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73.49% I'm ruby rose / Chapter 61: 8

Chương 61: 8

An hour went by, but I was able to get to there location, but realized where they where

"ohhh you got to be fucking with me" I said pissed as I felt a lot and I mean a lot of grimm so I "landed" in the abandoned town as I saw a large amount of grimm trying to get into one house as I placed my hood on and walked to the house

As one of them turned and saw me, roared and charged as the others quickly followed, the first come closer it's claws sharpened as it slashed downward as I side stepped grabbed its head and ripped it off before I dodge a second one as I made a fist and punched through its chest as ten of them surrounded me and charged in as their hands turned to blades and stabbed me in all directions, but there blade passed through me as I jumped up took out my scythe and sliced there heads off and back flipped

As I threw my scythe into the air, I threw my chain up as it connected to the scythe, as I pulled it down before spinning, using the momentum to increase the speed of the scythe swinging it around me like nunchuck, sliced the grimm around me

Before I pulled my scythe in, grabbed it and ran through the crowd, slicing everything in front of me before I jumped into the air turned into my rose form and shot straight up before I reformed mid air as did a slow back flip, my eye had a silver aura to it and I shot back down breaking the sound barrier, before I slammed into the ground, as everything exploded in a silver explosion as I reformed time stopped as I disappeared and reappeared with my sword in one hand and my scythe in the other as the world seemed to crack like glass before time resumed and , there was nothing all the house and grimm where gone

"strange new grimm, these ones seemed human, they where smart.... Smarter then grimm, it seems that Salem has been busy, probably trying to create those things from other 3.0, they probably won't least this world is strong then that one but just in case, I'll make a plan for it or make something I don't know or care" I said as I pulled out my scroll and check to call my ship and went to the house and knocked

As I stood there for a good second, the door was blasted apart as something came fly out and tackled me into the air it wrapped its arms around me before I did a back flip and landed on my feet as I looked down to see Nora hugging me as I felt some tears

"Nora what wrong don't you know it's stil-RUBY" Yang shouted as she followed Nora example and ran as me with Penny behind her, as I saw this happening I sighed and opened my arms, as they tackled me to the ground as yang and Nora cried extremely loudly while Pen just rubbed her face on mine,

This went on for a few minutes as I let them vent

"I would really hate to cut our little reunion short but you all need a bath and medical attention" I said as I got up with all of them on me as I placed them down

"now go call the others so we can leave" I said as Nora and Yang went back inside as Penny stayed as I looked at her to see she was wearing something she wasn't wearing when we entered

"our clothes did last after, so I used the skin and bones the monsters to make us clothes"

"huh and these where able to survive the dragon and other monster"

"yes, I actually got material for the dragon, from scales, bone, horns and blood" she said as I nodded

"and the corpus"

"back at the cave" she pointed at a direction as I looked at where she was pointing

"huh I see, go get ready with the others I will return in half an hour" I said as I took off to the cave


"from what I can remember, some monster get strong if they eat a powerful monster, sometimes they evolve into something else" I said as I got to the dungeon exit and went in as I felt a powerful flow of magic, but it was nothing compared to queen snake bitch and the red dragon I killed, it took me a second to get to the corpse of the dragon as I looked at it

"good girl Pen, you took the strongest ones, but you left a few things" I said as I took some more scales, bones, blood, it heart, eyes and core

"sorry about this big guy, you must have been a powerful one" I said as I cut it tail off threw it to the side as I took a deep breath and exhaled a massive jet of fire

"I know you there little hatchling, that tail will help you grow, take his place and become stronger" I said as I disappeared , as the tail was snatched away

I reappeared on my ship dropped the dragon parts before I went back down to where the others where

"yang why did you tell us to pack out stuff" Blake asked as she walked out the house

"Ruby came to take us back to Vale and hopefully get a doctor to help us" Yang said

"correct" I said as I appeared in front of them

"and who are you supposed to do that" Weiss asked obviously exacted

"better question is how did you get here" Blake asked as I looked at her and took out my scroll and pressed a button as my ship uncloaked

"damn I'm good" I said as this shocked them as it landed and opened up

"come on" I said as I walked in as they followed as I went to the cockpit to my chair and blasted off as I set the coordinator and placed it on autopilot and went to check up on Yang and Nora, everyone else is not my problem

