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39.47% A World belongs to the Black / Chapter 15: Interlude - part 2

Chương 15: Interlude - part 2

Hermione was excited for her entry into the wizarding world. During Professor McGonnagall's visit, she finally discovered what her oddities were and knowing that there were other people in the world like her made the little girl even more excited about the prospect of a school for magic. Of course, knowing that an entire wizarding society was hidden from the world brought some healthy warnings to her young heart, but she held back and just decided to put off her worries for a while. Anyway, she was finally going to enter the wizarding world to buy her materials and was very excited. Were there magical boys and girls willing to befriend her? She would learn a lot not to be left behind by children who grew up in the wizarding world and not be an outcast like she always was in normal school.

She also learned some wizarding common sense from the teacher. For example, wizards used to call people without magic, like her parents, Muggles and people like her, who were born to Muggle parents, Muggle born. The term Muggle was not very popular with the little girl. It seemed offensive to her, but when in Rome...

She also had a lot of her unconverted questions. When she asked about the wizarding society itself, the teacher turned the conversation to talk about the castle and classes. The girl found it strange, of course, but the interesting subject did the job and sidetracked her a bit. Well, Hermione would learn more there anyway so nothing to worry about.

If the girl only knew.

A quick trip to Charing Cross and the older woman led the family newly launched into the wizarding world to a dilapidated and almost sinister-looking establishment with round tables characteristic of medieval bars. The girl's parents were quite worried at that point as dozens of exotic people were currently drinking at these tables and didn't look happy at all.

"Good morning, Tom." McGonnagall told the bartender as she led the couple and their daughter towards the back of the bar and out to face a wall.

The Muggles were temporarily confused until the older woman attacked her wand and pointed at the wall, she touched specific bricks a few times to open the passage to the place where she would buy the materials.

The three were shocked and their reactions were even funny to the older woman, but she was used to it anyway.

"Let's go. We have a lot to cover…" The woman said, pulling the poor Muggles out of their stupor. "Let's go to Gringotts first to exchange money as the wizarding world doesn't accept Muggle currency."

"We will follow your lead, Professor McGonnagall." Dan Granger, the father, said respectfully.

And then they went to Gringotts. The Goblins were a rather frightening surprise. Magical beings that were once considered fantastic... The worst thing was that the muggle stories about Goblins didn't and it put them in good view. They were known to be thieves and rapists...

If the Goblins listened to the thoughts of the adult couple, there would be a very tragic murder case being written in the Daily Prophet the next day.

Then the two headed to the stores to buy their groceries for school. Cauldron, books (many of them, in the young witch's case), herbs and potion supplies... and a wand. She loved her wand. Vine, 27.305cm with dragon heart fiber core.

"Well, we're done, now I'll say goodbye..." McGonnagall told the three of them a bit exhausted. She should have brought two more families on this trip to the diagonal alley, but Albus said she should focus on one family at a time... sending her to this wasn't the nicest thing on his part, but she should expect the slight part of her affection target...

"We appreciate your help, teacher... But we didn't want to go yet. There are some stores we don't visit." Emma said hesitantly.

"Of course, you can continue your shopping on your own now." The woman almost always stoic finally showed a small sign of irritation. "You can go back the same way to the leaky cauldron and ask someone to open the passage for you to return to the Muggle side. Have a good time." She said before turning and walking away with determined steps. A good glass of wine was her goal after this horrible week.

The parents and the girl didn't get the best impression of this act, but they didn't mind too much, going back to their shopping. Hermione wanted to go back to Flourishes and Blots, but was drawn to a store considerably different from the other stores in the diagonal alley.

Most of the shops there were old and gave off an obvious medieval aura, but this shop…no, shops. There were 3, one next to the other. They were clean and very reminiscent of shop windows in a Muggle mall. The glass windows let people see a wide, clear and clean space. There were bookshelves and small plush support columnsfluffy ones that moved. She was attracted by a green figure that looked like a turtle with a shell similar to a closed flower...

"Let's go to that store, Mom." She pointed.

"I was curious about her too." Her father said appreciatively. That was the only one of the stores that didn't dislike him, if he was honest about it. So he didn't reject his daughter's request.

At the entrance, there was a well-dressed young man welcoming customers with a promotional smile on his face. He wore a very modern uniform, with short-sleeved dress shirts and vest and black pants with a small name tag written across his chest.

"Hello, dear customer, can I help you?" he asked everyone who entered and most of them simply refused and headed inside the store. Interestingly, most of the customers were children and teenagers not much older than Hermione. That was even more curious for the two adults who approached the young attendant.

"Hello, dear customers, can I help you?" The question asked by the young man with the same tone and the same professional smile captivated the family of 3 and Mrs. Granger almost blushed at the polite young man in front of her.

