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40.54% Game of Thrones: The Targaryen Awakens / Chapter 30: Chapter 30

Chương 30: Chapter 30

- King's Landing - Black Cells-Sometime Later -

He should have seen it coming. To see Cersei how hated her husband and denounce his last wish was one thing, but to put her incest born bastard on the Iron Throne was another he could not understand. Didn't she see the boy clearly possessing madness in his eyes not unlike the Mad King? Or was she too blind to believe her son was unfit for the Iron Throne more ways then one? Perhaps she did know, but didn't care. Perhaps Cersei knew and felt the boy could be controlled by her due to being his Mother.

Ned almost chuckled despite the pain his leg was giving him right now. That boy would bring ruin to the Seven Kingdoms and his Mother. Not to mention the woman's two other children. Both seemed to be innocent enough, but it was Joffrey who worried him given the boy's mind was not well. Ned had wanted to fight the arranged marriage the shortly after Joffrey raised the issue with Arya's dire wolf biting him. That sick look the boy had at the idea of killing someone else's animal and lying to Robert with his Mother looking on raised all sorts of concerns.

And Ned was blind. Blind to his loyalty to Robert. His Sworn Brother. He should have said something sooner. Anything! But did he? No. Because he was damn honorable fool.

"Your honor as a Stark is going to be the death of you," said Aegon after appearing from the darkness in front of a startled and squinting Ned.

"Jon?" asked Ned in a whisper so the guards can't hear him.

"Aegon Targaryen actually. Jon Snow is dead. I have changed into what I was always meant to be in life. A dragon," replied Aegon casually.

"You need to whisper. The guards might hear you," said Ned since they would report to Cersei anything spoken out loud.

"You need not fear the eyes and ears of the foolish Queen reporting back to her about our current conversation. My powers won't let them," said Aegon with a wave of his hand making a torch nearby to spring to life with fire before moving to a nearby wooden bench to sit down.

"So the rumors are true. You can use sorcery," commented Ned while squinting harshly under the newly obtained light in the room.

"In a manner of speaking. What you see is a projection of myself. I am not really here. I came to talk. One that was long overdue," replied Aegon with Ned nodding.

"A shame it was not under better circumstance," said Ned while adjusting himself in his sitting position.

"Were you ever going to tell me? To tell me the truth about my Mother? My real Father?" asked Aegon with Ned nodding.

"I would have to you. Eventually," replied Ned with Aegon being silent for a moment.

"But only after I had joined the Night's Watch. After I took my vows to forsake all lands, titles, and having children. After I had unknowingly forsaken my claim to one day sit on the Iron Throne," said Aegon with Ned wincing.

"Yes. But that's not why. It would have protected you from Robert's wrath. From Tywin Lannister, who would have done everything in his power to end your life if he knew of your true bloodline," countered Ned with Aegon taking off his mask.

"You think the Wall would have protected me? What was to stop them from even trying anyway? Aside from taking those vows? What was to stop them from sending a cutthroat assassin to the Wall under the disguise of joining it just to kill me? Nothing! They would have sent someone regardless if I took the vows or not," said Aegon with Ned shaking his head.

"You don't know that Jon," countered Ned with Aegon slamming the helmet on the bench hard.

"Do not call me that Uncle. My name is NOT Jon Snow? Understand?! My first name is not Jon and my last name is not Snow. My name is Aegon. Aegon Targaryen. The name my Mother gave me before she died. I will have no part of the name Jon since you named me after your Foster Father," replied Aegon angrily to the confusion of Ned.

"How do you know your Mother named you? And why do I hear such hostility aimed at Lord Arryn?" asked Ned curiously.

"Another time perhaps. What is the situation with my cousins Sansa and Arya?" asked Aegon with Ned wincing.

"Sansa is being held as a hostage by the Queen and Joffrey. Arya is somewhere else. I know not the location. She got away from the Lannister men and the City Watch before they could capture her," replied Ned with Aegon looking off in thought.

"She's currently with Yoren from the Night's Watch. He's going hide her for now until his trip takes him back North where she will be safe. Provided the man can get out of the city following your execution," said Aegon with Ned looking up at him in shock.

"Execution?" asked Ned with Aegon looking back at him.

