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100% A Loners Creations / Chapter 30: Aarick realization

Chương 30: Aarick realization

(A/N): It feels good to be back, so let me say a few things, we're soon reaching the end of volume one literally only four more chapters are left, so volume two is near and that's when things get really dark for a lot of people, but apart from that im working on the other chapter as we speak so expect another one soon, well enjoy the return of loner.

I was going to release this earlier but a power outage stroke at the wrong time, but im here and I released a chapter as promised.


[Jesus Christ Aarick did you have to go this far for some low-level Goblins]

"What's your problem Atlas there are just green men that like to rape, if anything there plain trash just like humans, tsk you know what both of them are trash either way I don't care it's my place because the previous sorrow owns it, and I don't want these pest infecting my place with their insignificant and inferior presence, I hate them as I hate all life, they have no use to me if anything there souls and body could do nothing but be convenient meat shields."

[This isn't even training anymore, this is straight-up cruelty]

"You don't sound convincing saying that in a sarcastic voice at all Atlas, but whatever all these insects, are below me and hence fort they should all die, seriously is there even a reason to spare them."

[Well for one you are changing the environment, I will have you know despite their questionable behaviors, they are the food source for a lot of species that feed on them on a daily]

"Tsk, you can be annoying when you are ready Atlas, but fine I will leave some of them for the environment, but honestly nature could burn to the ground for all I care, life is worth nothing hell im seriously considering if I should void out all existence as soon as possible or wait and take my time, agh I would like to see everything burn to the ground at least it would grant me a little entertainment, but the greatest reward is eternal silence and order."

[Man you are really starting to hate humanity Aarick, at this rate you're going to take the throne of the black air force energy gang around the round table, you know there are good humans too]

"Better off dead."


"Well, it is, what it is, you see this thing, no this mistake called humanity, has failed me time, and time again, and again, honestly, the dinosaur was more civilized than them, a pity a meteor clap their asses to the abyss, but yeah I gave up on humanity, to me they are nothing more but cute accessory and useful extra, tools, and a pitiful excuse of a race."

"To be honest why stop at humans, Gods are scums, devils are annoyances, everything is a waste while humanity is something that transcended all three, hell im not going to lie to you Atlas, the existence of this world irritated to me no end."

[Kind of ironic and hypocritical since Pandora is the Pillar of existence if she dies everything will disappear, so tell me do you want to erase Pandora or something]

"I know damn well it's hypocritical, and you know she and lollies are the only good thing that came to be, all im saying is, that a reset on everything would be much needed, but then and again I won't destroy everything."

"You see Atlas, I live to see this shit burn with gusto, I want to see all life crumble like fragile glass, im having fun doing nothing but hurting those who hurt me, and also hurting those simply because I can and you know why."

[Why enlightened me]

Atlas said in a sarcastic, voice.

"Because no one can do anything about this, no one can stop me even if they tried, im tired of being dog shit, im not a slave, im not some tool, much less an object for the humans or even God, im the pillar of loneliness, I mean that cannot be denied how can you erase something that is meant to be, even if it doesn't have a major purposed."

"I love been alone, well I love been with Pandora too, but the fact remains I strive and hunger for violence and destruction, I find meaning in suffering, I am a necessary evil and that's all I will ever be."

"But there are always those that strive to go against absolution, but I don't care, honestly why should I care for this flawed world, give me one good reason."

[I'm not stopping you though]

"Atlas I will come clean with you, your the closest thing to a brother I have, honestly I respect you, but you can't do shit, the bitch can't do shit, the sword saint can't do shit, Matilda can't do shit, the Gods can't do shit, no one can do shit, who is going to stop me hahahahaha... those poor fools."

"This entire system is horse shit, im just shitting on the world that shat on me first, what do you think, I do this because of vengeance nope maybe at first yes, but I simply think everything is below me because it is flawed, I find pleasure in bringing pain despite my horrible past I don't need a reason to be evil, I simply bring pain to those because I can, it a simple as breathing and counting from one to two."

