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80.82% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 311: CHAPTER 303(While Horizon Is Away Pt.III)

Chương 311: CHAPTER 303(While Horizon Is Away Pt.III)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


"So how does that work exactly?" Edgeshot asks Tsukuyomi.

They were both sitting on a rooftop overlooking a massive warehouse, but even from here Tsukuyomi stretched Dark Shadow in a thin line through the night sky. It extended over to the warehouse roof, and was looking inside.

"I can extend my senses through Dark Shadow, but it has limits, and takes focus," Tsukuyomi says.

"Any movement?" Edgeshot asks as he sees on nearby rooftops other Pro Heroes begin moving in.

"The people inside haven't moved, it seems they're quite relaxed..."

"Good," Edgeshot raises a hand to his earpiece. "Our site is ready, confirm when ready."

Multiple other team leaders across Japan confirm that their assault teams are ready to enter the buildings.

"Perimeter teams?" Edgeshot asks.

"Ready," Mt. Lady is the first to respond, and he looks across a few rooftops to see her in position.

He receives confirmation from other heroes from the various locations as well.

"Alright, we go loud in 30 seconds," Edgeshot says.

He nods to Tsukuyomi as the countdown begins, and the boy retracts Dark Shadow, returning the nod.

Tsukuyomi mentally commands Dark Shadow to cloak his body, acting as armor and muscle on his exposed skin and head while four glowing red eyes cover his organic eyes, giving him a full mask.

"The kids these days are scary," Edgeshot mutters.

"Only for villains," Tsukuyomi speaks, and it sounds as if two voices were crudely mixed together.

"I know, that's why you're working with me after this."


Edgeshot shrugs, "Cellophane told me you aren't working with Hawks anymore, so, why not? You don't want to?"

"No it's just, I'm honored, thank you," Tsukuyomi says.

"I'm sure you'll fit right in..."

As Edgeshot says that, the timer finishes and everyone moves at once.

He flattens himself into a drill with the width of a pistol bullet and rockets through the air, almost breaking the sound barrier as he punches a thin hole through the warehouse.

Moving faster than anyone else there, he was the first to get inside.

'Hmm, Foldabody, the superior version to Tiger's Pliabody. It looks a bit odd up close,' Tsukuyomi thinks.

'The ability to manipulate your body and become paper thin, or fold yourself like origami. If I recall correctly Egypt's #1 Pro Her can flatten himself as thin as paper, but he's not very useful outside of running faster. If Edgeshot went there he'd easily take his title.'

His thoughts are interrupted as automatic gunfire goes off inside the warehouse.

He focuses on Dark Shadow, enhancing its vision so he can see through the small windows, but all he sees inside is chaos.

Bodies were flying about, with fire and electricity flashing ever so often.

"Mt. Lady, runners at the side entrance," Edgeshot says through the communicator.

Tsukuyomi glances to the side in time to see Mt. Lady jump off the rooftop and activate her Quirk, growing while falling to break her fall.

Seconds later a 20.68m -67ft 8- tall Mt. Lady is rushing to the side of the building.

"Tsukuyomi, the roof," Edgeshot commands, and he sees two villains punch their way through the warehouse roof and land atop it.

Tsukuyomi leaps off his rooftop and flies over using Dark Shadow, and before they can even notice, their attention is already fixed on Mt. Lady at the side of the building.

He crashes into one of them, kicking the man in the arm.

"Ah--!" the man yells as he goes tumbling across the large rooftop, immediately knocked unconscious.


Tsukuyomi is shot in the back by the other man, but Dark Shadow resides between his Hero Costume and his skin.

With this new Hero Costume that Horizon suggested, made from an extremely elastic material, he could keep Dark shadow below the surface, hidden in the dark to act as armor and gather strength.


The man shoots Tsukuyomi as he turns around and begins walking to him, "drop the gun!"


Many more bullets slam into Tsukuymi's chest, but Dark Shadow seeps through his semi-permeable costume to protect the fabric, easily taking the rounds, and the boy beneath feels nothing.

