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55.55% Re:monster - fenrir / Chapter 5: DAY 21-25

Chương 5: DAY 21-25

• DAY 21

I was now going back on my way to the cabin as I just finished with my space-time training. I already decided on what to do for the day and thats improving the cabin as it was already getting pretty lively inside with four of my siblings living with me.

I decided on making some decorations like some cabinets or some storage place for our clothes since it was pretty troublesome to get the fours clothes out of my [space-time storage].

I walked far towards the forest and proceeded to slice or cut down some trees before planting their seeds and using [accelerate] on them, making them grow faster. I of course gave the seeds lots of water per minute as they needed it or else they would wilt.

After cutting down a few trees and planting them back, I headed towards the cabin and saw that nobodies still home.

Fenrir's thoughts: probably still hunting, its still late at noon after all.

I then took the sliced up logs out of my storage as well as some grizzbear fur as I decided on changing the benches inside the cabin to something much more softer like the bed were using. I also decided to make some bookshelves to place some of the books velvet had there so that my siblings could also read it as I well as some more tables and a few small benches to go with it.

I started on making the things I wanted inside the cabin as I took some more materials before finally starting to work. I finally finished all my work at the afternoon as I saw korone with mion besides her walking towards the cabin.

Fenrir: welcome back, you two.

Korone: eh, you're early today, onii-chan.

Fenrir: hahahaha I decided on going home early since I figured that the cabin needed some designing.

Korone: oooo~h.

Mio: so, what did you decide on making, onii?

Fenrir: just some benches, tables, cabinets, and bookshelves. I figured that you four would probably like to read some books about magic or fighting techniques and you also probably want to change your clothes without me around so I decided on making some cabinets and bookshelves. The benches and tables are just for aesthetic purposes. Though you can use them for reading the books or just for relaxation purposes.

Korone: ooo~h! I'm not interested in reading, hyehehe!

Mio: *sigh of course you aren't. Well, I'm at least excited on learning a few more techniques.

Fenrir: *chuckles Now, both sesshomaru and haze should be back in a little while so how about we cook together, mion.

Mio: mhm, sure. I'm sure the two would be back after we finish cooking.

Korone: eh, what about me?!

Fenrir: hmm~, though you can't cook with us for now, you can watch us cook, korone. Since you might as well learn some simple recipes just in case of emergencies.

Mio: mhm, indeed. We might not be with you someday so you should at least learn how to cook. Though please don't get your drool in the food.

Korone: mhm, I definitely won't!

Fenrir: well, lets go inside then.

We then went inside the cabin as I started decorating the insides of the cabin before starting to finally cook. The two twins arrived at the cabin, halfway when we were cooking some grounded zancode meat and proceeded to walk towards the book shelves as I mentioned that I placed some book about magic and fighting techniques there. They took a single book out of the shelves and read it while waiting for the food to finish.

Fenrir: foods ready, you two.

They then placed the books back on the shelves as we started eating some grounded zancode meat while also talking about our day. After eating, the twins and mion immediately started to read some books about fighting techniques and some books training regimes as korone and I played a board game that I got from velvets treasury called "nomopoly".

In the game, players roll two six-sided dice to move around the game board, buying and trading monster pets, and developing them with foods and equipment. Players collect gold ingots from their opponents, with the goal being to drive them into zero health points. Gold ingots, food, equipment, and health points can also be gained or lost through the chance of landing in a "Treasure card" box, and if they land on an opponents pet. Players can end up in jail if they land on it or if they get a treasure card that gets them in jail, from which they cannot move until they have met one of several conditions.

Korone: hyaha, you landed on my pet dragon, pay up or lose twenty of your one hundred health hyahahaha!!

Fenrir: ugh, how are you always so lucky?!

Korone: thats because I'm the lucky doggo, hyahahaha!!

Fenrir: *sigh here, take it. Its fifty five gold ingots.

Korone: thank you, your free to go, hyahaha.

We continued on playing till it was finally time to head to bed and go to dreamland again.

