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3.12% Superman in Marvel (Personal) / Chapter 1: Ch 141 - Ch 145
Superman in Marvel (Personal) Superman in Marvel (Personal) original

Superman in Marvel (Personal)

Tác giả: Tushar_Vashishta

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Ch 141 - Ch 145

Chapter 141: ?Thank you for saving the world, Miss Frost

The fascinating future is hard to predict.

The cruelty of reality is caught off guard.

For the young mutants of the Hellfire Club, as well as the undersea people of Atlantis.

The astonishing bad news, like a bolt from the blue sky, was like a tornado, coming so fast that they didn't even have any mental preparation.

"What? My king was brutally broken? Besides, he is still a cold-blooded butcher planning to launch a plan to destroy the world?"

"What? My boss exploded and didn't even leave a whole body?"

The next day, the conference room on Liberty Island.

A mutant specially invited to participate in negotiations.

There are also Atlanteans who don't know to be happy or angry.

The two men and horses looked at each other.

Strong sadness can not help but rush to my heart.

After just one night, how do you feel that the whole world has changed?

Sure enough, it was an accident and a pleasant surprise, and I never knew which came first.

"Mr. Major General, then are you going to...how to deal with Namor?"

The Atlantis delegation has a faster reaction speed than mutants whose brains are down.

In the final analysis, these submarine people are no different from the politicians of the land world, and they are used to seeing the wind.

After knowing that Namor had broken his back, they even omitted the honorific title of His Majesty the King and changed to directly call him by name.

"The crimes committed by Namo Mackenzie are not only directed at the land world, but will also cause extremely serious harm to Atlantis."

Luke, who flew directly back to Liberty Island, tapped his fingers on the tabletop, with no emotions in his face.

"He is going to activate the ultimate weapon that once destroyed Atlantis and sink the entire North American continent. Do you know how many people will die in this disaster?"

"Except for the terrestrial world turned into ruins, the sinking of the continent, the resulting tsunamis and earthquakes will destroy the stable ecology of the marine world...Namo-Mackenzie keeps saying that those marine creatures are his people, so why should a king do something? How about slaughtering your own people?"

The Secretary of the Navy Nimitz, who was sitting next to him, gave a "his" sound and gasped.

Killing people and punish the heart?

As expected to be Major General Cavill!

Once the above remarks are qualitative.

Namor is tantamount to being nailed to the pillar of shame for the kings of Atlantis.

The possibility of wanting to turn over is slim!

"Regarding Namor, I saw from a very early age that he could not become a qualified king!"

This is an afterthought.

"Yes! How can a king with impure blood lead the people of Atlantis!"

This is a supporter of pedigree theory.

"Fortunately, Mr. General has prevented this terrible crisis, otherwise Atlantis' good reputation may be destroyed by Namor."

This is a leading party with no ethics.

All in all, after Namor lost power, Atlantis' top management decisively abandoned it.

From this point of view, the blue-skinned undersea people have similarities in common with the French.

That is, they all have no affection for their king.

When necessary, I can't wait to send the other party to the guillotine or gallows.

"Since everyone has reached a preliminary consensus on the disposal of Namor."

Luke cleared his throat and said in a final word: "Then wait until the negotiation is over and hand it over to the court and jury formed by Atlantis and the land world."

After a while, the Atlantis delegation nodded and agreed.

In fact, they did not have the courage and qualifications to refuse.

In Luke's words, he often mentioned Atlantis' ultimate weapon.

After Namor's failure, the continental shelf oscillator from the ancient gods naturally became the spoils of the terrestrial world.

Thinking of this, the Atlantis delegation is even more depressed.

In the bottom of my heart, he scolded Namor.

"As for Sebastian Shaw, I say that he is a remnant of the Third Reich, a conspirator who attempted to overthrow the rule of the free world, a traitor among the mutants, should no one oppose him?"

After talking about Namor, who had fallen into the dust and suffered a severed back, Luke swept his eyes to the Hellfire Club again.

The main representatives of the other party are the white queen who is still confused and the mutants of the younger generation.

"Major General Cavill, I have something to say--"

As a mutant of the club, second only to the black king Sebastian Shaw, the White Queen took the lead.

She raised her right hand and placed it near her temple.

The psychic abilities extend out silently like a tide.

Superman is indeed very powerful, but physical indestructibility is not necessarily the same as mental invulnerability.

"Oh, Miss Frost, what do you want to say?"

Luke heard the words and looked at the young white queen with a smile on his lips.

The two of them looked at each other and closed at the touch.


The unfavorable spiritual ability is like hitting a copper wall and an iron wall.

Neither read the mind nor control the mind.

The intangible and intangible mental fluctuations were completely blocked back.

