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66.66% Venganza del Dios Reencarnado [Solo al Español por ahora] / Chapter 4: Chapter 1: What i remember... (English version)

Chương 4: Chapter 1: What i remember... (English version)

Somewhere in a large, completely dark space...

There was someone who was talking... to myself? I guess...

Ugh, my head hurts...Uhm...could it be or is it that I feel that this place is very nostalgic...huh been here before?

I don't know...I can't remember....

It's like every time something happens to me I come back here...

I don't remember my name, I don't remember what I am or who I am...

But I know...I know that I think I had or have an objective to kill certain people, but...I can't remember their faces or names...

But I think... I think I can achieve part of that objective, but because I want to take revenge on them... what did they do to me, so that I wanted to kill them so much?

Did they take something away from me that I have loved or cherished?

Wait...now I remember more about me and them...

I and they had been created by the void and big space...which we first called him creator, but then we called him father...

Since he took care of us and taught us many things, plus he gave us a task...

And well surely he gave us certain powers to each one of us and some name...

Now the task he gave us...I think it was to create life in all that great void and dark space I guess.

I also seem to remember that after a while I was left living quietly together with...my family which I believe myself...

I guess at some point my brothers saw something in me and wanted to take me away...but again memories are very vague...

Or... perhaps...

...what was I saying?

Haha... I sound crazy talking to myself in this place?

Well, I don't know what I was talking about, but it doesn't matter, since I don't remember...

Wait I remember again...

Why I want to do away with...my brothers...

I think I said that they took something I wanted and I couldn't protect...

Well...although they finished with me before, I also died before I could finish them in one of my reincarnations, but what killed me in that reincarnation where I almost completed my objective was the curses, not them...those curses that they embedded in me, they prevented me from many things, but I freed myself from them in that life.

Well, I did not reincarnate in only one body, but in many bodies, but different worlds of different realities and universes.

I realized a long time ago that I am like in a loop...where every time I die in one of my reincarnations I come back here and wait a short time, to reincarnate again...

Although I should revive with my original body, instead I reincarnate because of those curses that were embedded in me...

Although I reincarnate I do not have complete freedom in the body where I reincarnate, since I only see what the person of that body sees, I can not handle what he does, I think that sometimes I can talk with the people of the bodies which I reincarnate, but very few times I managed to remember part of me and if I manage to remember part of me, well my soul merges completely with the soul of that body, where I could get parts of my memories, and we could be a single being...

I was able to do many things, I was also in different places in those lives, in important and not so important times, I could see other races equal to humans, but with different features in the different worlds where I was...

Although I have reincarnated in many lives, only in one I was able to complete part of my objective, and in the others I have been advancing and keeping information to complete that objective, in certain places of the worlds I have been, but I am not the only one...there are more me since I am only part of a piece of what I used to be before...

The times I have been reincarnated I have always seen a lot of problems, wars, conflicts, etc. Also that I cannot remember the names and faces of those reincarnations of me and all the people I have met and seen in those reincarnations...

I think...I think my brothers were working on some plan to get their powers back which confines, I think the way they are doing it is like from an anime, that I saw in one of my lives... Ha...humans, although they have flaws sometimes have good ideas and are funny, but not all...

Well I know that life is never perfect and you can't create perfect things, that's what my brothers didn't understand and also the different beings I've seen in all my lives...


Wait for that light... it means it's time, doesn't it?

It looks like I'll be reincarnated again, although I feel a bit nervous since I'll forget everything again?

Haha! This is frustrating...seriously it's like a loop this...I die, come back here, reincarnate, but forgetting all my memories.

Ah...how I wish that in my next life...I could complete 100% of my object since I think I've been going through the same thing for more than...millions or billions of years...

I hope that in the next life I have...I will not have so much suffering...although that is impossible, since one of the curses that were encrusted in me will make my soul suffer, and the soul and body of the people I reincarnate, besides that I will have a lousy life, miserable and with many other problems, but surely in some way, that person I reincarnate will be able to solve them...

Well, now I have to walk to that light as I did all the times I came back here...I must not prepare myself for what awaits me, since...I will forget everything again...