Fenrir's thoughts: I wonder what skills that being will show me tonight. Well, better sleep fast to find out.

• DAY 22

Right now, I just finished my space and time training as I was walking towards velvets labyrinth while also using accelerate and decelerate on anything I encounter, be it plants, trees, or animals. I wanted to go and visit them as I wished to pay my respect as well as a few thanks to velvet for "giving" me his artefacts.

It took me awhile to finally arrive in the entrance of the labyrinth or treasury, whatever you call it as I heard a few voices from inside the treasury. I then wore my [world lexicon ring] as I went closer towards the voices and proceeded to listen to their conversations.

Warrior: ...did a backflip, snaps the bad guys neck and saved the day.

Mage 1: wooaaaaah

Ninja 2: don't easily believe him, that didn't happen.

Warrior: ahahaha, its just a story. Anyways, I wonder whats inside this place?

Mage 1: well, I hope its treasure.

Ninja 1: I think we all hope that thats the case.

Mage 1: well, thats true. Hows it going for you four by the way?

Mage 2: pretty decent, I guess? Still don't have a girlfriend though.

Ninja 1: mhm, me too. I've been going on mixers here and there but I still can't get one.

Warrior: hahahaha, both of you are pathetic. I already got one, just last week.

Ninja 2: at least we don't have to worry about the heartbreak you experience every month.

Warrior: what was that?!

Hoomans: ahahahahahaha!!

Fenrir's thoughts: hmm~, so their here for velvets treasure huh. Sucks for them since I got almost all of it already.

I was about to ignore the humans and just [teleport] inside the treasury as I then remembered what the carbuncle told me about velvet.

Fenrir's thoughts: thats right, I remembered that the carbuncle said that velvet hated humans. *sigh I guess I'll do this as a thank you since his treasures did help me a lot, lots of lots of lot.

I then moved behind the humans as I proceeded to use [decelerate] on all of them. All five of them stopped as they instinctively felt danger behind them as I then proceeded to use my [temporal lock], stopping them all from moving and turning towards me.

I then went and sighed as I then proceeded to cut their throats at once using my [space breaking multi strike] skill. After killing them, I deactivated my [temporal lock] as I the. teleported to where velvet was and saw the carbuncle sitting on the shoulders of velvets mummified corpse.

Returner: hmm, how come you're here, werewolf?

Fenrir: just decided to visit since I didn't have anything on my schedule except training. Oh, and I saw some humans inside here just a moment ago, already killed them though.

Returner: hmm, I thank you for that. And you have actually visited in the right time.

Fenrir: right time?

Returner: the spirits that have gathered in this place has dwindled to the point that I am barely able to move my body. I suspect that today is the day that I would finally disappear in this world and finally join my master in the after life.

Fenrir: oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Returner: *chuckle don't be, I've waited for the moment to finally reunite with my master again for centuries. And that moment is finally happening today so I cannot wait for it.

Fenrir: um, I'm glad for you, I guess?

Returner: *chuckle thank you. Before I go, may I request of two thing from you, kobold?

Fenrir: sure, you're masters artefact's already helped me a lot after all.

Returner: well, for the first thing. Can I ask of you to destroy and bury this labyrinth with my core in my masters hands?

Fenrir: are you sure?

Returner: yes, this place has served its purpose and now needs its final duty of becoming mine and my masters tomb.

Fenrir: if you really want too, then yes, I can do that.

Returner: thank you. For the next thing, may I know your name, werewolf?

Fenrir: just that?

Returner: just that.

Fenrir: well, my names fenrir. No last, no middle, just fenrir.

Returner: fenrir huh, what a nice name you have.

Returner smiled before she then begun to glow as her body started to slowly become particles.

Returner: it seems that my times finally come, I hope to not see you soon in the afterlife, Fenrir.

Fenrir: returner, when you two meet, can you say my thanks to velvet.

Returner: *chuckle I sure will, I'm sure that my master would appreciate it.

Returner then completely became particles as a single gem fell on velvets shoulders. I took the gem returner dropped and placed it at velvets silver arms as I left the room.