[Ok you made your point you hate everything, and just find them as toys]

"Good im happy we reach an agreement, soon I will make this world in my image, but for now I want the Goblin king's head, it would make a great foot stand, but anyway I plan on taking this entire region as my domain, and I find Goblins irrelevant to my cause."

[But what are you going to do, you just came, but you kill all the dark elves including the goblin that is out here with that one attack from Adamas]

"Well I killed the elves by accident, a pity these elves were actually cute, well whatever let's resurrect them and make them into some useful puppets that will suffice for me, or better yet heheheheh...."

With that said I began morphing all the flesh that came from both the goblins and dark elves and made a giant monster that look more like an eldritch abomination, it was thirty meters tall, and it had 789 hands and legs of all sizes and shapes over its body, it had so many eyes, even some that were fusing.

On its back were five wings three on the right and two on the left, they were different, a wing for example the upper wing on the eldritch creature's right side was a black raven wing, a bone wing, and a dragonfly wing, while that other two were two of Veldora wings, yes I alter its DNA to gift it some of Veldora abilities as well.

It had a snake-like body and move using the extra limbs to crawl and propel itself, forward, I even gave It several abilities such as dragon breath, poisonous body, insanity inducement aura, soul absorption, menacing presence, super speed, Earth manipulation, perception alteration, flight, supersonic pitch, Ultra speed regeneration, shared pain, lesser reality-warping immunity, ultimate vitality, hunger empowerment, size manipulation, and tempest breath.

Basically, it's is my greatest creation by far, when it comes to creating a monster from scratch, by just copying and reapplying the DNA of different monsters while mutating the already existing DNA sample that was previously applied you can create a rather overpowered monster to do your bidding.

But apart from that, this thing is strong enough to destroy this entire nest by itself, I would practice my swordplay with these disgusting goblins but they are below me and not worth my time, might as well practice with a real demon slayer, that way it would be more entertaining and it will give me more experience.

So with that said, what I plan to do with this new pet of mine is well make it go on a rampage, everything got to eat you know, and I will also curse it with eternal hunger so its hunger empowerment can empower him endlessly, so just by existing and been hungry it will grow stronger in time.

"Now what to call you, hmmm yea Atlas you want to name this baby Chimera for me."

[Yeah just make a monster that can rocket to omega level in time like is nothing, sigh well whatever hmm let's call it Oblivion, that's all I see when I look at this thing]

"Oblivion ha... I like it, Oblivion it is then, but I feel like I can empower it more yeah, let's give it an additional ability that will make it truly fearsome hahaha.....

[Aarick what did you do, this thing's power suddenly skyrockets by five times no thirty waits for fifty what the hell is happening?]

"By using my genetic manipulation I made a new cell called the ultimate evolution cell, you see I made a literal copy of SCP 682, now it's always evolving and adapting, every cell in its body is an SCP 682 in a sense, it will not only adapt it will evolve to one problem, but it will have millions if not trillions of different alternative to dealing with a single situation."

[Wow just wow, sigh I feel like my existence is becoming obsolete, and at this rate, Aarick won't even need me anymore, what should I do, at this point... maybe I should ask mot... no I must fulfill my purposes and the reason she created me for, even if Aarick is super strong right now, ever since he became a stray God, the power he possesses is basically the dictionary definition of bullshit, he doesn't even realize it but he strong enough to compete with an Anos that is slightly trying]

Atlas said to himself as he began to feel like the purpose of his existence is soon about to come to a close, if Aarick progressed any further.

But he was soon taken out of his thoughts as Aarick began talking to Oblivion.

"Ok then my cute little puppy, make daddy proud and devour everything that breathes and moves in that base, of course except the dark elves or any other slaves that are been trapped in there, kill it all and also bring me the goblin king, queen and it entire family don't be afraid to rough them up a little, but I want them alive and before me by the end of the night.