"You didn't think this new King would keep you alive forever in this cell, did you? No. Cersei and Littlefinger need you alive. Most likely to keep the North in line due your son calling the banners. Joffrey on the other hand...he won't honor his end of the agreement if its made. He will have you make a confession of being a traitor to Robert Baratheon in front of the people at the steps of the Sept of Baelor with Sansa being held with a blade to her throat. If you don't confess your so called crimes, they will slit her throat right there on the spot as punishment for defying the new King. But if you do confess to committing those false crimes, Joffrey will order the King's Justice to take your head with your own sword Ice to send a message to others on betraying the Crown. And they will make Sansa watch. Arya will see it from the crowd despite Yoren trying to shield her from the sight of your death," said Aegon with Ned now wincing further from the pain in his leg having spiked.

"It almost sounds like you can see the future," said Ned with Aegon nodding.

"That's because I can. I can see future Uncle. Vividly! I see the War of the Five Kings. I see the betrayals. The schemes. The plots. The plans. The deaths. Countless deaths Uncle. So many lives destroyed and in ruin. All of which will start to happen following shortly after your own if I do nothing to stop it," replied Aegon with Ned looking shocked and fearful for the future.

"Can you? Stop it? All of it?" asked Ned with Aegon nodding.

"I can stop it. I will stop it. But I need something from you in return Uncle. Saving you is not enough to stop the horrors to come. I need your endorsement. I need you to back me in claiming the Iron Throne," said Aegon with Ned gritting his teeth.

"Is that why you are really here? Seeking my endorsement for that damn chair? To rule over the Seven Kingdoms? And if I say no? If I refuse?" asked Ned defiantly at his dead sister's son.

"Saving you was always going to happen Uncle. Regardless if you endorsed me or not to be the new King. But like I said, I need your backing. I need the North. I need to be King. Or else all is lost!" said Aegon seriously with Ned looking away.

"And how do I know your words are true? How do I know your so called future where I die will happen? I do not doubt your powers, but I have doubts on you seeing the future with them," said Ned with Aegon clenching his hands into fists.

"What if I told you a horrible truth? What if I showed you said horrible truth? That what you know about Robert and Jon Arryn is lie? That you were deceived by both during the rebellion?" asked Aegon with Ned frowning now.

"If you think I will be swayed by sorcery and from a boy who was never there when the fighting happened, you are mistaken," Ned shot back.

"I'm not trying to sway you Uncle. I'm trying to show you the truth. If you doubt me in showing the actual event, I can easily take you to the very day you were in Dorne. Where you fought the Sword of the Morning. Show you how Howland Reed helped secure your victory over the greatest swordsman of his generation," replied Aegon with Ned looking at him shock and a hint of fear.

"You saw that?" asked Ned with Aegon nodding.

"Ser Arthur had you beat that day Uncle. He was a true master of the sword. Considering he wielded two and against multiple enemies at once, it was true testament to his skills. The only mistake he made was not factoring in Howland Reed's injury not killing him or the man would be able to move so quietly as to stab such a great man in the back. Still think my powers are bringing me false information?" countered Aegon with Ned looking nervous and even a tad frightened.

"What is this truth you wish to show me? What do you wish me to know?" asked Ned while Aegon looking down for a moment.

"Robert didn't love my Mother. It was all a lie. She was a possession to him. A trophy to showoff. The man was going to use her to further his reputation by stating he had tamed the so called she-wolf. When my mother left with Rheagar to marry him, Lord Arryn and Robert spread the lie about her being kidnapped and raped. They needed to draw support from the people and away from House Targaryen. Since the Mad King was well known to rape his own sister after seeing people burn alive, it wouldn't take much to believe the son had become just like his Father," said Aegon with Ned shaking his head.

"I don't believe you. Lord Arryn was honorable man. He would never have done this to the realms," said Ned in denial.

"I understand your reluctance to believe me Uncle. You were fostered by this man. And you don't want to believe he could have done you and your house wrong. But its the truth and I can prove it," said Aegon while extending his hand to touch his Uncle's face.

"Maybe I shouldn't see," whispered Ned while surprised he could feel Aegon's hand on his head despite the boy claiming to be a projection through magic.

