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84.61% Multiverse Quest Board / Chapter 32: Eid Pack 1/??

Chương 32: Eid Pack 1/??

"How is it, miss?"

The gentle sunlight fell from the window, cascading over the wooden shelves and floor, reflecting itself from the glass panels inserted within.

The smell of sweetness and flour filled the room, with a gentle mix of cakes and pastries.

At one of the wooden chairs sat a white-haired girl, softly munching over a bread provided to her with a scrunched face.

At her side stood another woman, a young woman with wavy, shoulder-length, blonde hair, red glasses, and bright green eyes, along with lipstick.

"... I don't like garlic." The girl answered with a soft and quiet voice, making the other girl wryly smile.

"Then I guess I'll bake another one for you. You can leave that one aside, I'll feed it to animals."

The white-haired girl became quiet, staring at the melancholy face of the elder girl, she frowned slightly.

"No… I'll feed it to Noah. He eats everything."

The elder girl bloomed with a smile over her face, "Great! As always, Koneko-chan never wastes food. I'm glad."

Koneko nodded her head silently, staring at the bread in her hand before pushing it towards the elder girl.

"Please pack it, Hirasaka-san. Once I go back, I'll give it to Noah."

Hirasaka smiled before taking the bread and leaving towards the counter to pack it, not before saying.

"I'll have someone send a different bread to you."

Koneko didn't answer but only gave a nod.

Currently, she was in the bakery in the town square that Noah had talked about before. As someone who liked eating, after she had eaten the chicken bread Noah gave her, she has been visiting this store quite often.

She liked it here.

It was a quiet and calm place, the sun was warm and cozy, and there was a place for her to sit and calmly eat.

It was a perfect place for her to laze around.

She looked up towards Hirasaka, the chief of this place.

She was a beautiful woman that looked to be in her mid-twenties and had a beautiful figure and face.

Koneko has been acquainted with her for a month now, and she could say that Hirasaka was a gentlewoman.

She smelled like… It was hard for Koneko to tell, but she smelled familiar to Noah.

Noah smell… the most adept description she could think would be like a beast—a ferocious beast trying to break free from its prison.

Hmmm… That is probably because I am a member of the Red Clan I guess? Red Aura is a highly destructive element after all. So it is no surprise that I smell like a beast. Now that I think about it, Mikoto, the Red King, is always on edge because he has it hard to control his urges to destroy everything, so he mostly remains silent and avoids mingling with others. Maybe it is also because of his position as the Red King—at least that was what Noah explained to her.

Koneko thought it made sense. Since, to her, Rias also smelled almost the same. And since Rias wielded the Power of Destruction, she thought it was the same case with Noah.

Of course, Rias also gave her this feeling of belonging and home which was the aura that every Gremory household member had while Noah's aura smelled… possessive as if even if he got everything, the urge to devour wouldn't be filled within it.

When she had asked him about it, he just shrugged with a soft smile by saying—YGGDRASIL was a fucked up world to begin with and there was no lack of mentality questioning people there.

She didn't understand.

But from his expression she could deduce that he didn't want to talk about this topic, so she also didn't inquire further about it.

'She smells like Akeno and Noah, but also like nature?'

She at least could tell that Hirasaka was not a normal human. But it was too obscure for her to tell if she was evil or not.

At least she didn't look evil to her, not till now.

"Here, Koneko-chan, you can give it to Noah." Hirasaka smiled, placing the packed bread in front of her with another package. "There are some pomegranate seeds from my village in it. I got some yesterday, if you can, can you deliver them to him? It has been a while since he visited this shop. I had promised him to treat pomegranate seeds from my village, and I just got them now. It would be a waste if he didn't taste them now."

Staring at the box, Koneko nodded her head before picking them up.

"I'll tell him."

Hirasaka smiled before further adding.

"Also, our store is going to release a new bread tomorrow. Be sure to check it out, I'll open a special spot for you to sit."

Koneko nodded.

Hirasaka's bakery was quite popular in Kuoh, mainly due to its vast form of different pieces of bread from all over the globe.

Due to this, during school timing or during new bread release (while different pastries and cakes added another allure for the female customers which further attracted the male audience), the shop barely had enough space to accommodate all customers. Most had to reserve a place to eat.

Having an extra spot meant Koneko didn't have to wait standing outside to taste the bread.

After saying her goodbyes, she left the shop.

Since the shop was located in the popular block of the town square, surrounded by popular restaurants and shops, it was quite crowded outside.

More so since today was the weekend and many people have come either to relax or for shopping.

Koneko's small nose scrunched due to the thick smell of different people, making her feel slightly nauseating.

She didn't like crowded places due to this. Having a sharp nose wasn't always a pleasant experience.

"Hm? Koneko?"