He simply keeps walking toward the shaking villain, four glowing red eyes staring up at the taller man as he closes in.

"Surrender," Tsukuyomi's haunting voice says.

"Never," the man flexes his arms and both hands extend blades from the palms.

"Annoying," Tsukuyomi says as the man rushes forward, holding the blades out to skewer him.

Not even bothering to look at the man in front of him Tsukuyomi turns to the side, seeing the villain Mt. Lady is confronting has grown to be slightly shorter than her.

The man was standing at 15m -45ft-, looking up at Mt. Lady, but they were both in a standoff.

He didn't want to fight a group of Pro Heroes, but he also couldn't surrender, and she didn't want to fight a fellow giant and damage the area.

She's had enough trouble paying off her Hero Insurance as is...

At least that's what Tsukuyomi assumed, until he saw a Pro Hero in the man's grasp, just one flex away from being splattered.

Tsukuyomi begins walking toward the giants, striding across the rooftop as the man with blades in his palms rushes at him.

When the man gets within striking distance, Dark Shadow forms two car-door-sized hands and crushes him between them, breaking the blades and knocking him out.

All while Tsukuyomi didn't spare him a glance, or lose a single step.

"Large man!" both the giants look over for a moment to see Tsukuyomi addressing them from the nearby rooftop, at shoulder level with the man.

"Huh?" the man locks his eyes back onto Mt. Lady immediately. "Anyone move and I crush him, all you heroes need to get out of here, now!"

The man raises the Pro Hero in his grasp so Tsukuyomi can see him properly, not that he recognizes the man.

"We don't want anyone to get hurt," Mt. Lady says. "Look, you're outnumbered and outgunned, if you surrender it will look better for you later, I promise."

"No way!" the man looks between them frantically. "I'm never going back! I'll die before I---"

For just a moment while he was speaking, waving his arms around, he moved the Pro Hero close enough to the roof, and Tskuyomi struck.

Dark Shadow was lightning fast, slamming into the hand holding the hostage and then moving like liquid.

Seeping through the gaps between his fingers and expanding, easily beating his grip strength and pulling the hostage away.

Tsukuyomi doesn't bother to retract Dark Shadow, instead, the energy creature simply flicks the extended large arm for a moment and throws the rescued hostage toward Mt. Lady.

"Wow!" she steps forward and gently catches the man, taking a few steps back to cushion the blow while cradling him in her hands.

"Are you ok?" she asks the man.

"Yeah, just, really embarrassed," the man says. "Being saved by a kid is gonna look really bad on my record."

"I don't think that's a normal kid," Mt. Lady says with wide eyes as she looks forward.

The man follows her line of sight, and is both horrified and impressed.

For how else could he feel while watching Tsukuyomi use the same shadow energy arm that saved him, to strangle the giant villain, all while holding the man slightly off the ground?

Mt. Lady notices the noise in the warehouse has already stopped and begins walking closer to Tsukuyomi.

"Wow, that's impressive," she says, seeing the giant still being held aloft while Dark Shadow strangles him.

"More difficult than it looks," Tsukuyomi says with some difficulty, even the armor on his body was now gone as all his focus was on this villain.

After a few more seconds the man begins to return to his normal size and Tsukyuomi simply drops him into Mt. Lady's hands.

The Pro Hero in her hand checks on the man while she moves one hand to unconsciously rub her throat, 'he seriously choked out a gigantified villain...'

"Can I get a ride?" Tsukuyomi asks.

"Oh, sure," she lowers a hand for him to step onto it. "Thank you," they begin making their way to the others.

"So, you're a lot stronger than the other kids on Team Horizon huh," Mt. Lady says.

"Yes," Tsukuyomi says. "With Horizon off duty for some time, the team needed someone to fill his shoes in regards to combat power."

"Wow, that's a lot to live up to."

"Living up to it is impossible, he simply needs someone to be the 'heavy hitter' for the team, that, is why I am here..."

---At The Same Time, Tokyo...

Stepping out of a heavily tinted car, Shigaraki and Dabi look around the mostly empty warehouse they're in.

