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48.71% HARRY POTTER: ASCENSION BOOK 1 / Chapter 18: Conquering Paradise Part One

Chương 18: Conquering Paradise Part One

'Everything is ready, the storm is really kicking off, isn't it?' Kara thought through the bond link as she swayed in the air next to Harry, the blonde watching over her shoulder with a frown. There was a certain amount of nervousness that resounded in the back of her mind.

'I don't think that….I don't think that there will be a problem,' Faora thought back to them. 'Just fly slowly, I know that you are all gung ho when you go flying.'

'So, you're going to get your credentials, while Karen helps you set up some stuff?' Harry asked her, making sure that they were completely in one mind about the plan.

Harry eyed over his shoulder, there was a hell of a storm that was about ready to kick off and he wondered if they were going to make it where they needed to go on time. The wizard kept his expression calm even though they were flying through no man's land.

'Yes, that's correct, as you know, Genetics, Cybernetics, Computers, and also an MBA in Business Administration,' Faora thought to her bond mates. 'Shouldn't be too much of a problem given my enhanced intellect to get all of these within the next year or two, should it now?'

'And once again, your modesty shines through,' Karen interjected through the bond in a deadpan manner.

'Hey, do not doubt that I could get this done far sooner,' Faora thought to both of them before a frown crossed her face. 'It's unwise that I appear too smart for my own good. People might stick their nose in where it doesn't belong. It's mostly a redo of stuff I know. I just need to get accredited for it in order to have people take me seriously within those fields.'

'Makes sense,' Harry interjected through the bond link as the wind kicked up around them.

There was something extremely ominous about that wind that Harry could not put his finger on. The wizard turned his head for an instant and waited, swaying in the air as Kara looked over her shoulder.

"Kara are you alright?" Harry asked the blonde next to him.

"Yeah, one of those pieces of rock that flew by….it made me feel dizzy for a second," Kara stated as she closed her eyes as she strained to hear what was going on in the distance.

There was a huge whirlwind that had formed around them and Kara and Harry spun around as they saw debris flying around them in every direction, causing a cyclone that made visibility difficult.

Harry was about to suggest that they should find a spot to land and wait out the storm. Those words never left his lips as a large hunk of the rock, jagged and glowing, hurtled towards him and Kara.

Instinctively, Harry pulled Kara out of the way and as a result he took the full blunt force of the rock as it impaled him in the chest. He winced in pain but able to keep himself from shouting out in agony and felt his body sway in the air. His vision getting blurry.

"HARRY!" Kara yelled as Harry turned around, thinking that this could have been bad, among one of the worst things that he ever experienced. The wizard swayed and pivoted in mid-air and felt his blood pump faster throughout his body.

Things could not get much worse all things considered, could they?

With the radiation emanating from the rock pulsing through him, Harry attempted to pull it from free from his chest causing his hands to blister, and burn from the contact with the rock when lightning struck. A huge bolt of lightning flashed down from the heavens to strike the rock that was impaled in Harry's chest causing it shatter into shrapnel at point blank range as he hovered in the air. It was almost like someone had it out for him.

Kara caught the falling Harry in her arms and swerved in mid-air. It was a chore to keep him in her arms as the flying debris caused her vision to become blurred. Fear for her husbands life consumed Kara causing her to ignore the concerns for her own health caused by exposure to the rocks. The blonde's heart beat frantically within her chest.

She could most certainly not fly Harry back to Faora and the caves in Smallville, it was way too far away, so that option was out. It was hard to think rationally under pressure but somehow, someway, Kara did it. The blonde's eyes closed as she kept up the pace. The blonde flew faster.

Opening a portal to the castle was not the easiest thing in the world to do and besides flying someone in Harry's condition through a portal was a disaster waiting to happen. Kara reminded herself that without setting up some kind of focal point, the portal would be unstable. While the castle was a place where she could seek help, she couldn't reach it from here.

'Okay, Kara, think, oh great Rao….there has to be an island somewhere….let's see,' Kara thought to herself as her eyes flickered a few times.

She steadied Harry; the shrapnel impaled into his chest shouldn't have been able to penetrate his skin in the first place, yet it did. This made Kara worry that this attack was premeditated and she chanced a small glance over her shoulder. There seemed to be nothing around her, working quickly the blonde managed to calibrate her bracelet enough to stop the radiation from blocking her as she searched.

'Found it,' Kara thought before she locked onto the bond. 'Not sure if you could hear me Harry, but hang on, I think I'll get you help, soon.'

Faora and Karen heard nothing but psychic static through the bond thanks to Harry having an out of body experience. Kara could not hear their frantic yells as they tried to find out what was going on and she could not reach out to them for help even if she was coherent enough to say something.

Kara saw the island before her, it was a picturesque representation of beauty, she wished she would be able to enjoy a fair bit more of it before she dropped down, Harry's limp body still swaying in her arms.

For a brief second Harry's eyes flickered and he could have sworn that he saw two figures, one surrounded in a bright soothing light and the other surrounded in raging fire and brimstone. He could not figure out what happened as he flickered in and out before the scene in his mind shifted to yet another. He tried to gain focus on it but everything fizzled out with a hum and a flicker.

Harry's head swam and for a second it felt like his entire body was on fire, then he felt something resembling tranquility around him. His entire body felt calm, not one ounce of pain went through him. That was amazing given that his entire body was racked with unbearable pain just a few second ago.

