It then dawned on King Fayziel and Prince Kayziel. They looked at each other as the same word appeared in their minds.
It was the only thing that was deadly to an Elf. When they are around it, they grow weak. Weaker than a old human. When it touches them, it burns their flesh and they can never heal from it.
Now that it's inside them, they knew it. They were all going to die.
Prince Berthiel, who was the youngest amongst all the elves was naturally weaker and had zero tolerance for iron so his body reacted quicker.
Everyone watched in horror as he completely collapsed on the floor, writhing and moaning in pain, bleeding from his eyes, nose, ears and mouth. He kept clutching his throat, coughing and choking on his own blood. The sight was gory and downright frightening.
King Fayziel could not watch his son in such agony. "You evil bastard!" he yelled with a wave of his hand.