"okay other than a few broken bones you should be good Yang, your aura is already fixing the damage to give it a few days or hours" I said to her as I gave her a quick check up before moving to Nora, who had a bang over her eye and a scare going down her face

"how did this happen" I asked as I removed the bangage to get a better look

"it was nothing, I just got distracted you know how I-"

"yes which is why I know that your lying, I can solve this mystery myself or you can tell me" I said as I sent some of my aura into her body to check if there where any issues

"it was me" Jaune said as my hand turned to claws and lit on fire

"WAIT RUBY IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK" Nora said as I looked at her


"we where fight a few monsters and one of them snack behind Jaune and lunged at him I pushed him out the way and" she said as I looked at her for a second

"I see" I said as my hand went back to normal

"so are we coo-" he stopped as a dark aura burst from my body for a second

"not in the slights, if it was up to me I would rip your arms and legs off and feed you to grimm now leave" I said with zero emotionand without looking at him as he left

"your eye's completely shot Nora, it can't be saved" I told her as she just smiled and nodded

"it's fine, I already accepted that I would never be able to see out of this eye" she said as I sighed

"yeah well, that doesn't mean I can't replace it and give you a better one"


"yeah I can make another eye for you, actually I can have it installed by the end of the day" I said before I absorbed my aura back since if left inside someone it began taking over an well boom, I got this from other Ruby memories

She really turned people into bombs

"okay same thing with Yang, broken bones some muscle tears and blood lose, you should be fine" I said before I went up

"what about the-"

"I checked them a second ago, your aura should heal you" I said as I replaced her bangage

'I really don't care'



"what happened to you, after you where taken"

'time to lie'

"hmmm I fell into a pit of monsters" I said as I heard some gasps

"what how are you"

"don't worry about it" I said as I left them and went up with Penny

"we should be getting to your father's location, I'll go ahead and grab him" I said as I phased through the floor and disappeared once I got outside and appeared on top of a building with a older man on top

"ahhhh you must be Ruby, Penny has told me so much about you" he said as I looked at him and nodded

"you as well doctor Pietro" I said as I bowed

"now you do know why I came here correct" I asked as he nodded

"of course, I've studied your designs and I've got to say that I'm impressed, no more so then that, your design where genarations ahead of what I originally planned, to think that the key was in my own body hahaha genius" he laughed as I nodded

"hehehehe but some of those designs are a copy and paste job of what I got from you know where"

"yes I did receive a report of the event of"

"3.0 but this world is different and I'm changing a few things, now we can continue with this later let go" I said as he looked confused as I grabbed his sholder

"and how are-" he was silent as we turned into rose and disappeared and appeared on the cargo bay of the ship as I passed him a bucket, which he took and vomited in as I left and Penny passed by me as I went back to the cockpit

"fantasy mechin Ruby" the old man said

"thank you"

"i was taking a look at the engined but I didn't see any dust deposit, why is that"

"it's not powered by dust" I answered and somehow the ice queen heard me


"my ship isn't, a few years ago, I created a new type energy, it basically splitting an atoms, but it's why more complicated than that" I said to her as she looked angry

"huh Weiss, magic exists sooner or later dust will be a thing of the past since people can creat fire balls at will" I said as I raised my hand and made a fire ball

"incredible, why have you not give this technology out Ruby, it could be" he asked as he went through theories

"a tech boom would be annoying to deal with, some I'm going to keep this to myself let the world figure it out themselves" I said as we got to Vale I dropped the team off at the hospital, while getting some looks before we left to upgrade Pen at my lab

"to think a facility like this existed without the knowledge of Atlas" he said as I nodded and as we got to the lab he looked around

"they did but I wiped any trace of this place existins from your system" I said as I went to my computer

" you hacked into Atlas" he asked as I nodded

"when I was 10 maybe young or was I older, doesn't matter, it was super easy, but that not why we are here" I said as Penny dropped

"what going-"

[I've successfully connected] Penny said

"you transfered her to your system"

"no she's more of a guest, now Pen pull up the new blue prints" I said as the room went dark as a life sized hologram image of the body came up as I opened my hand the image opened up revealing its parts

"huh I see, this is the same design as before with a few changes, tell me what are these crystal" he asked as I looked up

"I call them MAKERS it's basically a super condense magical crystal, I use them in my gun, they are able to take in large amounts of power and release ten times the amount back, it's actually a super charged version of your invention" I answered him

