerous one.", Kensei agreed.

"Yes sir!", Kohta stated, "We will take the Personnel Carrier and Humvee into the city. How do we want to treat potential survivors seeking protection?"

"I will leave that decision to you three.", I said, "At maximum I will approve is two hundred people, I plan on jamming as much supplies as we can safely carry in every room we aren't using now. It is at your discretion for taking people in, just remember to ensure they aren't bit or scratched."

"Got it!", they said.

"Alright team, get yourselves ready to deploy.", I said.

Leaving the meeting room to prepare, I went to purchase some things from my store to present the women when we arrived.

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Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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