“Yeah. Fortunately, we can just eat snow if we run out of water.” Ash made a face.
“The place still has running water,” Ross reminded him, and looked at the window. The window, solid white, didn’t help him. “Are things really that bad, that you’re concerned about health insurance?”
Ash blinked at him in surprise. “Everyone needs health insurance. And I got bounced from the national network because I couldn’t do the war correspondent thing anymore, so yeah. I have to worry about these things. They covered me while I was in the hospital, but now that I’m out I’m on my own. Thank God I had enough contacts to get me in here, right?” He grinned wryly. “I’m sure no one ever expected me to wind up back in Boston, but beggars can’t be choosers.”
“No.” Ross frowned. “Were you very badly hurt? I mean, I noticed you’re a little stiff, but I thought it might just be from sleeping wrong.”