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80% The First Olympian / Chapter 4: Ch 4.

Chương 4: Ch 4.



Hearing Kronos' voice made me shiver, however I didn't panic. I've been planning for this situation for a while and had an idea on how to deal with this situation. I quickly channeled my energy out and onto the clay floor. In a hurry, I made a clay shaped baby and wrapped the clay up in cloth. Then once again I pour my energy out and this time onto the clay baby and with some focus, I molded the baby after Zeus and gave it some basic animated movements such as squirming and crying.

With the crying 'baby' within my arms, I prepared to act like I'm in despair. Slowly making my way towards Kronos' residence, I spotted Kronos sitting atop his throne that is situated on top of rising stairs. Next to Kronos' feet laid a blooded, naked Nymph with a swollen belly. If I remember correctly, her name should be Philyra, the daughter of my brother Oceanus.

Seeing her in this situation as well as her swollen belly, anger and sympathy rose within me for her. Taking a deep breath, I start to 'cry' and shake as I walk up the stairs. Finally, I went on my knees and 'begged' to spare 'Zeus'

Rhea-''Kronos, I be-''

Kronos-''SILENCE, you have begged me time and time again and yet I care not for your pleas, no matter how much you beg me, nothing will change. The same will be for you''

Came his typical response as he aimed his last sentence towards Philyra which made her shiver in fear. I can't let this happen, I can't let others experience the same pain as me, having their children be torn away from them and be fed upon by a monster. I'll have Amalthea come and take her child as well to hid it from Kronos, maybe even let Zeus have a family member with him at least.

Kronos who was sitting atop his throne grew irritant as I was not moving from my spot. So he got up from his throne, pulled me from my hair and grabbed 'Zeus'. As he had 'Zeus' in his arms, he raised his feet and kicked it towards my face.

Seeing the kick coming, I quickly raised my arms. However, his feet disappeared from my vision as the next second, I felt an immense pain coming from my stomach. The next thing I new, I was sent flying and went rolling down the flight of stairs causing some of my bones to fracture and pierce through my skin as golden blood covers my body.

Rhea-''ARGHHH! *Cough* *Cough*''

Kronos-''I grow tired of these games you play Rhea.''

As he said this, I looked up towards him only to see him put 'Zeus' in his mouth as he began to chew.

*High pitched screams* *WAHHH*

A horrified expression washed over my face as I watched him 'chew' Zeus. This made me sigh in relief on the inside as I made the right choice in sending him away safely...

~Back into Kronos' stomach~

Within Kronos' stomach were there was no natural light source, carved within the stomach lining was a cave that was emitting warm orange light that when one is exposed to it, would make them feel sleepy or at the very least, comfortable and safe. Going into the cave, the source of light that was being emitted was from a small fire that was gently flickering with 6 individuals spaced around the cave with some forming groups.

Alexander POV~

I was laying down on the floor with Hera in my arms panting after our intense session of carnal pleasure. We laid there, feeling each others breath and the beating of our hearts. The flames that my sister, Hestia made gave us a new source of light as she have found new ways to implement her divinity. Her flames was special, it made this dark and depressing cave into a place where we can feel safe, easing our tensed minds.

She wasn't the only one as my other siblings were able to find different ways in using their divinities albeit not able to cause anything big as we are restricted. Poseidon for instance was able to somewhat influence the movements of the stomach acid whilst he is able to let the sweat of his and others to move as he liked.

Hades was able to change the materials of things he gets a hold of. For instance, he once changed a piece of meat that we had stored into gold accidentally. Thankfully, he was able to change it back into it's original form. He tried to see if he could change our fathers stomach into a thin material in hopes we could try to break through with no luck.

Demeter used her divinity in creating for us grains of of wheat which she then turned into loafs of bread. This shocked us but at the same time we rejoiced as we no longer have to eat the food that father ate which tasted horrendous. We even tried to cut pieces of his stomach off and cook it over Hestia's flames only for our bodies to completely reject it.

Hera's was different though. With others, they gave out a physical manifestation of their divinities where as Hera didn't. Instead, there was a strange type of bond that I could feel with her but not with my other siblings. The bond made me feel her everything, her state of mind, her thoughts among other things. I had no doubt that she could also do the same with me. However I cared not for it as long as it's her that she gives this bond with me and only me which she wholeheartedly agreed.

