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Chương 24: Chapter 24.

Alex was sitting at his computer, he did not go out into space as he usually does even though he is free without much work to do, but this is due to the fact that Felicia is in his room on his bed, and she is still awake...

Even though it was already past midnight.

"Hey Alex"

Alex diverted his attention from the keyboard to see Felicia; she was speaking to him without looking up from her phone.

Felicia is dressed in clothes that were loaned to her by his mother; it was a strange feeling to see Felicia dressed in clothes that had nothing black on them.

Her shirt was white, it was a little tight for her figure, and she also had pink pajama shorts, this was a little too big for her.

Alex decided that he would wear black shorts and his upper body was exposed showing his muscles, Alex had a lot of confidence in Felicia, so he was not ashamed of her seeing him shirtless.

"What's going on?" Alex raised an eyebrow in curiosity; Felicia hadn't said anything since she started using her phone to surf the internet.

"Thank you ... for everything." Felicia's tone of voice was low, almost like a whisper, but for Alex that she could use her super hearing, she had no problem hearing what she said.

"You're welcome ... but I didn't do anything with the intention that you should thank me" Alex replied simply, he hadn't done anything with any ulterior motive towards Felicia. He simply realized that when he gave himself the opportunity to meet Felicia, he noticed that she is a very interesting girl, having her around him is not at all uncomfortable.

Felicia wasn't surprised by Alex's response, she already knew Alex very well, and being pathetic and giving a girl a lot of things to get her attention is not something he would do.

"I know you didn't, but I've always wanted to thank you" A smile lit up Felicia's face, which at this moment was illuminated by the moonlight coming through the window, this scene made Felicia look like an angel: " From the moment I met you, at first I got a little angry with you, I thought you were an arrogant popular boy who thought he was unattainable for everyone, so you didn't talk to anyone and you thought they weren't up to your level"

Alex was surprised ... he didn't have an arrogant air about him, did he?

But now that he thought about it, as he got his powers and got stronger, he felt that no one in the world could hurt him except for a couple of entities, but it's not like he planned to become a planet-busting maniac.

So when people started being scared of what he did to that boy who tried to bother him, he never thought of trying to redeem himself or something like that, all he thought about was that people tended to be fearful of what they didn't. They understand.

Then time went by, and he got used to the fact that no one spoke to him at school and started ignoring all those silly kids, as long as he had his family he felt good about himself, that's why when he realized that he was even smarter than teachers, he also began to ignore teachers.

Now that he heard it in his mind, he did sound arrogant. Alex felt a bit of shame, until this moment he did not realize that his being began to emanate a small air of arrogance and disdain when he spoke with others.


Alex snapped out of his thoughts when he heard that Felicia still had more to say. He focused all of her attention on her again.

"When I finally got to meet you, I realized that I was wrong with my first impression of you" Felicia at this moment put her phone aside and continued talking: "When I met you I realized that you are someone kind, quite reserved when you are not in a place that inspires confidence, sometimes you speak and act as if you are an older man, and other times you act as if you are a boy of 17 somewhat immature, plus there is the fact that you take care of others even though you don't show too affectionate towards anyone ".

"I don't think the latter is true ..." Alex looked away, with a small blush of shame on his face; he didn't think that anyone noticed the things he did behind the backs of others.

"Do you remember that time Sue was too stressed and she couldn't sleep well at night, and she fell asleep in her office in her chair with a crooked neck, and with her paperwork a mess"


"You don't remember how you walked into her office and when you saw her, you got one of those orthopedic neck pillows, you arranged her in her chairs with that pillow to make her more comfortable, you put blinders on her so that the light wouldn't bother her, and you reorganized all his paperwork. "

Felicia smiled like a cat when she saw Alex's somewhat red face.


"Or maybe when you found me asleep and drooling on my computer keyboard, because I spent all night working on the new skins of many champions and I could not sleep at all, I remember that day I put my best effort not to fall asleep during classes and I could not take any notes in my notebook because I had a horrible headache, that day I was so tired that when I sat at my desk in the office I couldn't help not falling asleep"

As Felicia continued talking, Alex's eyes grew wider and wider.