"Do not resist this Uncle. You must see truth. I will not allow you to live in ignorance of this any longer," replied Aegon before using the Force to show him the truth.

The truth behind Jon Arryn's motives to topple the dragon. How the marriage alliances made were meant to bring the major Houses together for that purpose. How Robert would have women in his tent to keep him occupied. The conversation the two men secretly had when Ned was not around about the war nearly half a year into it. How Jon Arryn even planned to have Lyanna killed if found alive along with any child she may have had with Rheagar.

Aegon held nothing back. And as result, he had shattered his Uncle's world. The man could not hold back the tears flooding his eyes. The war against the Targaryens. All the fighting, killing, and the battles they fought had been all due to a lie. A lie forged from schemes, plots, and plans to remove the dragon so the Stag could sit on the Iron Throne with the Falcon to guide him.

And all for the Falcon to get its revenge against the dragon for petty reason that happened ages ago in terms of not being master of their domain within the skies.

"By the Gods. It was all a lie. Everything," whispered Ned with Aegon nodding sadly at his Uncle.

"I'm sorry Uncle. But you had to see that. You needed to know truth. It will hurt for a time, but you will recover from this," said Aegon with Ned not looking so certain.

"How? I am to be executed soon. Remember?" Ned reminded his nephew.

"An execution that I intend to stop Uncle. Do you trust me to stop it?" asked Aegon with Ned looking at him for a few seconds before nodding.

"Aye, I trust you. You may have dragon's blood, but wolf blood runs strong in your veins too from your Mother's side. But I need you to promise me one thing. Above all else in regards to my daughters. I need you to promise me that you will protect them both from harm. That if you had to choose between saving them or me...you will choose them," said Ned with Aegon pausing for a moment before nodding.

"I promise. It won't come to that Uncle. But I promise all the same," replied Aegon with Ned smiling.

"When this is over, should we all get out of this alive, I will tell you about your Mother from when I was a boy. What she was like growing up before I was fostered," added Ned since he deserved to give the boy that much before he glanced at his wounded leg.

"I would appreciate it Uncle. Sadly, I can't heal your leg right now. Someone might come in and notice it. They would suspect something or just injure you again. Maybe make it worse. Can you handle the pain until your intended execution?" asked Aegon with Ned nodding.

"Yes. I have had worse injuries as you know. Just remember your promise," replied Ned with Aegon nodding before putting on his mask.

"I'll see you soon," said Aegon before he began to fade.

"Aegon! In regards to your question about supporting your claim for the Iron Throne? I have an answer," said Ned with Aegon's form slowing down from fading.

"And?" asked Aegon curiously while Ned smiled at him.

"The North Remembers," answered Ned and nodded toward his nephew.

"The North Remembers," whispered Aegon before he faded entirely into the darkness with the torch nearby losing its light.

- The Great Sept of Baelor - Days Later -

Aegon watched as the crowd was beginning to form. Word spread of King Joffrey having Ned Stark make a public confession for all to hear in front of the Sept of Baelor. No one could see him. Not yet. He was masking his presence from the people so they wouldn't see him or the cloak on his right shoulder showing the three headed dragon symbolizing House Targaryen. He had to wait until his Uncle was in position to "confess" his crimes, which Aegon had communicated to him earlier that he must do, despite not wanting to, in order for things to play out the way they should.

Though Aegon could understand his reluctance to play the part, it was necessary in order to make the King's Justice draw Ice to use against its owner. While he could intervene at a later time, the Prince knew a public act of interference would be more impactful over a more discreet one.

And Aegon knew just how to do it. Which is why he contacted Varys a short time ago.

~ "Lord Varys. Can you hear me?" ~

~ "Yes your Grace. I take it is time?" ~

~ "Correct. The time is now. Gather your little birds. Give them their marching orders to all those they are to speak to about this within the city." ~

~ "And the orders your Grace?" ~

~ "Execute Order 66." ~

~ "It will be done your Grace." ~

Even now, Varys had his little birds out on the street. Giving the order to everyone within key places of the city. The different Commanders of the City Watch, who were loyal to the Targaryens over the lions, to a certain Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and to the people of King's Landing sick of the way things were going on within the city itself. By the time this growing crowd reached its peak right before the execution, the people here would become an army unto themselves. Something Aegon could use if necessary should the plan somehow fail.

