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Chương 63: Chapter 63: Love > Lust

Strong men have strong wills, sadly I am as weak as a fly so when my lips tasted Ayana's tongue, all my capacity for self-control died faster than the dignity of a teenager when wearing an ahegao-faced shirt.

Maybe my sense of taste and smell was influenced by my skill [Radar Waifu], but since I came to this world I realized that each woman has a unique taste and smell based on her personality.

Ayana had a sweet taste similar to apple punch with cinnamon and honey, an easily addictive sweet taste without being cloying that only caused me to need to enjoy the taste of her without stopping.

As my lips savored Ayana's sweetness, my hands began to caress her soft skin, especially her slim waist that contrasted with her wide buttocks and big breasts.

When my hands reached the back of her hips I felt something hairy touch my fingertips. Ayana's dog tail was constantly twitching like a happy dog ​​which almost made me laugh at her cuteness.

I was tempted to stroke her tail, but when my hands touched the base of her tail, Ayana flinched as a stream of liquid poured from her intimate area.

I parted my lips from her and smiled wryly. - "Aren't you too sensitive?"

Ayana didn't reply, her glassy gaze only looking at me with lust as her heavy breathing was similar to the gasps of a hungry wolf.

I turned to look at the woman next to Mikado and raised an eyebrow when I saw that the woman had a strange expression as she looked at her younger sister.

"Ahem, could you loosen her bonds?" - I coughed uncomfortably when saw the woman's perverted expression.

The woman kept staring at Ayana's body as she nodded. With a movement of her fingers, the bandages that held Ayana's body were removed, releasing the horny inumimi.

When Ayana lost her restraints, she jumped on top of me making me fall back onto the ground.

Since my body is a Metapod I didn't mind my head hitting the ground so I grabbed the back of Ayana's head and brought her face close to mine to kiss her.

As our tongues joined, I used my free hand to open my pants and release my crotch giving me a sense of relief, even if I don't feel pain, having my erection trapped inside my pants is uncomfortable.

Since Ayana was only wearing an open shirt, her lower area was bare allowing my crotch to rub against her wet genitals.

My crotch didn't go directly into Ayana and got caught between her meaty buttocks which fueled my butt fetish.

"What is that monstrosity?!"

"… Big…."

"I hope Ayana can bear something of that size…."

"Hmph, Satou is enjoying too much hmph"

I couldn't pay attention to the female voices as Ayana was unconsciously shaking her hips causing my crotch to get lubricated which was turning me on too much.

At one point Ayana raised her hips and with her right hand held my crotch, she did not seem to have the slightest knowledge about sexual intercourse but her reproductive instincts made her place the tip of my crotch with her intimate area.

I couldn't even ask her if she was completely sure of giving me her virginity as Ayana lowered her hips making my crotch reach deep inside her.

Ayana's movement was so aggressive that in an instant I not only broke her hymen, the tip of my crotch seemed to have followed the Hentai cliche and penetrated her uterus.

['Virgin Hunter' skill activated]

That didn't happen when I did it with Hayasaka even though she's also a virgin.

Doesn't this skill work with anal sex?

I didn't have time to think about my ridiculous abilities as Ayana started to lift and lower her hips hard as if she was trying to crush my hip.

Ayana had her eyes rolled, her tongue was out and she had lost the ability to speak any civilized language, she only let out intense moans mixed with grunts worthy of a hardcore porn movie.

Her inside was warmer than other women I've been with which gave me a nice feeling, I could lie down and enjoy this feeling all day.

Ayana's violent movements made her big breasts jerk uncontrollably as her hard nipples let out a milky white liquid.

I have never liked the lactation fetish, but seeing those big breasts I could not resist the temptation so I reached out to hold her breasts, and leaning forward I took her left nipple with my mouth.

Ayana's milk tasted different from cow's milk and although it was a strange taste, it was not unpleasant so I didn't think about it too much and kept sucking on her nipple while my hands ran over her body.

In no time I felt that my body temperature was increasing while my lust increased, something in Ayana's body was turning me on and it is not because of my love of fluffy ears, I am definitely not a furry.

My erect penis, which was already quite large, became even larger making its shape mark on Ayana's abdomen, but even when my crotch could classify me as an orc, Ayana seemed to enjoy the huge piece of meat that invaded her body.