But, even if it takes me a long time again to regain my memories and powers...I will finish with my brothers whatever it takes...and get the answers to the questions I have.....

Although I would also like to talk about more things that I manage to remember...but I won't be able to do it anymore, since I have no time left to stay in this place, so I must walk towards that light and see what new life and adventure awaits me in my next reincarnation, even if I lose my memories again and continue in this damned loop...


The present year 2022, day August 17, time 11:06 a.m.

Country Spain, place a high school...

In this school, we will focus and observe a certain classroom, 5th C, where 29 students are inside.

In their classroom, for some reason to the has not arrived the teacher, so some of them which are the delinquents of the classroom are taking advantage to intimidate some of the students, but first, we have to introduce each student...

The popular students in the classroom.

-Sebastian Fernandez, Spanish, 17 years old, standing 1,78, class president.

-Max Torres, American, 17, measuring 1.76 in height, class vice president.

-Richard Molina, Mexican, 17 years old, measuring 1.72 in height.

-Isao Nakano, Japanese, age 16, measuring 1,70 in height.

-Sophie Santos, Spanish, 17 years old, measuring 1.70 in height.

-Umi Oda de, Japanese, 16 years old, measuring 1.64 in height.

-Nicole Garcia de, European, 17 years old, measuring 1.69 in height.

-Ariana Romero, Peruvian, 16 years old, measuring 1.71 in height.

Normal students in the classroom.

-Ethan Moore, Spanish, 17 years old, measuring 1.71 in height.

-Katashi Abe, Japanese, 16 years old, measuring 1.72 in height.

-Andrés Cárdenas, Argentinean, 16 years old, measuring 1.69 in height.

-Joshua Ray, American, age 17, measuring 1.73 in height.

-Ruv Sanchez, Spanish, age 17, measuring 1.70 in height.

-Alexander Giraldo, Peruvian, 17 years old, measuring 1.64 in height.

-Mailin Wright, American, 16 years old, measuring 1.68 in height.

-Estefany Muñoz, Spanish, 17 years old, measuring 1.72 in height.

-Jasmin Palomino, American, 17 years old, measuring 1.71 in height.

-Jin Seki, Japanese, 16 years old, measuring 1.68 in height.

-Maria Mendoza, Mexican, 16 years old, measuring 1.72 in height.

The following students, who don't care much about other people's problems, prefer to avoid conflicts.

They prefer to avoid conflict and go to the back of the room to talk and play with each other.

-Emanuel Tamani, Peruvian, 17 years old, measuring 1.77 in height

-Joseph Lopez, Spanish, 17 years old, measuring 1.76 in height.

-Nicholas Perez, Spanish, 17 years old, measuring 1.83 in height.

-José Flores, Peruvian, 16 years old, measuring 1.65 in height.

And finally the group of classroom delinquents.

-Luis Davis, American, 18 years old, measuring 1.80 in height, leader of the delinquents.

-Noa Allen, Spanish, 18 years old, measuring 1.75 in height.

-Andy Martinez, Spanish, 19 years old, measuring 1.78 in height.

-Brandom Ramirez, Spanish, 19 years old, measuring 1.78 in height

-Susan Smith, European, 18 years old, measuring 1.74 in height

-Sara Miller, American, 18 years old, measuring 1.76 in height.

Having finished introducing each student, let's see what they do...

The offenders in the classroom, though only the men in the classroom, were bullying 2 students, who were easy prey for them.

The ones they were bullying were Alexander and Andrew, who were together.

<<Hey you guys, I think you forgot to give us our pay because you know what will happen if you don't do it>> (Luis).

<<Tsk...they always think about fucking us asking for money or else why don't they fuck off and look for a fucking job>> (Alexander said with an angry tone).

Alexander by saying that, provoked the wrath of one of them, Brandom's, so this one grabbed him and pulled him closer to him to say the following before hitting him.

<< Shut up you asshole, know your place...>> (Brandom)

This one was going to hit him, but his arm is stopped by someone.

<<I heard a band of bastards leave them alone>> (Sebastian).

It was Sebastian the president of the classroom, he knew that this little group of delinquents was going to cause a conflict, so he got up from his seat together with some of his friends, to teach them a lesson.