They see two men standing behind a woman, eyeing them suspiciously.

The men were wearing simple suits while the woman wore a grey dress, her striking features softened as she eyed Shigaraki.

Dabi wore his standard black pants and white t-shirt, now with a new black coat.

And in front of him, Shigaraki wore a similar outfit, but with a black t-shirt and a larger, fur-lined coat.

"You said you had something interesting for me," Shigaraki says.

"Yes, a very rare thing, mutual interests," she says, all while eyeing him seductively. "I represent a group that wants a foothold into Japan, and you may be exactly the way we get it."

"Keep talking."

"We're prepared to fund your movement with weapons and other war materials you need," she says. "And judging by the fact that you came here by car and not Warp Gate, I'd say you require more support."

"And what would we have to do?" Shigaraki asks. "I assume its something impossible."

"For most, yes, but not for you," she licks her lips. "Because you are powerful, truly powerful..."

Dabi looks between the woman and Shigaraki, not at all used to people being interested in his boss, at least not like this.

"Keep talking."

"We can call a meeting of top-ranking politicians, Pro Heroes, and businessmen. All we need is for you to put five fingers down nearby and clear the board. That makes way for our people to swoop in and get a stranglehold of Japan's economy.

In exchange for that, you get a large war chest to fund your plans to dominate Japan, and we get to sell off assets for many times more than we bought them for after you take over, everyone wins."

"And what about you?" Shigaraki asks. "What do you want, personally?"

She pauses for a moment, never having been asked this before by anyone she's been sent to meet.

They lock eyes for an intense minute before she seductively walks up to him and rests an arm on his shoulder, leaning forward.

"I want to see what the most powerful villain in the world is really capable of," she barely gets the words out before their lips meet.

Dabi uses all the willpower he has not to react as he's forced to awkwardly stand there and endure this entire event.

After they part, and she catches her breath, Shigaraki speaks.

"And what happens if I don't want to play along?" 

She looks a bit confused by that, "Well, I'll tell my boss we need to get someone else to do it, and hopefully, you and I can go have dinner, or skip dinner..."

"Hmm, I thought as much," Shigaraki puts both hands on her hips and pulls her body against his. "You said you wanted to see what the most powerful villain in the world was capable of, right?"

He can feel her shivering from excitement in his arms, "yes, oh god yes..."

"Well, that villain, is Horizon."



Two blasts of blue fire incinerated her men before they could react.

"What are you doing?" she tries to get away from Shigaraki but he easily holds her in place. Long enough for Dabi to walk up and kick her in the side of the knee, shattering it.

"Ahhh!" she screams as Shigaraki lets her fall.

"Tempting, very tempting," Shigaraki says. "Both you and that plan, but I can't have anyone giving Japan a reason to call Horizon back onto board. The longer that monster is trapped in UA the better."

Shigaraki turns and begins walking to the car while Dabi drags her by her hair behind him.

"We'll rip the answers we need out of your head at base, then if you're still interested we'll skip dinner," Shigarkai says as Dabi tosses her into the trunk. "Right now, I just don't need anyone doing something stupid to get Horizon back onto the field. I need these precious few months to build my arm..."

Dabi slams the trunk shut and they both get back into the car.

As the driver pulls out onto the street and they begin moving, Dabi looks over at his boss.

"So, is this how all your first dates go, or is she just that special?"

Shigaraki rolls his eyes, "you'd better not tell anyone about this."

"We both know I'm telling everyone about this..."


Chương 312: CHAPTER 304(While Horizon Is Away Pt. IV)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene 


---Horizon Tower, 2 AM...

"Where the hell is it," Tokoyami mutters as he searches Horizon's bedroom.

He was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, his usual sleepwear, but currently, both he and Dark Shadow were searching the room.

The shadow creature was busy inspecting Horizon's walk-in closet while Tokoyami was checking the cabinets in the room.

Suddenly Tokoyami receives some information through Dark Shadow that surprises him.

He walks over to the closet with a curious look, then steps in to see more than half the space occupied by women's clothes.