His eyes flickered open and he saw that his surroundings had changed. He was no longer flying with Kara, rather he found himself waking up in a Greek Temple of some sort. The architecture within it was second to none, in fact, Harry would go as far to saying it was amazing. His blurred vision took time to clear and his thought processes took a bit of time to restart so it was a while before he realized that he was not alone.

He took a harder shot than he thought and as his blurred vision snapped back into focus he noticed that he was in there, with three, no scratch that, there were four women. His heart beat steadily as he took in each of their features.

First there was a woman with dark hair that had her head rested on his lap. She was dressed in a blue toga, with the material stretching around her body showing generous amounts of curves. She had alluring blue eyes that flickered up briefly towards him to acknowledge that he was in fact awake. Her facial features were as beautiful as the amazing curves of her body.

The second woman sat next to him, dressed in a silver toga that hung over her body. She had auburn hair and brown eyes that focused on him. Currently her soft hand was squeezed into his and it took Harry a few seconds to catch onto that fact. She was also extremely beautiful.

"Don't try and strain yourself. You've taken quite the hit."

The voice was soft and sensual as another figure trailed her hands down his abs and then moved up to her chest. A warm and dazzling smile filled her face as she worked him over. Her hands reached up to cup his face. She was an extremely beautiful woman with flawless skin. Her blonde hair hung around her face and her violet eyes watched him. The white toga she wore hugged her body stunningly, to show the amazing curves that she had and then there was the fact that she had a long and dazzling pair of legs. This was topped off by the perfect feet.

The fourth figure was a red head young woman who did not look too much older than Harry as she sat next to the fire. Her eyes flashed for a second as she spun around and watched him with a smile. She wore a red toga with similar material and was just as stunning.

"I can see that," Harry stated as the blonde smiled and ran her fingers up to his face, before she trailed a kiss on the top of his forehead. "So…."

"I really do apologize for what happened because it had to be done," the blonde stated in a soothing voice as she wrapped her arms around Harry's neck and pressed her head into it. "There are certain things that we need to have happen so….and I hope you forgive me, we requested the Z-Man perform some divine intervention so we can acquire your help with a very important problem."

Harry raised an eyebrow before he stated in a confused tone of voice. "The Z-Man?"

The woman smiled. "Zeus, he's the guy with the lightning and he hit you with one of his specials after that bit of meteor rock impacted your chest. Granted, one might think that's a bit extreme….but you survived. We did pull you out of your body."

Harry's mind very carefully processed everything that was going on around him as only he could and his eyes blinked as his heart beating more rapidly. He was still in a daze and the temple caused a soothing sensation to pass through him in order to help keep him calm.

"So…Zeus….so that means you're Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love," Harry remarked as he realized who she was and she nodded, pleased to learn that she was still known to mortals.

"I see that your education hasn't gone to waste," she said with a teasing smile as she ran her hands down him.

"Well this one does have great wisdom," the woman who's head was in Harry's lap stated with a smile crossing her face.

"You would know better than anyone else, wouldn't you, Athena?" Harry asked her and she smiled, pleased at the recognition that she received from him. "And Artemis goddess of the hunt and Hestia the goddess of the hearth, an honor to meet you all."

Harry decided to let the pleasantries go before he said one word to them all.

"And what am I doing here?" Harry asked as he watched them carefully when Artemis pulled him into an embrace.

"I don't think we harmed you too badly," Artemis stated as she spoke up for the first time, running her hands through his hair as Harry rested his head against her chest. "But we needed to talk to you about an urgent matter that the goddesses have been in discussion about for quite some time."

Harry's curiosity was now grabbed so he said the question that was swimming in his mind.

"How so?"

Athena was the one that chimed in. "For centuries there has been a race of women hidden from the rest of the world, for better or for worse. They are outside of the pull of the world; time does not pass on the island as it does on the outside. They could live for hundreds of years and still resemble someone who was young and fit, looking to be only twenty or thirty year old years of age despite the centuries that pass for them. It has been dubbed Paradise Island by some although it's proper name as Themyscira."

Aphrodite was the next one to speak up in a calm manner. "It has come to our attention that the time they have spent outside the pull of the world has caused them to lose sight of the reasons why their paradise has been created. It is time for them to rejoin the world but naturally they need someone to guide them, you are the one who can do that."

Harry was intrigued that the goddesses had so much faith in him but naturally he had one question in regards to this.

"Why me?"

Athena offered him a small smile as she looked up, her head still on his lap as Harry was propped up on the pillows. Her eyes focused on Harry's.

"Why not you?" Athena asked him with a smile. "The time has come for them be taken forward by the hand and lead to a new future."

"It is time for them to rejoin the world, it may be long overdue, but we feel that on this day, the time is right," Artemis picked up right where Athena left off. The woman's eyes widened before she offered a smile towards him. "They are a noble race, proud but noble but then again yourself and your sister are proud as well."

"Then again us members of the Greek Pantheon have little room to talk," Aphrodite commented with a smile crossing her face. "There are times where I do think that we might need to be taken down a peg or two but the best of us could stand to learn a little humility once in a while."

She ran her hands down his chest once again before stopping to rest them on his abs, Athena's head shifted slightly to allow the woman to tease him a little bit below the belt.

"As I said, the time is right for us to lead them to a new future," Aphrodite explained to him with a smile crossing her face. "It is time for them to be integrated into the world and you will allow them to that guidance to make the transition easier."

"Their transition will be a lot easier if you are there to help them, to teach them the ways of Man's World," Athena added as her face crossed with a slight smile.

