1976, 14 May- Thursday.
"What?" Polaris asked Nathaniel, seeing the shocked look on his face as he was looking at the map. Nathaniel looked up, staring at Polaris, then sighed. His finger tapped a particular spot on the map, "Here, you see the name here?" Nathaniel asked Polaris.
Polaris leaned over, looking at the name, "Yeah, that's… Willow Smyth? So? What is she doing out there in the forest and so far in?"
"Well, that was one of the reasons we were arguing. We found some type of cave… it was weird. It was like a whole maze with so many different turns and twists. At some point, we got attacked by some bats? Well, I think they were bats. They look like it- well, look, the cave is practically asking for death. Either starving from starvation from getting lost or getting eaten alive or something. There are definitely more creatures there… well, I think? I don't really know." Nathaniel answered, his eyes on the map.
Polaris was lost for words, not really knowing how to respond to that. "Um…" was the best he could do, "well, that… sucks?" Polaris again responded.
Nathaniel's gaze snapped to him, his lips twitching before he forcefully blew air from his nose, quickly looking away before he just started snickering. "I thought your friend was in a life-threatening situation or something… why are you laughing?" Polaris asked him, completely baffled.
Nathaniel turned to him again. He looked stunned, "Exactly! A life-threatening situation, and you say that! How can I not laugh? What a dumb response… and I just couldn't see you actually using to word 'sucks' where did you hear that from?"
"Oh, right. I think I got it from Amelia… is that a muggle thing too?" Polaris raised a brow as he spoke. Nathaniel shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, but I know the muggle-borns say it a lot- Forget about that. I need to go after Willow!" Nathaniel rushed towards the door before a hand stopped him.
"Right, I don't think I heard you correctly… did you say you were going after the… mu- um, Smyth?" Polaris asked, his tone showing confusion that he hid from his face.
"Of course I am! We might be having a fight right now, but that doesn't mean I'll let her fend for herself!" Nathaniel snapped, throwing his shoulder back to get Polaris' hand off.
Polaris rolled his eyes, "I'm not saying to leave her to die" well, he also wasn't saying that wouldn't be a bad idea… "It's just… that it's a stupid idea? I mean, you said it yourself that you both nearly died when you went, and all that rubbish about it being dangerous- why not just tell one of the professors, who isn't a daft Gryffindor first year."
"I'm going myself. I have to. Perhaps this will fix our friendship! Besides, we promised each other that we wouldn't tell anyone about it, and I keep my promises!" Nathaniel told him.
Polaris snorted, which received a glare from Nathaniel, "What? Sorry!" Polaris said, seeing the look Nathaniel had given him, before continuing to prove a point.
"I just found it amusing that you're scared for her life… you could just get a responsible and wand-experienced professor to help, yet your more worried about keeping a 'promise'… when she dies, I really don't think that promise is going to matter much" Polaris drawled, his arms crossed. It was subtle how he was trying to stop Nathaniel.
Polaris watched the frown appear on Nathaniel's face and silently patted himself on the back. It would seem Nathaniel was finally seeing sense and not trying to get himself killed.
"I'm going," Nathaniel said with such determination. Polaris felt like just stunning him… but didn't. There he had thought his friend was seeing sense, but that wasn't the case.
"What's so special about this friendship you have with Smyth? Is it really worth risking your life?" Polaris couldn't stop himself from asking. He just couldn't fathom doing such a reckless thing when it wasn't his problem- it wasn't even Nathaniel's problem, yet the stupidity of another is worth risking his life. It was stupid!
"It's special, she's my best mate! She's… always been there for me. She's my first friend. I wish to have her be my friend until death. She's important to me. I'd feel too guilty without fixing the friendship when there's no need for it to end, especially not over something so stupid. So yes… Polaris, I think she's worth risking my life over because she would do the same without a thought." Nathaniel said heartfully, a frown on his face as he tried forming the words, not knowing how to explain it.
Polaris stood there staring at him silently. He was confused at first as he considered his words and how strongly Nathaniel seemed to feel about it. Polaris found himself fidgeting with his fingers as he dropped his arms from his chest.