Not to mention two other beings who were going to join this party soon enough when Aegon gave the order.

Walking through the crowd like a wraith, unseen through it all, the Prince made his way to Arya and Yoren. Seeing them from his position where the crowd grew, it was clear the poor girl was afraid for her Father, and under normal circumstances she had every right to be worried. As they were bringing Ned Stark out, Aegon glanced at his cousin, who was her own she-wolf just like his Mother. Wanting to wield swords over playing dolls. Wear leather pants over dresses. Learn to fight over dancing or embroidery.

A lady of the North, even if Arya kept telling everyone she wasn't a lady.

"Don't fear little one. Your Father won't die here. Not today," replied Aegon with Arya looking in his direction and nearly gasped at the sight of him.

"Who are you?" asked Arya with Aegon's masked head turning to look down at her.

"A child of the North. Like you. The North Remembers," whispered Aegon with Arya gasping and looking over to see her Father forced to stand there.

"The North Remembers," whispered Arya before looking back where Aegon had been standing.

Only to find he wasn't there.

She looked around her for the masked man. Given his appearance, it shouldn't have been too hard. Who was he? How did he move through the crowd unseen? Why didn't Yoren say anything? And if possible, could he teach her how to do all of that?!

"My future wife and my Mother wish to give Lord Stark mercy! For him to take the black and join the Night's Watch at the Wall as punishment for his crimes of treason against my late Father. A crime you all heard him confess to just now. However, granting mercy for such a crime breeds weakness. I will not allow traitors to the Crown to live during my rule as your new King. Ser Ilyn Payne, bring me his head!" commanded Joffrey while Sansa screamed in protest, struggling against Ser Meryn Trant's hold.

As for Joffrey, he smiled, loving the sound of his future wife's screams of agony, and was expecting the crowd to cheer him on for his "just" decision. But none of them cheered for him when the command was given. Many were in fact booing the decision. Throwing out insults and curses at the (non) Baratheon and even aiming a few at the Queen herself to the woman's surprise.

And all the while, the King's Justice readied Ice in hand. To bring it down on the owner that was Ned Stark per Joffrey's command. As for Ned Stark himself, he closed his eyes, sweating from the pain in his leg, and the nervousness of having his life so close to death with the promise from his magic using nephew that he wouldn't die today.

The Warden of the North silently prayed his nephew would come through for him.

And as if the Gods themselves answered his very prayers, he heard the crowd in front of him suddenly gasped in shock at the sight before them. The mighty sword Ice, the very ancestral sword of House Stark, being wielded by the King's Justice, was stopped from ending the life of its owner. It was only mere inches away from tasting the neck, flesh, and bone of Lord Stark when it seemed to hit an invisible barrier. Gravity was no longer the sword's ally when coming down to slice through its intended target and was held in place as if someone had grabbed the weapon by the blade itself.

And it baffled the King's Justice just as it did everyone else. Why did the man stop? How did he make it stop when his swing had no intention of stopping when it came down with such momentum?

"Ser Illyn, what are you waiting for? Do as your King commands. Kill the filthy traitor right now!" commanded Joffrey impatiently, who didn't understand while the man wasn't doing as ordered.

What Joffrey didn't know was the King's Justice was trying to do as commanded. But the sword wouldn't move. It wouldn't budge. It was as if something stronger then himself was preventing him from completing his assigned task.

As for Arya Stark, she had seen what was happening and like everyone else, was in total shock. To her, the Gods themselves had answered her prayers. She never really prayed to them so any attempt now felt futile, but even still, could it have truly hurt to ask for some divine help from them? Her House had committed no wrong (as far as she knew) against the Old or New Gods. And it wasn't like she wasn't asking for something unreasonable from them.

Seeing a semi-large shadow nearby the fountain her and Yoren were near, Arya turned to her left and saw the masked man in black with his hand outstretched. He was doing it an imposing, if not dramatic fashion worthy of the warriors of old from one of Old Nan's stories. Following where his right hand was outstretched, she soon concluded that this masked man was somehow holding Ice at bay from ending her Father.