Hearing the voice familiar to her, she turned around her head to find Sona, Tsubaki, Rias, and Akeno in their casual attire with different shopping bags in their hands.

"Good morning…" She gave a complementary bow, something quite normal in Japan.

Sona looked up at the shop before smiling.

"It is quite a popular bakery, I've heard a lot of positive views about it. If Koneko is eating from here, I guess its reputation is not all exaggerated.

"Um…" Koneko nodded before replying. "Hirasaka-san makes good bread. Her cake is also very delicious."

Sona's eyes shone. She loved cakes, sadly she doesn't seem to have the talent to bake one, so she liked eating others.

She could appreciate something that she didn't have.

"Since you are also here, why don't you join us for shopping?" Rias smiled. "It has been a while since we shopped together."

Koneko looked down at the bread in her hand, wondering if she should deliver it first before it gets cold.

Though there was always the option to microwave it, it didn't taste the same as freshly baked.

Following her gaze, Rias also looked at the bag in her hand before asking. "That is?"

"Garlic Bread." She answered. "I don't like garlic… but I also don't want to waste it, so I thought of feeding it to Noah."

'Is he your pet?' Though the question arose in everyone's mind, Rias gave a radiant smile before stating.

"It's alright then. Anyway, Noah can eat cold bread. It won't make him sick or anything with his physique."

"And since he is quite poor, having bread given to him by Koneko, he should be happy," Sona added.

"..." Koneko remained silent for a while, thinking as to how no one seemed to like Noah, she gave a nod.

"Let's go then!" Rias excitedly said. "I've heard that a new release of my favorite manga is happening today, I want to buy it."

Sona rolled her eyes, if only she put more effort into training rather than reading manga and watching anime.

"I also want to buy something made of leather," Akeno added. "I will give some to Noah."

"..." No one asked what this "something made of leather" was before tactically avoiding her.

The shopping was relatively normal. They visited different shops and brought pretty much everything that fancied them while ignoring whatever that didn't.

With their background, they had enough money to buy the whole Kuoh over and over, unlike a certain poor black-haired kid, they didn't have to worry about overspending their money.

As they were visiting different shops, they heard a voice call to them.

"Ah! Shitori Kaichou, Rias-sama, Koneko-chan, and Akeno-sama!"

They turned around and saw a short pale-skinned girl with shoulder-length brown hair that was styled in twin tails and held up by a yellow brow with a straight fringe across her forehead separated in the middle by two thin strands of hair and light mauve eyes. She had a childish face, small and cute.

She was wearing a maid uniform with what looked like a menu in her hand.

"Oogai-san?" After staring at her for a while, Sona asked with a slightly bewildered tone.

One had to say, her being able to remember the names and faces of every student in Kuoh was itself an astonishing thing.

"The one and only~!" She smiled with a wink, making Sona take a step back, remembering her sister and the nightmare of wearing a Magical Girl outfit during her childhood.

'She smells like Hirasaka-san…' Koneko thought, staring at the girl in front of her.

"Aya works as a maid in this maid cafe." She energetically said, pointing at the cafe behind her with a big smile before holding the hand of Rias and Sona, pulling her towards the cafe. "You girls came at the right time! Our cafe is celebrating its 2nd opening anniversary and has a huge discount on every dish you order!

But since Aya knows you, Aya will treat everyone today!"

She turned around before whispering into their ears, "But don't tell the manager okay? Aya is afraid that he might deduct Aya's salary."

She seemed to have a certain charm that made them feel quite relaxed around her, not being able to deny her approach to treating them.

"Then we'll be in your care." Sona softly smiled and said, making Aya energetically nod.

"Leave it to Aya! Aya knows the best dishes here, and will treat them to everyone!"

The girls smiled as they were let into the cafe by her.

It was a neat cafe with a slight western touch to it.

The most eye-catching thing was that there was only female staff inside and everyone wore a french maid outfit, making them look quite cute.

'Well, they do seem to pick only cute girls.' Sona internally thought.

"Please sit here everyone. Aya will go and get the dishes for everyone!" She said before running into the kitchen, leaving them alone to observe their surroundings.

"Was there always a maid cafe here?" Rias asked. As someone who loved everything about Japan, she also liked visiting such establishments but it was her first time in this cafe.

Sona shook her head. "I'm not interested in such things, so I don't know."

"But everyone else seemed to know the staff here very well." Tsubaki added, staring at the people casually talking with the maids, indicating that this shouldn't be their first time here. "Maybe Rias-sama missed it?"

"Maybe?" Rias, though slightly suspicious, nodded her head before turning to look toward Sona.

"Also, who is she?"

"Aya Oogai, third-year in Kuoh Academy."

"She is third-year?!" Rias and Akeno's eyes widened. "She doesn't look like one at all. She looks more like a middle-schooler."