<<Tsk, as always the trash asking for help>> (Brandom).

<<Silence! The only trash is you, always bullying the weak>> (Sebastian).

The other delinquents saw an opportunity to hit Sebastian, as he had his hands full with Brandom, so they took their chance, but...

As Sebastian had called beforehand to other of his companions, to help him, so they defended him and beat the delinquents, while Sebastian beat Brandom leaving him on the ground.

The delinquents saw that they would not win, so they left the place and went to their respective places where they always sat, but without first cursing Sebastian and those who helped them.

After they finished teaching those delinquents a lesson, the students who were being bullied by them thanked Sebastian for his help.

<<Thanks Sebastian and you guys, you always defend us from those damn criminals>> (Alexander).

<<Yes, thank you very much>> (Andres)

Hearing their thanks Sebastian said the following.

<<It doesn't matter, we will always help everyone in the classroom from those idiots since they always seek to start trouble, but, even if we teach them a lesson they go back to continue with their misdeeds>> (Sebastian).

<<You are right Sebastian since they don't change those, but well you guys it is better not to be so close to them, so let's go with the others>> (Max).

<<All right>> (Alexander and Andres)

So these went with the others, who were playing some board games they had brought with them, to pass the time.

Meanwhile at the site where the delinquents were.

<<Ugh, we always end up losing don't we?>> (Andy)

<<Yeah...since they outnumber us...>> (Noa)

One of the delinquent girls chides them.

<<You guys are serious idiots, you should have waited for a better time when you could have taken money from those two, without Sebastian and his little group not intervening>> (Susan)

<<But...>> (Brandom)

<<Susan is right, we didn't know a better situation to act, well it will be for next time, but this time we should attack Sebastian when he is alone>> (Luis)

<<No, it would be a bad idea, since Sebastian is rarely alone, he is always accompanied by Max or others from the room, so it will be better to attack Alexander and Andres again, but at the exit where they will have a better opportunity>> (Sara)

><Yes, I agree>> (Susan)

Well, these were planning their next move, but they didn't know that someone was listening to them from a few meters away from them.

<<Ah, it looks like they're going to want to attack again over there>> (José).

<<Yeah, they will never stop, well I guess we better help the others, right Nicholas?>> (Emanuel)

<<Yes, it will be better to help them, since, if they try to create a worse problem, it will be better to intervene, because if not they would end up making a big mess, but for now let's concentrate on the game since Joseph has one card left>> (Nicholas).

These 4 were playing the card game, Uno, as it is their favorite board game, as they find it very fun.

<<Ja, but they don't know what card I have, this time I will win, remember we are playing with bet>> (Joseph).

<<Yes we know we are betting, but don't be confident, you still don't win>> (Emanuel).

<<Well my turn *throws a +2 blue card* now Joseph grab two cards, since I'm sure you don't have +2>>> (José).

<<Ah...good move you ended up ruining my victory *takes from the deck two cards*, but it's not game over yet, so I still have a chance to win>> (Joseph).

<<Playing this without any conflict is reassuring, but you know I hope someday we won't see those guys again>> (Nicholas)

<<You're right manito, I hope so too, although I would still like to see an end to all those problems around the world>> (Emanuel)

<<I agree, but to tell the truth it may take a long, long time, since everyone does not always agree and cooperate, to solve all those problems they face>> (José)

Nicholas hearing that from Joshua tells him the following.

<<I have the same position Joshua, but I would say that it would be impossible or almost impossible, for that to be achieved>> (Nicholas).

<<Ah, stop talking about those things and better concentrate on the game, or I will end up beating you... >> (Joseph)

Well, they sometimes talked about some of their worries, but they preferred to forget them by playing their favorite board game among themselves, but as always playing with bets...

Now let's see what the remaining students are doing.

Some of them were talking about not-so-important topics and others that were, but the ones we will see are Sebastian and Max who are at the teacher's table talking since they are talking about something interesting without the others listening to them.

<<Hey Sebastian, when do you think we are missing, for that to be carried out>> (Max).

<<It's still in progress, but I'd say about 2 more weeks to go>> (Sebastian).

