Ahh Detroit, what a nice place if you don't mind not having shit. cuz u can't have shit in Detroit. whatever tho meet this homie. His name is Jermar Jackson or better known in the skreets as JJ.
"This some bullshit", JJ says. He was getting his bitch stolen by a more handsome fellow named Tyrone Brown.
JJ is a pussy
"ayo so like let me get a good look at you", Tyrone says. "i just wanna fuck", JJ's bitch says. JJ is hiding in a closet crying. As he watches he remembers that he has work in the morning and that they ain't no fucking way he finna wake up in the morning.
JJ falls unconscious due to extreme emotional trauma. "wake yo baby bottle charmin toilet bear goldilocks zone AUTOZONE up", says Dexter. Dexter better known as "dex no cards cuz i take all the credit" is JJ's best friend. "huh" - JJ replies.
"We gotta head to work ya bozo" Dex says
"oh fuck"- JJ moans (pause)
As they both rush to work on their bikes JJ exclaims "thanks for waking me up bro". "it ain't nun, besides u were already in my house.(pause) Do you even remember last night's party ?" Dex says. "Only the bad parts" JJ says
"ayo i saw ur bitch leave wit tyrone, when i went and questioned her about it she denied that she even knew you bro" dex says "damn, well hoes finna be hoes" JJ says
They make it to work but they get there 3 seconds late. " HSHAHAHAHAHA I KNEW YOU STUPID HOODLUMS TREE HOPPING PACKET LICKERS WOULD MESS UP" - said their boss. He's um an interesting fellow. "it's not even that serio-" JJ gets cut off " SHUT THE FUCK UP ! UR FIRED FOR EVEN SPEAKING TO ME, BOOT HOGGER", said the boss.
"damn dats tuff", says Dex
JJ leaves crying
"that baby needs Jesus", says a random pedestrian
"shut the fuck up" JJ yells. Usually JJ wouldn't be so disrespectful but he's all fucked up. Ironically he heads to church. He don't even really be praying like that but he's sad so. " yo uuh father i need some bitches and uuh some racks, please and thank ya" JJ says goofing around. JJ goes back to being sad tho cuz he's sad.
"man fuck tyrone, fuck my boss whatever that dudes name was, and worst of all fuck 12." JJ whispers to himself.
JJ hates the police which isn't a surprise, but he has a good reason. You see cuz his parents went to go pick up his little brother from daycare last year. A cop pulled them over and shot everyone in the car and the cop hasn't even been incarcerated.
´they didn't deserve that´ JJ thinks.
But this is the end for the first chapter I'm lazy