"Would you not do the same for your friends? I mean, your closest friends? You and Corvus seemed rather close… and Aaron. If their life was in danger…" Nathaniel trailed off, nervously trying to ask what it was Polaris already knew he was trying to ask.
He shook his head, looking towards Nathanil, meeting his eyes. To sacrifice his own life for another? "You and I are different… I've never thought of things like that. I would love to say I would, but I don't know. Only time could tell if such a time which needs me to make such a decision comes. I think… I think I would be too afraid- I would be driven by fear. I'm human. I don't really care if it sounds cowardly. I have survival instincts, for such glorious nobility." Polaris responded, as he spoke it felt as though a hand was tightening around his heart and he couldn't breath.
If Sirius had heard all that… he would be called a coward. It didn't matter though, because his opinion was irelevant as of now.
It was silent for a moment, both never breaking eye contact.
"Do you think me a coward for being fearful?" Polaris asked, his voice steady, curious of his response.
"A coward? No… everyone has fears. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put you in a situation of deciding whether you would sacrifice yourself for another. No one should ever have to make that choice. I suppose someone else getting hurt is better than getting hurt yourself. I care enough about Willow that I don't want her to get hurt." Nathaniel told him, smiling before taking a step forward to him.
"Want to know what I tell myself to get rid of my fears?" Nathaniel offered. Polaris raised a brow but still nodded.
"I, Nathaniel Averill Sayre, have nothing to fear. Fear is a mind-numbing poison. Fear is the little-death that results in utter annihilation. I'm going to confront my fears and concerns. I'll let it pass right past me and over my head. I'll turn my inner eye to see its course once it's passed. Nothing will remain where the dread has vanished, and only I will remain." it was from a muggle book Nathaniel had read, but didn't see the point in mentioning that to Polaris.
"Okay… give me one good reason why I should go with you? Better yet, give me two! And I'll consider following you to this madness," Polaris spoke again, sighing as he did.
A large grin appeared on Nathaniel's face.
"ONE! You were the last person to be seen with me, and people know you dislike Willow. Therefore if we're missing, you're the number one culprit and TWO! You like duelling and testing out spells. You obviously need a challenge. What best to test them on than the creatures we might find in the cave place? And for a bonus reason, I have the map."
Polaris stared and stared at the boy.
Seconds of silence passed.
"Well?" Nathaniel drawled with a smug look on his face.
About an hour later, Polaris could be seen looking around his surroundings wearily, having not been in that particular area of the forest before. It was so deep within he knew if they were to scream, it wouldn't be heard… well, at least not by his fellow wizards, perhaps by the creatures that lurked within the forests.
He felt like a complete idiot- because he was, he could no longer deny such a thing seeing as he was now following Nathaniel Sayre of all people so deep within the forest he was starting to fear for their lives.
He felt antsy, looking in every direction. He heard a sound from, at some point, Nathaniel had stepped on a twig, and his heart jumped. The forest was forbidden for a reason, and to be going this deep in?
A calm breath in and one out. He closed his eyes only for a second as he sighed, calming himself. He opened them again, staring at his back. He noticed how he had his hands in his pockets, "Um, Nate?" Polaris asked, taking longer strides to stand beside the Sayre heir.
"Where's the map? Why aren't you using it?" Polaris hissed, "My hands got cold!" Nathaniel said defensively.
"Got cold?! Are you an idiot or something? We need the map to lead us to her!"
Nathaniel rolled his eyes, "Relax, I know where we're going. I remember this area-" he stopped talking and pointed to a particular tree.
"See that tree?" Nathaniel asked. Polaris nodded slowly. Seeing the nod, Nathanielel continued talking.
"Yeah, I remember it." He told Polaris confidently.
Polaris stared at the tree as they walked past it, then stopped walking back. He stared at it, then looked to the one beside it, then turned to see another. He spun in a circle. They were surrounded by trees, of course… but it was just that they happened to look identical.
"Nate? Are you sure this is the tree you remember?" Polaris asked in a neutral tone, stopping himself from shouting at him. Instead of pointing at the tree Nathaniel had said was 'familiar', he pointed to the tree near it but not too close.