Fenrir: thank you.

I then proceeded to use my [combined magic: thunder eruption] multiple times on different places before teleporting out as I watched the whole place shake before finally being buried underground, burying velvet and returner with it.

I then sighed before I left the place by teleporting again and continued my training above the mountains. I trained mostly on my space-time attacks while also recalling the skill used by the being in my dreams last night.

Fenrir's thoughts: I'm sure that what the being did yesterday was making a portal. Its impossible for me to mistake a portal since its what those gods used to visit my cage.

I tried to do the skill the being did but I failed miserably as I wasted an hour trying it out. I then noticed that the sky was darkening as I then looked at the sunset and admired it for a minute before calling it a day.

* DAY 23

Today, I was finally able to learn on actually solidifying the space-time instead of just making it to some jelly like thing. Though it only last's for about half a minute, its an improvement nonetheless. The range of my [temporal lock] also increased as well as both my [deceleration] and [acceleration] skills, both skill is now able to speed up or slow down the target twice as much as before.

I was also notified that the wolf leader that was guarding the kobold cave was finally able to rank up. The old man said that the wolf was possibly blessed by the god of light as the wolf had golden marks all around his body. The wolf was also able to conjure beams of light as well as make a reflection mirror, using it to bounce the beam of light around.

I actually wanted the wolf to guard the house since its already sufficiently strong enough to fend for itself and might possibly even kill a hind bear in about half a minute. But I ceased the plan as the group of wolves would probably be in turmoil if I took their leader, and I already have some sensors that'll alarm me for when something or someone enters the cabin.

I was now done with my morning training as I ate my lunch and proceeded to head to the kobold cave to hand some of the carcasses of the creatures I killed to miss shenma. It's also one of the ways I could contribute to my other siblings that are still in the cave.

Talking about my siblings, some of them also got somewhat jealous of the four as they also wanted me to take them in. Unfortunately for them, I only have limited rooms in my cabin and I don't want to have lots of responsibilities.

Fenrir's thoughts: *chuckle thats probably why I didn't take a wife, and though both of my sons were accidents, I still loved them nonetheless. I wish I could've been a better father to them rather than that of a rampaging glutton searching for gods to eat. Alas, Though I can control time to some degree and even stopping it, I still can't turn it back.

I sighed as I continued my way towards the cave, still thinking of both of my sons. After a while of walking, I finally arrived at the cave as I entered it and proceeded to head towards miss shenma's workshop.


Fenrir: miss shenma, you there?

Shenma: yes, come in!

I then entered the room as I saw miss shenma hammering on what seems to be a blade made out of the copper plate from those tanuki's backs. She then stopped hammering the copper as she proceeded to look towards me before asking.

Shenma: so, what did you come for? Do you need some repairing, or is it upgrading?

Fenrir: none of those, I just wanted to give some of the carcasses of the beast I killed awhile back since it might help the pack.

Miss shenma nodded as I then took some of the carcasses of the normal beasts around the forest. I didn't give her any carcasses of the variants I killed as I still wanted to hide the fact that I have the blessing of a great god, and letting them see that I was already strong enough to solo hunt a variant might gather suspicion.

Miss shenma then thanked me for giving her some of the carcasses as I went back home. I then had a two hour nap in the cabin before waking up and teleported at the dungeons again to get some honey from the colossal bee queen.

I then arrived at the nest as I then carried an order to the colossal bee queen as multitudes of bees then started to come towards me before taking the jars I placed down the ground one by one. I then waited outside the nest for a while before bees then started to come out of the holes, carrying jars filled with honeys with their tiny claw like legs.

After getting all of the honey filled jars, I went back to the cabin before cooking some night viper soup as the four arrived inside the cabin one after another while I was cooking. After cooking and eating, we proceeded to do our own things as the three siblings read the books they read yesterday again while both me and korone played nomopoly before finally calling it a day and headed to bed.

* DAY 24

As I was training my space-time magic today, I suddenly received a distress signal from the colossal bee queen, something about a zancode like beast. I quickly teleported towards the colossal bee nest as I then reappeared right next to it.