"This isn't what I expected," Tokoyami mutters as he retracts Dark Shadow.

"Yo Tokoyami! You still in here?!" Shinso calls out from the bedroom.

"I'm in here," Tokoyami says as he walks back into the bedroom, seeing Shinso in casual clothes, sitting at the edge of Horizon's bed with a large bowl of popcorn.

"Why were you in his closet?" Shinso eats some popcorn.

"I was looking for the sword, I couldn't find it in here anywhere."

"Oh, did nobody show you?" Shinso sets down the bowl and walks over to the wall above Horizon's backboard.

"Show me what?"

Shinso simply taps a spot on the wall and then places his hand on it, and seconds later a hidden compartment opens.

Tokoyami's eyes widen as he sees Scalpel resting comfortably in the hidden compartment, alongside a collection of 18 Gold Ingots.

"What in the world?" Tokoyami looks both amazed and confused. "Why was this necessary?"

Shinso removes the sword and places it on the bed before grabbing a Gold Ingot, straining slightly to hold it before tossing it with both hands over to Tokoyami.

"Hngh!" Tokoyami catches it and stares down at it.

"Horizon keeps this stuff here 'Just in case', whatever that means," Shinso says. "Your biometrics are in the tower database so you can open it too. I guess he expected us to explain this stuff eventually, but we kind of forgot."

"Explain that he keeps gold in the tower?" Tokoyami asks as Dark Shadow gently returns the Gold Ingot.

"Not just that," Shinso sits on the bed eating his popcorn. "Horizon tower was broken into a few months ago, Horizon's...lady friend, got hurt, pretty badly."

"That explains the women's clothes in his closet," Tokoyami says. "So all that stuff about him not partaking in relationships?"

"That's just crap he says for the camera, sells the whole 'True Hero' image better. Honestly, he's played around with Momo and Jiro for a bit, but he's been pretty consistent with Ryuko since they first met."

"Ryuko, so the rumors about him and the Dragon Hero were true."

"No, not that Ryuko, the other Ryuko, Pixie-Bob, from the summer camp last year."

"Wow, I never would have guessed that, she always seemed so sweet, and he's---"

"Yeah, but she's got a whole other side to her that he tends to bring out, it's kind of annoying how nice they go together," Shinso admits. "But yeah the tower got attacked, she was here, and the issue got resolved."

"What does that mean?"

"It means all we get to know is that 'the issue got resolved,' and now Horizon Tower has more security and some other emergency systems," Shinso seals up the secret compartment and gets up. "As part of team Horizon, emergency procedures fall onto you as well."

"I don't see how the gold plays a part in that," Tokoyami admits as he follows Shinso out of the room. "If Horizon ever gives us the word, we grab the few people we care about the most and ditch Japan."

Tokoyami chuckles, "That's absurd, what villain could ever threaten Japan in such a way?"

"I don't think that plan is because of villains," Shinso says as they enter the living room. "Do remember who the leader of our team is..."

"Oh, right," Tokoyami walks over and sits on the couch, drawing the sword and inspecting it.

Shinso sits beside him and begins searching for a movie to watch as Sero is on the floor wracking his brain to finish his Project for Ms. Midnight.

On the other couch, Juzo is lying across it completely asleep after writing and sending Horizon their team report after last night's raids.

"Can't one of you jerks just let me copy your project?" Sero asks, again.

"You're almost done anyway, just hurry up so we can start the movie," Shinso says.

"We kicked so much ass and then we have to come back here and do homework, this sucks," Sero says.

"Yeah yeah, get over it, at least we have tomorrow off so you don't have to train," Shinso says. "Aren't the girls coming here tomorrow?"

"Why else do you think I'm trying to get this done tonight, I won't have any time later."

"Well while you three are having quality time with your girlfriends, I'll be mastering the blade," Tokoyami says, methodically moving Scalpel through the air.

Sero gives him an unimpressed look, "you do know everyone here trained to use a sword, right?"

"Wait, what?" Tokoaymi looks between them.

"Ryuko too, she's actually better than Juzo and I," Shinso says.