When it comes to me, I stayed with what I knew and instead refined it. My use of divinity excelled compared to my siblings. I made different ways to use my divinity, one of which is I was able to focus my divinity towards my back in great volumes which caused it to burst forth, causing blue tendrils of light to spread from my back which I could combine to make wings to help me fly where ever I wanted in great speeds although I'm limited in this space. The other improvement I made was to condense my divinity so tightly that it becomes as thin as my hair. With that, I launched it from the tips of my finger which shockingly for everyone and myself watching, actually pierced through Kronos' stomach that caused him some pain. This gave us hope, as I was about to gather more divinity to do it again, I passed out.

When I awoke, I realized that with the restrictions placed upon us, it greatly exhausted me, that wouldn't of been a problem as I could've waited until I'm healthy and tried again only this time towards the entrance to create an opening, however father became more cautious as he made our restrictions even more severe where Hestia was barely able to even light her flames, Poseidon only moving a couple drops of sweat, Hades only being able to change materials the size of his finger nail, Demeter only being able to create a few bread slices and Hera's bond with me being slightly restricted although not a lot. I myself was barely even able to summon 2 tendrils of light.

I have a feeling that when we get out of this place, we will not be limited to what I see us doing or were capable of before the restrictions I caused us. Even I feel as if there is something that dwells within me that wants to come out but is unable to whether because it can't or I am subconsciously repressing it as Hera has mentioned that I am mentally blocking something that even she is unable to see which baffled me.

As I was recounting what had happened during our time here with Hera sleeping on top of me, a quarrel suddenly erupted between my siblings.

Hestia-''Stop this at once Poseidon! I already told you that I have no desire to be involved with the acts you do with Demeter and Hades. Now get off me this instance!''

(Image of Hestia)

Poseidon-''What else am I to do!? Demeter barely goes with me and sticks more on Hades and Hera doesn't even let me look towards her much less Alexander letting me even look. I grow tired of just watching them go at it like animals whilst I just hold my cock and hope that someone help me relieve it!''

(Image of Poseidon)

Demeter-''Leave her alone Poseidon, if she doesn't want to participate that is her own choice and you are to respect that decision of hers. She made it clear at the beginning that she will not participate.''

(Image of Demeter)

Hades, who was laying next to Demeter only watched the event unfold in silence, with no one able to predict what he is thinking.

(Image of Hades)

[AN* All the Olympians are currently naked so just imagine they have no clothes on.]

Poseidon-''Quiet Demeter, unlike you who is able to quench your gaping hole whenever you want, I am unable to!''

Hearing their argument, I gently removed Hera off of me who has awakened from the shouts of our siblings and walked towards Poseidon who was currently on top of Hestia who was struggling to get Poseidon off of her.

Alexander-''Get off of her brother, do not force things upon her when she has already made clear her answer to you. I will not ask again.''

Poseidon, who heard his brother behind him didn't turn his head and instead replied;

Poseidon-''Stay out of this brother, I've already held myself back for far too long, it's about time I release it o-''

He was able to finish his sentence as he was sent flying out of the cave and plunged into the pool of acid. Alexander, who still had his right leg up after kicking Poseidon off of Hestia and out of the cave slowly brought it back down. Usually, Alexander's siblings greatly respected him as he was the one that raised them and was seen some that they rely on. Alexander himself deeply loved his siblings and won't often lash out at them. The only reason he was heavy handed towards Poseidon is because he detest any forms of r*pe that he sees as he had the experience of listening to his father r*ping his mother time and time again which led to his siblings being born and thrown into this misery.

This also made Alexander to come up with a decision where he had himself and his brother become temporarily infertile as he didn't want anyone to sire any children whilst they are still stuck here. Whilst, my brothers did agree to this, Hera was however somewhat irritant towards me for a while but agreed as she too doesn't want to raise our child here.

Not long after I kicked Poseidon out of the cave, he came back with anger sketched across his face. I looked towards him with a calm look.

Alexander-''I will not tolerate anyone of my siblings acting like animals. You will not assault our sister just to satiate your carnal cravings. You are not a dog that will fuck anything that moves. That goes for everyone else.''

I looked towards everyone as I say the latter part, then looked back towards Poseidon who was still angry. I couldn't blame him too much however as he is the youngest of us and has not yet fully matured unlike his siblings which makes him more prone to his impulses.

Giving him one last look, I walked back towards Hera who was still laying down. However, as I was walking back, I felt my body get launched across the cave and was embedded against the wall. Everyone was shocked as they all stared at Poseidon who was still angry but had a little smirk across his face. Even Hades who has usually quiet was surprised at what happened.