'Magic. He's somehow using magic!' thought Arya while watching the man hold back the instrument that would be her Father's end without pause.

It wasn't long before more people saw what she did. Some gasping. Some pointing. Soon the entire crowd, including Yoren, the King, the Queen, the Kingsguard, Lord Varys, the Hound, and Lord Baelish saw what everyone else now did. Even the King's Justice was looking where he was and back the sword, his mind filled with puzzlement and disbelief while trying to press the sword down harder.

Only for the sword to be seemingly yanked from both his hands, hovering high into the air when masked man flicked his wrist and hand upward. The sword hovering in midair for all to see in disbelief, the sun shining down on it in all the weapons majestic glory. It was clear a testament to how a weapon could be just as beautiful to look at from afar as it was deadly to wield.

Only for the sword to soon point downward, diagonally really, and now aimed directly at the man who just tried to use it against Lord Stark. Before Ser Illyn could do anything, the sword came at him at high speed like someone had thrown it like bolt being launched from a ballista, The man didn't even know what happed as life now left his body with the sword piercing his chest through his back, and pinning the man right into the ground.

The crowd screamed in shock and slight fright. No one dared speak. Only to look from the dead body to the masked man who had clearly been the architect of knight's death. With his hand lowered, many saw the cloak hanging from his right shoulder, the sigil of House Targaryen showing the red three headed dragon in the black background clear for all to see.

In this moment, it was clear who this man was to them. This was the man from their very dreams. The same man who spoke of the bloated drunk Stag. The corrupt angry Lioness. The cruel offspring they had sired who was now supposedly their new King.

This was Aegon Targaryen. The son of their lost Prince Rheagar.

Leaping from his position, Aegon calmly walked toward the steps of the Great Sept of Baelor with the people giving him a wide path to walk. Some bowing. Some looking at him in awe. Some were not sure what to think. Could they trust him? Could they hope beyond hope that this man was indeed the son of their dead Prince and they would have a chance at a new age with the dragon once more on the Iron Throne?

It was only when Aegon got halfway to the steps did Joffrey come out of stupor like haze and angrily pointed at him.

"Don't just stand there you stupid idiots! Kill him! Kill the fucker now! I am your King! Do as you King commands!" ordered Joffrey with anger and fear in his voice while Janos Slynt and several others charged Aegon.

Only to be struck down when Aegon drew his own Valeryian Steel sword with the Prince not even breaking his stride. Some people screamed at seeing all four men fall down in pieces while not a bit of blood stained their killer.

By the time Aegon got to the steps, he was standing beside the still kneeling Ned Stark, and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Ned for his part looked up at his nephew and smiled while surprisingly feeling his injury was getting better. The pain lessening. And was even more surprised when his hands were no longer bound with his ability to stand no longer hindered.

"Take your sword Uncle. You will need it," said Aegon before walking toward Joffrey now surrounded by more men from the City Watch and House Lannister.

"Stay back! Stay back both of you! Or I'll order Ser Trant to slit her throat!" commanded Joffrey while the Kingsguard held the girl with a knife at her throat.

"Sansa!" exclaimed Ned with fear and anger while feeling this was his family dying in this wretched city all over again.

"You won't kill her," replied Aegon calmly.

"Oh really? And why not?" asked Joffrey with a sick and evil smile on his face.

"Because the moment you order that child molesting and beating fool to commit the act, I will have all time I need to end your life. Slowly. Painfully. And it won't end just days. I can prolong your suffering for years if I wish. And considering how frail you look and no doubt are behind those royal garments, the pain you feel will no doubt be double what I do," taunted Aegon with Joffrey no longer looking calm, but filled with fear and anger at his words.

"And risk becoming a Kingslayer?" demanded Joffrey while Aegon laughed.

"King? You are no King. Not one drop of royal blood runs through your veins. You are a child born of incest between your Mother and her twin brother Jamie Lannister," replied Aegon for everyone to hear and made the people gasp in shock.

"Lies! I am a Baratheon. I am strong like my Father!" protested Joffrey though it came out more like a whine.