"It hurts!"

Emma, ​​the white queen, only felt dizzy, her eyes turned black, and she almost fell on the table on the spot.

"how can that be?"

She didn't want to believe it, let alone believe that she had failed!

Sebastian Shaw was able to shield his psychic powers mainly because of the metal helmet made of unknown material.

But sitting in front of him with a smile on his face, what does the major general rely on?

He clearly didn't take any protective measures!

"Miss Frost, are you okay?"

Luke's tone was slightly concerned, as if he had an extraordinary friendship with the White Queen.

Immediately afterwards, he swept the rest of the Hellfire Club and continued: "Miss Frost, I would like to thank you for speaking of it. If you hadn't taken the initiative to provide information to S.H.I. I'm afraid I'm still in the dark now."

"At that time, they successfully activate the continental shelf oscillator, which will definitely cause unpredictable casualties and losses to the terrestrial world and Atlantis-it is no exaggeration to say that you saved the world!"

Mr. General is sincere and full of emotions ~www.mtlnovel.com~ There is no falsehood in the slightest.

After finishing speaking, he stood up and saluted a military salute.

Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!

Seeing Superman taking the lead, the others agreed, applauded, and looked at the White Queen with gratitude and admiration.

Only Emma, ​​who was the subject, showed a dazed look.

"I don't...I'm not..."

The White Queen, who was in a dizzy state, was full of humming noises in her head.

The whole person is like a dead computer with a burnt out processor.

It wasn't until the applause gradually weakened and returned to the subject of the negotiation that she realized what had happened.

"When did I report on Sebastian Shaw?"

Facing the abrupt smash on the head, the great honor of saving the world, the White Queen's eyes were dull, as if she had lost the ability to think.

Chapter 142: ?Who is the betrayer and who is the leader

I didn't do anything, so why was [ticked] appointed as a hero to save the world?

The White Queen's mind is full of question marks, and her face is confused.

Especially the senior officials of the Navy Department surrounded her with warm applause and endless praise.

As if it was really like what Luke said, he did those things to save the earth from a terrible disaster.

"What the **** is going on..."

The White Queen subconsciously looked at Luke with a gentle smile. The young Major General's eyes were extremely calm, as if bystanders were watching a drama.

Thinking of the affectionate and sincere speech that happened just now, she seemed to understand something.

"He did it on purpose..."

The brain seemed to wake up instantly after pouring a basin of cold water.

The White Queen tried to break free from the dizziness, and suddenly found that the compatriots of the Hellfire Club looked at her with strange eyes.

Those complex emotions, after they settled down, turned into sharp sword-like noises--



For a mentally capable person, interpreting the emotions and thoughts of others is a basic skill.

Obviously, at this time, she has become a betrayer in the eyes of her compatriots!

"It's not like that, they misunderstood!"

The white queen opened her red lips slightly, as if she wanted to explain.

Although she didn't like Sebastian Shaw's practices.

It is even extremely resistant to the other party's plan to use the continental shelf oscillator as an important bargaining chip to threaten the human world-that will not only harm humans, but will also do no good to mutants.

But even so, the White Queen never thought of betraying the Hellfire Club, betraying the "king" who brought herself into the organization.

The reason why the cohesion within the mutants is strong is that most of them have had the tragic experience of being persecuted.

Similar experiences, unique talents and abilities, coupled with external rejection and discrimination, various factors force them to come together.

So, when Sebastian-Xiao Deng shouted.

And after demonstrating extremely strong strength, he gathered a group of compatriots easily.

Later Magneto was able to lead the Brotherhood, also relying on this.

To put it bluntly, it is actually external pressure that makes the mutants have to unite inside.

Therefore, as a member of the normal society.

The White Queen will never actively choose to leave the Hellfire Club, or the group of mutants.

That would make her even the last place to stay and the last circle that she can fit into will be wiped out.

The fate of group creatures being abandoned is far more frightening than ordinary discrimination and suppression.

This is also the reason that Sebastian Shaw, when he learned that the other party had contacted S.H.I.E.L.D.'s sister privately, and also opposed his plan, had no reason to eliminate instability in the first place.

Because the White Queen has nowhere to go!

Staying in the Hellfire Club, she is a proud and powerful mutant, a beautiful and noble queen.

Losing these and returning to the human world, the other party can only become an alien and freak in the eyes of others.

"Miss Frost, I heard that you and Agent Keira of S.H.I.E.L.D. are still sisters."

Luke mentioned this incident casually and chuckled: "In response to the unfair treatment of mutants and the future direction of development, S.H.I.E.L.D. will hold a peace summit in Paris soon, and all countries will participate."

"You must be present as a representative, so that the world knows the terrible situation the mutants are facing."

