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Those Who Lets Innocent People Die Are Scum, But Those Hyporcites Who Think They Are A Good Person, Are Worst Than Scum -Blank Kanvas "Uchiha"


A few days have already passed. During this day's nothing happened, and the devils didn't try anything funny, well sometimes Issei would try challenging blank, Isseis ass got beaten of course. If someone wants to trouble blank he will beat their ass.

He ain't no pushover, If someone tries to annoy him he will kick their ass

Kazuma and Blank would sometimes go to O.R.C., the reason for Kazuma was to know about the supernatural more because his friend is bad at explaining things,

Blank was just going with Kazuma, and to annoy issei, he really didn't have any hate towards issei in the anime in his past life, but oh boy was issei annoying in real life, I mean he always kept blabbering about him being a harem king, and the bastard has the guts to even ogled his body occasionally!!!

Blank of course erased him from existence then made a perfect copy of him, but nobody knows that,

Well ddraig didn't get erased so that's a plus I guess, Ddraig won't notice a difference

Issei won't even know that he is just a clone of the original,

*Insert Evil Laughter*

Blank also searched their memories via mind stone,

It may sound creepy but he just wants to know, what are the changes in canon, after all the moment Jibril appeared the canon was already derailed,

He just wants to know if there are any drastic changes in the anime, he treats this matter seriously as this is now his real life, after all, weeelll~~, he can just leave a part of his soul, to another world, because if he somehow died he can just transmigrate there, and then come back later,


Rias was the same as canon, she still has an arranged marriage for issei to deal with

Akeno is still the same, she still has daddy issues, Zuko and todoroki would be proud if she ACTUALLY uses FIRE.

Kiba still wants to destroy the [Dxd Excalibur's], it would be funny to see how he will react to [Nasuverse Excalibur], hmmm I can make the [Nasuverse Excalibur] later, my [Denial of Nothingness] can create the [Infinity stones] making [Nasuverse Excalibur], would be a piece of cake.

Koneko afraid/hates her sister because the older kitty left the younger kitty basically,

Issei, when I tried to pry in his mind, for some reason mind stone can't read his mind, is it because of the number of boobs he's thinking of right now?

But still for issei to think how many boobs for mind stone cant process, he is an ultra-super pervert, his perverted mind is so strong that even mind stone cant process his perverted thought process.

Jiraya and Master Roshi would be proud.

He still a clone tho*

Anyways Rias's Peerage is essentially problematic, each of them has issues,

Rias has issues with her arranged marriage,

Akeno has Daddy-Issues,

Kiba has issues with a sword,

Shirou is disappointed*

Koneko has issues with his older sister,

And how can we forget The trap-version of Dio, I mean Gasper is a vampire, have blond hair, red eyes he rejected 1/2 of his humanity by becoming a devil, and he can stop time too with his sacred gear, too bad he isn't buff tho he is the only devil I would be happy friends with,

Well ", Dxd Dio" has trust issues, he became a shut-in gamer and living in literally rias' closet.

Issei has a perverted mind that a mind stone cant process, Isseis issue is his entire mind basically

In conclusion, rias' peerage has issues even rias herself, I'm not gonna help them though, they're just gonna have a Character Development in a few arcs or something.

The supernatural world wants Jibrils head,

Zeus wants to r*pe her,

well if he can.

Hera, Aphrodite, and Ishtar want to kill her because Jibril is more beautiful than them,

As expected of The Goddesses of Love, they are all assholes,

When Gilgamesh Rejected Ishtar,

Ishtar Killed Gilgamesh's Best Feind Enkidnu,

Press F to pay respect, to best clay*

When Aphrodite found out that Poseidon r*ped Medusa,

Aphrodite punished Medusa by turning her into a Gorgon,

When Hera found out about Zeus's other affairs with other women,

She punished the woman's that her husband r*ped, like dafuq

Even though Goddesses Of Love have divinity on love, they are still all assholes,

It doesn't make sense,

Angel Faction is still confused about why Jibril looked like them,

Fallen Angel too, Azazel want to meet her because she observed that Jibril is like him, they value knowledge, he thought he could have Jibril as a studying buddy,

What a Madlad wanting to see a wanted woman so that he can have a buddy,

Respect for Azazel


Currently, Blank was walking towards kuoh academy hoping for a normal day. He thinks that today was just any normal day like he planned. But things didn't go his way

As Madara said,

"Nothing goes as planned in this accursed world"

Because as Blank walked toward kuoh academy, he then heard a loud yelp and turned around. He saw a blonde-nun with emerald eyes down on the ground with her bottom sticking up showing her pantsu.

