Adhalia started adding new markings on the map that was on the enormous table when everyone was settled down. She marked the places that she traveled along the way as she headed for the Orcish lands before being captured by the Galuk orcs.
Everybody watched in silence as all their gazes were focused on what Adhalia was doing. It was drop dead silent inside the hall and they can even hear their own heartbeats when Adhalia stops for a few moments while remembering the details of her travels.
It took her a few moments before she had created an almost complete map of Ereia. Xiao Chen approached the map as he observed the new markings that were added.
"So there are only a few towns along the way and few choke points to slow down our advance when we start our expedition." Xiao Chen muttered as he scratched his chin.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.