"No! People of King's Landing, he speaks false. This boy is not Robert's son. None of the Queen's children are Robert Baratheon's son! The Queen even admitted it to me when I told her of what I knew of this!" exclaimed Ned loud to the people, who gasped in shock over this new reason for the Warden of the North to be killed under so called treason.

And all the while Varys slowly moved closer to the Hound and whispered something to him, which made the man give a subtle nod.

"Lies! Kill the traitors! Kill them all! Starting with this bitch right here! Ser Meryn Trant, slit her throat!" commanded Joffrey while turning to point at him and Sansa.

Only to see his loyal Kingsguard had already been struck down by the Hound no less and the large man moving her behind him. While man were surprised to see Sandor Clegane of all people act this way, Aegon and Varys knew otherwise. The Prince had seen into the Hound's mind, his hatred for the Lannister, but had to serve them due to Tywin Lannister holding the leash of House Clegane, and his older brother Gregor Clegane: The Mountain who Rides.

But take one man out of the equation and the promise of revenge against the other made switching sides all the more easier for the man to do this. Naturally, Varys had been very persuasive when he spoke to the Hound about many different things, which Sandor didn't want any part of with Joffrey in charge. Oh sure, the whiny blonde cunt for a King would have let him fight and kill people all he wanted. If only to satisfy the King's appetite for cruelty. But the fact remained, the blonde haired brat was a whiny cunt, hiding behind his equally whiny cunt of a Queen Mother. Added that the boy was apparently born of incest between the Queen and her fucking twin brother Jamie Lannister the Kingslayer rubbed Sandor the wrong way.

Or maybe it was the way the little naive dove in the form of Sansa Stark being in such emotional pain over losing so much that bothered the Hound. Such an innocent girl. To come to this city, seeing the horrifying truth of it all, and the people within not being so noble like she heard in stories and songs.

So when Varys spoke to him about siding with a real Prince and real future King with the promise of getting back at his brother without fear of Lannister retaliation, Sandor was all for it. He just had to wait until someone spoke the necessary code words.


"Execute Order 66. Remember Sandor. Only when these words are spoken do you act. Not before."

"Fine! But if I don't hear these code words, I won't act. I trust you won't sell me out if this plan goes to shit?"

"Of course. Just as I trust you won't sell me out for providing this to you. Fair is fair after all."

"Aye. Fair is fair. But remember this Spider. You fucking backstab me if this goes bad, I will end you before half of the fucking Lannister men in the city are on my ass. Got it?!"

"I would expect nothing less from you Clegane."


"Dog! How dare you betray me! I am your King!" exclaimed Joffrey in outrage.

"Fuck you. You're not my King," countered Sandor angrily.

"Kill them!" commanded Joffrey while the Queen decided it was best if they retreat and left with more Lannister men, plus the City Watch on their payroll approaching to protect them on their way to the Red Keep.

While the Queen Regent and her son fled with Lord Baelish and Lord Varys, Aegon just watched as Lannister men as they came down the main steps leading from the Great Sept of Baelor with spears and swords all drawn. Sandor snarled now, itching for a fight. Ned now had Ice in hand, his strength had surprised him in returning after his nephew healed him.

"Aegon?" asked Ned while his nephew looked on calmly.

"Patience Uncle. All will come together shortly," said Aegon without fear.

"And what the Seven Hells does that mean?" asked Sandor while hoping he didn't just join the wrong fucking side.

"Just that we are not alone," said Aegon before looking up and smiled behind his mask.

Daring to look up, both men along with Sansa did along with the rest of the people in the crowd behind them a shadow appeared to be growing. Many gasped, screamed in fright, and others pointed in awe at the sight of two massive dragons soaring through the skies. They roared for all to hear, making many dive for the ground, some praying loudly and asking the Gods to protect them. For the Lannister men and the City Watch who backed them, it was the sight of these great winged creatures that stopped their advancement on their intended target.

And it was because they paused in said advance that their deaths were assured moments later when Revanchist unleashed fire down on the Lannister men. They screamed out in horror, running into members of the City Watch, grabbing these men, pleading for help, and catching those men on fire too. Sandor looked at the fire in horror, trying to block out his own fear of the flame since his brother had made it one of the few things he feared in his youth. Part of Sandor told the man that this fire wasn't aimed at him and to stick with the side commanding the fire breathing dragons.