"So, do not worry, you will be able to ease them into it, make it more comfortable for them, teach them about experiences that they've so sorely missed," Artemis commented as she tightened her grip on Harry's hand.

Aphrodite offered a warm smile as she continued to stroke Harry's chest and abs. "Or to sum these things up in laymen's terms, these bitches desperately need to get fucked in the worst way."

Harry thought that this statement was amusing coming out of the goddess's mouth as it was rather direct and blunt. Something that he appreciated, and he turned towards her.

"There's just one question I need to ask you," Harry commented to her and the goddess of love offered him a nod and invited for him to continue. The wizard's face contorted into a grin as he kept his eyes locked onto hers. "Couldn't you think of a less painful way than impaling me with a meteorite and striking it with lightning?"

The Goddess of Love had a smile crossing her face as she threaded her fingers through Harry's hair and she leaned forward to face him. "Perhaps, perhaps not, but it did get you here. You will be fine, you are a survivor. There are many great things that you are capable of Har-Zod of Earth.

Athena and Artemis departed to the side of the bed although they did not take their eyes off of Harry. The blonde goddess moved herself up to drape her upper body over Harry's chest and her legs moving to rest across his lap, before running her hands down the front of his body. Harry had the strength to lift his arms and pull her in close to him, which she offered an appraising smile towards.

"The virgins aren't quite ready to give themselves to you but I'll have you know that I'm more than ready for you," Aphrodite told him in a breathy tone of voice as she pulled herself from from his arms in order to straddled his hips, and slowly began to undo the fabric of her toga. "But soon enough they too will join with you."

Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body into his as she leaned forward, inches away from touching his lips.

"I'd like to give you a token of our gratitude," Aphrodite breathed as he ran one of his arms up her body to rest around her shoulders and pull her forwards even tighter against his frame, as their lips touched together in a searing kiss.

Harry noticed that her lips tasted like ambrosia and the fun was going to begin pretty soon as she pulled free in order to undo her toga the rest of the way.

As they came down from the heavens together, he couldn't help but notice Artemis standing over him a smile crossing her face. She reached down and used her hand to slowly stroke Harry's cheek with a smile as he felt his consciousness slowly fade from the plane.

"We'll see you soon," Artemis whispered to him, although there was a question in their minds exactly how soon that would be.

Athena leaned over and pressed her lips onto the top of his head, before she smiled. She retracted from him with a smile that promised something for the future. "Sooner than you think."

She backed away and Hestia stepped towards him. She leaned forward and did not say anything but the look in her eyes said everything. Her lips pressed against his in a scorching kiss. The moment her lips touched his, it felt like pure fire burned through every inch of his body and it was an amazing sensation. There was an instant where Harry hovered before he faded out.

Once more he could have sworn that he saw two other figures, one entombed in warm light and the other entombed in flaming embers but he disappeared from the scene before he could really get a sense of what was going on around him.

The storm that raged on the outside of the island was short and spectacular but it was mostly unseen by the occupants on the island. Most of them did not notice much of what went on beyond the islands borders. Yet the island of Themyscira was a wonderful place that was full of amazing people and the strongest, most beautiful women that anyone would ever see.

A woman led the way forwards as she walked with two women who were side by side with her. This woman was tall with black hair, resembling an extremely beautiful woman in her early thirties. Her eyes shined brightly as the purple material of her toga wrapped around her breasts. She wore sandals that topped off the look.

Her name was Hippolyta and she was the queen of the Amazons. She walked forward with the two women next to her.

"I don't know about you two, but I've had a productive day," Hippolyta offered the two girls who nodded with smiles crossing their faces.

"It was quite the productive day," her oldest daughter agreed as she stood there, the white material of her clothing wrapped tightly around her. She looked rather regal with a circle that rested on her forehead and the bracelets that adorned her wrists. She had dark hair and resembled a woman in her early twenties. Her name was Diana and she was the Princess of the Amazons, the heir to the throne of her mother. "I think that today was a good day for training."

Her younger sister turned around and watched the two of them before she threw her head back with a long sigh. She looked like a miniature of Diana but she wore red as opposed to Diana's white. She had the same bracelets on and everything.

"I got knocked around, so it's easy for you to say," the younger Amazon remarked as she turned around and blinked, frustration swimming through her face. There was a few seconds before she sighed.

"You should focus more on your training, Donna, you might be embarrassed a bit less," Hippolyta told her youngest in a stern voice. "It's not something that indicates any lack of skill that is your problem but rather the lack of application."

Donna appeared stoic on the outside but this was a lecture that she was given often from her mother. And it grew rather tiring for her. The dark haired girl blinked before she snapped her head upwards and her eyes continued to flicker for a little bit before a smile crossed her face.

"Well not all of us our perfect," Donna remarked in a bit of a snotty tone of voice and Diana's maturity was such that she remained extremely calm.

Diana loved her sister but she was going through that stage that many females went through when they were thirteen years old. If she was honest with herself, she would have to remember that she was like that when she was thirteen years old although she did not remember being this bad.

"No one says you have to be perfect Donna, just that you try your absolute best," Diana remarked to her.

"What's the point, you're going to be so wonderful at doing anything," Donna sniped back at her with a roll of her eyes and a rolling of her tongue as well. "I wouldn't be surprised if you smelled like roses after you took a s…."