I looked up towards Poseidon and stared directly at Poseidon without any anger or any emotion at all. I couldn't find myself to be angry at him because I know he is still young and isn't able to control himself. In saying that though, I will not tolerate such attitudes and will therefore need to teach him some manners.

With a sigh, I slowly removed myself from the wall and steadily walked towards him. Seeing Alexander slowly walk towards him, Poseidon became a bit nervous, but with anger still fueling him he didn't think much of it and launched himself from his position, denting the ground below him and with arm coiled back, punched towards Alexander.

Alexander upon seeing this once again lets out a sigh before he stops and lets Poseidon come closer. With Poseidon leaning forward due to him launching himself towards Alexander, he was completely off balance and would not be able to adjust himself or even protect himself in mid air.

Since Poseidon is the youngest of us, he has not yet trained enough unlike his other siblings. As Alexander was watching his brother come to him, he calmly raised his legs and kicked it towards Poseidon's approaching face. Poseidon upon seeing this tried to evade or even block the kick but was unable to do so. What occurred was Poseidon once again get sent flying away from the cave, only this time he reached the other side of the stomach and was also embedded into the wall.

Alexander-''I'll be right back, I have to teach our little brother some common sense as well as teach him how to fight''

Alexander said to everyone behind him. He then applied his divinity into his legs and proceeded to run along the stomach walls as he was not longer able to fly. Shortly after Alexander reached Poseidon and upon reaching him, he saw that Poseidon was slowly trying to get out of the wall with no luck as some of his bones in his arms and legs were broken due to the impact.

Alexander-''Lesson number 1 brother... when facing an enemy, end the fight as fast as you can. It doesn't matter if you kill them or disable them, make sure that they are unable to fight back...''

Upon my last sentence, I grabbed both his arms and with great force, pulled ripping them off the sockets.


Then I grabbed both his legs and ripped them off as well.


Alexander upon hearing his pleas sighed and channeled his divinity into his little brothers wounds, numbing his pain. After a few moments, Poseidon was no long in great pain, although he had some discomfort.

Alexander-''Lesson number 2, don't pick a fight if you are uncertain of winning or if you have no knowledge of your opponents capabilities... Maybe that should've been lesson number 1. No matter.''

Poseidon was no longer looking at Alexander with anger but instead fear as he has never seen Alexander be this way. Sure he would punch him a couple of times but that was it, never being brutal like this. And although he would fully heal from this, fear was now buried deep inside towards his eldest brother.

Alexander-''I know you might hate me for doing this brother... but know that I am doing this mostly because I am preparing you in the time we will eventually get out of this. This pain will be a reminder of what will inevitably will happen when we get out of this place eventually as father will not stop until he gets rid of us. And what I did to you is nothing but a fraction of what he is capable of doing not only to you but the rest of us too. This also serves as a punishment for your unacceptable actions.''

After saying that, I grabbed my little brother and placed him over my shoulder and carried his limbs so we can attached it to him for a faster healing. After we arrived in our cave, I placed Poseidon down along with his limbs. As he was down, Hestia ran up to him and used her small flames to reattach his limbs. Although Poseidon did try to assault her, she still loves her little brother.

Sometime past after that incident and everyone is back to normal, albeit Poseidon haven't looked at me in the eyes for a while. Sitting at the edge of the cave with Hera by my side, we once again heard the muffled voice of our mother pleaing for Kronos to spare her newborn, our new sibling. Hearing this, everyone got up and we all climbed up the stomach walls and just outside the entrance, waiting for our new unfortunate sibling to join us.

After some time, we saw a bundle of cloth which we assumed is our new sibling fall. Hades, who was closest leapt from where he was and caught it. We then made our way towards the cave where he was waiting for us with a confused look. Seeing this, we all surrounded him only for him to open the cloth cover the 'baby' and reveal to us broken pieces of stone.

Alexander-''What is going on?''

[AN* A bit of a long chapter today. I made a mistake last chapter that implied that Hestia no longer has her purity which was a mistake on my part so I tried to fix it in this chapter. And although it looks brutal the way Alexander handled the situation, there is an explanation that can maybe help with clearing it up later on. Hopefully my little action scene was ok and you were able to follow along with it. Let me know of ways to improve. I may not reply but I will definitely take your considerations to heart :) ]

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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