"She is quite popular in the school." Sona added with a smile. "Apparently male students love girls like her, who are old yet look petite and cute."

She looked toward Koneko for a second (who was silently eating the cookies they had brought before), remembering how she is known as the mascot of the Kuoh Academy by everyone.

"Boys in our academy have way too much free time." Rias added with slight dissatisfaction. "And they love giving people weird names…"

She had her own share of experience being one of the two Onee-sama of the Kuoh Academy. Though she didn't like it, she can't do anything about it either.

Of course she was unaware that most of those who called her was the girls and not boys.

"Ara? But doesn't Buchou love it when students look up to you? You always do the act of mature Onee-sama in front of them too." With a sweet smile, Akeno said, making Rias blush before she coughed.

"As a member of Gremory Household, I of course can't sully its name."

Everyone holds the urge to roll their eyes. They knew she liked to act mature since no one really took her seriously in her household, always treating her like a girl.

But no one would say it of course. Some things were better left untold.

As they were chatting with each other, Aya came back with the dishes held in her hands.

'She got great balance.' Sona internally thought, staring at Aya who held two trains up in her hands as she skillfully maneuvered her way out of the other maids toward their table.

"Here is our cafe's specialty! Please don't hold back and eat to your fill."

'It is just omurice…' They internally thought, staring at the omurice in front of them that was dressed with cute designs.

"And since it is a maid cafe, what do you want Aya to write on it?" With a bottle of ketchup in her hands, she asked.

"Anything normal would do." Sona answered right away. She didn't want to eat a dish with something like "love" written on it.

"It is delicious." Tsubaki's eyes widened slightly as she took a bite while others nodded after her.

The omurice indeed was quite delicious.

"Right?!" Aya excitedly said. "Our chief is really good at making omurice. That is why it is quite popular and also the favorite dish ordered by most customers!"

"The only person who didn't like it was Noah." With a slightly annoyed tone, she added. "Saying something like not having enough love in it."

"Noah visited this cafe?" Rias inquired while other girls also perked up their ears.

"He is a regular customer here." Aya added. "He seemed to come here on weekends to chat with maids here."

She leaned forward before softly whispering. "Aya thinks Noah has a thing for Aya in maid clothing. Whenever he comes, he always stares at Aya intensely as if wanted to devour Aya. Maybe he is into little girls?"


"Ahem. I think we will take our leave then." Sona said, couching to change the topic as she felt the atmosphere entering into a strange silence. "It is already quite late. I still have some documents to go through."

"So fast?" Aya said with a low voice before a smile beamed on her face. "Then don't forget to visit again. Aya will give you a discount!"

After eating, they left the maid cafe.

It was already around late noon as everyone walked towards their houses, with Koneko being the only one going to Noah's apartment.

Even though Rias also wanted to come, she was pulled by Akeno to train with the Peerage. So she could only grumpily tell Koneko to not stay at his place at night.

Reaching his apartment, Koneko gave a knock before soon Noah opened the door.

His hair and clothes were messy, showing that he was probably sleeping, making Koneko wonder if he didn't sleep last night.

"Hm? Koneko?" He asked while yawning. "What is it? Why visit so early in the morning?"

"... The night is already approaching…"

"And so is the winter." Noah answered in a deep voice. "Be aware of the white walkers."

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing." Shaking his head at the sad reality, he gestured to her to come inside before closing the door.

Koneko stared at the apartment that hasn't changed since she has met Noah before making herself comfortable on the ground near the table, waiting for Noah who went into the kitchen before coming out with a cup of milk.

"Here." Placing the milk in front of her, he asked. "So? What happened?"

While tasting the milk, she placed the bag in front of him and softly said. "Hirasaka-san said to give it to you…"

"Hirasaka?" Suspiciously staring at the bread and the pomegranate seeds, Noah looked up at Koneko before pushing the seeds towards her and said with a smile. "Smell them."

Silence entered the room as she stared at Noah with a questioning gaze.

"What? I can't just trust some shopkeeper sending gifts for me to eat. Smell and tell me if there is something wrong with it. Your nose is quite sharp, right?"

"... I'm not a dog."

"Of course not!" He hurriedly denied it. "Koneko is obviously a cute kitten."

"..." Though she didn't say anything, one could still see a small blush on her face as she gave the seeds a sniff before shaking her head.

"... They are normal pomegranate seeds."

Noah nodded his head before picking a spoon and started to eat, his eyes shining as she said with his mouth full.

"They are really good! It has been a while… like a realllyyy long while since I've eaten pomegranate seeds."

Koneko didn't answer, only silently drinking the milk.

A comfortable silence sunk into the room with Noah eating the seeds with her drinking the milk.

"Noah… can you train me?"

"In what?" Noah raised a brow while his attention was still on the seeds. It seems like he really liked them.

"... What do you mean?" She suddenly felt something was wrong with how he asked that question.