There was a sound that caused Hippolyta to stand up straight due to her nerves and she turned her attention to the direction that the sound came from. She took a deep breath in and then one out before moving closer towards the source of the sound.

"There's something happening," Hippolyta breathed to herself as she stepped forward and saw that there were two figures down on the beach edge of the island.

She saw them in the distance and there was a blonde female dressed in a red jacket, a blue top, and a blue skirt that was frantically trying to give another individual medical attention.

Even Donna could not say anything, she was in shock and she remarked in serious tone. "Someone's hurt, how did they get on the island?"

Hippolyta wanted to know that as well but there would be plenty of time to hash out that point later. She edged over, a frantic expression flickering her through her eyes as she sped up her movements. There was a moment where her heart beat quickened as she reached the destination and she stopped due to the shock of what she saw laying before her.

"Diana, Donna stay…."

She was about to tell them to stay put but realized that it was too little and too late for her to tell them such a thing.

Diana skidded to a stop and saw the first of the parties on the island. Sure enough her brief glimpse of the young woman did her an insufficient amount of credit. She was tall and extremely beautiful, with blonde hair, dazzling blue eyes, and a fully formed figure. Diana was no stranger to powerful and beautiful women due to her time on the island but this female was a fine specimen and a class to herself. It took her a few seconds to rein in her focus, and bring it back to the situation at hand.

Of course it was then that she saw him lying there on the ground, with the young woman crouched over him. Yes it was a him, Diana had to remember that, she had never seen a man outside of pictures or statues. They were pretty scarce on the island given the fact that Themyscira was the paradise of women.

Yet what a man.


Donna echoed the statement that went through Diana's mind, as she studied him intently. He had his shirt off as there was glowing fragments of rock embedded within his chest that the blonde was frantically trying to remove. Her fingers looked rather swollen, and blistered like she was effected by touching the rock.

The Princess of the Amazon's eyes hungrily traced the muscles even though his chest was rather raw red. It did bear repeating that she had never seen a man in the flesh before so this was quite the experience for her. She lost herself in the sight of his chiseled body.

By the looks of him, he was about six foot tall with a body that most gods would have envied. He had dark hair with a slightly messy quality to it. His cheekbones indicated he was someone of high breeding. She saw all this as her eyes traced every single pattern of his body, burning every single inch of him into her memory.

Diana made the most of her first look at him but she was not the only one looking. Her mother and sister were equally entranced but the blonde beside them seemed oblivious to the fact that the three Amazons were there, with their mouths hanging wide open as they stared at him in awe.

It was Hippolyta who managed to catch her bearings first and she shook her head to clear it as she blinked slightly. This was a time to take decisive action.

"Donna, go and get our healer, Diana and I will help this girl get him back to the pavilion," Hippolya stated in a take charge tone of voice.

Donna knew not to dispute her mother's edict when she talked like this. She snuck one last look at the man before she spun around and hurried off to do as she was told.

"Hey," Diana stated as she grabbed Kara around the shoulders and the blonde nearly jumped ten feet in the air. It was obvious that her mind was elsewhere which was quite understandable. "It's okay….we're here to help, we're going to get him some medical attention."

Diana held the girl's hands in hers and she pulled herself away.

"Where am I?" the blonde asked her, it was obvious now that was rattled and she arrived on the first island she could.

Diana was prompt to answer the blonde, pulling an arm around her to give her some comfort. "Relax, it's going to be okay, you're among friends."

She decided that answer was not going to tell the blonde anything so she amended it. "You've landed on the island nation of Themyscira, the home of the Amazons."

Kara would have been more fascinated by this fact if she was not so rattled. She placed her hands on the side of her head and threw her head around frantically. The blonde attempted to catch her breath, now that she heard a heartbeat, however faint, from Harry.

There were no further signs of life other then that and the bond still had some signs of static, it was like a badly tuned radio from her perspective. Kara's frustration could not be measured in mere words. The blonde's eyes were bloodshot and pain filled them as her breath continued to become labored.

"I'm Diana and this is my mother, Queen Hippolyta."

Kara nodded as her eyes watered. Being near this green rock, even though her bracelet was calibrated properly caused her to become extremely light headed, to the point where she was unable to focus around it.

"Kara, this is Harry," Kara stated as she held his hand tightly and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

Diana moved down gently and reached into her bag to see what she could do to help stabilize Harry. She had a solution that should help strengthen him, derived from plants on the island.

"Help hold his head," Diana told Kara and Kara nodded as she grabbed him and they gently pried his mouth open before the solution was poured into his mouth.

Harry's eyes flickered open for a brief moment as he returned back to life. Kara placed her ear to his chest.

"We've done all that we could do with him, the healers have been informed," Hippolyta stated as she placed her hands on her hips. "We can get him up to the pavilion."

She reached down and lifted Harry up, feeling a tingle pass through her as his body pressed against hers. This was not the time for such distractions so she remained focused as she carried him.

Diana gently steered Kara behind them. Donna joined them, not saying anything, being oddly somber for the occasion which was strange for her.

"Please tell me that my husband's going to be okay," Kara stated as she tried not to let herself be shaken further by the situation at hand. "He took a very bad hit."

Diana wished she could give some words of reassurance but she would not know until the healers did. That was just the extremely grim truth of the matter. Her eyes flickered up to the pavilion.

"We'll find out before long," Diana said to Kara, wishing that she could say even more than that.

However the fact of the matter was that she did not know what was going to happen.