Nathaniel raised a brow walking to where Polaris was standing, and nodded, smiling brightly, "Yeah, it is, trust me", Nathaniel said again, his confidence oozing.
"Right… do you want to know why you saying that worries me?" Polaris drawled.
"Look, Pol! Relax, we're not going to get lost," Nathaniel started, as he then flung his satchel that was rested on his back to his front. "Here, look," Nathaniel continued to say as he showed Polaris the map after taking it out.
"So, can you relax now?" Nathaniel asked him after showing him the proof that he knew what he was doing.
"Alright." Was the response Nathaniel got, and he rolled his eyes, "You know, you should really lighten up. Perhaps a game of Basketball will do you good- it's great!" Nathaniel told him, turning his face to him, his eyes bright at the mention of the sport.
Polaris raised a brow, "Basketball?" the word sounded familiar. Perhaps it was mentioned in one of his classes before, "It's a muggle thing, isn't it?" Polaris asked, knowing well enough by now.
Nathaniel nodded, "Yeah, it's a sport of theirs. One of the boys in Gryffindor, Kevan Donavon, he's muggle-born and was trying to introduce some sports to us and got some of us to try out basketball. It's fun. Do you know anything about it?" Nathaniel rambled.
After doing so, Polaris ducked under a branch only to have to step over a rather large tree branch as he followed Nathaniel.
"Well, I'm guessing it has something to do with a ball and basket, seeing that's basically its name," Polaris responded to him. Nathaniel turned around, seeing the area was particularly clear of anything that would trip him and began walking backwards. As he looked towards Polaris, the dead leaves crunching under their feet with each step they took.
"I'm not trying to brag or anything, but the muggle-borns said I was practically a pro with how good I was for a beginner. They set up a game yesterday; I got like…." Nathaniel paused for a second, looking at his hands, tapping his fingers, his thumb than his index, going to the next. "Like… right. I got about ten points." Nathaniel proudly told his friend.
Polaris sighed. He could pretend he didn't care… he was interested to know more about this 'basketball'. Obviously, it sounded as though it involved throwing a ball into a basket of some sort. "How do you play?" he asked, which seemed to surprise Nathaniel.
"Well… I'm not the best person to ask. I just play it and wait for them to call me out for whatever the rules are. Although… well, I don't know how many people per team there are. I forgot, maybe eleven? Don't ask about the positions." Nathaniel told him before continuing after a small pause, "Kevan is setting up another match for Saturday afternoon."
Polaris nodded, at the enthusiasm, "Right."
"You should join!" Nathaniel just about shouted, stopping the walking they were doing, with wide eyes, grinning like what he had said was the best idea he had had in years.
"Are you mad?!"
Nathaniel rolled his eyes at the response Polaris gave him, "What?" Nathaniel drawled.
"Scared your Slytherin housemates will turn on you for hanging out with a few muggle-borns? They'd be purebloods there too, and half-bloods." Nathaniel continued as he rolled his eyes before narrowing them at Polaris, curious about the response. After all, Polaris is a Black.
"Seriously? Do you think I'd care what they think? No, that's not the reason. My mother is the reason. I rather not have her become stricter simply because I participated in something that's associated with muggles. She'd go ballistic. She already as bad as they come, especially with Sirius disowned." Polaris muttered before walking past Nathaniel.
"So, you won't go because of your mother?..." Nathaniel trailed off, his brows furrowed as he caught up to Polaris before calling out to him, "Hey, Pol?"
Polaris hummed in response.
"What… do you think of them?" Nathaniel asked. Polaris slowly turned to him, his head slightly tilted, turning to decipher what he meant by 'them'. "You know… muggle-borns? Not your parent's opinion of them or your brothers- just your real opinion of them… I feel like you are just doing what is expected of you sometimes since you're a Black." Nathaniel awkwardly spoke.
Polaris was silent for a moment. What was expected of him? He never thought of it like that. He decided not to answer it, "What do you think of them?" Polaris threw the question back at him, turning his head to him.
Nathaniel shrugged, "I don't hate them, nor do I like them. The feeling is neutral, like everyone I meet for the first time. My first feeling towards them is neutral. It depends on what they say or do that determines their position on my meter, either the left side going to disliked or the right side of the scale going towards the right."