"Well... what do you guys sell?" Hermione was direct. She wanted to buy things after all and thought that turtle-shaped stuffed animal was too cute.

"Dear customers, if I may ask, are you new to the wizarding world?"

"Yes, is that a problem?" Dan Granger asked curiously.

"No, no. It's just that a lot of the Soley store's products are fan-oriented, mind you... Would you like a tour of the store? I can explain it better this way..."

"Sure." Emma said without fear. "We are curious about all this."

So they walked in and started talking. Interestingly, all the questions asked by the two adults were answered and the girl's doubts were taken away as well. It turns out that British magical society was far more dangerous than anyone imagined. Just over a decade ago a war was raging and the villain was someone who hated Muggleborns.

They learned about You-Know-Who and pureblood politics. The corruption of the Ministry of Magic was also revealed without shame of any kind. Many books were recommended for the little girl to situate herself and the greatest advice the young man gave her was: "don't give up your studies in the muggle world because not everyone is lucky enough to get jobs in that side of the world." The couple was horrified by everything and wanted to prevent the girl from going to the wizarding school and getting involved in this world but were dissuaded by the attendant.

"See, magic can be dangerous if not well controlled. It can even be harmful to her and to you if she doesn't learn to use her gifts. Just keep in mind that a career in the wizarding world would be very difficult and that's it. The war ended over 10 years ago and even if it did happen again, all you have to do is hide in the muggle world and not get involved. Simple as that."

"But why didn't Professor McGonnagall tell us this?" Dan asked irritably.

"Why would a teacher at a school for magic tell non-magical people about the problems of the magical world? She possibly didn't want you to stop the young woman from studying there, as you would if I didn't convince you otherwise. Besides, I doubt it would do. Laws do not prevent a wizard from oblivious Muggles in any way." argued the attendant.


"Yes, it's a spell that erases, rather, it blocks memories." He explained. "Just erase your memory of what you know and voila, problem solved."

The adults were horrified by this, but what could they do?

"I suggest that the girl go to the school of magic and keep studying the Muggle curriculum at the same time... There is no need to complete the school face-to-face in the Muggle world, as far as I know. So at 17, when your magical education is over you can go to university and get a cool degree that would give you more chances of employment in both worlds."

"That sounds pretty sensible." The little witch admitted.

"IT'S. Unfortunately I realized this too late and couldn't do it myself. Luckily Mr. Black gave me this job. In fact, most of the attendants here are Muggle-born." The man pointed.

"So…Christopher…" Hermione said after reading the name tag. "Does this store sell those stuffed toys?"

"Hahahaha... No miss, those aren't plush. These are animated golems created to emulate a Pokémon." Christopher explained. "Take it here... Read this magazine. He gave the young woman a copy of the comic. It didn't take Hermione long to open the manuscript and get lost in the story. Both parents did the same and Dan started to become a fan after 4 pages. What a fascinating concept this Pokémon is... It's the magic pokeballs and golems... Did they walk and act like a live Pokémon?

"Mister Christopher, are these Pokémon real magical beasts?" Dan was curious.

"Not. They are not. But they are based on magical beasts. Basilisk, Dragons,Plush, phoenix... all these magical beasts are real... But Pokemons are beasts invented by Lord Black and so golems were created to go with it... There are many different comics and various artifacts sold here at Soley. From magic cards that summon monsters to card duels. Grimoires with mamodo golems... that fight and evolve during battles... we also have many products aimed at young audiences..."

"Very cool!" Hermione had her eyes shining as she knew everything… "He did all this using magic, didn't he?


"What magic?"

"Ah… about that… no one knows. Many purebloods tried to unravel the products of our store but none of them succeeded. Lord Black once told me that he studied a lot about Golemmancy, runology, arithmancy and other obscure subjects to create his gadgets, as he calls it."

"Did you meet the creator?"

"Yes, young Lord Black is very special, his mind is fascinating and his knowledge is frightening for his age."

"How old is he?" Dan stared curiously.

"I think he should turn 11 in August if I'm not mistaken. He invited me to his party. In fact, all employees at the three stores were called to the party." The young man smiled at the thought of his lord. Apparently he was quite loyal.

Of course, Hermione's face fell as soon as she heard the attendant. Wasn't the boy almost a year younger than her? And was he capable of doing so many amazing things? Wouldn't it be hard to get over him?

"But does this store only have products for children?" Emma asked. "It's a little...too much isn't it?"

"We have a session at Soley for adults." Christopher admitted smiling. "If you can accompany me... The girl should stay here though. Some of the products in the session are quite explicit."

"Okay Dan, stay here while I get some of the products from the adult session." And so the woman was exposed to the literary world of 21st century literary pornography while living in the 20th century...

If a reincarnated one had entered that store, in addition to the deja vu with the mangas and golems, they would be able to see massive amounts of books famous for being adults. Copies of Grey, All of Her, The Error and many others were scattered here...

