Arjuna immediately called OB to bring white rice to his room. After the morning he had time to feel surprised with the wishes of the wife, this afternoon was his stomach suddenly the possibly kissed the scent of Zalina cuisine. Not just Arjuna, but Syailendra and Nawang too. Fortunately, Zalina follows the advice of the sutinah to bring somewhat a side dishes, if not he will be ashamed to be in-law and inner brother.
With the hearts of the pounding, Zalina waited for Sayilendra, Arjuna, and Nawang to insert the first take to their mouths. Outstanding, Arjuna and Syailendra seemed to be a spring salary to completely unnecessary.
"Looks like I should diligently exercise back," said Arjuna.
"Wo yes it's clear that Jun, if you do not diligently exercise can-be in a month you will go straight up," said Syailendra.
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