"I would know that I was going to have horrible neck pain, upon waking up but I didn't care because of how tired I was, and I also knew that I was going to have a horrible mark for a couple of hours because I fell asleep on my keyboard, but When I woke up I was lying on the sofa in the office, with a pillow under my head and with a blanket covering me to make me cold, but the strangest thing of all was when I got home and when I checked my backpack I noticed that you write them down all the classes had been written on sheets of paper and were put between the sheets of my notebook. "Felicia had a huge smile on her face when she finished speaking, and Alex didn't say a single word.

"How are you sure I did it?" Alex couldn't help but ask despite the shame he felt at being caught.

"She showed it to me, there I saw you through the security tapes" Felicia pointed at Alex's computer.

Alex looked away from her and noticed that Ahri was watching them with a small blush on her face, trying not to make Alex look directly into her eyes.

"Traitor!" Alex couldn't help screaming in his heart, as he had been betrayed by his own creation.

"She and I have become good friends since you introduced her to us." Felicia gave Ahri a thumbs up, who returned it.

"Well ... you know I have a heart and I'm not a cold male God" Alex sighed and shrugged, there was no reason to continue denying things once he had been discovered.

"In my most honest opinion, I think you look better without trying to give the image of a cold and distant boy, that face of having a stick stuck in your ass that you have usually does not suit you" Felicia giggled: "At this rate, I would have to start calling you Alex Uchiha, and you should let your hair grow until it looks like a duck's ass."


Alex went completely silent after being compared to an Uchiha.

Felicia started to laugh out loud, although she was covering her mouth to keep from making too much noise, the walls of Alex's house weren't that thick and a loud enough noise would be heard in the nearby rooms.

"Okay, I can accept that, but tell me when I have sounded like an old man ..." Alex demanded to know Felicia, he did not think that he had such radical personality changes.

Felicia stopped laughing at him and said:

"That time when we were in class and all our classmates had formed a scandal since our teacher had not yet appeared, I remember that the room was filled with a shrill and desperate noise that was even able to bring you out of the state of meditation in the that you seem to enter when you're in class, I remember the words came out of your mouth, can't this bunch of brats wait in silence? Even though you said it in a whisper, I heard it, at that moment you heard yourself as an old man who wants to live his days in peace and silence "

Alex was silent again; he did not think that Felicia observed him so much, especially when he is not seeing her.


This was the second life that Alex had, although in his body he seemed to be young, currently, in his mental age he should be almost 40 years old, everything felt a little better when he was younger since during the first years of his life his mind and thoughts were in darkness until he was 12 years old, during the first years of his life he had the occasional blurry flashback regarding his powers among other things.

Then there came a point when all his memories came suddenly, this made him feel a little old from time to time, but from the moment that he accepted this second life as if it were the first, he decided to act according to his body age, which He was a 16-year-old teenager.

"Okay, I don't know what to say about that ..." Alex just sighed in defeat, but suddenly his gaze lit up and he looked at Felicia and said, "Well, since you talked about me, I guess I can talk about my impressions of you".

Felicia when she heard this, she seemed to gain confidence, she did not remember doing anything weird while she was in the company of Alex. So the only impression she could have made was a positive one.

"Go ahead." Total confidence radiated from Felicia's voice, letting it be known that she was very confident regarding this issue.

"I'll start with my first impression of you," Alex thought for a few moments to accommodate his words and said: "The first time I saw you, I thought you would be one of those pretty girls with little intellect, who think that any man would fall at their feet just to give him a look and a smile. "

"..." Felicia listened carefully as Alex talked about her.

"I also thought that with your appearance it would not take long to enter the most popular circle of the school, along with those fools on the football team, and with the cheerleaders. But ... to my own surprise, you never spoke to anyone, you ignored all the popular and sporty boys who tried to flirt with you, I even remember the key you made to the fool who tried to outdo you "Alex remembered when that poor fool tried to play Felicia's butt, and I almost ended up with a dislocated arm, the poor fool left scared and almost crying.


"I also learned from you, that you are a kind, interesting girl, you never run out of topic for conversation, you are a hard worker even though you come from a technically wealthy family, you are somewhat otaku and have a huge obsession for black cats, and despite the flirtatious attitude you always have, I know you are a virgin, "Alex said with a thoughtful look as he enumerated the things he had learned from Felicia up to this point, but when she seemed to be about to speak, Alex continued speaking:" And one of The few bad things that I have learned from you is that you are a bit toxic and somewhat possessive from time to time. "

Felicia couldn't believe what she heard, toxic and possessive. Her?

