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100% MHA X Pokemon: Tales of Zora / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 The Beginning
MHA X Pokemon: Tales of Zora MHA X Pokemon: Tales of Zora original

MHA X Pokemon: Tales of Zora

Tác giả: Shadow_Wolf24

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Chapter 1 The Beginning

[ Author's Note]

Be for we being I just want to say do not expect a good story like I said this is my first story so ya just keep that in mind but besides that I'm excited to see where I can take this story

Also this is some if not all of my character's info some things might be changed but until then or if I do decide to change something he is my characters info

Name: Zora

Hero name: ? [Can some one help me come up with I don't exactly have the best naming sense so please help me with this]

Quirk: Noivern

Quirk type: Transformation/ Mutation

Description: look up what a noivern looks like and thats what he can transform into

Detailed description: Can transform into a medium size dragon/bat with black scales for the most part also has some other colored scales, has large ears and wide wings and fur on the back of the the body most on the upper back. Also has sharp claws and a strong tail and strong legs as well.

[And before we start the story sometimes I write stuff that might not make sense but this is my story so I will try my best so it can make sense okay so with let's get this show on the road]

[Also here is Zora's Background/ who he is okay]

Back story:Zora lived a normal life meaning he wasn't a overachiever or a underachiever but he was fine with being a normal person though he was smarter than most but he really didn't show it off, also he was pretty good looking but he never admitted to it,he was loyal to his friends and plus he was protective of his friends feelings. He was also very active because he wanted to live a nice healthy life, he also practiced karate for self defense and so he was pretty strong for his age. His age being 16. While he wasn't the strongest for his age he can still put up a good fight if need be. He lived a good life besides practicing karate he also had another hoobys such as reading fan fics, reading novels, and watching anime such as My Hero Academia, Pokemon, Overlord, Knight's & Magic, and Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-blooded Orphans. Just to name a few. He had a good relationship with his family but they had their ups and downs like any normal family so he lived a good life. Like any normal person he would dream of what he could do if he can go into one of those animes he's watches and see what he could do in it. Like for example My Hero Academia he had dreamed of what he could in that world and would see where is life went in that type of world.


Being of the story: [This is late afternoon close to night]

We see Zora waking down the street to the grocery store to get ingredients for tonight's dinner [Side note I forgot to say he likes to cook] and some other stuff he needs after getting the stuff he needs he go's to pay for it and after that he starts to walk home as he is waking he passes a alley and from there he hears a cry for help and decides to go check it out just. Now Zora is the type of person who always helps were he can if he as the power to do so.After here see what is happening he starts to get mad and worried. What he see is this random girl [That look like the same age as him] getting ganged up on by three guys and they do not look nice what so ever that and one of them has a switchblade out and pointed towards the girl.

[Few minutes early]

Man with switchblade: What are you doing here all by yourself young lady why don't you come with us and we can show you a good time?

Random man #2: Ya why do you come with us!

Random man #3: Ya!

Random girl: No thank you just leave me alone please.

Man with switchblade: We were not asking come with us or we are going to force you to come with us. [As he says this he pulls out his switchblade and starts getting near the girl]

Random girl: [Starts getting panicked] S-Some help please! [She says in a louder voice almost screaming]

Random man #3: Scream as loud as you want no one will com-

[Just as he was talking he was hit in the back of the head hard knocking him out cold]

Random man #2: What the hell!?

[Just as said that he also get hit in the head and also end up like the first guy]

[The man with the switchblade was a little faster than the other two so he reacted quicker than the other two and back a way a good distance to look at who was attacking them]

Man with switchblade: The hell you think you are doing trying to play hero or what get out of here boy.

[The boy attacking them is obviously is Zora right now he is in a fighting stands just in case the man charges at him]

Zora: [He is still looking at the man while speaking to the girl] Hey are you ok if so call the police I will try to hold him back.

(Damm he as a switchblade I have to be extremely careful around him if I don't want to get hurt.)

[The girl quickly nods her head and quickly get her phone to call the police. While this happening the man with the switchblade get angry and says]

Man with switchblade: Like hell I going to let you! *Starts to run at her but gets blocked by Zora* The hell kid move! *Slashes at him*

Zora: *Doges the slash and try to attack him* Like hell your getting to the girl over my dead body will you get to her!