Even though Ayana seemed to be experiencing the best time of her life, she abruptly pulled away from me causing a large amount of viscous fluid to leak out of her vagina.

Ayana didn't say a word and turned her back to me and then got into a position with her hands on the ground and her hips lifted.

Keeping her butt in my direction, Ayana gave me a pleading look while making sounds similar to a hungry puppy while shaking her hips.

I swallowed hard at such a scene and stood up. My clothes were soaked with Ayana's fluids and it was uncomfortable to wear so I took off my pants and jacket, leaving only my shirt and socks on.

Without hesitation I held her waist and pressed my crotch with her wet hole, when my penis was inside her again, she let out several moans of pleasure and happiness.

Despite her innocent and adorable face, Ayana seemed to enjoy rough sex so I shook my hips hard making my crotch reach deep inside her.

When Ayana had her fifth orgasm I finally felt like ejaculating, my mind was so immersed in the pleasure that I didn't say a word as my semen filled her inside, and even as I released all my load inside her I didn't stop moving my hips what made Ayana's hands lost strength making her lie down on her big breasts on the floor.

I held Ayana's hip preventing her from falling to the ground and continued to penetrate her, she continued to let out weak moans of pleasure as her vagina became a fountain from which a stream of liquid flowed without stopping.

I lost track of time and kept penetrating Ayana, the soft sensation of her butt colliding with my hip was so addictive that I couldn't stop myself.

"Satou, I think that is enough ..."

I heard a voice next to me, but the pleasure that Ayana's body gave me prevented me from paying attention to my surroundings.

"Satou ..."

A hand was put on my arm, it was such a small hand that I didn't feel the slightest force so I couldn't stop myself so I was about to hit the hand to let me continue enjoying Ayana's body, but when the idea of hurting that thin hand crossed my mind, I bit my tongue and pulled my body away from Ayana.

"If you had continued I would have had to stop you" - The woman who prided herself on being a pervert approached Ayana and began to examine her. - "She's fine, she just needs to get some sleep… Oh my pretty Ayana-chan has been stained…. Although this is not as unpleasant as she imagined… Do I have the fetish of receiving netorare?… Oh my pretty little sister~"

The sanity of that woman is worrying ...

"Satou?" - Mikado was quick to grab my shoulder.

I don't know when it happened, but now I'm sitting on the floor, my head is dizzy and I feel sick like I want to throw up.

"What's wrong Satou?" - Mikado looked at me with concern, but I could only see her big breasts.

She is not wearing her usual shirt that shows her deep cleavage, but even with conservative clothing she still has a beautiful appearance that produces me the urge to touch her.

My hands went up unconsciously and when I was about to touch Mikado's breasts I bit my tongue again and lowered my hands.

Through small experiments with Enma I discovered that my abilities do not protect me from self-inflicted injuries so, in theory, I can only die if I commit suicide.

"Satou, you are bleeding!" - Mikado panicked when he saw the blood coming out of the corner of my mouth, but I turned away when she tried to touch me.

"I'm fine, I accidentally bit my tongue" - I tried to show a carefree smile but my head felt too dizzy and although I can't feel pain, the dizziness was making me look blurry.

Mikado ignored me and hastened to grab my face, then opened my eyelid and looked at my pupils.

"Did you ingest any addictive substance or drug?" - Mikado asked me with concern.

"Your gaze is addictive, does that count?" - I smiled slightly as my vision blurred.

"Stop kidding Satou, you are showing severe withdrawal symptoms" - Mikado did not enjoy my little joke and looked more and more concerned.

Abstinence? But I haven't eaten aphrodisiac candies or any other drugs, I don't even like liquor.

I hold my head, I want to go to sleep, but my stupid erection won't calm down and my body feels like it wants to have more sex.

She took out a vial of blue liquid and handed it to me. - "First drink this, it will stop the bleeding of your tongue"

I nodded and drank the blue liquid. It was tasteless and it was like drinking water, but I immediately felt the wound on my tongue close.

"Satou ..." - Mikado's voice made me regain consciousness a bit. - "Could it be that you still want to continue having sex?"

"Eh? Well, yes "- I nodded in confusion.