That way I can show them what happens when they cross the lines of harming lollies that haven't become legal, this is a straight violation of the Aarick Bible and you know I don't encourage torment to cute lollies that don't deserve it.

And yes Atlas, before you go saying that I am lolicon, in my defense, I don't care I like lollies and respect my culture self, lollies are built differently in my book ok, and I don't lust for them if they are not legal.


With that said Oblivion crawled inside the nest with immense speed and ease despite its weird body build and huge size, and what can be heard were the screams of horror and explosion of different Goblins that were in the base.

Keep in mind there are thousands of them, So I summon fort all the wyners I killed and devoured earlier as I said to them.

"Ok, guys so here's what's up, any of those green people you all be killing eating for breakfast on a daily, I want you all to continue what you all been doing by eating and killing any goblins that come outs of this giant nest, well then with that said have fun."

Aarick stated as he began to walk away, from the nest, but as he proceed just to casually walk into the woods, the voice of Atlas rang inside his head

[So what now Aarick?]

"Well this place needs a makeover, and when I say a makeover I mean it but the Melancholic walls can stay up, I don't mind the gloomy and depressing atmosphere, much less the thick clouds that make this place dark and menacing, I never did like the sun anyways."

"So I guess I shall create a base using my powers, hmmm maybe something similar to demon lord Muzan infinity fortress yes... Something not easy to break into, a place so dangerous that just entering it already means your demise."

"Ok, I will need to use the tablet of creation to make a suitable base with everything I want, but for now though I will use what I have by utilizing a series of different abilities inside my arsenal of different abilities."

So with that said, I began to walk up the air as if it was some kind of stairs or hard platform as I completely defy the laws of physics, but as I walk metallic structure suddenly start to form around me, as the environment itself began to change to my preference.

The entire forest began to generate highly complicated walls made from an unknown metal and cobblestones, the sound of gears could also be heard coming from all directions, as thousand if not billions of other mechanical objects could be seen manifesting from thin air.

Of course, other machine parts could be seen manifesting from all corners, as all the parts that were summoned began to fuse, and multiple objects could be seen fusing with each other, as a giant structure could be seen forming, it almost looks like a watchtower was been built from nothing but Aarick imagination alone.

As he walks up the blocks that were made from material never seen before, continue to form, if you look close they all look like a giant version of the black boxes from Nier automata.

But it didn't end there the watchtower continue to build till it eventually pierce the thick clouds that surround this wasteland filled with nothing but Demi-God mystics that were lost to the world.

Weapons of all kinds could be seen floating in the air, and the tower itself look like a supermassive weapon with a complex and incomprehensible structure, in short, the design and the way it was built were impossible to truly distinguish, as the entire base become nothing but millions of blocks and highly complex patterns and shapes been put together.

While the forest itself started to elevate and giant walls at least 500 meters in height and 250 meters in width began to surround the tower, eventually, these walls started to move in multiple different directions, and in less than a minute the entire entrance of the forest becomes a giant maze that was continuously changing Itself.

And to add reassurance to its protection a giant blue Dyson sphere object began to form around the forest, acting as both a power plant, that regenerates natural energy for the tower, as it absorbs miasma and mana which in turn is converted into electrical energy, while at the same time it acts as a powerful force field that will take a lot of effort to break.

The tech alone that was used to make this place was at least 7000 years ahead of the current time, of course, this was only possible with Aarick's Elemental control, paradox manipulation, and his Deus Ex Machina authority, which makes him the God of machines, so he can create any machine from absolutely nothing as long as the idea exists in his head, he can create anything that is mechanical.

(A/N): A pick of the watchtower or how I imagine it to be.

Meanwhile, Aarick was at the very top of the watchtower looking at the mystics that were running around in fear confused about what happened to the surrounding area.

