I was falling. My legs were above me as I looked up towards the sky.
Before my eyes, I saw the water below me as I hit it hard, Headfirst.
A giant well, That's what it was a hole in the ground filled with water.
I hit the water and sank underneath the surface. I was drowning.
I was sinking deeper and deeper as the light on the surface of the water went further and further away from me. Everything got darker and darker before my eyes. Bubbles floated upwards through the water.
I didn't even realize at the time why? Why was this happening to me?
My limbs were numb. I couldn't move.
I just floated towards the bottom.
Stinking, Shirtless, Just wearing pants, I was dying yet again.
They say you remember things you care about before you die. I came face to face with death four times till now, today. Nothing like that happened for me. Why so? Do I care about nothing? Or Do I have nothing to care about?
Since the system appeared, it has all been trouble one after another.
When I was living my monotonous life working a 9 to 5 job, I had always wished for some change in my life, But now if someone offered me my old life back, Perhaps I did take them up on the offer. It was much better back then, Then dying every hour.
Even if you couldn't die, You did feel the pain, To the point where death was a mercy.
Those wounds were real. You did have to endure them, Even if it were for a short while. And those wounds were not always visible to the eyes
sometimes, Those wounds were in your mind, Slowly eating you up from Within.
As I sank to the depths of the water, The walls begin to glow faintly, emitting blue light, Illuminating the water. The water was crystal clear. That is the last thing I remember seeing. I didn't even realize when I had blacked out.
Once I regained consciousness again, I felt drowsy. Opening my eyes, Again, It was dark before me.
I could move my arms and legs again. They were not numb anymore.
It felt like being inside something soft and squishy sticking around me. I tried to move, But I couldn't. It seemed to restrain me.
But as I struggled, It began to glow blue. Before it started to disintegrate into small patches and floated in the water, holding my breath, I sank. My feet touched the bottom,
That glowing thing was everywhere in the water, Floating like orbs of light in the depths of that well. All around me, they were at the bottom, on the ground, wall, and everywhere. The place was cover with them.
I pushed upwards with my legs and swam towards the surface, As that glowing thing sticking to my body begin to fall below.
I swam upwards towards the faint light that was breaking in on the surface of the water as fast as possible as fast as I could. The light was getting closer and closer before finally, it was at my reach as I reached the surface and burst through the water, Gasping for air.
Looking below, that faint blue light in the water had disappeared.
Rusted metal panels on the walls, Some of them fallen off, Exposing the concrete wall behind them from which rebars and metal bars stuck out.
Rusted metal rings were welded around the entire thing every couple of feet supporting the walls, some of them having a small piece of metal welded onto them with holes in them. Some had screws on them. Some were empty.
A rusted metal ladder went up to the top. The top of the well was at least three stories high from the water surface. I began swimming towards it.
Before holding on to the ladder, putting my foot on a step underneath the water, I began climbing.
With every step, The ladder made creaking noises. It made clanking and creaking noises on every step as I continued climbing.
I was almost at the top. I was holding on to the sides, climbing.
As I put the weight on me, pulling myself upwards, a piece of metal broke under my hand, Coming off in my hand. That piece of metal was very rusted.
I clung to the ladder with my other hand not to fall off. Letting go of the piece of metal, It fell hitting the ladder making a clanking sound before splashing into the water and disappearing.
As I continued looking below, it felt like it was going further and further it was expanding my vision was getting hazy. I was snapped out of that by a gust of wind. Looking up towards the top, I continued climbing.
"Clank...Clank" noises with my every step, I finally reached the top.
The top had a concrete wall about 2 feet in height, Holding onto it with my entire body. I crawled over it, dropped to the floor, and laid there exhausted,
I was finally out of the well.
Prompt floated in front of me.
First of all, I am really sorry for the story not being updated for the past few days.
I was feeling a bit burnt out and, I didn't manage to write enough, which is why this and the last chapter you might notice is a bit shorter when compared to the others.
I am really sorry for that, again.
In seconds, This story is never getting dropped. I will finish this story no matter what.
PS: Also, I am sorry for the grammatical errors and confusion you might have faced leading up to here. This is my first book and English is not my native language. But I don't want to use that as an excuse for my poor grammar. I am trying my best to improve every day.
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