It had been a very long time since any men had arrived on the island and Hippolyta wondered if this man was a sign that something had happened. What was he a harbinger of? Something that was good or some kind of apocalypse? That was something the Queen of the Amazons pondered.

As she often did when faced with such questions, she made a quick trip to the temple of Athena so she could gain some kind of wisdom. After she knew that the young man was in the safe and secure hands of her healers. Kara would not leave his side and she tasked Diana with making sure that everything went smoothly.

Hippolyta had been through many tough decisions, the Queen of the Amazons only thought that would be part and parcel with what she had to do. The woman spun around and stood at the temple.

"We have a man on the island and by allowing him to stay, I feel in some way that I've defied the goddesses," she mumbled to herself but then a snicker was heard. The queen's eyes darted around as she tried to find the source of who spoke.

"You cannot defy us because it is by our edict that he has arrived on the island," the goddess of love stated and there were the images, faces of Athena, Aphrodite, and Artemis who appeared in the walls, reflecting back at the Queen of the Amazons who stood straighter and respectfully bowed to the them.

"I'm afraid I don't understand why have you…."

"You will understand, Queen Hippolyta," Artemis stated to her with a flicker of mirth in her eyes.

"There are certain things that have happened for a reason and Harry is a very important piece of a very interesting puzzle," Athena continued as she spun her head around and a smile crossed her face. "All of us are in agreement that his coming here was a necessity."

The Queen's eyes flickered before she responded. "All of you?"

"Yes, all six of us, we have all agreed that now comes the time for those who have lived in Paradise to get a taste of what lurks beyond your shores," Aphrodite chimed in with a mysterious and dare they say it, mischievous tone dancing through her eyes. She was obviously taking quite a lot of pleasure from making Hippolyta and likely by extension the rest of the Amazons squirm.

"So for the first time since Hercules, and Theseus a man enters our shores," Hippolyta remarked trying to figure out was going to happen.

She had ventured off of the shores of the Island since that time and into the mysterious and often times unforgiving realm of Man's World. It was not amongst her favorite memories but that was in the past. She was younger and dare she say it, foolish. It was a long time ago so she was not going to fault herself for anything that happened during that time.

"Yes, it is the first time since then, so do what you can to make him feel welcome," Athena told her in a crisp and clear voice.

Aphrodite offered her two cents. "You'll thank us later."

Hippolyta did not have the sense of mind to ask what that meant, all she knew that things were going to become interesting.

"The good news is that you're not dead, although you aren't completely in the land of the living if you're able to access my subconscious during this point of the awakening ritual," Lily commented as she stood next to Harry in the dream scape. "You'll be fine, your body got ravaged by that attack but there was something good that came from it at least."

"My mental body got ravaged in a different way in the dream scape," Harry informed Lily and Lily responded with a smile.


That was one of those good news, bad news situations and Lily knew that Harry would fade out when it was time for him to return to the real world.

"It does seem like that you're a magnet for trouble," Lily offered him as she swayed her body from one side to the other. "But I'm certain that this will work out in the end."

Harry's face contorted into a bit of a cheeky smile. "Don't worry, I'm confident it will."

"I would say that the Potters have some shifty luck but the Evans family are no strangers to misfortune," Lily remarked, choosing her next few words carefully. "Although we also have a way of spinning these misfortunes into something that works out to our best advantage in the end."

"Case in point landing on an entire island of warrior women who need to be educated in the ways of men," Harry stated to her and Lily offered him a smile.

"That's like getting ship wrecked and washing up in paradise, which isn't too far from the truth," Lily offered him as she turned to straddled him as she sat down. "The strength of your mind and the strength of your body lines up to make sure you didn't feel the unbearable pain that you could have."

Harry wondered why that rock affected him the way that it did. Although come to think of it, it didn't really affect him until it impaled into his chest.

"I'm sure you're wondering about the space rocks."

Faora showed up in the dream scape and offered Lily a cordial smile and a nod.

"Best I can tell is that these rocks are radioactive elements of Krypton that found their way to Earth," Faora stated as she sat down next to Lily and Harry. "They came to earth when our ships came here all of these years ago. Some of them lingered in the upper atmosphere of the Earth, although a great majority of them landed in the middle of Smallville."

Faora's eyes flickered as she let Harry in on what she had been learning through her research, placing a hand on his shoulder as she did so.

"The meteor rocks are an interesting scientific curiosity," she explained to him. "They affect humans in the sense that those who were exposed to them at their most active were granted extraordinary powers."

Faora's tone grew extremely grim.

"The problem was that those powers are not meant to held by mere mortals," Faora told him.

"So it's a case of absolute power corrupting?" Lily asked.

"Depends on the person, but it's the ultimate damned if you are, damned if you aren't type of scenario," Faora explained to them. "The fact of the matter is that these powers are something that would alienate most people from their families."

"Not good," Harry breathed, letting his breath out in a whistle and Faora shook her head in agreement.

"No not good at all, since they have the power available to them, they might get the wrong ideas of what they can do with it," Faora remarked as she thought about it. "I don't know how many meteor mutants are around the Smallville area. Many must have died within weeks of the meteor infection. That's what Karen and I have been able to figure out. The ones that have been infected and have been given powers. Some have gone underground into hiding, others are keeping the powers to themselves."

She whistled before she concluded with one final statement.

"And others yet are using their powers for high crimes," Faora added in a pained tone but she shook her head. "We'll worry about doing what we can about the humans affected by these powers later. Right now we need to deal with the fact that these rocks affect us as well."

