In the middle of a pure white room, there laid a child seemingly passed out on the floor, but within moments his body jolted up. Ivan had been practicing magic nonstop for the past 3 days.
After looking at his trembling hands, he was reminded of what he had done. Ivan didn't know them personally, but they could have had family or people who go cared for them. Unlike him, who grew up only hating his parents for abandoning him.
But still, Ivan had to keep getting stronger, for the hope he one day could escape here. Not only had he been training in magic and building up his body, he had been searching for information that could help him escape.
While Ivan was finally relaxing, he took out two bottled up souls. Ivan had been wondering what to do with them, but he finally understood what they where best used.
The first soul went to his golem, because yesterday he used the golem to tank all in coming attacks from the enemy, from this Ivan understood that he couldn't just use the souls for him self.
When Ivan infused the soul into the golem, it transformed into a canine, it's 'fur' was made of moss, the ears of the beast were as sharp as daggers, it's teeth was already in a snarl.
Ivan walked up in front of it and patted its head, which it seemed to enjoy, as it's snarl became a smile. Turning to the other soul, Ivan decided to keep it for later.
After completing his only interesting thing today, Ivan became depressed again. He unwillingly got up and walked to the kitchen, where he ate omelettes and bacon. Food that was once amazing, now tasted dull and bitter, as Ivan now understood his circumstances.
Ivan walked through the once novel infinite hallway, that now was only repetitive, and cuts down his training time. As Ivan walked through the doors, he saw something odd about the room.
There were many more machines, as if there was going to be another person training here. Taking note of this peculiar addition to the gym, Ivan walked towards the track to start his daily run.
As he was running his last lap, Ivan did his normal training cycle, he did strength training first, like push-ups, pull ups, weights, etc. Then he did reaction/ agility training, rock climbing, dueling with a live training dummy, arrow doge, etc. Last he practiced with his preferred weapon, a bow.
Ivan had thought of many different strategies with many different weapons, but as few actually worked well with magic in his eyes, Ivan chose the bow. His strategy is simple keep enemies far away with magic.
Some ways he could do this is by, making a pillar of stone under him if anyone gets close, turn a strip of land into tar or ice, push enemies back with strong winds, blinding them with sunlight, etc.
In his last battle he tested the strategy out, and it worked. His enemy couldn't get to him before it was impaled by stone. Though it was a good strategy, it was not a perfect one.
Someone could be fast enough to get to him, before the magic stops them. One could power through the magic to get to him, or out smart Ivan to open a weak spot to strike at. But out of all of them, Ivan's greatest weakness, is if the enemy is immune/ resistant to magic.
That is another reason Ivan chose the bow, it can deal physical damage from far away. The thing is, his enemy could be immune to ranged attacks.
How Ivan plans to deal with this problem is, to use potions. Ivan walked into the vibrant 'jungle', which was the greenhouse. Ivan put on gloves, and walked to a plant that oozed an aura of death.
Ivan then tore a leaf off, then walked over to a plant, that faintly released an aura of life, then tore a leaf off. Ivan walked to a cauldron, threw the two leaf in, he started chanting odd words, while stirring the cauldron with a stirring spoon.
After a 15 minutes of nonstop stirring and chanting, there was a green liquid that smelled of death, Ivan took out a ladle to scoop out some of the liquid, and poured it out into a bottle.
I should’ve named this chapter “foreshadowing” as that is all it is.
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