"I mean… We had this conversation before, no?" He said before looking up at her. "You don't want to use your inherited powers and I don't want to force you either. In the end, it is your choice if you want to become strong. But how can you become strong if you are rejecting your own self?"

She went silent.

Yes. When, in the past, Noah was giving different ideas about the usage of their powers, he had tried to confront her about her powers but she strongly rejected his idea.

But now she felt… useless?

Rias was her savior, her family, and someone she was willing to give her life for—her King.

She wanted to help her, yet she knew how she was currently, she can't do much. Despite her feeling down, she couldn't bring herself to use her powers.

Noah released a long sigh before standing up, moving toward her, and sitting beside her.

His hand moved under her arms before he jerked her up, placing her on his lap before hugging her.

Much to her increasing embarrassment, she didn't fight back.

"You know… Mikoto… uhh… the Red King… He is also afraid of using his powers."

Koneko raised a brow in astonishment before looking up at him before Noah smiled and patted her head, making her feel quite good.

"Power of King is not something anyone can use, it comes with a price for everyone. Red Aura… the flames that Mikoto wields are highly destructive in nature. And if the will of its user is not strong enough, then he or she might end up destroying everything around them.

That's why, whenever a Red King is chosen, he is always monitored the most by other supernatural entities. A walking nuke that can blow up at any moment, do you think it is easy for him to live such a life?"

Koneko remained silent.

She couldn't answer.

After all, she was not the Red King, how can she tell what he felt like?

"Mikoto is a big softy." Noah chuckled, his voice softer than usual. "If someone seeks his help, despite him acting all tsundere, he would definitely help them. That is just how he is. If not for him, then I wouldn't even have been alive today."

Koneko's hold over his arm tightened, understanding that Mikoto held quite a high position in Noah's heart.

"You can say, to me, he is like a big brother figure. If in this world there is someone I am willing to give my life for, then that would be him. The only person I am willing to work for. After all, since he is willing to give his life for me, then why can't I do the same for him?"

"Listen Koneko, it doesn't matter what power you hold or how dangerous they are, if Rias is about to die, will you not try your best to help her? To save her, to the point of even giving your life for her?"

There was no delay as she said with conviction.

"Buchou saved me… she is my King, I won't mind giving my life for her."

"It's good then." Noah softly kissed her head. "Don't be afraid of your powers… but make others afraid of it. So what if you lose your control over it? Do you take your friends, your King, as someone weak? Are we that untrustworthy to you?"

Before she could say anything, he separated from her. Looking into her eyes, a smirk formed over his face as said.

"Someone once said: Don't be afraid and go wild to your heart's content, because even if you lose yourself to power, there is nothing to worry about. After all… I'm the strongest. That is why, as long as I'm alive, as long as those who love you are alive, there is no need to be afraid. Because no matter what path you take, no matter what choice you make, as long as we are alive, we will always support you."

Silence answered him before tears started to gather in her eyes, sniffed before saying.

"But… Onee-sama… she lost herself to power and—"

"So what?" Noah smirked. "Kuroka had no one but you. If she lost herself to power, what are you doing here? Do you think someone who lost herself to power had enough sanity to kill everyone but her little sister?"

Koneko remained silent, trying her best to not cry.

The memories of her childhood have been hunting her like a ghost. She can't even count how many times she has woken up from a nightmare, scared and stiff—crying alone in her bedroom.

She was scared, scared that everyone she loves will hate her, everyone she cares about will cast her out, and everyone she cares about will be hurt by her.

She didn't want that.

"One step at a time is good." Seeing that it was hard for her to go past the trauma caused by her childhood, Noah patted her head. "But if you still think that you will go out of control, then how about this? If you ever went out of control while using your powers, I'll personally slap the sense back into you. Just don't hate me after I beat the shit out of you, I would be quite devastated if our cute Koneko-chan started to hate me."

A small snicker left her mouth, within the sobs and small laugh, she nodded.

Noah smiled before turning to look at the clock and seeing it was quite late before saying.

"Then… let's sleep."


Despite her confused expression, Noah vanished from her sight before appearing again within his sleeping trousers while yawning.

"We end up talking all day and it's already night now. I'm quite tired, a hugging pillow is always welcome."

Without letting her say anything, Koneko found herself already tucked into the bed with Noah hugging her and lights switched off.

A blush intensified over her face, but she didn't struggle out of his embrace.

She felt safe.

Turning to look at his face, seeing him already asleep, she was left speechless.

'Noah is also someone I want to protect…' She internally said before softly kissing him on the cheek and closing her eyes.

Despite her not being fully ready to use her powers, she still thought that it was enough for now. As long as she doesn't fully lose herself, one step at a time, she will definitely overcome her fear of it.

For the first time, she had a peaceful sleep.

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