Mikado sighed. - "It seems that you have hypersexuality"

"What?" - I'm even more confused, that sounds like something porn.

"It is sex addiction, normally it can be due to psychological factors or dependence on certain narcotics, but in your case, it can be a consequence of your dangerous level of testosterone" - Mikado explained professionally as she took off her lab coat. - "Normally people with hypersexuality are unable to control their own desires and fantasies, but in your case, you keep your desires under control, which is having a negative effect on your health since your mind is under too much stress"

"And did you know all that just by looking into my eyes?" - I didn't know whether to be surprised or stunned.

"It's a theory I've had since I started doing you blood tests" - Mikado began to unbutton her shirt. - "If I'm not mistaken, today you had sex two or three times, but it was sex that left you unsatisfied so your sexual frustration is accumulating"

I looked blankly and then sighed. - "I understand, I am an animal in heat that is getting sick from trying to be a decent person, the only thing I do not understand is why you are stripping"

Mikado smiled kindly, it was not her usual kind smile, but there was an unusual affection that I have only seen in women with whom I have a more intimate relationship like Anida and Asagi.

"Are you really going to ask me that?" - Mikado pinched my cheek with a slightly angry smile.

Mikado had undressed showing her sexy black lace underwear, the thin fabric not only reinforced her innate sex appeal, the fact that she kept her semi-transparent black stockings made me think that it was a bad idea to tell her about my fetishes, or maybe it was a good idea ... I don't know what I'm thinking anymore, in my mind, there are only Mikado's thighs with black stockings.

"Ahem, I don't know what to say ..." - I swallowed hard trying to suppress my fierce desire to enjoy Mikado's body.

"If you don't know what to say then don't say anything" - Mikado sat on my lap as her arms wrapped around my shoulders.

The only thing keeping our genitals from touching was the thin layer of fabric from her underwear, but somehow that turned me on even more.

"I ... I have a lover ... Well, I have several lovers..." - My gaze traveled over Mikado's body making my heart race.

Mikado started kissing my neck. - "And what? Do you want me to become one of your lovers? "

"I ..." - I was about to refuse and tell her that I just wanted us to be friends, that I enjoy chatting with her without any romantic relationship involved, but I couldn't lie. - "If that's what I want…"

Mikado stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes while smiling. - "You see it? It wasn't that difficult, you need to be honest with what you want, you can't keep pleasing others without thinking about yourself "

I don't think I'm a disinterested man like Mikado thinks, after all, I'm just a perverted idiot and can't even control my own lust.

"Satou, don't think about unnecessary things, focus on this moment, just look at my body" - Mikado didn't let me get into self-deprecating thoughts and started kissing me.

Her little mouth tasted as sweet as a juicy apple, but there was still a ripe, refreshing, and comforting taste, I can only compare the taste to apple cider.

Mikado had started to move her hips making our genitals rub, wetting her underwear.

After a few minutes of kissing, Mikado extended one of her hands to my crotch while her other hand broke her stockings and then pushed the fabric of her panties away.

"Are you sure about this?" - I asked while my gaze did not leave the place where our genitals were about to join.

"Do you always ask the same thing when you're about to have sex?" - Mikado smiled wryly. - "Although it is nice that you are so considerate, if you doubt everything, women might believe that you are the one who does not want to have sex with them, which will make them feel that they are despised, remember this, the difference between a gentleman and a coward is that cowards only generate pity, not love"

That sounds like something important, I'll make a mental note of that.

Mikado lowered her hips allowing me to enter inside her.

Although she was not a virgin, the tightness of her insides was comparable to a young, inexperienced girl like Hayasaka.

Mikado did not put my entire crotch inside her, she could only receive a third of my crotch since that was enough for her body to tremble while her vagina was moistening, she seemed to be in a sensitive moment and the smallest of movements could make her reach orgasm.

I smiled gently and gently moved my body as my hands held her hips making sure she could reach a satisfying orgasm.

"W-Wait!" - Mikado could not react when the pleasure crossed her body making her arch her back which made her big breasts press against my face, sadly she still had her bra on, but the sensation of having her big breasts with erotic lingerie on my face it was exciting.

The feminine smell and the softness of her breasts on my face increased my arousal so with gentle movements I made sure to make Mikado feel pleasure with every breath and movement.

