Jackie stared at Tengku in disbelief.
“What? I can’t imagine Bob was previously in agriculture. How did he ever get into tech?”
“Well, specifically, plantations… it’s under the primary industries sector,” Tengku clarified, before he added, “He’s a smart guy. He’s got a double degree, for your information. And I would say he can make anything work when he puts his mind to it.”
“Really? Well, I’m not surprised. He does come across as pretty sharp, I must say,” Jackie opined.
“Mm, he’s quite innovative, and certainly a great operations guy. He got into the plantation business through his family’s stake in the company, but contributed a lot to their expansion.” Tengku paused before he continued, “Today, their net worth of more than a hundred billion dollars, and they have a land bank of almost three hundred thousand hectares in Malaysia and Indonesia.”
“Oh, wow,” Jackie exclaimed, wide-eyed.
Tengku drew on his cigar and leaned back comfortably.