"I see but those crystal where to unstable and everything I made for them end up exploding or it was too powerful to be used, by anyone, so the weapons power had to be cut, even then it was a problem, anyways the weapons where supposed to get to Vale to be assessed, but the shipment was attacked and the project was scrapped since it cost to much to just make one of those"

"yeah, I found it made two guns, even used them at full power, but here are the weapons with the cores, but I made some upgrades to them" I said before I pulled out my weapons and showed him

"amazing craftsmenship truly"

"thank you, but that's not important right now"

"yes correct, shall we get started, I've thought of a few improvements already that may work" he said as I disappeared and reappeared in a lab coat

"let's get to work"

(26 hours later)

"your telling me that not only where you able to decode these symbols, but you have already created formulas to get an effect you want from them" Penny's father asked as he looked over my notes

"yes, and I've also discovered that magic abilities are soul coded so Pen can jump bodies as much as she pleases"

"soul what do you... I created life" he said as he stopped working


(19 hours later)

"what's wrong with your bots" he asked since my helpers were busy with something else

"I add in a second and third body"

"this one is plenty, powerful already do you think two more body's will be need"

"now, these are for my two babies over here" I said as I took out my guns

"you may speak Mercy, Ruthless"


[SHUT UP MERCY, and I would like to thank you mother]

"it's no problem little ones, you two where so well behaved I had no choice" I said to them as I placed them down

"yeah I was bored one day and made these two" I said as the old man didn't say a thing he just went back to work but super depressed

(10 hours later)

It's been 55 hours but we where able to complete Penny's body along with Ruthless and Mercys bodies, and I also used the dragon scales in make some clothes for myself and to create skin for the three, which was an irritating process that left me with one hideout less, since I went to vent

"I think we're done"

"yeah" I said as I sighed and popped open my guns and took out the cores and placed them at inside there heads where the brain was since it was the strongest part

'to why some idiot put the main cores where the heart stay is a mystery to me' I thought as I looked at Penny, which was her upgraded self since she didn't wish to change her design and the two twins, they looked like five year old me, with a few differents, like hair, Ruthless was short and black while Mercys was long and white

"I think you should go take a nap or something before you die" I told the old man since he's been up this whole time

"no I need to make sure"

"the download is going to take 5 hours tops and there still that hour that you have to wait before she wakes so it's best you go to sleep" I said cutting him off

"yeah maybe your right" he said and left as I shut the door as the windows went dark as I got my dragon parts out

I crushed the scales and bones into a fine pudder, mixed in the blood to create an ink like substance as I took out as one of the robots came as I pord the ink into it as a sharp high-frequency drill came out as I sighed, removed the aura shield from my arm and physically weakened my arm by using my aura to attack it weakening it enough for the drill to break through as it forced its way in, it inject the ink into my arms, I used my aura to guide it to make an image, a tattoo that wrapped around my arm and had with odd designs that seem to overlap each other

"this should do the trick" I said as my arm instantly healed when I took the drill out as I watched as the tattoo began to glow red

"and like that, I've created the hundreds healing, curse mark, emp and limiter, it's not need but you never know when you may need a final push" I said as I yawned and got up before I disappeared and appears on the roof of Juniors club as I changed into my Blank form and went to the club

"back of the li-" the bouncer stopped himself as he looked down and stepped to the side while opening the door as I walked in, the music stopped as the goons forced everyone out of my way as I had a clear path to Juniors office at the top, as I went I stopped on the stairs

"this will be a private meeting" I said before the goons began to kick people out as I calmly made my way up, the doors opened as Junior stood to the side with his head down as I went to his chair and sat down

"your man are well behaved Junior, you must be proud"

"y-y-yes I've made it a strict rule to show you absolute respect" he said as I could feel the fear coming from him

"I see but how did you know who I am, I don't believe we've meet" I asked

"no ma'am, I was able to get you identy off one of my man working for Roman"

"I see, have that man killed and send his next of kin enough money to survive" I said as he ordered one of his man to do so without question

"good now, I know this maybe the wrong time but I will be needing your club, to host some individuals, they wish to have my permission to operate in there idiotic plan"

"will there be anything you will be needing" he asked

"a chief , get him to make me a steak, spare no expense" I said as he nodded and left as I sent Romen the massage to report here in an hour

"don't be later" I said as I sat back and played a game on my scroll

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Yo long time but please understand that school

So sorry but I'll give you a second chapter

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