"When have I been toxic and possessive?" Felicia crossed her arms as she raised an eyebrow with her totally serious face; no girl likes to be told these things.

"Hey, don't get mad, I'm not telling you as if I care if you're like that." Alex tried to calm her down a bit, but in Felicia's eyes, she said that if or if she should answer honestly, Alex just let out a sigh and passed her hands. hands over his face before speaking: "You see ... that time when some girls approached me to try to talk to me, I remember that halfway they stopped, turned around and left ... at that moment I asked myself why this happened, but at the moment I didn't think about it much ... but it was when classes ended and I was supposed to wait for you at the entrance of the school to leave, you had stayed in the classroom to pick up your things, but I realized that my phone it wasn't with me, so I remembered that I had left it on my desk since that day I had spilled some water on it and I didn't want my phone to get wet… "Alex didn't use his super-breath to dry off since he was in the middle of the class and it would be very strange for me to go to the bathroom with the pants He was wet and would be back in less than a minute with his pants dry, so he let nature do his work slowly.

Felicia's eyes got bigger and bigger as the words came out of Alex's mouth.

"Well when I got to the living room door, I overheard a little conversation that maybe I shouldn't have heard ..."

-Little FlashBack-

Alex was outside of his classroom and hid to the side of the wall when he heard that Felicia was talking to the 3 girls who had tried to talk to him earlier.

"What are your intentions in trying to get close to Alex?" Felicia said with a voice cold as ice, while she gave the girls an equally cold look, that they were a little afraid of Felicia since she did not give them a good feeling. Earlier when they were trying to get closer to Alex, they felt that something very bad would happen to them if they got closer.

"We just wanted to have a little chat! Only that!" One of the girls exclaimed in alarm while waving her hands in panic, this girl had long straight blonde hair that reached her lower back and blue eyes, white skin, she was somewhat short in height, had a prominent bust and slightly wide hips She was dressed in a green wool sweater with a turtleneck that clung well to the upper part of her body, and at the bottom, she was wearing a white skirt that reached a little above her knees, It should be noted that the skirt also fitted well to her body. Her footwear was a pair of sandals.

The girl who was standing on her right side, had tanned skin with dark brown hair that reached her shoulders, brown eyes, was a little taller than her friends, she was wearing a pink blouse and pink pants. blue denim. Her shoes were red converse.

The last of the girls who were standing on the left side of the blonde, had long black hair that reached to her shoulders, her skin was also white and her eyes were black, on top she was wearing a sleeveless shirt In red, along with somewhat tight jeans, and her shoes were platform sandals, thanks to these sandals she was second tallest in her small group.

"And tell me… why do you want to talk to him now? They have been e in the same class as him for the last few years and apparently, they have never spoken to him" Felicia still kept her cold gaze giving the 3 girls chills.

"Well ... we noticed that he always hangs out with you, and he doesn't look as scary as usual, so we thought about talking to him" The blonde answered again, she seemed to be the representative of 3.

Felicia gave a cold snort and said: "And just because of that they want to get closer to him, during the time that I have been studying here it has not been difficult for me to notice the way everyone is looking at him, as if he were some kind of monster, like this. I'll only say this once and you'd better listen to me… don't come near Alex again or I assure you those very bad things will happen to you. "Felicia took her bag and was getting ready to leave the classroom but she turned to look at the girls and said: "By the way ... maybe you want to take a step back" The girls did not know who of the 3 Felicia was talking to, but because Felicia gave them chills the 3 took a step back.

When the 3 girls stepped back, suddenly a flying object entered through the window, breaking it in the process.

The round object turned out to be a baseball that sped into the classroom, and its direct path was where the girls were standing before Felicia told it to back off.

"Shit! What did I do?!"

The wail was heard after the ball had broken the window glass.

All 3 girls went pale at this point… and all 3 turned their heads mechanically towards Felicia.

"I told you, you are warned" Felicia left the classroom while she had a cat smiles on her face. The 3 girls fell scared to the ground.

Alex seeing that Felicia was about to leave, used his super-speed to pick up the phone without being noticed and headed back towards the entrance. Alex thought it would be better to forget that the latter happened.