Mr. General looked at the desperate White Queen, walked to her side, and stretched out his hand to hold down the other's shoulder.

"Miss Frost, you won't refuse this offer, will you?"

The White Queen shrank back and nodded heavily after a long while.

The bright and hard appearance of a diamond still cannot conceal the fragile heart.

Facing Superman, who can resist?



"Why are you doing this?"

As the night darkened, the White Queen broke into the suite used by Luke to rest and asked angrily.

She hasn't been following Sebastian Shaw long enough, nor is she mature enough, it is easy to show her emotions on her face.

"Good evening, Miss Frost."

Luke seemed to know that the other party would come, so he prepared an extra cup specially.

"Red wine or whiskey?"

He asked.

"Please answer my question, Mr. General!"

The white queen was frosty, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of evil spirits.

The psychic power swept the entire living room like a storm.

It's a pity that Luke, who was in it, was unmoved, and said with a smile: "The reason is very simple, but also very complicated."

"I need a spokesperson for the mutant camp, and you are a good fit, Miss Frost."

The White Queen was taken aback for a moment, and her menacing momentum suddenly weakened.



"Do you want to be the new king of Hellfire Club?"

The White Queen frowned and quickly guessed Luke's true thoughts.

Use yourself to control the Hellfire Club.

Then go one step further and gather the mutant groups.

"Those of my compatriots will not trust a human being! Mr. Major General, you think too well!"

After the White Queen clarified her thoughts, she sneered: "And thanks to the honor you granted, many people in the club now regard me as a traitor!"

"Hehe, are you humans willing to accept whistleblowers? Betrayal in any group is unpopular and hated by others!"

Luke poured himself a glass of whiskey, and the sound of ice cubes hitting the glass wall was crisp and sweet.

He sat back on the sofa, glanced at the White Queen with his hands on his chest, and said slowly: "This is not as bad as you think, Miss Frost."

"First of all, trust can be built gradually, just as Rome was not built in a day."

"Secondly, the so-called whistleblower and traitor are only based on the fact that Sebastian Shaw is still the leader of the Hellfire Club."

"He has been blown into a ketchup-like unidentified paste. How many diehards are there? The king is dead, and the betrayal is gone."

Luke beckoned and motioned to the White Queen, who was keeping her distance and alert, to sit down obediently.

Mental abilities are highly sought-after no matter where they are placed.

Especially Emma Frost, the White Queen, is also an Alpha-class mutant, just like Professor Bald.

Although the ability level is slightly inferior, the other aspects are not much worse.

The diamond-like form that can shield the mind's perception, coupled with the leadership of the Hellfire Club, is completely a rare purple card.

"Whether mutants ~www.mtlnovel.com~ or human beings, the nature of living things is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

Luke moved the wine glass over and said calmly: "I have already said that S.H.I.E.L.D. is preparing to hold a peace summit and at the same time announcing the existence of mutants to the world."

"Part of the persecution and rejection you have suffered before is due to your extraordinary talents and extraordinary abilities, and the other part is the guidance and influence of the direction of public opinion."

The White Queen stared at the amber liquid in the wine glass, her attitude gradually changed from contempt to listen carefully.

"But if someone speaks for you, changes the inherent image of mutants, and asks the federal government to come forward, everything will change."

Luke painted the pie, depicting a bright future.

He can indeed do this, but the process will not be so easy or so easy.

The existence of mutants means that mankind has become a lower class.

This is the key problem that is really difficult to solve.

Chapter 143: ?New King, Old Queen

"You humans can always tell the most beautiful and beautiful lie in the world, and at the same time mercilessly kill others of your kind, without even a trace of mercy."

The White Queen was half sneered, half said seriously.

"Mr. Major General, how can I be sure that the words you just said are from the heart, and not like the promises of politicians, the conscience of businessmen, the sweet words of men... These are neither credible nor reliable."

Luke is satisfied that the conversation is back on track. He doesn't want his partner to be a perceptual creature that is too emotional and difficult to think rationally.

Sometimes, sit down and discuss the benefits more candidly.

Far more practical and effective than talking about emotions and dreams.

"The verbal guarantee may not be credible, and the black and white written in the contract may not have sufficient binding force."

Luke said lightly.

"Sincere is to rely on performance."

The White Queen nodded and agreed with this view.

Let go of both hands subconsciously, and no longer maintain the defensive posture of holding his chest.

This proves that her original vigilance towards Luke is loosening.

The major general who noticed this had a gentler smile on his face, and said in a slow tone: "I am sorry, Miss Frost, the ones you mentioned earlier are not only true of human beings, they are the instinct of natural creatures. "

"Future history books may slaughter Indians by the colonists of the North American continent, burn witches to death in medieval churches, and cleanse the Jews in extermination style by the Third Reich... it's all written in."