Now he knows that this was Asia Argento, and he isn't that of a degenerate to stare at her ass, and lewding a nun.

I'm looking at you Asta

He knows that Asia only knows Italian the only reason issei have a conversation with her was because of the devil's cheat to translate and hear a language perfectly.

But as a human, he doesn't have that so he quickly ordered Reinhard to implement the whole Italian Language Directly in his brain.

[Acknowledge, Implementing Italian Language Right...Now]

Blank heard Reinhard's voice in his brain, he then feel knowledge as to how to speak Italian directly in his brain, it felt uncomfortable but he can live with it.

"I am sorry for bumping into you sir, are you alright sir?"

Asia asked in Italian, as she stood up and worriedly asked the person she bumped into completely disregarding herself

"Ah y-yes, no need to w-worry"

Blank said in a broken Italian

What do you expect? He just recently acquired it, of course, he isn't gonna speak Italian perfectly.

Asia was taken back that this stranger can understand and talk to her in Italian,

"Oh sorry I didn't introduce myself, My Name is Asia Argento nice to meet you, sir?"

Asia hurriedly apologized and brightly introduced herself

Blank was just confused why Asia would introduce herself to a stranger he never met before,

"Ah, I Am Blank Kanvas I guess.."

Blank said in Italian, slowly adapting and applying the knowledge that Reinhard transferred in his brain.

"Assuming by your outfit you're a nun right?"

Blank said awkwardly

"Yes! do you know where I can find the church?"

Asia said with an innocent smile

When Blank saw Asia's smile, he thought to himself,

"Do I let Asia die like canon or do I save her?"

As Thanos Said,

"The Hardest Decision Requires The Strongest Wills"

"Yes it's over there"

Blank pointed at the location of the abandoned church,

"Thank You Sir Kavas, May Dio(God) Bless you.

(God in Italian is Dio)

Blank just smiled at Asia but inwardly he thought,

" Yes, may a buff, gay, and a time stopping vampire bless me"

But as Blank watched Asia walking towards the abandoned church or the fallen lair,

Blank was having an internal struggle,

"Am I a scum because I let Asia die like canon?


I may be scum, but at least I'm not A scum, who thinks that he is a good person,

I mean why do I need to specifically save Asia?

Is it Because she's an innocent girl that doesn't deserve to die?


then how about the innocent people Jibril killed, did they deserve to die?


So why did I let Jibril kill those innocent people die?, And why do I need to especially save Asia?

I will not delusion myself of being a good person by saving Asia,

I may be scum but at least I'm not a hypocritical scum that thinks he is a good person,

I'm a bad person and a hypocrite with messed up morals, I do not deserve to save someone,

This may seem edgy and stupid like,

what? just because your a bad person you're just gonna let Asia die?


And I am aware that it is a stupid and selfish reason,

Just because Asia is a major character doesn't mean her life is more important than the people I left Jibril to kill,

This is not anime anymore, this is real life, There are no background characters and main characters, it's not like,

"Oh the background character died, psht they didn't matter don't think about it",

and then,

" Noooo!!, Asia died this is so sad she was my favorite waifu, how dare you not save her!!",

I am not like that person,

as a man that values equality, I see those reactions as pathetic,

Well not really,

I Know 'Equality' is a lie,

after all, I will gladly let 100 people die to save my friends,

I am not a certain Emiya,

I see peoples value as, Strangers, Acquaintances, Freinds, Lover, Family, and Me

If I don't know you, I'm not gonna help you, It's none of my business,

If you are my acquaintances, I will help you, but it depends on my mood,

If you are my friend, I will help you, but I will not also grant all of your wishes

If you are my lover, I will help you, but I will not let you rely on me

If you are part of my family I will happily grant all your wishes, except the absurd ones of course,

and finally, Me, I will put all my selfish desires first before any other,

I am a selfish person and I am aware of it"

I monologue inwardly, as I proceed to walk toward kuoh academy,

- - - - - - - - -

Author's Thoughts

Sorry for not publishing a chapter yesterday,

When I was in the middle of writing our internet got cut-off

If you Are bothered about having a clone issei,

I can edit it out,

Sorry for the edgy chapter,

I apologize if this chapter is too short,

I don't really know what to add so,




Those who break the rules are scum,

but those who leave their friends are worst than scum,

-Uchiha Cyclops

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