-End of mini FlashBack-

"Well ... that's what happened" Alex finished counting, but obviously avoided the part about using his powers.

Felicia's complexion was red and pale at the same time, Alex wasn't sure how that was even possible.

"I can explain it!" Felicia tried to rush to explain to Alex but Alex stopped her.

Felicia looked like she was about to cry if the tears that were slowly forming at the corners of her eyes were something that said what was coming.

Alex, seeing him, quickly began to calm her down: "Felicia, you don't have to explain anything, as I told you, it's not like I care that you did."

When Felicia heard what Alex said, a weight seemed to disappear from her shoulders.

"Although I don't understand how you did the ball breaking the window, what were the chances of that happening?" This was false curiosity on Alex's part, he remembered very well what Felicia's powers were, the power to control her odds in her favor, but he wouldn't tell her this. He knows very well that these are sensitive subjects that he cannot be talked about lightly.

A fighting look appeared on Felicia's face after hearing Alex's question. She seemed to be struggling with whether she should tell Alex the answer or not.

Alex was about to tell her that if it was something very personal she didn't have to say it, but Felicia spoke before him.

"I have powers" Felicia summed up as simply as possible, she looked at Alex with a serious face to see her reaction, but she noticed that he was not surprised.

What kind of power? One like the fantastic 3? Or maybe as a mutant? " This was genuine curiosity on Alex's part since he wasn't sure if having very good luck could be considered a mutant or something.

"I don't know, but I don't care either, the point is that I can use a power" Felicia shrugged, she actually felt very good about Alex's reaction, although she might have liked to see him surprised.

"Well ... what does your power do?"

"I have very good luck."

"As if you toss a coin and the side you choose always lands?"

"It goes a bit beyond that, but it could do that."

Alex nodded in understanding and said, "That's cool."

"Is that all you have to say?" Felicia couldn't help but sigh in disappointment; she thought Alex would at least open his eyes wide and scream in surprise.

"Since you were honest with me, I'll be honest with you." Alex smiled happily.

"What do you mean by that? ..." Felicia fell silent from what she was seeing.



"You can fly!?" Alex was floating in the air in front of Felicia with a victory smile on her face. Felicia had her mouth wide open in shock from what she just learned.

Some days after…

The rest of the conversation he had with Felicia that Christmas night will remain between the two of them for the moment. The only thing that can be said at the moment is that they touched very deep issues for both of them, but thanks to this their friendship had deepened a lot.

Alex was sitting with his legs s crosses while he was meditating. In the present time, he is in Kamar taj, dressed in the robes of apprentices worn by all new practitioners of the mystical arts.

He's supposed to learn to extract and use some special energy at will or something like that...

But Alex's progress up to this point has not been much, before starting to meditate he had to learn forgotten languages, such as Sanskrit and others, it turns out that all kamar taj books are so old that the languages ​​in which they are written are too much old, but learning these languages ​​was the least for Alex, just reading the books once was more than enough to memorize all their content and use it to his advantage.

Learning all those languages ​​did not take him more than one night, it should be noted that this surprised Ancient One a lot, since although he knows many things thanks to the time gem, Alex's learning pace is something that many teachers and apprentices wish they had.

Alex sighed and opened his eyes; it is easy for him to enter a state of meditation since he always enters when he tries to sleep, but no matter how much he looks for that energy he still cannot find it. It is assumed that when he finds her he will be able to learn to use the mystical arts.

Although Alex was only interested in the technique that can help lengthen the life of his father, he is not allowed to skip all the necessary steps before reaching it.

Alex made use of his powers to float and stand on the ground, around him were many other Kamar taj students who were also in the meditation stage, there were both young people to old people, men and women, as Alex knew in Kamar taj does not refuse teaching to anyone, no matter your gender, age or race, here every one learns together.

Alex walked among the other apprentices, being careful not to interrupt any of them; his direction went to a certain place that was not far from this courtyard. As Alex walked he could not help but look around him and admire all the buildings and constructions that made up Kamar taj, a different place without a doubt.

After a few minutes of walking, Alex came to a patio that had a tree in the middle, there was water running through gutters on the sides of it, and with small bridges so that people could cross without any problem.

But Alex did not get too close to the tree, if not that he was watching it from afar, he stared at how the sunlight reflected on one side of him, giving him a certain air of calm and serenity.