"But this is not to prove that human beings are born to love killing and have a cruel and tyrannical nature, but to warn future generations of how terrible greed, ignorance and ambition will have on the world."

"Any biological species that has wisdom and knows how to think is very complicated. If you simply use the dualistic concept of good and evil to judge and measure, you can only form an inherent perception of arrogance and prejudice."

The White Queen sat with her legs up, her graceful and beautiful curves, she didn't continue to tighten, but gradually relaxed.

"To be honest, Mr. General, you remind me of my college teacher."

She said so.

Luke smiled slightly. The White Queen, who was born in a wealthy family in Boston, had a very obvious teacher plot.

As far as he knows the timeline, Emma Frost almost became a teacher with the support of her parents.

After that, he had a brief collaboration with Professor Bald.

Joined Xavier Youth Talent Academy and served as the principal for a period of time.

Later, several camps and positions changed, mostly as teachers and leaders of the younger generation of mutants.

Therefore, people with spiritual abilities are probably very suitable for educational work.

"I only hope that he is not a nasty guy with balding hair who likes to take advantage of young female students. That's a shock."

Luke shrugged and said in a humorous tone.

The atmosphere in the suite living room gradually eased.

"No. He is as young as you... handsome, especially when speaking, confident and infectious."

Luke keenly caught the dim light in the eyes of the White Queen, guessing that the other party had obviously had an unsatisfactory teacher-student relationship.

"Then he is really a lucky guy to have admirers like Miss Frost."

He continued to cut into the topic, like a small chat.

"When I was young, I was ignorant."

The White Queen shook her head. She did have a good impression of the university teacher.

It's a pity that the ignorant first love hasn't blossomed yet, because of the mutant's identity.

This is also one of the reasons that prompted her to leave Boston.

Mutants seem to be a disgusting infectious disease, causing the White Queen to suffer discrimination and rejection.

She can only warm up with her compatriots, so she gets a little sense of security and identification.

"Back to the topic, Mr. General. How can trust be established between the Hellfire Club and S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

The White Queen abandoned distracting thoughts, and realized that she was too easy to relax her vigilance in front of Luke, which is very abnormal for a mentally capable person.

In most cases, you should be the dominant interlocutor.

"When the peace summit is held, S.H.I.E.L.D. will recommend that the White House promote related bills to improve the situation of mutants."

Luke said confidently.

"At that time, Miss Frost could see my sincerity."

When the White Queen heard this, she couldn't help feeling a little moved.

She is not an ambition like Sebastian Shaw, she just wants to use mutants as a tool to gain enough power and status for herself.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. can really facilitate this, it is not impossible for the Hellfire Club to change its position.

"But... there are actually many people in the club, who are all loyal fans of Xiao."

After thinking for a moment, the White Queen felt a little embarrassed.

If she agreed, wouldn't it be true that she was accused of "traitor" and "informer".

"As I said, any creature has the nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages."

Luke said in a relaxed tone.

When Sebastian Shaw was alive, he was not his opponent.

Is it dead, what other storms can be revealed?

The major general narrowed his smile and said calmly: "Most of the hatred and resentment that mutants have towards humans comes from the tragic experience of being persecuted and abused."

"But, Miss Frost, you probably don't know that the last king of the Hellfire Club, Sebastian Shaw, once elected 431 people in Auschwitz. They are all sixteen years old. A captive who is thirty years old."

"Miss Frost, do you know how he does it?"

Feeling Luke's calm tone, the White Queen felt a little palpitating, and subconsciously asked, "What did Xiao do?"

"Like social animals, they were driven into the steam room, subjected to fainting and dehydrating heat, and then thrown into a wooden bucket filled with ice."

"In addition, there are uninterrupted electric shock therapy, as long as hours of beating, flogging, and even sleep deprivation, etc.. Various tortures are performed on these people until they die."

The White Queen had a chill on her back, and through Luke's calm description, she was as if she had witnessed those cruel pictures with her own eyes.

She couldn't help asking: "Xiao...why did he do this?"

As a member of the Hellfire Club only later, Emma Frost can become the "Queen" not because of seniority, but because of personal ability.

Therefore, she knows nothing about Sebastian Shaw's past.

"Why do you want to do this?"

Luke sneered slightly, and said with a chuckle: "Because he tried to find the secret code in the mutant X gene that opened the door to evolution."

"Sebastian Shaw is a graduate of Oxford University's School of Biological Sciences. The X gene in his body is recessive, and he will not awaken his natural ability in his youth."

"But this guy is very clever. He found that the X gene can easily follow external stimuli-especially dramatic emotional fluctuations, resulting in wonderful changes similar to chemical effects."