But as he sat there and watch them frolic like ants on the ground, he can't help but think to himself, as his face was plastered with an indifferent facial expression, it was almost like he was enlightened.

"You know Atlas, I just realized something."

[And that is]

"Everything truly is flawed."

"I plan to someday destroy everything and recreate it a new, it is the only saving grace this thing called existence has left, but im sure that everything will go against me and stops at no ends to destroy me."

"I can already see it, Reinhard, Shirou, Matilda, the bitch, Anima, and even the ok Giyuu that I honestly think could have been a good friend candidate will eventually turn on me and stop me, at all cost, it so much like those cliche isekai were everyone must work together to defeat the Demon Lord."

[Yes they will stop at nothing to kill you, you see this thing called life work in mysterious ways Aarick, everyone will someday become your enemies, even new friends down the line, what you might see as good, others might see as true evil, that why Aarick I suggest you to think your choices over, I will follow you to the very end if there is one, but don't do something you might come to regret later on]

"Regret haaa... well, to be honest, my only regret is been born, I find meaning in non-existent I want to be alone that my nature that my instinct, that the way I was created."

"From the very day I was born, the world had nothing graceful to show me, nothing beautiful, nothing meaningful to live for, to be honest, I hate myself more than I hate everything else, but then one day, a girl, a loli, with ashen grey hair and amethyst eyes came before me."

"It was like a miracle, she gave me everything because she is everything and much more, but I didn't love her because she possesses everything I love her because she gave me purpose, for once someone needed me, someone wanted me, someone loves me, in time I became obsessed with that purpose and I don't want to lose it."

"But as the days go by, I began to realize a lot more about myself, more so than I wanted to know to be honest, for example, Pandora was created to exist so in return, everything else can exist, but at the price, she can never interact with her creation much less understand them."

"She is just a pillar that supports and holds everything in place, while my purpose was, well invalid I had no reason to exist but here I am breathing and talking, I was created from nothing, a mistake that was always meant to be, as the Pillar of loneliness my purposed was simply nothing at all, even the one true God had no major use for me, but created me anyways, talk about cruel."

"I was never created for a grand purpose like Pandora, I was created to be the beacon of happiness of a girl who forgot the meaning of it, in the end, I have no significant use, but that ok, if Pandora is happy then no matter what happens I will never have regret is nothing I do."

"All I seek now is satisfaction, and that satisfaction is to reboot all things and start from scratch in a world where I exist as the decider of all things, a world where things are run differently, but to reach that dream I will have to go against a creator I know nothing about."

[Damn that's deep, I actually want to help you reach that dream even more now]

"Yeah we will reach it someday, but for now let's leave this anonymous last boss for last, lets's start small Atlas, world domination, after that universal domination, we will correct this flawed world together, and every world after that."

"My only desire is to give my ideal creations life, humans have no place in that world, well not the humans I know, I want more civilized humans, emotions are not needed at all either, it's because of their uncontrollable emotions, they act on impulse, for example, anger brings destruction, hate brings carnage, happiness lead to sorrow, and sorrow leads to corruption."

"Greed, Jealousy, murder, war, and much more, these emotions and longing are what blind them, my father's greed for money was unending, and when he lost money and can't get it right away, anger is born, and what does he do with that anger, he took out in the most questionable ways possible on a child who barely knew anything about the world, day and night, rainy and sunny, summer and winter, do you see where im coming from with this Atlas."

[That humans aren't worthy of emotions]

"Yes and no, to be honest, no living being who can think, is worthy of it, there is plenty of different race that behaves like them, but the current humanity takes that to a whole new level, but even so I wish to correct that."

[Why though?]

I want a world where kids and children could grow up without worrying what the next meal on the table will be, I want a world where everyone is satisfied with what they have, no matter how small or insignificant it might be."