The dark haired Kryptonian flicked her expression towards Harry and pleased that she got his undivided attention, she continued with a few more words.

"Now magical Kryptonians, it doesn't effect as much as we have a natural resistance towards it," Faora offered him. "I won't say you're completely invulnerable to it, but you'd be less effected."

"Unless of course it stabs through your skin and gets struck by a lightning bolt because some goddesses want to recruit me for a mission," Harry remarked.

"A noble endeavor but yes, if you were stabbed with a dagger made by the meteor rock….you know I'm just going to call it Kryptonite for purposes of identification," Faora commented to him.

"Well it's a meteorite from Krypton, so it works as well as anything else," Harry stated.

"Scientifically speaking, the best Karen and I have figured out is that the rocks were slowly killing a great portion of Kryptonian citizens, an outbreak of cancer-like symptoms and radiation poisoning within the last fifteen years before the planet's destruction point towards this," Faora explained as she grabbed Harry by the hand. "The mining operations for rare minerals didn't help as they degraded the barriers around the core."

"So it's not just an Earth thing, is it?" Lily asked.

"No, Kryptonians were short sighted as well, there was no plan of evacuation even when it was obvious that the planet was dying," Faora commented in a flat tone of voice. "Not that they would have acknowledged it."

"Preferred to stick their head in the sand," Lily commented with an exasperated sigh escaping her lips.

"Yes, exactly," Faora remarked as she ran her thumb along the top of Harry's hand. "The fact of the matter is, even though the link is shut down between Kara and the rest of us until you recover a bit more, I was still able to determine enough of what was going on to hammer out a solution."

The Kryptonian paused before she decided to continue to speak, now that she had Harry's full and undivided attention.

"Karen and I have been studying the rocks over the past couple of hours and we're doing our best to get a cure together," Faora told him with a reassuring tone of voice. "Some kind of nanite mixture should work best, that way you don't have to deal with some kind of external shielding that could fail or get damaged."

Harry inclined his head with a nod and a smile, that did make a certain amount of sense. She squeezed his hand in a reassuring manner.

"I won't lie, your sufferings have not been minimized, but for the green rocks, we've managed to come close for synthesizing a cure," Faora remarked to him. "Again, with your magic, it wouldn't have affected you that badly normally, with the radiation only causing a mild weakness, but given the fact it was impaled in your body, it had a disastrous effect."

She paused and smiled.

"It's a good thing that they removed you from your body during the worst of it," Faora commented with a grimace.

"And it's a great thing that Kara was so quick to get you to a place that you could get the proper medical attention," Lily remarked, even though both of their voices flickered in and out and their forms faded.

"I guess this cuts our meeting short," Harry told them and both females smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll be there with the cure as soon as Karen and I can get it done," Faora stated as she hugged Harry goodbye before he could fade for the dream scape.

"I'll see you soon enough as well, Harry," Lily told him as his body slowly began to fade from the area around them.

Kara sat on the bench next to Harry, now he could be moved to a bed since he was stable. She dabbed a cold washcloth to his head, his fever had not gone down completely since earlier. There was the only a certain amount of solace that she could take in the fact that the very worst had passed and they were hopefully out of the woods, at least for now. The blonde inclined her head with a slight smile, she could relax with greater ease now.

Although she did not have much hope to spare after everything that happened, they were very nearly back for a nice week, it was supposed to be a camping trip. She supposed that would be delayed.

Kara suspected that it might be a good idea to fly back and inform everyone as to what was happening. Yet, she could not bring herself to leave her husband. She would not sleep until he was one hundred percent free and clear of what happened, with a clean bill of health. Now the blonde waited over him and clutched his hand tightly around hers.

How long had she been sitting there over his bedside? Hours, a day, maybe more, Kara did not know, all she knew was she was there. Harry needed to be given something to relax his muscles so he did not hurt himself in a feverish fit. He was stripped completely of all clothes. The scar on his chest from when the meteor impacted healed slower than normal, which made Kara worry about the potential for some lasting and permanent injury, but she supposed that bridge should be crossed as they came to it.

Now all she could do was sit at the side of his bed and held his hand. She hoped that Rao would give her strength as she rested next to him. There were some slight signs of movement but Kara refused to leave her husband's bedside until he was one hundred percent better.

She checked his forehead again, the fever was going down. It was so hot earlier that it stung her hand. Given the Kryptonian resistance, that was saying a lot.

'Hang on Harry,' Kara thought as she tried to access the other bonds, but there was still a lot of psychic static that prevented her from doing so.

She thought that Faora at the least was frantically trying to figure out what was happening. Kara knew for a fact that woman was the type who liked to keep close tabs on those people who were close to her. The blonde's eyes flickered and she felt a hand on the small of her back along with her shoulder.

"It's been three days and you haven't gotten any sleep."

That was Diana and Kara spun around for a second, at least partially. She kept an eye on Diana and an eye on Harry on the bed.

"Three days already," Kara stated, as she let out a breath.

"It must seem much longer," Diana told her gently. "Especially since you're neglecting to sleep."

Kara's eyes flickered but she kept them on Diana before she managed in a pained tone of voice. "My kind…they don't really need all that much sleep."

Diana offered Kara a sympathetic smile. "Yet they must need some sleep, look at you, Kara, you're a wreck."

Kara's mouth curled into a smile. "Thanks."

Diana led Kara gently away from Harry. She did not put up too much resistance. They weren't leaving the area.