"The above torture is just to find the law of genetic changes, so as to master the method of'creating' mutants."

The White Queen opened her red lips slightly, seemingly shocked.

She did not expect that the king of the Hellfire Club was full of words to fight for better rights and higher status for his compatriots, but there was such a dark history behind him.

"All of this is true?"

The White Queen was a little unbelievable. She once regarded Sebastian Shaw as the savior of mutants and a great teacher who can be trusted.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has detailed files inside. If you have any doubts, you can check it yourself. Of course, the files can be faked, but the crimes committed will always leave traces. There are several survivors of concentration camps in Poland. The evil behavior of the'king' is well understood."

Luke looked at the dubious White Queen and said in a deep voice: "As a spiritually capable person, there should be very few people in this world who can lie in front of you. I believe that when the time comes, you will naturally be able to make correct judgments."

"Miss Frost, as long as you reveal the ugly face of Sebastian Shaw, you will go from being a'traitor' and an'informer' to being the first to discover the truth and act bravely. The'hero' who saves our compatriots."

Luke opened his hands and said that this was the perfect ending.

The dead man couldn't speak anyway, and all the charges were put on Sebastian Shaw's head.

The mutants of Hellfire Club will gradually change their views on the White Queen.

The White Queen stared directly at Luke, and after a long while, she said with emotion: "Mr. Major General, you are more like a mentally capable person who rewrites facts and manipulates thinking than I am."

"It's just using the nature of creatures. Frost-can I call you Emma? I think the Hellfire Club would be happy to accept a new king and... a new queen."

Luke picked up the wine glass, handed it to the White Queen, and said with a smile: "Emma, ​​let us toast to the better future of mutants."

The latter was silent for a moment, then took the glass of whiskey with ice.

The wine glasses collided with a crisp sound.

This conversation, which was originally questioning, turned into a discussion about the leader of the Hellfire Club and the future of mutants.

Even the White Queen herself didn't know why this happened.

Everything seems to be executed accurately and accurately according to the written script ~www.mtlnovel.com~.

"The Black King is dead, Mr. General, are you going to become the White King of the Hellfire Club?"

The White Queen took a sip of the cold liquid, as if she had broken free from the heavy shackles, and was no longer affected by the opinions of her compatriots.

She had to admit that if Luke did what he said, the mutant would have a better future.

Thinking that I can save the suffering compatriots and become a...hero.

Emma couldn't help feeling excited,

"Is there any problem? There is already a queen in the club, so of course a king is needed."

Luke put down his glass and stood up.

"I think I am a good fit, what do you think?"

The White Queen also left the sofa, raised her head slightly, and looked at the tall young major general with a smile on her mouth: "I think so too."

Chapter 144: ?Understand Teacher Dichuan, 1 Heavenly Heart

After successfully persuading the White Queen, Luke then put his focus on the peace summit where all countries participated.

Naturally, there is no problem with the White House.

In this civilized war of Atlantis, both S.H.I.E.L.D. and Superman fully demonstrated their abilities.

There is no doubt that this young star named "Luke Cavill".

Since piercing the sky with dazzling light, it has become an important existence that no one can ignore.

According to the news from Colonel Phillips, Mr. President recently began to tap on the sidelines, asking Major General Cavill if he has any thoughts of getting married or falling in love.

Because he happens to have a pretty young daughter who is quite old.

Luke said that he really has no interest in becoming the president's son-in-law.

Even if you really want to choose, it will not be Truman's turn.

Regarding American politics, the five major political families widely recognized in later generations.

They are "Adams", "Roosevelt", "Kennedy", "Bush" and "Clinton".

Adams, ranked number one, prospered at the beginning of the founding of the nation.

Samuel Adams is known as the "Father of the American Revolution", and his cousin John Adams is one of the drafters of the Declaration of Independence.

In addition, he has served as the first vice president and the second president.

And the son of this big boss later won the election and became the sixth president.

It can be said that the family has a profound background.

Compared with "Adams", "Roosevelt" is not bad.

Many people only know that Franklin Roosevelt was re-elected for four terms, bringing the family to the pinnacle of power.

It is not clear that his uncle, Theodore Roosevelt, had been president in 1901, and the famous "carrot and stick" foreign policy was his work.

Compared with the above two, Luke is more familiar with "Kennedy" who has not yet fully developed.

Because they are both descendants of Irish immigrants and have a close relationship with the Irish gang that Uncle Frank joined.

Back then, Kennedy's grandfather was born with a business mind and made his first pot of gold by relying on a tavern.

Then he sent Kennedy's father to Harvard, successfully married the daughter of the mayor of Boston, completed the class jump, and entered the upper class.