I then saw a relatively normal, non-destroyed nest that I was expecting as I then quickly called the queen. It seems that the zancode like beast is actually not attacking their hive or nest, it instead attacked their honey source as well as the source of sunlight in the whole cave, the giant sunflower field.

The giant sunflower field is one of the, if not the most important thing inside this dungeon. The giant sunflower in this dungeon is mysteriously able to produce sunlight, thus helping the ecosystem inside continue even with the lack of sunlight from the sun itself. So if the giant sunflower field itself is destroyed, the whole ecosystem inside the dungeon would suffer, possibly even killing all of the colossal bee's in the process.

I intentionally avoided this place last time as I was afraid of destroying it, making my plans of a honey farm near the cabin collapse. But right now, I definitely have to go there since if I don't, my honey farm would most likely cease to exist.

I quickly ran towards the middle of the dungeon where the sunflower field is located as I still haven't seen it thus preventing me from teleporting to it. I only heard about it from the bee's when I was gathering info about the dungeon using my [world lexicon] ring.

After a few minutes later, I finally arrived right at the edge of the giant sunflower field as I was then attacked by what seemed to be a…

Fenrir's thoughts: sunflower?

I looked carefully at the "sunflower as I finally knew what it looked like, it looked like a wingless bird with long neck as a sunflower like mane was covering its head, camouflaging it. It also seemed to have buried its body down the ground as some remnants of dirt and grass appeared on its back.

I then proceeded to dodge another peck from the sunflower like bird while also taking my glasses before wearing it as informations about the bird appeared.


{a moa like bird, the sunfloa mostly lives in giant sunflower fields in order to camouflage itself to a giant sunflower. This gigantic bird burrows itself underground as its green coloured neck acts as an stem to its sunflower like mane. Though this bird breeds fast, sunfloa's are still rare as its only habitat, giant sunflower fields, are extremely rare to find in the whole world. It is also said that the meat of a sunfloa is extremely delicious, making them delicacies}

Fenrir's thoughts: extremely delicious?!

I then started drooling as I looked at the sunfloa who was running towards me again. As the sunfloa was about to peck me, I quickly sidestepped before cutting its neck with my claws as I then got another farming idea.

Fenrir's thoughts: I should probably breed these guys, they are extremely rare after all. You never know when I'll find another giant sunflower field again.

I decided on "taming" some sunfloa's in order to breed them as I collected the dead sunfloa's carcass. I then headed out to search for the zancode like beast thats, if the queen bee's words were true, destroying the fields.

After awhile of searching, I finally found the zancode like beast that the queen bee described near the edge of the giant sunflower field. The beast seemed metallic as its body shimmered in the light that the giant sunflowers were releasing. Its body also released blue lightning while its tail literally looked like a hammer.

Fenrir's thoughts: kinda reminds me of that thunder spewing drunkard.

I then read the information about the metallic looking zancode while also hiding myself in the giant sunflowers.

{zancode named monster: mythunder}

{mythunder, blessed by the god of thunder and the god of gems. This beast of a zancode is covered in light blue thunder patterned gems that acts as its skin as well as hard golden plate like armour covering it. The mythander's shoulder is also able to absorb lightning based attacks as it releases it in a form of a shock wave, while a single swing from mythunder tail hammer is able to devastate the ground as the lightning gathered inside it releases, causing a massive explosion, much like that of a lightning strike.}

Fenrir's thoughts: so that means I have to get that hammer tailed out of the fields, easy.

I then proceeded to stealthily move closer to mythunder before using [distance manipulation] as the hammer tailed beast suddenly appeared above me. I then solidified the space at my right feet as I backflipped and kicked mythunder further away from the giant sunflower field.

As the hammer tail was about to land, it swung its tail towards the ground as the ground then exploded. The impact from the explosion flung mythunder towards me as it then begun rolling midair before striking me with its hammer tail.

Fenrir: guh?!