[As he says the the man simle and take a few good steps back to doge him saying something as he is pulling something out of his jacket]

Man with switchblade: As you wish.*BANG*

[As the man said the he shoots at Zora and hit him in the body and thankfully not his heart but that doesn't mean it does not hurt like he'll but Zora stops him self from screaming out loud and hold it in]

Zora: (Damm that hurt like hell but for now I have to get the gun out of his hands.)

[As Zora think this he run at the man with gun while the man shoots a few more time be for getting hit in the chest knocking the air out of him and then getting pushed to the wall and getting his head smashed against the wall knocking him out. Thankfully none of the bullets hit the girl because she hid behind a trash can but the same can't be said Zora who now as two more bullets holes in his body and is bleeding badly at this point but the most shocking thing is he is till standing up straight he turns around with a small smile look at the girl and said]

Zora: Hey are you ok?

[As he said that he falls to the floor backwoods look at the night sky think about how his friends and family will feel about his passing but he doesn't regret it because he did in the end save a life]

Zora: ( Damm is this how I die but I don't regret it I had a good life and I know it will be hard on my friends and family especially my family but I know the will get better with time and go on with there life while I'll live in ther hearts.)

Random girl: Hey hold on the police are coming just keep your eyes open.

[Said the girl but by then the light in Zora's eyes go's away and is just looking at the sky with a small smile. Needless to say by the time the police get there Zora is long dead but they do notice the small smile he has while one of them closes his eyes while the other checks on the girl they both think]

Both policemen: (He must of been a good kid.)

[Like Zora said his family was super sad at losing a family member but at the same time there were proud of him because he was able to save some in the process even though he will no longer be with them but he will forever be in the hearts living though them. Also turns out the same girl that Zora saved turned out to be the daughter of some rich family so they more than will to pay for his funeral and give the family a big sum of money as thanks you gift to them because of what Zora did for protecting there daughter. Of course the parents want to give it back to them but the daughter said to take it was the least she could of done for them since technically it was her fault that Zora was dead but the parents didn't blame her because they knew that Zora would have saved anyone in danger if he could so they took the money and after all that life still kept going but that is a story for another time]


[Meanwhile with Zora]

[We see Zora sitting on his the floor drinking some tea and a cross from is an elderly man with white hair and white beard also drinking tea but the elderly man gives of a sort of grandfather vibe to Zora as they were just talking about how Zora died and how it was not his time yet and how the accident was not supposed to happen in the first place but because of some miss calculations he end up dieing but technically the girl was supposed to die but because of Zora she didn't and apparently she was to go in her life to help the poor and the one's in need but thanks to Zora she if fine and apparently she started early than expected so in order to thank him the elderly man [Which in this case is God in case you have not figured it out] was going to reincarnat to a world of his choice and so lest get to that convention  shall we]

Zora: So like I can choose any world even like anime world's to right?

God: Yes you can choose any world even the anime ones you would surprised how accurate you people see those worlds.

[Needless to say Zora was not expecting this he was thinking he would go to heaven and wait for his family or just go another life not that was not greatful it just that this all feel like it a dream and feel this is not really but here he is talking to God and drinking tea with which by the way is really good tea but still Zora shocked and really happy at the same time so he goes in to deep thinking trying to figure out which world he wants to go to and then it hits one of his favorite animes My Hero Academia the one anime that he like the most and he as the chance to become a great hero and save a lot of people so he  decides to tell God his answer]

Zora: God I have made up my mind of which world I want to go to but first I have few questions is it okay to ask?

[Zora asked looking at God and drinking some more of the delicious tea. God looking at him nods and says]

God: *Noding* Go ahead and ask my child.

[Zora get the okay to ask and starts asking important questions for his future life]

Zora: Okay so first off do I keep my memory like of stuff I learned I'm school or sum things like that?

[God was not expecting this type of question granted this not the first time he as done this but they usually ask if they can keep their memory's for anime world's plots that they go to not stuff like things you learned in school and now God had a good opinion of Zora but first he has to ask way that and not the memory's of the anime world's story line his going to needless to say God decided to ask him a question and then he would answer his question]

God: Hmm well first I want to ask why have your memory from when you watch the anime and instead ask for you memory from when learned things in school?

Zora: Well I just think it would ruin the thrill of going through the story when you already now what's going to happen but don't get me wrong it not that I don't want the memory's sometimes it good to what going to happen but what if you let it slip that you knew all this time but did not say anything people are think you are suspicious not that I would let it slip that I know something in advance.