After that, Kennedy's father made a fortune with the prohibition of alcohol, and he had a great investment vision, and he invested money to fund Roosevelt's presidential campaign.

As a result, after the abolition of Prohibition, he reaped generous returns, and became the chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission firmly, accumulating a lot of wealth.

After Luke accepted the award from the major general, the young Kennedy, who was only a navy lieutenant for the time being, specially invited him to participate in several family gatherings through the relationship of Uncle Frank, and talked about the core members of the Kennedy family.

Therefore, he was a nodding acquaintance for the future president who had only been in the White House for three years and then was publicly shot.

After contacting privately, Luke learned that the other party's life style was extremely chaotic.

Perhaps it was because when the young John F. Kennedy was nineteen years old, his first love girlfriend was pried away by a best-selling author, which broke the heart of the boy who believed in true love.

This guy has since become a playboy, his biggest hobby is partying, and he has invited Luke several times.

Participants are all the second generations of the political and business circles at the same age, as well as popular Hollywood stars and beautiful actresses.

Kennedy's habit is to go forward and talk for a few minutes, then disappear for about half an hour after which woman he fancyes.

Basically every time you party, you can see this stuff suddenly disappear, and then your legs appear soft.

Moreover, he also booked a long-term suite at the Waldorf Astoria, dedicated to multiplayer sports.

And the long list with John F. Kennedy, the most memorable one, naturally belongs to Marilyn Monroe.

This **** goddess at the time, a natural stunner, actually had an experience with Kennedy's two brothers.

It can be said to be a realistic example of "brothers in battle"!

The most interesting thing is that after John Kennedy was assassinated, his wife Jacqueline and his brother Bobby Kennedy secretly went to bed.

Comparing the memories in his mind with the current reality, Luke finally came to the conclusion that "the presidential family circle is really chaotic."

Many people believe in the democracy and freedom advertised by the Lighthouse Country, but they actually pulled the presidents in history and clarified the relationship behind them.

It is not difficult to find that their respective families have backgrounds, connections, and have known and interacted with each other a long time ago.

To put it bluntly, the transfer of power is always in the circle of the small group of people at the top of the pyramid, and will never flow into the hands of outsiders.

Statistics show that more than 17% of congressmen are from political families.

Like Harrison, Hamilton, Rockefeller... these surnames have accompanied the two hundred years of American history and have never withdrawn from the stage of history.

If Luke has the idea of ​​running for president in the future, he will definitely receive investment and favor from those political families, and then be drawn into the so-called political elite.

This is the truth behind so-called freedom and democracy.

"I have no interest in being a president whose actions are justified, and even more so in being a president's son-in-law."

Luke hung up the call from the White House and thought silently: "If you switch to the later teacher, Mr. Huangchuan-his daughter, you may be a little moved. After all, everyone has a bright red heart."

He thought for a while, and dialed the encrypted phone of SHIELD, which was a private number that only the chief and commander knew.

The password is "Yibibab".

Only when the answer is correct can you successfully switch to the relevant channel.

"How about the peace summit held in Paris?"

After the settlement of Namor and Sebastian Shaw, the Atlantis delegation was leaning towards peace talks.

Because it was Luke's suggestion, a parliament that used to be a trivial matter for a long time passed quickly with a rather rare high efficiency.

It is rare for parliamentarians who are keen to express amazing views and strive to win eyeballs and gimmicks to reach agreement.

The attitude of other countries is even more obvious.

All of them want to enter the venue quickly and grab the benefits.

It's no wonder that they are excited. Only the diplomatic relations and trade exchanges initially decided by Atlantis can benefit tremendously from them.

The rich resources in the depths of the ocean, mineral vein mining, etc., can completely bring important changes to the development of the country.

"They behaved very eagerly-despite pretending to be calm. The countries that have ideas and are eligible to participate in the peace summit and get an admission ticket are basically a recurrence of the Yalta meeting."

Carter replied while flipping through the documents: "Oil and gas resources, marine drugs, metal veins, and Atlantis' technology are all heavyweights."

"Except for the Spear Bureau, which is indeed very indifferent. It only asked to participate in the peace summit and did not take the initiative to mention the allocation of resources. Other countries have a strong willingness to share this crazy cake!"

Luke was not surprised by the reaction of the countries.

Except for the celestial dynasty who mastered the divine spear, they were all a bunch of guys who had never seen the world.

Because the background of the former is much deeper than that of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra and Leviathan.

The predecessor of these organizations was the Holy Shield Brotherhood, and one of them was named "Zhang Heng".

Yes, it was the astronomer who appeared in the history books and invented the armillary sphere and seismograph.

The famous personal record was in 114 AD when he fooled a group of female gods with only mouth-cannon skills.