"I brought you something to eat," Diana offered her as she handed Kara the freshly picked fruit, it was some apples and a banana, along with some pineapple juice. "You should eat light after what happened but you've got to eat something."

Kara nodded graciously as she bit into the apple. There was a second where she faded a bit after what happened. Diana took a damp rag and wiped the top of Kara's head.

"You don't want to get yourself sick worrying about him, do you?" Diana asked Kara in a gentle voice as she ran her finger down the side of the blonde's face. She shook her head. "I don't know much about him but I have a feeling that Harry wouldn't like that."

Kara offered a pained smile before she concurred. "No….no he really wouldn't."

Diana used her hands to massage the back of Kara's neck and her shoulders. The tank top she wore, her straps slid down her shoulders and the blonde threw her head back with a sigh at Diana's tender motions.

"I figure you were under a lot of stress," Diana offered Kara as she continued in a tentative tone of voice. "I hope I'm not being too forward."

"No," Kara managed as she closed her eyes, she had talented hands, nearly as talented as Harry's or Faora's, but they would do for now certainly. The blonde felt her thumbs work her flesh and her nipples grew erect slowly. "Please…continue."

Kara let out that final word in a low and throaty moan which spurred Diana to do just that. Her hands worked around the back of Kara's neck and the blonde threw her head back, her thumbs massaging her quite nicely.

"Yes, that's good Diana," Kara breathed as the raven haired Princess continued to perform these amazing actions.

There was a heat going through her body, Kara was frustrated after the past three days, in more ways than one. She'd been under a lot of stress for the past couple of days and the blonde relaxed as Diana's hands worked her over.

"How about….how about I return the favor?" Kara murmured in a breathy moan as she turned towards Diana, lust burning through her eyes as Diana watched her.

"You don't have to…."

This was interrupted by Kara getting to her feet and grabbing Diana by the shoulders, which she followed up by pressing her lips onto Diana's with a burning passion. The Amazon's eyes widened, granted that was not the first time she kissed another female but this was perhaps the most passionate one that she'd ever received.

The kiss broke and Diana remarked in a shaky tone of voice. "Kara, your husband is lying right there we shouldn't…."

"Diana, I'm married to two other women as is Harry, we're extremely open minded," Kara stated as she grabbed the front of Diana's outfit and slowly pulled it down. Diana only offered a token amount of resistance but she saw Kara's outfit tighten around her breasts and her long dazzling legs out on display.

She paused before she offered a smile.

"Won't you help me work out the stress?"

Harry had the most amazing dream, well actually he had a few of them but that was beside the point. His body was nearly healed to the point where he could feel himself flickering awake.

"You might not remember me, but….I'm Diana, the Princess of Themscrycira," Diana remarked to Harry as she sat on the side of his bed.

"Right, the babe that went down on me the other night," Harry commented lightly, he was still partially sedated, so the filter on his mind was removed. "I almost didn't recognize you with your clothes on."

Diana offered him a smile, she knew that he was completely out of it.

"Give me a minute and I'll be ready to go for a second round," Harry remarked to her as he tried to push himself up but he sunk back down on the bed, frustration running through him.

"You should rest," Diana remarked to him but she was seriously contemplating taking Harry up on the offer that he was giving her. After the taste she had, she wanted even more.

"Well, maybe you could hold me," Harry remarked as he looked towards her.

Diana's face spread into a smile.

"The medication is causing you to be delirious, once it wears off you'll be mostly fine," Diana remarked as she reached towards his forehead and placed her hand upon it. There was a few seconds where she felt a warmth but it was not nearly as bad as before. "Your unique biology, well it made it hard. Plus our healers have never seen anything like you before."

Harry's expression twisted into a smile as he watched her.

"So, this is the island nation of Themscrycira," Harry managed as he turned around.

"Yes, often called Paradise Island," Diana commented but Harry offered her a smile.

"Likely pretty often because it's a bit easier to spell," Harry offered to her before he tried to shift his weight but he collapsed. He was not used to showing weakness.

"How are you feeling?" Diana asked him and Harry turned his head before looking towards her.

"A bit sore," Harry admitted to her with a smile crossing his face as he twisted his neck. "But other than that, I can't complain all that much."

"Kara finally was convinced to get some sleep," Diana stated answering Harry's unasked question before she sat down on the bench beside him. "I think that she'll be here to visit you shortly."

"Let her sleep, I'm sure I'll reunite with her all too soon," Harry offered, barely married for a few weeks and he already experienced a near death experience. That was cutting the until death do you part thing a little close in his eyes.

He smiled.

"The goddesses were intent on getting me here," Harry remarked and Diana's eyes widened. He decided to elaborate. "They work in mysterious ways, although given what they asked of me, if they just asked, I would have happily complied."

Diana now wondered about this, this would tie in with what her mother was doing.

"My mother is in quite the mood, I wonder if they have presented themselves to her as well," Diana remarked as she turned her head around and threw her head back with a sigh. "I do wish….I do wish that I could have met them. Do you have any idea what they're planning?"

Harry offered with a smile before he placed his hand on hers. She did not flinch at this movement, in fact a smile crossed her face.

"Now, that would spoil the surprise, wouldn't it?" Harry asked her and Diana decided that was for the best.


Kara arrived then rushing forward, she began hugging Harry tightly. He lifted his arms weakly and put them around her.

"The mental link came back up just a bit ago, so I'd figured you'd be awake," Kara stated, as she placed her face into his chest.