[God just look at him for a few moments and then being to laugh but then he  apologized quickly for the laughing as he was not expecting this type of answer]

God: I'm sorry child I was not expecting this type of answer but to answer your question yes you get to keep your memory's of this life while you get to make new with your new life.

Zora:That cool thank you, ok so next question do I get to choose my own quirk or how dose go?

[God thought for a moment and then answered]

God: Yes you get to choose you own quirk and stuff but try not to go to overpowered ok.

[God said with a small smile and then Zora nods his head and smiles while saying]

Zora: Okay thanks and of course I won't go overpowered because I find that being overpowered at the start is just boring but before I think of the quirk I want can I ask a question regarding the quirk thing?

[Zora asked and God just nodded and said]

God: Yes go ahead and ask child.

Zora: Okay so I have the quirk I want. It to transform into the pokemon Noivern but like can I modify it so I can have second form something similar to mega evolution and can I skip the Noibat stage?

[God sat there and look down and started to think about the quirk he wants and the modifications he wants as well and after a while he finally decides his answer so he look at Zora and says]

God: That is fine but I will put it so the second form is more stronger than the first but you can only use it for a certain amount of time and of course you can increase this time limit by getting stronger later in you life and so on and as for skipping the Noibat stage I will let that happen but you Noivern size will be small because your young body can't handle the full size of the Noivern but it will get bigger with time so by the time you reach your 15th teen birthday you should be fully grown in your Noivern size if not then you should be close is that fine with you?

[God asked and Zora nodded his head and said]

Zora: Yes that is more than fine and I'm ok with the restrictions you placed and they do make sense as well so yes I'm ok with that. Ok so I have two more questions then I think I will be ready for my new life.

[Zora asked and God said]

God: Yes go ahead and ask them.

Zora: Can I choose my appearance or do I stay the same way I look like and can I choose the family I am born with or is that  decided at random?

[Zach asked and God thought for a moment and said]

God: To answer both questions. Yes you can so let me know what you want.

[So Zora sat there and started to think what family he wants and then that will let him help into what he wants to look like. After a while he went with being Izuku's twin because one he liked how hard he works to save people and how nice he is. Also he can help Izuku in the early life and try to give him more self confidence as well. So with that in mind Zora told God his answer]

Zora: Okay so I would like to be Izuku Midoriya's twin if that is possible.

God: Yes that is possible and for you appearance?

[God asked and Zora smile and said]

Zora: I would like to look like Uyko from the anime amnesia please.

[Zora said and God nodded and said]

God: Okay that fine so I'm guessing that is all you question right?

[God said and Zora nodded and said]

Zora: Yes that is pretty much it I think I'm ready to go to my new life.

[Zora said and God was curious about one thing though so be for he set him on his way to his new life he decided to ask a question]

God: Befor you go I have two things I want to say one are you not interested in one of those systems that other reincarnators  seem so obsessed with to the point some even demand to have one but so far you are the only one who seem to not have any interest in getting one so why is that?

[God asked and waited to see what his answer because as far as he knew all reincarnators wanted a system of some type and Zora look at him for a minute and then said an answer that God was not expecting]

Zora: O that because I don't really like systems don't get me wrong I have readed Fan-Fic that have systems in them but I find it weird that all you stats are determined by numbers and also some of the systems I have see I just don't like how they work but I guess it boils down to person preference so ya I just don't one also I don't want to deal with quest that these systems give out.

[God was surprised to say the less but he just nodded and smiled while saying]

God: Okay that's fine so now on to the second thing I wanted to talk about this one is more of a gift from me for making me laugh and just having a nice personality unlike some other reincarnators so the gift I am giving you is a good boost to your learning capabilities and a good boost to your fighting capabilities as well. So with that have a good next life no offense but I'd rather not see you he anytime soon so with good bye.

[Just as Zora was about to thank him the floor beneath him turned into a black hole and sucked him in and the next thing Zora knew he is in a dark space but then he feels tired and go's to sleep but he excited to he what he can do in this world]


Author's Note:

And with that this completes my first chapter of my story I do hope you enjoyed it if not the I can say I tried right? Well anyway hope to see you people in the next chapter whenever that comes out so until next peace.

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