The latter wants to find a suitable star to serve as a cradle for gestating offspring.

Zhang Heng cleverly persuaded the other party to abandon the earth and the moon and choose the sun instead.

Therefore, if Luke wants to go to the sun and sleep for thousands of years, he has to compete with a juvenile deity team.

"This is normal. The Spear Bureau is not interested in Atlantis' technology. They have better..."

Luke said with a chuckle.

The Aegis of the West has undergone several changes, and much of its history has long been lost.

The Oriental Spear has been handed down and has never been cut off.

As early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, people could create something similar to the first machine~www.mtlnovel.com~ and even travel through time and space, looking back in history, and even the Supreme Master must treat each other with courtesy when they see it. How could it be worthy of Atlanta? That little bit of Ties's family background.

Participation in the peace summit is more of a symbolic attendance, and by the way some capitalist fleece.

"The British can't wait, and the Soviets strongly demand that they show their sincerity."

Luke said lightly.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau is responsible for issuing admission tickets. Naturally, you have to pay a certain price if you want to divide the cake."

Carter knows the thoughts of his director. Luke vaguely revealed his intention to establish a large-scale international organization called the "World Security Council" a long time ago.

It is specifically used to provide funds and permissions, that is, to be an investor with a lot of money.

The purpose is to allow SHIELD to develop more quickly and effectively.

"I will actively negotiate in this regard."

Carter secretly noted.

Chapter 145: ?You know me, the US team and Uncle Wolf

Luke has been a little busy lately.

On the one hand, as a negotiator, we must quickly reach a preliminary cooperation intention with Atlantis and the Hellfire Club to prepare for the future peace summit.

Otherwise, in front of the whole world at that time, wouldn't it be embarrassing to just lift the table if you didn't get in touch.

Fortunately for the former, since the hapless kid in Namor was brutally cut behind.

The people on the bottom of the sea are basically inclined to peace talks, and the will to war is not strong.

The sudden devastation tens of thousands of years ago left the Atlantis people with an indelible psychological shadow.

The originally militant and martial character turned into a conservative and closed character.

If it weren't for Namor's ignorance and following Sebastian Shaw's advice, there would never have been this inexplicable civilized war.

For thousands of years, the Atlanteans did not even want to set foot on land, let alone in-depth contacts and exchanges.

Therefore, Luke deliberately formulated a series of measures, called the "cultural integration" plan.

Although the terrestrial world and marine civilization have different skin colors, biological organs are alienated, and civilization levels are different.

But for entertainment culture, Atlantis is still in a very backward development stage.

The biggest leisure and entertainment in the whole country is to go to the arena to watch gladiatorial fights-these are the leftovers of the Roman Empire many years ago.

Distressed the Atlantis people!

In order to promote friendly mutual assistance and cultural exchanges between the two civilizations, Luke decided to make S.H.I.E.L.D. prepare to export a batch of cultural products in future cooperation.

For example, what Nintendo, the collection of the best of the times, Hollywood action movies, variety shows... Anyway, anything that can attract the public is packaged and given to Atlantis.

I believe that the gang of sea people who have no other amateur life except for the creation of human beings and watching gladiatorial fights every day, and have to endure the exploitation of the noble class, will definitely be interested in these spiritual needs.

Even if it is the terrorist leader who hates the U.S. and plans all kinds of suicide attacks, the leader of Al Qaeda, it is not that they can still play "Final Fantasy 7" and "Cat and Mouse".

Therefore, standpoints and ideas do not conflict with personal hobbies.

Luke has always believed that the only thing that people on earth can lead other cosmic civilizations is probably the entertainment industry.

After all, games, movies and Fat House Happy Water are so fragrant.

Xingjue, the son of the god, is a loyal fan of classic golden songs, Jiaguwu Tianwang.

The Star-Swallowing Daughter, one of the five gods, has a soft spot for fried chicken, burgers and soda.

Thor, the prince of Asgard, is addicted to "Fortress Night" and eventually degenerates into a fat mansion.

This shows that when it comes to research on eating, drinking, and having fun, people on Earth are still quite competitive.

"Are you sure you really want to put these... plans into the file?"

Carter, who was sitting opposite, did the work of a secretary.

As Luke spoke, she quickly took notes.

But is this so-called "cultural invasion" really effective?

The female commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. is very skeptical.

"Trust me, sometimes some seemingly insignificant spiritual entertainment is actually not much worse than tanks and cannons."

Luke nodded, and cultivated the bottom people of Atlantis into loyal fans of terrestrial world culture.

From time to time, carry some private goods and use the best method of the lighthouse country to promote the universal values ​​of freedom and democracy.

If any of the French Revolution and Marge's principles are exported to Atlantis, there may be real hope, and an unprecedented movement for democracy and equal rights will be set off by the undersea people.

