Moonlight shone over the horizon as the wind blew softly, bringing the chill of the winter with it. Shen Li, who had never come out of the house after seven of the evening, felt that everything was magical, from the soft rustling of the leaves to the gentle winds softly caressing his face. But most magical of all was his wife.
Shen Li furtively looked at Yu Dong, who was walking by his side. He slowly drank the beautiful image of her inky black locks fluttering in the wind as the white moonlight illuminated her pearly white face making it look fairer than porcelain. Her sharp eyes were firmly fixed on the road, but from time to time, she would slant them sideways to look at him.
Dedicating today's chapter to Nova_Hearth, Jawharadda,ZG1988, Esther_Adegbesan , dskyla , Kaycet, Nerd_Next_Door and Anayatzin13. Thank you for your comments !! I really appreciate you all for listening to me , I was really upset with what happened but after crying last night for an hour and after reading your comments I think I will be fine and just drop the idea of being in a relationship because this is the fourth time i was betrayed - I don't know maybe I'm just not meant to be with someone nice
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