That day, an addict to adult books was born.



My body was sandwiched between two cute little 11 year old girls and I felt good about it. I never pictured myself as a lolicon, but being hugged by cute girls had a certain appeal that was hard to explain. I wondered if this was how being a father felt...

Anyway, it was 4 days before my inevitable trip to Hogwarts and I had already mastered the 1st year curriculum. Both the real and the newborn and let me just say that the idiot who thinks *light* magic wasn't deadly is an idiot.

Let's think about it critically. The night Harry Potter was attacked by the Noseless bastard and his Rat Face minion, Lily Evans created an Ancient magic shield that basically returned the death spell to the caster. Now, what do we know about Ancient magic? Almost nothing, but there are some requirements to perform this type of spell.

One of the requirements is the need for a sacrifice. Depending on the value of the sacrifice, many things can be accomplished and I'm not just saying this to justify my OP lineage... if she had used crossbows or even other people as a sacrifice to activate the protection covering young Potter, he would have died. If she used rare materials like phoenix tears and blood, basilisk venom and the like... Harry would die... only one sacrifice that was really important to the caster would be enough to protect the snotty brat. So I love someone (presumably as much as Lily Evans loved her son) and I want to protect that someone from a spell that has never been thwarted... The person I want to protect has a very high level of importance to me, so what to sacrifice to cast the spell?

There were two options for the newly wedded muggleborn witch with a pureblood of light... either she sacrificed someone she loved the same way she loved her son (perhaps James Potter, if Voldemort hadn't already killed him) or she used her own life in it.

We know what her choice was.

Another requirement for casting ancient magic spells would be the specificity of protection. What spells would be returned? Only the ones at risk of death? Just the terrible spell of death? I knew from experience that specificity and detail were very important here. And I didn't believe Lily didn't know that either. She was magic genius after all. One of the only people I really respect in the entire wizarding world. But if I'm right and I believe I am, she specified the protection that covers her son against the killing curse. And I go even further and say that she deliberately specified the spell caster – aka Voldemort.Now back to what I said before. During the attack, if Voldemort wasn't a person of habit that he almost never attacked directly and when he did it always, and I always say, used the death spell on his victims, Harry Potter would die.

See, he was a cute baby of a year and a half. If Voldemort cast a diffindo (cutting spell) into Baby Potter's jugular, the child would die. What if the self-styled Dark lord released a bolt of energy? Potter would die. Bombard? Potter would die again. Reduct? Death. Going even further, if he used a common leviossa on the child to float a good 30 meters d then stop feeding the spell? You don't even need to be a genius to know that the result would be death.

So to think that Light wizards wouldn't be able to oppose Dark wizards was the worst nonsense ever talked about in history. If all the good citizens at the time of the war weren't completely too scared to protect themselves and their families and had as little creativity as possible, they'd take the Death Eaters and launch *light* attacks on them until they beat the damned war.

Holy shit, I didn't even try so hard to make the Lumus spell deadly and it's the most basic and least costly (in terms of energy) spell of all.

Well, thinking about all that made me hungry and it was time to get out of bed anyway.

"Come on, girls, wake up." I squirmed on the bed making the sleeping beauties open their eyes. "I have to try out some new spell applications today... I've decided to become the typical rebellious teenage son."

"What does that mean?" Karine asked yawning before hugging my neck and kissing my cheek. Lucky she didn't have morning breath or that would be gross. But anyway, waking up like this wasn't bad.

"I will restart my research with magic." I spoke.

"Are you going to give Aunt Andromeda a reason?" again a question and some chaste kisses. She was starting to get me excited.

Wait, Allure?

"Not. And stop casting Allure on me. You know this upsets me."

"It was an accident. I swear it," she said quickly.

"For whatever reason, my instincts won't let me believe you."

"Pietro, are you really going to disobey Mrs. Andromeda?" Aarine, who had been silent so far, asked the question she didn't want to be silent.

"Well I don't want to. I'm a good son, mind you, and she's worried about my safety, so I can't even be rude about it. But I don't need permission... or rather, there is a muggle saying that can be applied here." I smiled as she said that.

"Which?" Karine asked curiously.

"*It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask permission*" I say as I kiss her soft lips.

"Is not fair." Aarine complained and I kissed her too, bringing a slight smile to her face.

"Anyway, what you can't see doesn't hurt... And I kind of have a separate dimension to experiment with without needing to inform her." I spoke with satisfaction. "Also, I will be using the Hogwarts curriculum in the experiments. Technically, I'm not disobeying anyone."

"Looks like we know what your house will be after all." Aarine commented placidly.

"Was there any doubt?" I retorted and went back to kissing the two girls for my pleasure.

Life couldn't be better after all.

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