<<Well remember to invite most of the girls from the salon, since the party we'll be having at your place will be a good one, plus there will be some alcohol and stuff >> (Max)

<<Ja, let's just hope it goes well, to carry out some of our misdeeds, and well no one in the salon knows how we are >> (Sebastian)

<<Yeah, besides those scumbags don't even know that we are using them to do that so that the whole room sees us as their protectors, to do that kind of thing when the opportunity comes at that party>> (Max).

These two were talking about one of their plans which they would do some of their misdeeds, although no one in the room knows what they are really like, since they hide behind a facade, they just make themselves look like the person you can trust.

Well, they are at that age where they want to find out certain things since they are taking advantage of the innocence of their classmates.

You can blame them or not, whatever, but you have to remember that people are like that, they always have darkness in them and they are corrupt.

About 10 minutes went by.

<<Hey Max don't you think the professor is taking too long already>> (Sebastian).

<<Yes you are right, I think we better go talk to our tutor, well let's both go>> (Max).

They went to the door of the classroom, to open it and go out of it and go to look for their tutor, to inform him about their problem that their teacher has not arrived yet to the classroom.

But when they tried to open the classroom door, it would not open.

<<Uhm...the door doesn't open, but...it's still early, to close the doors since it's not yet time to leave...>>(Max)

<<What's wrong Max, you've become a little weak in strength>> (Sebastian)

<<Ja stop joking, try to open it yourself to see>> (Max)

<<Well...>> (Sebastian)

He tried to open it, but he couldn't open it either.

<<That's weird I can't open it either...do you think someone from another room has secured the door to play a joke on us>> (Sebastian).

<<It's possible, but I could be in trouble later>> (Max).

But suddenly the lights in their classroom went out, and everything started to go dark.

And the rest of the classroom is shocked by what is suddenly happening.

<<Hey? That sucks because suddenly everything went dark, even though it's so late...>> (Max)

<<Well I think it will be first to calm everyone down, and go try to contact by cell phone some teacher>> (Sebastian)

While Sebastian was trying to calm down the others in the classroom, Max tells him the following.

<<Shit...why don't I have a signal...this is weird Sebastian>> (Max).

<<Hey?! We don't have a signal either, maybe something has happened...>> (Umi)

<<Yeah, what's going on>> (Sophie said with a worried tone)

<<Keep calm guys, surely the problem is being solved, isn't it Sebastian?>> (Richard)

<<Yes the teachers should be sorting out the lights>> (Sebastian).

Meanwhile the group of delinquents.

<<Hey, let's take this opportunity to beat those guys up>> (Noa).

<<Yeah, I think the same thing>> (Andy)

<<So what are we waiting for and let's...>> (Luis)

But it looks like their plans were not going to come true, as the lights are coming back, but not from the point they expected.....

<<Hey it seems that the lights are coming back, but...what is that in the middle of the room...>> (Joshua said with a worried tone)

Joshua pointed to where the light was coming from and everyone turned to look, but they wouldn't expect what would happen.

<<I'm not liking this in the least...and why instead of turning on the spotlights appeared that... the sphere of light in the room>> (Isao)

<<This should be someone's joke, right? >> (Alexander)

<<If it was...where's the funny part...>> (Andres)

<<Silence for a moment, don't you think you see that suddenly that sphere of light is getting brighter and bigger...>> (Max)

Suddenly a voice is heard.

''Oh heroes of another world, help us to save our world''.

And then the sphere of light grew bigger and brighter rapidly absorbing every student in the classroom it touched.

<<Don't joke...is this a joke...>> (Sebastian said lastly before being absorbed).

Meanwhile, the group of Emanuel was helping some of the students, bringing them closer to them, but they were also absorbed by the light, the delinquents from the place where they were tried to escape through the windows, but these also did not open and were also absorbed.

After everyone had been absorbed by the light, the classroom returned to its normal state and everything was silent...

Dark_Knight_Alfred Dark_Knight_Alfred

Here I leave you with chapter 1 rewritten, well there was a lot of change in this one, so enjoy, ah true I will also tell you that the story will be contain things like discrimination, insults, etc. So read it under your own criteria, if you have questions don't hesitate to ask them I will always answer you :3

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