The impact from mythunder burried my feet underground as well as burning down the skin in my hands. I then quickly teleported away as the hammer tail then strikes the ground, pulverising it.

My skin then begun to heal at high speeds thanks to my passive skill [chronos regenerate] before I then transformed into a werewolf as I saw the mythunder looking towards me with its mouth open.

An orb of lightning then started to materialise in its mouth before it then shot out in a form of a golden white beam. I quickly used [time-space solidification] to solidify the space-time in a form of an orb in order to cover me.

The beam then struck the solidified space-time orb as the beam then begun to spread out before swallowing the whole orb. The beam was then put to an end as I quickly teleported above mythunder, who was still firing the beam towards where I was, and proceeded to punch his head down, smashing him to the ground.

Fenrir: gotcha!

I was then caught of guard as mythunder quickly swung its tail hammer at my face. The tail hammer stopped midair, almost hitting my cheeks as I used [temporal lock] to stop the time of where the tail hammer was.

Mythander tried to move away from me only to find out that its tail didn't even slightly budge on its place. I then solidified the space-time on where the tail was before proceeding to lift it up as mythander was left hanging midair.

Mythander then tried to attack me with its lightning beams as I then punched his head, shutting his mouth. I then used the solidified space-time orb and turned it to be more jelly like as I used it to tie mythander's mouth shut.

Fenrir: get ready to be a punching bag, hammer tail.

I then proceeded to send a barrage of punches in mythammer as the hammer tail kept on flailing around. After awhile if punching the punching bag, I noticed that my punches dealt almost no damages as almost no cracks appeared on its gem like body.

Fenrir's thought's: if punching won't work, how about piercing it on his weak spot.

I then summoned my [lance of celestial clamor] as I then proceeded to send a barrage of piercing attacks that concentrated on its neck. The strikes begun to chip mythammer's neck before after awhile, it finally pierced his neck, killing him as his head then rolled in the ground.

Fenrir: what a tough bastard, I'm definitely taking your corpse.

I then proceeded to check the information on mythunder's carcasses as I saw a two floating transparent screens.

[thunder gem hammer]

[the tail hammer of a zancode blessed by the god of gems and the god of thunder. The hammer tail is able to store and release lightning at the users will. Storing lightning will need some source of lightning and releasing it will need some mana to activate.]

[mythammer's head]

[the head of a zancode blessed by the god of gems and the god of thunder. Infusing the head of this creature with mana will enable it to gather lightning in its mouth before releasing it in a form of a beam.]

Fenrir's thoughts: hmm, that hammer tail acts almost exactly like my lance, though its material is a bit weaker. The heads also pretty meh, I guess. At least it still has its hard body, someone might be able to make it into a great thunder resistant armour.

I then collected mythander's carcass as I proceeded to head back to the nest and check it out before finally going back to our cabin. I then entered the kitchen as I started to cook the sunfloa's meat and decided on making it to a meatball.

Fenrir: hmm, a few aracna vine leaves cut to tiny pieces as well as some tearries for spice,, some fraze bird eggs…

I continued to cook the sunfloa meatballs as both mion and korone watched me. I taught them a few things though the book was mostly the one that taught us as even I was still an amateur to cooking.

Fenrir's thoughts: I hope I get some cooking skill when I rank up next time, a skill that can make me make food thats able to make others moan in pleasure just from eating my food. Though theres no way that skill exist, cause if it does, I'm definitely sure that this worlds crazy. I'd still take it though.

After awhile, the food was finally cooked as we three carried the food to the table where the twins were waiting.

Haze: what meat is this, it smells delicious.

Sesshomaru: *gulp mhm

Mio: onii said that it was from something called sunfloa.

Fenrir: mhm, and if you see one, don't kill it, just leave it be since its extremely rare.

Sesshomaru: then why did you kill one, brother?

Korone: cause onii-chan wants to eat it, duh.

Fenrir: ahaha, she's right. And don't worry about not being able to eat this meat again just because you can't kill it since I'm planning on building a pen for them tomorrow.

Korone: really?! Can I come, onii-chan?!

