After these explanations, everyone nodded and finally Kevin changed the map to one that represented the basement of the palace, and he tapped on a specific place on the map telling them : "The Queen's sister is being held here, and we absolutely must free them both at the same time."
Kevin then decided to explain his plan more in detail : "The frontal attack of the palace will be our first attack, then we will quickly follow up with the attacks on the 4 strategic places that will have to be hit one after the other to destabilize, disorganize, and divide them, then we will take advantage of the chaos that will reign in the palace to go and rescue the Queen and her sister."
He tapped on the map again and he said : "Caleb will be the one in charge of freeing the Queen's sister, and he will be accompanied by Kelan, Axel and the men he personally trained.
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