[There are other ways to make that a reality though, not full out genocide if you think about it aren't you doing the same exact thing they are doing, by waging war and causing violence]

"No, my reason is noble, existence itself is already programmed to behave as such, that is why, it is flawed, and that is why I want to fix it, this world is wrong, the life it brews is wrong, everything about it is wrong that why I shall take it upon myself and do it a big favor by fixing it."

[By erasing it]

"By deleting all the flaws and putting in my creations that are flawless, that's how I will save everything and create my ideal world."

[You know if you go through with that, the law of balance will stop at nothing to stop you]

"Fuck the law of balance, even that is crude and imperfect."

[God nor the people will not stand for it]

"Sometimes it's not what they want."

[You might die]

"Sound like a win either way."

[Pandora might be sad]

"If I die, she dies too you know."

[That is just selfish thinking now]

"I know."

[I can't stop you can't I]

"You will be wasting your time to be honest, and I want to do this by myself, I don't want Pandora help to me, to win by relying on ultimate power would be mean less, im already cheating by using her blood and by making her make a weapon for me, and that is as far as I will go."



[You know world domination won't be easy either]

"I know."

[It's not just humans you will have to deal with, remember you will have to against Gods, demons, and more and we're not even talking about the counter force as yet either]

"Fuck the counterforce."

"If the entire world wishes to gang up on me to stop the inevitable very well, im use to it, so it won't make a difference anyway, that's why I will find people who have thoughts that are similar to mine, people who understand reason and order, and the necessary procedures needed to make it so."

"That's why, until I find them, I will create a perfect army to go against the counterforce, it will take time as I need to analyze everyone's weakness and create a specific soldier for each of them, a perfect counter for the counterforce."

"So Until I have everything ready, I will live among them as I plot on the side."

[Well, you have a long way Aarick]

"Yes, till then I will just look for those people if they exist, if not I will just do it myself, the chances are very low to find one decent person whose ideals co align with mine, but I believe they exist a few exceptions who see how flaw existence is, well I have someone in mind, but that guy in prison for the past two thousand years."

[And who might that be?]

"The menace of Eldia."

[Eren Yeager ha... is there anyone else]

"Well, there is the other Pandora, and also 001, according to the legends she hates humans."

[You know, we also can get the aid of the seven beasts]

"Hahah I see, if I remember correctly they are all sealed in different locations right."

[The closest one is the beast of regression who is sealed in the black sea after her defeated by Gilgamesh]

"I see, I will figure something out to free them, but I also have my eyes on the first set of witches that exist a long time ago, there are two im interested in, two of them who understand how flawed humanity is, but still tried to help them, but in a twisted way, but they still understand."

[You are talking about Typhon and Daphne right, they are dead]

"I will resurrect them, we can also use a genius like Echidna, but for her, I will get her a different way, a genius like the original is too risky, one who is more twisted than the original is needed so I might isekai myself to the actual anime and have a word, but they can wait, I still have plans as well."

[I have some other people in mind but for now, that will have to wait, you have company]

"I know I sense her a long time, I didn't hurt her because she said she was going to reach out to me, never thought it would be this early though."

With that said I cut my talk with Atlas short as I sense a certain woman looking down on everything like I was as she said.

"You don't waste time don't you emperor Aarick."

"What do you want emperor Pandora?"

"Well I sense an immense amount of power coming from this location, I found it kind of suspicious so I decided to see what the commotion was, but I must say to build something like this, in such a short time is beyond amazing."

"Of course im fostering my army here, the humans have a weapon and very strong people at that, I need a strong army as well."

"Fufufu it won't be long before our ideal world is created, and you can always depend on us as well."

"Yeah, yeah, now that you are here you might be able to help me out."

"How so Emperor Aarick?"

"Can you do me a favor and released a certain man from prison for me, he might be useful for our cause, more so than you might think."

"Ohh... and who might that be?"

Pandora ask with much curiosity, and when she heard who it was, she smiled deviously.

"The menace of Eldia."


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