"Problems with meditation?"

A voice was heard behind Alex, but he did not panic because of this voice, he just sighed tiredly and said: "Entering the state of meditation is a piece of cake, but looking for an energy within me is the difficult thing."

"You must be calm Alex; if you despair it will be worse" Ancient One's calm voice responded to Alex's words, she walked and stood next to him. Now they were both looking at the same tree.

"That is what I try, but I suppose that I am afraid of never being able to do it, besides that I still cannot go to Wakanda as if nothing else, they are a closed country and my only option would be to force my entry, that would only generate that they would see me with bad eyes causing enmity between us, and I don't think it's good for them to see me as an enemy when I ask for help for my father… "Alex's gaze was thoughtful, it was very easy to force his way into Wakanda, but he didn't want to do it. In a bad way, if he forced them to help his father under the threat that he would destroy them, who knows what they would be, able to do to his father when he left him with them.

"Do you always keep only the worst case in mind?" Ancient One raised an eyebrow as she asked; she had noticed that Alex is quite a negative boy as if the only thing that can happen is bad things. In the words of young people today, he seems like a Goth since he looks at the world in such a negative way, the good thing is that he does not negatively look at himself if he would not be emo.

"I always like to keep my feet on the ground ... just that, the lower you fly the fall won't hurt" Alex shrugged, there was nothing wrong with always having the worst case in mind with respect to everything, if not If he did, he would seem like one of those shonen protagonists who think that anything is possible with the power of friendship.

"If you maintain such a negative mentality you will not progress with your meditation" Ancient One said, wisdom was the only thing present in her voice.

"What are you talking about?" Alex couldn't help raising an eyebrow, and waiting for the Ancient One to answer her question.

"Sometimes Alex, it is easier to do certain things with the support of some emotions or thoughts, after all, people are not much more than the things we live and share, if you always think that everything will go wrong, it is normal for that always be the result," Ancient One said with a small smile on his face, this made Alex open his eyes. You were a bit surprised, but this also brought another doubt to your mind.

"Isn't it supposed that to reach the state of total calm you have to clear your mind and not think about anything?" Alex hoped Ancient One would clarify this question for him.

"Ignore those yoga teachers Alex, they only repeat things that they have read or heard from people who also do not know anything about true meditation, the state of absolute peace is reached when one as a person achieves the perfect balance between your emotions and thoughts if you don't think of anything as they say, in the end, your results will be nothing" Ancient One advised Alex, who couldn't help but be surprised to himself since most meditation guides say that you don't have to think about nothing because if not, it doesn't work ... but in the end, who knows? Each person is different, it is normal for each person to have different methods to achieve total peace of mind.

"Just one more little tip, use your memories, focus on the good and the bad and the things that make you who you are, but don't focus on just one memory and let it all flow."

"Thank you very much for the master advice" Alex made a small bow in appreciation, this chat with Ancient One made him see things differently.

"This time I made a small exception; usually I let the Kamar Taj students find the answer for themselves" Ancient One waved his hand to downplay the matter.

"Why am I different from the others in Kamar taj?" Alex asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"Who knows? ..." Ancient one shrugged, opened a portal, and left, leaving Alex standing in the same place.

With the clearest mind of him, Alex returned to the designated place for everyone to meditate.

He sat cross-legged and began.

"I'm not sure what to do, so I'll just let it all flow." Alex closed her eyes, normalized his breathing, and quickly entered his meditation mode.

For a while Alex didn't know where to start, he wasn't exactly a normal person, Alex is reincarnated, this is his second life, so he has many memories etched in his mind.

He decided to let the memories of him start from his old life, each of the things that forged part of his current person.

Alex didn't know when it happened, the memories of him just started to flow.

"Why doesn't anyone adopt me?" A 6-year-old boy with dark brown eyes, brown hair, and light brown skin, who was dressed in his best clothes for the occasion, which consisted of beige Bermuda pants, a blue flannel-type shirt, and Black dress shoes quite worn, the boy asked a question to a woman who was next to him.

The woman's figure was dark and blurry, none of her facial features were visible, she only boasted of the form of a woman.

"Easy *****, one day you too will be one of the children who come out smiling through that door" The boy's name only sounded like a muffled noise making it impossible to understand, the woman just patted him on the back before leaving.