"What about your parents? Before marrying your father, I know your mother was an Avery, wasn't she?" Polaris found himself asking, trying to see how different their parent's opinions are.
"Well… my father?" Nathaniel had a thoughtful look on his face as he gazed up at the sky, then looked back to Polaris, "I wouldn't say he hates them, but Sayre's are seen as more neutral in stuff like that. My father isn't interested in muggle-borns. He finds them rather annoying. He doesn't like it when they try to push their beliefs and traditions on our world. They have their world, which they can always go back to, while we have our own world. Why change our world, so they feel more comfortable. My father thinks they should just learn more about our traditions and customs to understand them and understand us." Nathaniel paused for a few seconds.
"Though… my father did mention that the wizarding world should do a better job at helping them adjust- they're thrown into our world without much help or guidance and are just expected to know things while we get mad at them for not knowing them-"
"Well, there's something called a library. If muggle-borns cared enough to learn about our world, you'd be hearing them say, 'Where can I get a book that explains so, so and so' but instead, you hear, 'In the muggle world, we have this and that- why don't you? You should really change this. What's the point of this.'" Polaris interrupted, not really sure of himself at this point, "Then again, we have our world, and they have theirs… why change our world to be like theirs when they can just go to their world if they miss it."
Nathaniel shrugged at the response, "I don't know- My mother is different, that's for sure. Like you said, she's an Avery. She doesn't like that I'm friends with Willow since she's a half-blood, and she practically loathes Willow's mother since she's muggle-born. They really don't get along- OH, I just remembered, are you going to the Bones manor too? well, during the summer?"
Polaris gave him a weird look, "What do you mean?" he asked Nathaniel. "Amelia, she invited me over to her Manor and one of her Hufflepuff friends. She said she had something exciting planned- an adventure!"
No… again Polaris decided not to respond, wondering how he had been invited when he definitely talks with Amelia more than Nathaniel does. Polaris just knew his friend happened to be around and heard 'adventure' and somehow got himself invited as well.
"Um, Pol?" Nathaniel called out, though instead of his usual loud voice, it came out in a harsh, hushed tone, which stopped Polaris.
He turned around to see Nathaniel frozen in place. Not even his arms were moving from where they were in the air. You were practically a statue, and Polaris could see exactly why that was.
They weren't far from each other, so whispering was to each other wasn't out of the question, "That's a Hippogriffin…." Nathaniel whispered, his voice wavering as he started at the animal. It was staring right in their direction. It didn't look too happy with the sounds it was making.
Hippogriffs were carnivorous and dangerous unless they were tamed, which should only be done by a professional witch or wizard.
"What's its classification, Pol?" Nathaniel spoke again, "XXX", Polaris responded, in the same hushed whisper, knowing it wouldn't do any good if they irritated the animal further. Were they in its territory?
Hippogriffs possessed horse bodies, tails, and hind legs, but huge eagle front legs, wings, and heads, with deadly, steel-coloured beaks and large, blazing orange eyes. Their front legs had talons that were half a foot long and looked lethal.
"…Which means?"
"Well, it means 'Competent wizard should cope'," Polaris again responded, "We're competent, right? I mean, we're not dumb," Nathaniel said confidently.
"Do you even know what the word means?" Polaris snapped, "Do you think we have the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to deal with Hippogriffin?" Polaris continued, "Well, counting on those spells we practised, I'm sure we can take it on!" Nathaniel said, trying to motivate himself.
Polaris shrugged his shoulders, his wand already in his hand, "I guess we can kill it", he responded in understanding.
Nathaniel nodded, "Yeah!" he responded… then blinked the words registering in his head. His eyes widened, "NOO!" he yelled, turning to Polaris, "Put your wand down!"n Nathaniel hissed at the confused Polaris.
It charged at them, "DO SOMETHING!" Nathaniel yelled.
"THEN MOVE OUT OF THE WAY, YOU DUMBASS!" Polaris yelled, his frustration leaking out. First, the idiot tells him let's use spells, then shouts at him not to kill it, then yells again, this time telling him to do something. It was ridiculous.