Practice makes perfect, and since I have had sex almost every day since I came to this world, I have enough experience to recognize the pleasure points of each woman to the point that it amazes me that my system did not give me a related skill to finding erogenous areas.

I used my fingertips to caress Mikado's lower back making her shiver with pleasure.

The spine is a sensitive area due to nerve endings, so many people feel ticklish when being stroked on the back.

In order for Mikado to enjoy the pleasure without feeling uncomfortable due to the tickling, I focused my caresses on the parts with greater muscle mass on her back while using the combination of my skills [Vibrator Mode] and [Magic Fingers].

This combination of skills has the potential to make me one of the best masseurs in the world, but when used during sex I have found that it can not only make women enjoy deep pleasure, but also help reduce stress, sleep problems, and muscle wasting.

My abilities showed their magic as Mikado hugged me tightly while pressing her head on my shoulder, although it was sad to no longer have her glorious breasts on my face, being able to hear her erotic gasps directly in my ear was nice.

Now I understand why many people like ASMR of beautiful women whispering, or maybe it's just some weird fetish, I don't know.

Although Mikado was not a virgin, it is likely that she had little experience in sexual matters because in less than an hour she was already out of combat so I stopped my movements due to my fear of hurting her.

Although Mikado turned out to have much less stamina than Ayana, and even Hayasaka performed better despite being a schoolgirl with no supernatural abilities, I was not disappointed with Mikado's performance, on the contrary, it was as if the deep emptiness in my chest was finally able to fill itself allowing the strange destructive impulse within me to disappear.

Maybe the affectionate sex I had with her was what my body needed rather than the lustful and chaotic sex I had with Olga, Hayasaka, and Ayana.

Does the all-powerful power of love help me control my endless lust? The power of rainbows and flowers is so clichéd in anime that it wouldn't surprise me if I'm right.

Well, at least it is not the power of friendship, that would be absurd since I am not in a shonen world but in a hentai world.

I smiled gently upon hearing Mikado's calm breathing on my shoulder, she had fallen asleep soundly with her head resting on my shoulder.

I hugged her around her waist and gently lifted her so I could get my crotch out of her intimate area. Even though I didn't ejaculate inside of her since she passed out before I could reach an orgasm, her vagina shed a lot of female fluids.

I gently hugged Mikado to keep her from falling and tried to get up but was stunned to see two large mounds of meat approaching my face.

"What are you doing?" - I asked the woman in absolute confusion who should be Ayana's older sister.

When Mikado arrived, all my attention was on Ayana so I didn't pay much attention to the woman and due to my lust, I only focused on looking at her big breasts that were only covered with a thin bandage.

Now that I see her up close she is quite beautiful and with her voluptuous figure it would not be difficult if she became a supermodel, but surprisingly I did not feel the slightest panic to have her around, even with the medications I take she should make me feel a bit uncomfortable, but for some reason, her presence doesn't bother me at all, although I wish she hadn't completely undressed showing me her genitals.

"It is not obvious?" - The woman rolled her eyes as if she were talking to an idiot. - "I'm going to let you fuck me"

"..." - Lucky Pervert attacks again or what the hell is going on?

The woman pointed to my crotch which was covered with feminine fluids. Despite all the action, this siege weapon was still completely tough making me sigh for my unlimited stamina.

"Ryouko is a bookworm so her resistance is only a little higher than normal humans, if you keep having sex with her you could hurt her" - The woman sighed as if she were a teacher trying to teach an idiot student. - "Since Ryouko needs to rest and I don't want my cute little sister to be used as a sex toy, I'll let you use my body until you're satisfied, and you don't have to worry, I received several genetic enhancements so I can last one or two days without a break. "

…. Why do her words make me look like a degenerate?


An angry cry made the woman and I turn to the corner of the room. There was Lala who was looking at me with an expression of anger and sadness, her eyes with little tears could make my heart panic if it weren't because she was naked, and seeing the liquid in her hands I can tell that she had been masturbating.

Who was the bastard who corrupted the cute and innocent Lala?!

"You can't sleep with Satou! Satou is my husband!" - Lala screamed with an expression of pain, although her naked appearance made her look like a pervert.