Fenrir: um, sure why not. Though please try to behave, you might get ambushed again. Those birds are extremely well at camouflaging after all.

Korone: ok! Hyehehe.

Fenrir: and also, please don't cut down or destroy any of the giant sunflowers there, those plants are extremely important.

Korone: mhm mhm!

We then started to eat the sunfloa meatballs as they tasted like how korone mentioned it after taking a bite…

Korone: mhmm~ meatball? *munch…. Oooooh, amazing meatball!!

We then finished eating as soon after, we finally called it a day.

* DAY 25

I teleported back to the dungeon with korone, who I decided to bring to my training grounds, the mountains. I decided on making some fences first for the bee hive before making the sunfloa pen as I needed some kind of defence in case of some idiot attacks the hive.

Both of us first cleared the area near the nest in order to avoid some of the bees being ambushed by camouflaged pest like arkans or arachnaphord's as I also collected and stored the logs that were cut off in the process of clearing out the area. After clearing out the area nearby, I then started building the fences while also using [accelerate] on myself as I stopped korone from working as she kept on either smashing or breaking the wood she was given.

Korone: onii-chan, this is bo~ring, can I wander around?

Fenrir: If mion was here then I might've allowed it but she's not, so no. And you might get ambushed again.

Korone: but this is so bo~ring!

Fenrir: *sigh how about you eat some honey then?

Korone: honey?! Really?!

Fenrir: mhm, just give this to one of the bees.

I then handed korone an empty jar as she took it and tilted her head.

Korone: a jar?

Fenrir: mhm, Just give that to the bees and they should get you a honey filled jar after they get out of their hive.

Korone: hyahahah ok!!

Korone then skipped towards a bee as she proceeded to lift the jar up in front of it. The bee then moved closer to the jar before taking it as it then headed inside their hive.

Fenrir's thoughts: *sigh at least the bees wont attack humanoid species now since I already ordered them. Well, the queen bee ordered them but eh, who am I even trying to explain to?

I continued on making the fence posts as korone continued to watch me while also sometimes playing tag with the bees by cutting a giant flower before waving it to a bee. Though most bees might not comply with it if you did this, I ordered them to do so just so that korone could be kept occupied while I continue working.

After an hour of working, I finally finished making the fence posts as I proceeded to call korone, who was still playing tag with a lot of bees. We then headed back to the cabin as I planned on making the sunfloa pen next to it.

After we arrived, we, no, I then started on making the foundation of the pen as I decided on a rectangle shaped pen. I started by sharpening four logs before piercing them on the ground as I then sliced about a dozen of logs in half for the roof before I started making the foundations for it.

After a while, I finally finished the pen as I then started to make my way to the cave with korone as I needed some long metal rods for the fences. We moved towards miss shenma's workshop with uncle seishi, who we encountered halfway inside the cave. We then arrived at miss shenma's workshop as I then requested some metal rods to be made as she said that they will be finished in about a week or so.

we then talked for awhile before leaving as both korone and I then headed back to the dungeon as we started our search for a male and female sunfloa's to breed.

Korone: wooaaah, onii-chan, those flowers are so big! Annoyingly bright too!

Fenrir: mhm, you do remember what I said yesterday night right? Or do I have to remind you still?

Korone: of course, I'm not that old, onii-chan. You said that I can't cut them since they're important.

Fenrir: well, thats good. How about we get going and search for some sunfloa's now then?

Korone: mhm, hyahahah!

We then entered the giant sunflower fields as we searched for sunfloa's for some time. After awhile of searching, we finally found one, actually, its the one who found us as it unsuspectingly attacked us. I touched the sunfloa's neck as it then got dominated by the ring of domination.

We continued our search with our new companion, the male sunfloa, as we encountered another one shortly after we found the first one. Unfortunately, this one was a male too so it was killed to be our food for the night.

After an hour of searching, we finally found a female sunfloa and "tamed" it. We then teleported back to the cabin as I placed both of the sunfloa's inside the pen and decided to call it a day.

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