As for Vaderon, he landed in front of those men who were not burned and fleeing ripping them to pieces. It left quite the gory mess around him and made the stories of dragons in all their glory all the more real.

"Shall we?" asked Aegon before using the Force to snuff out the fire on the steps to the shock and amazement of everyone else.

"Father!" exclaimed Sansa while running up to her Father.

"Sansa! Forgive me child. I was a fool. I should have never accepted coming down here to be Robert's Hand. Or considered the marriage between you and Joffrey," whispered Ned while his daughter held him tighter.

"Father!" exclaimed Arya, who rushed through the people with Yoren and hugged him too.

"Arya! My brave she-wolf. Thank you Yoren for keeping her safe," said Ned while the man from the Night's Watch nodded.

"What they did was wrong my Lord. And if I can't protect one innocent girl from harm, I can't protect the Realms of Men, and I can't call myself a Brother of the Night's Watch," said Yoren before looking up at the higher part of the steps and seeing the dragons there.

"We need to get out of here. Go somewhere safe," said Ned while Aegon looked at him and nodded.

"Take your children into the Sept. All of you will be safe there. Yoren! Sandor! Go with them! Protect them!" ordered Aegon before he followed the trail the Queen and her son left behind since they would head for the Red Keep.

"What are you going to do?" asked Ned with Aegon looking back at him.

"I'm going hunt down your would-be executioners Uncle. And I'm going to show them what it means to play with dragon's fire," replied Aegon before moving at incredible speed while his dragons took to the air once more.

"Uncle? That would make him our cousin, right? How is that possible?" asked Sansa with Ned sighing and glanced over at the two men who were also curious.

He couldn't hold it back anymore. Maybe this was part of Aegon's initial plan from the start so the secret would come out one way or another. The boy was definitely something from the one he raised all those years ago from birth.

Maybe this was the man Lyanna's son was always meant to become and Ned just didn't allow it to come to the surface.

"I'll tell you everything once we are safe in the Sept of Baelor. Come on!" commanded Ned while keeping an eye out for other enemies while making their way to the structure.

"I need a fucking drink. And this better be one interesting story," remarked Sandor with Yoren nodding.

"I agree with you on that my new friend. If we survive this, how about you join me at the nearest tavern for a drink?" asked Yoren with Sandor grinning.

"Throw in some good chicken and you got yourself a deal," replied Sandor with both men laughing.

As for the crowd behind them, it had dispersed to spread word through the rest of the now shaken city since everyone had now seen the dragons when they flew overhead earlier. Not only that, but the people within the city had formed their own mobs and were rioting within King's Landing. They were tearing down the Lion and Stag banners throughout the city, burning them, shouting on about change. How they wanted the dragons to return and rule once more. Praising the Targaryen name. Dragon banners from the days of old were soon up all throughout the city.

And Aegon loved every moment of it.

When Aegon finally made it to the Red Keep, it was surrounded by Lannister men and the City Watch loyal to the Queen or were paid heavily by Lord Baelish to side with the Lannisters. Of course, if Lord Baelish gave the order, the City Watch would turn on the Lannister men since they were being paid by him. Not the Queen. Of course, if Baelish did that, he would have to face the wrath of Tywin Lannister and the Master of Coin was not ready to challenge the old Lion.

Though it would seem to be a moot point at this moment.

"Revanchist! Dracarys!" commanded Aegon with his loyal dragon unleashing fire with pinpoint precision without damaging the front of the Red Keep too much.

The Lannister and City Watch forces outside of it? Not so much as they burned from the dragon's fire. When it was all over moments later, all those men were nothing but burned corpses and ashes blowing into the wind.

As for Vaderon, he was flying around the upper part of the Red Keep. The people in the Red Keep panicking and trying to get far within the building away from the windows as possible. The wings of the giant dragon would occasionally damage the glass windows when it flew too close to the building.

As for Aegon, he simply walked past the remaining fire, the burned corpses, and the ash blowing in the wind while walking into the building without fear of what lay within the Red Keep.

It was time for the Lion to be among the first to face the dragon's judgment.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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