On another failed adoption day, a very deep feeling of sadness took root within the child's soul, accompanied by a deep feeling of loneliness and abandonment. But still, the boy forced a smile as he waved goodbye to the other children who had accompanied him to this day.

All memory was darkened leaving only the silhouette of the boy saying goodbye while everything went completely dark.

Alex, who was witnessing everything as if he were a spectator, did not stay here, but he let everything continue to flow.

Now the scene changed ... The whole background was blurry, but it was understood that this was something similar to a school.

There was no longer a 6-year-old boy, now there was a 15-year-old obese boy ... The boy was dressed in a somewhat tight school uniform, only it was completely blurred.

"Are you sure of this *****?" A dark silhouette asked, it had a female voice and her figure was that of a girl.

"Sure, I asked him myself, so go and tell him what you feel without fear," The young man said with a smile, this encouraged the other figure, and quickly went to a place out of sight that allowed seeing the memory. The boy clenched his fists helplessly as he stared at the vague silhouette of a boy and a girl kissing. The boy is then seen walking in the opposite direction completely away from those figures.

Everything went dark again; everything was plunged into complete darkness.

Suddenly everything lit up showing the same young man, but he was now 18 years old. He was wearing a black shirt and blue jeans, his clothes still looked somewhat tight due to his body mass. In his hand, he carried a bag with the few belongings he had.

He was standing in a double door accompanied by the fi dark figure of a woman, only this was the same figure from the first memory.

"Take care of yourself out there *****, the world is not a kind place, so harden your heart as much as you can," The figure said with a mature female voice, somewhat aged denoting that she was no longer as young as before.

"I understand, thanks for the advice matron," The boy said with a smile on his face, although he did not share the same opinion of the matron, the world can also be good to you if you are good to everyone. The boy at that time was sure of his beliefs; Naruto achieved his happiness. Why couldn't he? He had no better example since the only thing he had been able to see besides Naruto, where the DC and Marvel comics, along with the movies. Of course, there is also the fact of playing many games on the laptop that he was able to buy after many years of saving. Among them his favorite was Lol.

The boy took his things and went out to the sidewalk while he said goodbye to the woman who had taken care of him all his life, she was not his mother, but he felt that she was the closest he could have to a figure maternal.

A smile was the only thing present on his face as he walked what adventures awaited him now that his life was beginning?

The scene went dark again...

When the light returned, the boy was now seen only that he was now 19 years old.

He was dressed in a worker's panties and he was also thinner, he was shoveling dirt in construction, surrounded by many dark figures, like him, they were all doing a different job.

"How hot! Hey ******! At the end of the day today, let's go for drinks!" One of the distant figures screamed as he used one of his hands to wipe the sweat off his forehead, this made the boy turn his head towards the figure and give it a thumbs up.

This habit of going for drinks when he finished work had developed since his colleagues in construction always invited him.

"Seriously dude, I'm jealous of you, that pretty waitress doesn't leave you alone every time we go to the bar," The figure closest to the boy told him as he gave him a friendly pat on the back, and gave him a bottle of cold water. , quite necessary with the current infernal heat.

"Come on dude; look at me, what girl would be interested in me? She likes me because I always ask her how her day is, and I listen to everything she has to say" The boy said simply as if it were a fact of the most normal thing in life, he himself was a person who did not speak much and did not participate too much in conversations, listening was easier for him.

The figure next to him just shook his head, took the boy by the shoulders, and said: Let's make a deal, ask her out today, if she tells you that if you paid for today's drinks for everyone, if she says no, I'll I will pay"

"Done deal, get your wallet ready." The boy said confidently, and then he and the figure went back to shoveling dirt.

"Watch out!"

A voice screamed in alarm, but the boy didn't have time to react when he suddenly felt a strong blow to his head. Then everything turned to darkness.

"I'm dead?" It was a question that was asked in total darkness. But there was nothing around, everything was black.

Everything was silent for a long time...

"Damn! Shit! Was that my whole life?! I didn't do shit! I didn't even kiss a girl! "

Alex couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed, he clearly remembers that this is the moment when he exploded and he let out everything that he had kept for all the years of his previous life from him.

End here.

-I leave you hanging here because I'm bad :b-

ArashiMikado ArashiMikado

This is the average duration that I expect for the next chapters, I hope you like it.

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