That knocks the spirit out of Tokoyami for a moment, "well, I'll be the only one aside from Horizon who uses it regularly in combat, so I need more practice than all of you."

"Why do you even want to use a sword, can't you become a giant or something?" Shinso asks as Sero gets back to work.

"I'm learning the technique, it will pair nicely with Dark Shadow, after I master hardening my Quirk, like my armor, or in this case, blades."

"And he likes swords," Sero says without looking at them.

"That too..."

After a few more minutes Juzo's phone alarm goes off and he jolts awake.

"Turn on the Global Hero News Network!" he says before opening his eyes fully.

"Alright, jeez," Shinso pauses the movie and turns on the GHNN Channel.

The screen shows a gorgeous Japanese reporter, but behind her is the Eiffel Tower in the distance, basking in the rays of the setting sun.

"We come to you live from Paris," the reporter says. "As top Pro Heroes from all around the world make their way through the plaza for the International Heroes Conference.

Held annually, this year Frace won the bidding war to host this prestigious event, and now the Pro Heroes are showing up in force to represent the good of this world."

"Oh good, we didn't miss her," Juzo says.

"Miss who?" Sero asks.

"Her," Juzo says as Star and Stripe gently flies into the plaza for everyone to see. Seeing her wearing her usual Hero Costume with a bit more flare added for the occasion, he can't help but voice his thoughts, "Do you guys think Horizon could take her?"

"Well, she's a lot more muscular than his usual women, and she's barely a hair shorter than him, so I don't know about that," Sero says. "But if you mean in a fight, yeah I'd bet on him."

"I wouldn't," Juzo says. "I mean he said as much, that's why he's currently working on his incomplete Quirk Awakening after all. After he perfects it she won't stand a chance though."

"We don't even know what her Quirk does," Tokoyami says.

Simon nods, "From the looks of it, her Quirk can do anything, with even fewer restrictions than Horizon, but not all of her effects are permanent. Her ability to manipulate the world is more versatile in some regards, but his are more absolute."

"If two Mystery Class people fight, won't it come down to whichever one snaps their fingers first?" Sero asks. "I mean isn't their whole thing being able to do anything, so they could just stop the other person's heart instantly."

"I don't think it works quite like that," Juzo says. "A year ago Horizon said she would beat him with absolute certainty, now he believes the outcome is more balanced."

"Well, they've got to meet eventually, so then we can just ask him," Shinso says.

After twenty more minutes of Pro Heroes from across the world arriving at the event, the channel suddenly cuts to a different broadcast.

"Breaking news!" a reporter says as live footage of Washington DC plays in the background. "As you can see the Whitehouse is under siege by a group calling themselves The Evoluationaries!"

"Holy shit," Juzo mutters. "The first time Star' leaves the United States since she became a Pro Hero and they instantly attack the Whitehouse."

"This group has now confirmed that they have been responsible for many attacks all across the United States Of America, including the failed nuclear strike against Manhattan just over one year ago!

Their leader has now revealed himself to be John Sev! But the world will know him as the United States Former #1 Overall Pro Hero: Optics!"

"No way, he's a villain!" Sero says in disbelief.

"He is currently personally leading the attack on the Whitehouse after uploading his declaration of war against what he deems the 'improper and artificial order of mankind', and sadly, he is far from being alone.

Hundreds of Pro Heroes all across America had secretly rallied to his cause, causing a nationwide Pro Hero civil war to erupt..."

"Wait a minute," Tokoyami says. "Why would they even bother with this, won't Star and Stripe just fly back to America and put an end to this?"

"Think about it," Juzo says. "They waited for her to leave, the head villain is a former #1 Pro Hero in America, so he must have known she was leaving somehow, and he's personally targeting the Whitehose, where the president still is."

"He wants to take the president hostage," Tokoyami says.

"You're thinking too small," Sero says. "Star' is Mystery Class, do you think one hostage would be enough to stop her or Horizon?"

"No, you'd have to...to...oh god," Tokoyami comes to the horrific realization.

"They plan to get control of the nukes and hold the country hostage," Shinso says...


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