"Good, I'm sure you wouldn't rest until you knew that I was okay," Harry remarked as he pulled her into a tight hug. The blonde's face contorted into a slight smile as she nodded her head.

"I'm glad…for a moment there I was quite worried," Kara stated as she ran her hands through his hair and propped herself up next to him on the bed.

He wrapped his arms around her body as it rested against him on the bed. The blonde snuggled against him, with his strong arms wrapping around her.

"Believe me, I am too," Harry managed as he placed his chin on the top of her head. "I've had an interesting journey."

Harry switched to thought mode, which Diana incorrectly interpreted as them just relaxing and enjoying the moment.

'The Greek Goddesses decided to draft me for a little experiment of their's,' Harry thought to Kara as he tightened his grip around her.

'Oh, what is that?' Kara asked with a raised eyebrow.

'They want me….to educate the Amazons on certain things in the world of man,' Harry informed her. 'It's come time where they experience the other side of things.'

'Well, I'm pretty sure that Diana enjoyed her first experience,' Kara thought with mirth.

'There's much more to come,' Harry remarked through the mental link.

'There…back online, finally, welcome back to the land of living, Har,' Faora thought to herself as she interjected through the bond.

'Really glad to have you back,' Kara thought as wrapped her arms around him even tighter, and nuzzled her face into his chest, a smile crossing over the blonde's face.

'Well it's good to see that we're on the same page, I'll be arriving to your location shortly, I've got the cure,' Faora projected to them through the bond link. 'Karen wants to see you as well….after what happened, we need some downtime.'

Diana stood in the doorway.

'How much time has passed?' Harry asked, he had a theory.

'Less than six hours on my end,' Faora thought.

'Kara, honey, how long have I been out?' Harry asked her.

'About a week,' Kara told him on the other end.

"Well, that's fascinating," Harry remarked crisply.

He must have spoken out loud as Diana was looking at him rather weirdly. There was an instant where her blue eyes locked onto him and she shifted from one side to another.

"Is there some kind of time dilation properties on this island?" Harry asked her and Diana nodded.

"I believe so, time does not pass on the island as it does on the outside," Diana informed him and Harry smiled back at her.

'Well, isn't that fascinating?' Harry thought, if less than six hours passed, there could be something interesting happening on the other end.

"Mother has told me to inform you that she's in discussion with the goddesses and she's going to come to a decision on what needs to be done about our visitor," Donna remarked to her sister and Diana raised an eyebrow.

"I thought it seemed like a pretty cut and dry situation," Diana commented to her sister and Donna shrugged.

"You know how our mother is, never tells us anything unless we practically wring it out of her," Donna stated to her as she rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'm sure she has her reasons."

Harry stood there outside although Kara was giving him some support.

"Are you sure you should be up and about like this?" Diana asked Harry and Harry looked at her with a smile.

"I've taken worse hits on the Quidditch field," Harry offered her, showing a certain amount of bravado and Diana's eyes widened as she wondered what he was talking about. He decided to enlighten her on the situation. "It's a sport, played on broomsticks, it's rather interesting."

"I'm sure," Diana told him as she wanted to learn more about this but there was plenty of time to worry about it later.

Artemis, the Amazon who should not be confused with the goddess even though they shared the same name, stepped forward towards the group. Her red hair hung loosely as she wore a black breast plate and leather pants. She regarded Harry and Kara with a polite expression. Diana inclined her head towards her respectfully.

"There is a visitor to see our guest, she says that she has something that should prevent such an incident from happening again," Artemis remarked. "Actually two of them, they claim to be his wives."

Diana nodded and she walked over, with Kara and Harry following, as Donna tagged along. They walked past the assembled Amazons on the island. All of them inclined their heads respectfully and waited for the group to make their way past. There was a blonde Amazon dressed in white that gave Harry a particularly dirty glare and it made him wonder what he did to her.

"Faora, it's good to see you," Harry stated as he threw his arms around her, and planted his lips on hers in a passionate kiss.

"It's good to see you as well," Faora remarked with a smile crossing her face as she broke the embrace and turned her attention towards the blonde. She hugged Kara as well, and gave her a fiery kiss on the lips.

Karen greeted Harry next, he was still a bit wobbly on his feet, but Harry propped himself against her ample chest. It was a nice place to rest if he got dizzy.

"So time dilation on the island, that must be fascinating," Karen commented as she looked around. "I wonder what mystical anomaly caused this."

"You said you brought a cure," Kara remarked after they had finished greeting each other.

Faora smiled, she had already tested the cure on herself, although Karen had already made a lot of progress on the cure to begin with. All they had to do was put their heads together and then figure the missing pieces of the puzzle out.

She pulled out the cure and injected a dose into Kara and a dose into Harry.

"It won't minimize your suffering should a glowing green rock stab into your chest, but this will minimize any further damage caused by the radiation," Faora remarked to him.

"Trust me it works," Karen commented to them as she twisted her eyes towards Faora. "She tested it on herself and then went skinny dipping in a vat of liquefied Kryptonite."

Harry amused himself by picturing that in his mind's eye.

"Didn't even feel a tingle, although I had to shower to get the stuff off," Faora informed them and the group nodded.

Their reunion was cut short as a blonde woman dressed in blue robes walked up towards them.

"My name is Lyla," she informed them and the four turned towards her. "I'm here to escort you all to Queen Hippolyta's throne room. She will meet with you shortly."

Harry wondered if business was about to pick up.

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