Luke's thinking diverged, and he intended to use Atlantis as a huge gold mine for mining.

It would be better for S.H.I.E.L.D. to skip the constraints of various countries and control the trade interoperability between the two parties and become a monopolistic middleman.

However, the domestic conservatism in Atlantis is too serious. The establishment of preliminary diplomacy and shallow trade are already the bottom line that can be approached after repeated negotiations.

"If you can't get anything at the negotiating table, use other means."

Luke said so.

"What about the Hellfire Club?"

Carter thought for a while, but chose to remain skeptical.

She couldn't understand the amazing effects of common leisure items and entertainment activities.

"Emma Frost accepted my suggestion. She decided to make her debut as a hero and save her compatriots from fire and water."

Luke raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said relaxedly: "Cooperating with SHIELD is the most suitable way out for mutants. The White Queen should be able to seize this opportunity."

"But wasn't she hostile to humans before?"

Carter stopped writing, raised his head and looked at Luke with suspicion.

"What kind of ecstasy has Mr. Director poured into people, so that an Alpha-class mutant can easily let go of his prejudices, risk becoming a mutant traitor, and cooperate with S.H.I.E.L.D.? She is the one who can manipulate the mind and control the mind. "

Luke's proud expression instantly solidified, and he asked tentatively: "What rumors have you heard?"

Carter shook his head and sneered: "I just know that the white queen of the Hellfire Club knocked on Mr. Director's door after the negotiation meeting on Liberty Island."

"To be honest, I'm a little curious, what have you talked about, can it last an hour?"

Luke was a little embarrassed and coughed lightly: "It's just discussing the formulation of the mutant plan. Peggy, you know me. If you really want to do something, it will definitely not last for an hour."

Carter was stunned, and for a while, he couldn't refute it.

Because after she thought about it, she felt that Luke's defense was very reasonable and impeccable.

For Mr. Director, who is tireless on a certain battlefield and demanding indefinitely, this is indeed not enough.

"What about the Hellfire Club?"

Carter skipped the topic with personal emotions and continued: "Emma Frost, she may not be able to convince the crowd."

Luke didn't worry about this. There were not many Alpha-class mutants, especially the White Queen who was still quite a rare spiritual ability.

Against anyone, you have the confidence to compete with them.

Even in the Hellfire Club, there are indeed many people who criticize the White Queen, thinking that she is a traitor and informer.

But when Sebastian Shaw's dark history was exposed, the voice was much smaller.

"Those opposing opinions can't reveal any waves."

Luke said confidently.

He is well versed in the entertainment industry of later generations. If you want to eliminate the black spots on one person, you don't need to work hard to clean it off, but it is enough to wipe the other person darker.

People always compare each other. When Sebastian Shaw, who originally led the mutants, revealed that he was a cold-blooded butcher who persecuted his compatriots, it didn't matter whether the White Queen was a traitor or an informer.

"Well, anyway, if there is a problem, you can always give a solution."

Carter closed the document and whispered: "The proposal for the peace summit has been passed. The venue is set at Versailles in Paris. The time is 3:20 that afternoon. Mr. President asked you to attend as a representative, with Lieutenant General and Aegis. The identity of the director."

Luke raised his eyebrows, somewhat dull.

In less than a year, his career promotion reached its peak.

So boring!

Want to continue to win the five-star admiral, that is, the honor of the marshal, it is estimated that it is impossible to accomplish.

In the current military rank system, the permanent highest is only a lieutenant general. For example, the "four-star general" and the "five-star general" are temporary military ranks and are only granted during wartime.

Therefore, Luke's promotion path can be regarded as a short-term summit.

"Then remember to help me write the speech."

Luke smiled.

"By the way, where's Steve? Why didn't I see others?"

Carter held his forehead with a helpless expression.

"Colonel Rogers has trouble dealing with the two beasts under your hand. They... had a fight yesterday."

Luke was a little surprised. Captain America has always been a good old man with a good temper.

Will he fight with people?

and many more.

Is it Sabretooth Tiger and Wolverine?

That's all right. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The mutant brothers belonged to the ranks of grumpy brothers.

Logan Wolverine was a little better, he was able to maintain his sense.

His brother Victor, the saber-toothed tiger, was still bloodthirsty in his bones even though he had been educated severely by Luke.

Meeting a good guy in the traditional sense like Captain America will definitely cause conflicts.

After all, the former is not very acceptable even for swearing.

Iron Man Tony Stark just said "Shit" and was educated.

"All right, let me deal with it."

Luke stood up, and when he returned to Washington, D.C., he had a lot of work to complete.

"It's time to find a secretary for myself and free up my time."

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