Just as Nathaniel jumped out of the way, Polaris did the same, "I can't find my wand!" Nathaniel shouted from where he was.
"You won't need it," Polaris said under his breath, Nathaniel rarely hearing to words said. He, too, wouldn't need his wand. These creatures were intensely prideful. To avoid their rage, it's best to show them respect. Therefore that was what Polaris was going to do.
It would be handy to gain its trust.
He stood before the raging Hippogriff. Just as he was ready to charge, Polaris locked eyes with it, bowing respectfully. It was proper respect towards Hippogriffs to bow to them, and in return, you wait, and they might bow back. Eye contact must be maintained at all times, without blinking, which Polaris was making sure he was doing.
He remembered reading this. Wild Hippogriffs were dangerous.
"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!"
"Earning its trust, now shut up!"
The Hippogriff seemed to relax from its tense position, just staring at Polaris as he watched him maintain his bow just as he maintained his eye contact.
"It's just standing there", Nathaniel helpfully contributed.
Finally, the Hippogriff bowed back, and Polaris let out a large breath in relief. "So… I'm guessing that's good?" Nathaniel said unsurely as he saw stand from the bowed position and watched him moe towards the gazing hippogriff, who was watching Polaris wearily as the Slytherin approached the magical beast.
He held his hand out just in front of it, making sure to give the animal the space it needed to decide the next course of action, and it did, by moving its snout towards Polaris' hand. Polaris smiled contently, having not expecteed to be face to face with a Hippogriff and ran his hands through it's soft coat.
Nathaniel took slow steps towards it, seeing no reaction from it, he too placed a hand on its soft coat in awe.
"Thank you for not killing us," Nathaniel told the Hippogriff. Polaris turned to him, giving him a look.
"What? Should I not thank it? It could have killed us and eaten our corpse." Nathaniel defended himself while Polaris just gaped, "Ate us?! I really don't think they do that, Nate."
"Why not? I mean, what's the difference between a dead animal and a dead human? They both go meat on their bones, and they both smell bad, seeing as they'd be rotting corpses."
"You're ridiculous."
"How? I think you're just a hater."
"A hater? Seriously? Of what?"
"Of me, obviously! You're definitely the type of person who can't be wrong and has to be always right. Pol, all you had to say was, 'It's a possibility, but instead, you totally shut down the possibility."
"I didn't shut it down, Nate."
"You totally did."
"Well, I totally didn't- why is it sniffing your bag? What do you have in there?" Polaris asked, seeing the Hippogriff nudging at Nathaniel's satchel.
"I have like five sandwiches in here. Perhaps it smells the chicken." Nathaniel responded as he opened it up, taking one out. It was covered in silver, which was the tinfoil. "Do you think they can be taught tricks?" Nathaniel asked as he uncovered the sandwich and proceeded to give it to the animal.
"Um, I don't know? I suppose it could be possible. They can be smart creatures." Polaris responded.
"We should name him", Nathaniel suggested, running his hands through the side of the animal.
"What if it's a she," Polaris said, "We can check- up… definitely a male, which that thing." Nathaniel helpfully told him, which missing a beat, Natheil spoke again. "Griffzilla."
"Griffzilla?" Polaris repeated, the confusion evident in his tone. Nathaniel nodded, "Yea, like godzilla? I think it's cool."
"I don't know what godzilla is, though," Polaris told him, wanting to understand where it was from. Nathaniel snorted, "Well, of course, you wouldn't know."
"Then you won't tell me? You know what? It doesn't matter. Name him whatever cause we're not even keeping him. He belongs to the wild."
"Awee, can we not? People get to keep pets!"
"Yeah, pets… not a bloody Hippogriff!"
"We can make him a pet."
"Aren't we supposed to be saving your friend! Stop trying to argue with me, Nate!"
"Well, she's strong, and… look, her name is still on the map, so that means she's breathing! Now-"
"Let's go, already!" Polaris snapped, already walking towards where they had been walking originally before the appearance of the Hippogriff.
Planning on doing a time skip soon, after his first year summer