I sighed and looked at Ayana's sister, she also looked at me and somehow we managed to strike up a conversation through our gazes.

"Try to calm your little wife" - The woman rolled her eyes.

"Can you take care of Mikado?" - I sighed.

"Okay, but hurry up, the look of that girl begins to scare me ..." - The woman smiled bitterly.

"Okay" - I looked at Lala who had lowered her gaze making her bangs cover her eyes as she murmured under her breath.

Innocent little Lala is no more and now I have an alien version of Yuno Gasai, this depresses me.

I sighed gently and moved Mikado, Ayana's sister approached and carefully carried the beautiful sleeping nurse.

"Good luck, I hope they don't stab you" - The woman smiled sarcastically.

"Thank you, I hope your sister does not become your brother-in-law" - I smiled with contempt.

"..." - The woman froze. - "Bastard…."

"That's not an insult, I'm literally an Ugly Bastard" - I sighed.

The woman smirked, but then she frowned. - "Hey, why do we communicate so well through looks?"

"..." - Only now did I realize that we have not said a single word and we are not using telepathy, only looks.

"I hope this does not mean that I have a good compatibility with you" - The woman sighed sadly. - "Oh my pretty little sister, save me from the massive dick of this bald man"


I ignored the woman and headed over to Lala.

"Satou is my husband but he ignores me…. I arrived first…. Maybe if I do a huge wedding he will stop ignoring me? .... "

Damn it, Lala's whispers are scaring me.

I have a passive ability that generates yander?! Answer me system!

[System reminder:

An achievement has been obtained: Make a girl with the status of 'Princess' who is in love with another man choose the user over whom she considers hers 'Prince'.

Reward: Skill 'Princess Corruption (C)']

[Princess Corruption: Why fight the hero if you can steal his girlfriend?

Women with 'Princess' status who perform sexual acts with the user have a high probability of being corrupted through pleasure.

Corruption can cause uncontrolled lust, nymphomania, obsession, addiction, and other dependency-related mental disorders.

Warning: If the user does not give adequate attention to the princesses there is a high probability of causing mental problems derived from possessiveness]

FUCKING SYSTEM! Why do not you tell me before?!

[System notification: The skill 'Princess Corruption (C)' was obtained during the subjugation of Kaguya Shinomiya]

…. Ah, at the time I was so distracted with pleasure that I didn't even notice the system notifications. I'm sorry system, it's my fault.

Anything else I forgot to see because I was too focused on sex?

[New skills gained: Plum Destroyer (F). Furry Lover (F)]

[Plum Destroyer: A man is not afraid of uncharted territories!

Constantly increases the pleasure in women during anal sex. In case the woman's anus is virgin, it lessens pain and prevents tearing of the anus even if the user is violent]

[System notification: Skill gained from taking Ai Hayasaka's anal virginity]

[Furry Lover: It's not zoophilia, I swear!

The user gives off a scent with relaxing effects for women with animal characteristics, the effect is doubled in women with fluffy ears and tails (Nekomimi, inumimi, kitsune, etc.).

If the user is in a state of sexual arousal, the smell will awaken the reproductive instincts of women with animal characteristics]

[System notification: Skill obtained by obtaining Ayana Hizuki's virginity]



I wanted to scream in outrage, but then I remembered a problem.

"Satou is mine ... Satou is my husband ... I don't want to lose him ..."

Lala is not only the princess of the largest galactic empire, but her hair is also pink, and most waifus with pink hair has a loose bolt or two on their heads.

I sighed, goodbye to my cute Lala and hello Yuno Gasai alien version.

What worries me the most is that even when Lala acts like a yandere about to stab her unfaithful boyfriend, I still think she's cute.

Yes, I'll ask Mikado to give me a psychiatric exam.



Author's Note:

I'm happy, I have a new assistant so I'll show you a photo, she looks like a working and professional woman but she doesn't talk much, or well, it would be more worrying if she started talking ...

I think that having been 5 days in a row with alcohol and partying have damaged my sanity.

(In case you're wondering, yes, I was writing while partying, I'm a dedicated author)

Anyway, a hug <3

Bukaro Bukaro

ww w. patr eon . com / Bukaro

For advanced chapters, stories, drawings, and more ~


https: // ko-fi.com / bukaro

For donations from your heart <3

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