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66.57% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 254: CHAPTER 250(Arsenal's Legacy)

Chương 254: CHAPTER 250(Arsenal's Legacy)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


When Horizon arrived at the destroyed city, the wave of relief was immediately followed by a sense of urgency.

He instantly took command of everyone, Pro Heroes and civilians alike and organized the site as needed.

With a wave of his hand he cleared out massive sections of land and had people setting up tents.

Constantly using his Scan to relay orders via Mandalay's Telepathy Quirk while she stands beside him, because since arriving he hasn't once left the main medical tent.

Keeping track of everyone and everything within the ruined city and organizing them while simultaneously performing life saving operations one after the next.

Even as the other medical professionals and heroes rush about outside they could see pieces of rubble and debris moving as if possesses.

Carefully and perfectly floating through the air, avoiding collisions with each other and the nearby people as Horizon is constantly making more space for the ocean of smaller medical tents being assembled around his.

Hours after arriving on the scene, Horizon had already performed hundreds of operations, and yet that was not the most miraculous thing he'd done thus far.

This was all within expectations, after all, he is Horizon.

Rearranging the destroyed city, performing surgeries, healing those who need it, and commanding all the people present while tracking them with his Quirk.

According to him, that's all simply what's expected of him.

But everyone present and the people watching around the world via the dozens of news crews here were entirely amazed.

Watching someone contend with the aftermath of a force of nature so easily, it was breathtaking.



Everyone was able to relax, knowing the worst had already passed.

Even if another typhoon appeared now, nobody would be worried, because Horizon is here.

Now Horizon is standing in the large tent, curtained off from the other patients as he operates on a man with severe internal bleeding.

Beside the curtain is Mandalay, sitting on a chair with her eyes closed, constantly using her Quirk to relay his commands across the area.

But within the entire tent was a faint blue fog, cool to the touch.

Simply standing within it was soothing, causing everyone to relax as their muscles and joints didn't feel tense anymore.

Suddenly feeling as if their body was actively resting even while moving.

This energy vapor that was pouring out of Horizon and filling the tent is a miracle in itself.

The first and only occurrence of a mass area of effect healing ability.

The strange fog itself is enough to heal minor injuries such as scrapes, cuts, and bruises.

It takes a few minutes to heal such wounds, thus the Pro Heroes and civilians would constantly rotate groups of people into the tent after their wounds are cleaned to be healed.

Simply being in the presence of Horizon was enough to heal them, one step closer to the entity he shall soon become.

And now even more people understood.

They took one step closer to believing that Horizon isn't a person, but a blessing, a miracle born of mankind's need for him.

While the tent filled with two dozen people, all of which were having their minor injuries healed at a visible rate, was quiet.

Mandalay broke the silence yet again, "Ectoplasm says the next convoy of busses should be here with the hour, the roads leading through the mountain is almost repaired."

"Any news on the boats?" Horizon asks while still working.

"The seas are still too rough, they have to move even slower the closer they get to us."

"The busses will have to do," Horizon says as he finishes the operation and steps out from behind the curtains. "Mandalay, tell Kamui and Ectoplasm to meet me at the camp entrance."

Seeing him already walking toward the tent entrance Mandalay gets up and begins walking beside him, quickly catching up.

"What's going on, more people are being brought in for healing," she glances back at the tent, seeing the healing vapor already fading away.

The sea of people injured and otherwise part as Horizon walks between them, making his way to the edge of the camp, overlooking the destroyed city.

"I sensed something, it ran away before I could act, but it'll be back soon," Horizon says much more quietly as they leave the crowded areas. "Have all the available Pro Heroes standby on defense, leave any combat to me and Kamui Woods, Ectoplasm needs to spread his clones out to catch anything I miss in the chaos."

Mandalay's expression immediately gets much more serious as she concentrates, relaying his orders via Telepathy.

Horizon raises his hand and grabs the air, only for Scalpel to warp into his grasp.

Seeing this the onlookers immediately realized something was wrong and became curious.

The other Pro Heroes immediately take action, now getting their orders from Mandalay and making sure everyone was quickly ushered into the camp, behind a line of Pro Heroes.

Looking around Horizon sees all the news cameras and helicopters focusing on him, clearly sensing a story about to manifest itself.

"What's going on?" Kamui Woods asks as he rushes up beside them.

"Nomu, and Shigaraki," Horizon points out in the distance. "Looks like the same thing Endeavor fought, guess they have clones of that one..."

"Seriously?" Kamui Woods was disgusted. "They would attack when we're just here helping these people, just when I thought they couldn't get any worse."

"How far away?" Mandalay asks.

"17km," Horizon says. "16, 15...they're rushing right for me."

"What do you want us to do?" Kamui Woods asks.

"You and Mandalay stay with the people, no need to evacuate, I'll just keep the fight contained."

"Are you sure?" Kamui Woods asks. "I saw what Endeavor had to do to beat that thing, this could get messy."

"Especially with Shigaraki here," Mandalay adds.

"Yes, it could, but it won't, because I am here," he looks back at them. "Now go make sure everyone stays calm, these people are in no condition to be rushing anywhere so its better that I just keep this contained. Besides, if I can't stop them, nobody here stands a chance..."

"Right," Kamui Woods immediately retreats back to the other Pro Heroes setting up defenses with Mandalay rushing after him, heading back to the main tent.

It only takes a few seconds for everyone to notice a small dot in the distance, quickly growing and growing as it approaches them.

The civilians weren't aware of exactly who was approaching, but they were quickly informed and almost began to panic.

But looking out at Horizon's back as he stared at the approaching villains, a sense of calm and peace washed over them.

Something they haven't truly experienced since All Might.

And it was already here, within reach.

The image of a man raised with unconditional love and devotion to and from his parents, who now fights for their memories.

A man who shall build his name as a Pro Hero upon the great lessons of compassion and integrity they taught him.

The calming sensation of standing behind a truly unbeatable Superhero.

Seconds later the Nomu arrives, skin torn up and loose around its head and neck, forming a hood which hides its face.

Two glowing yellow eyes shining brightly on the otherwise dark purple skin, exposed muscle glowing slightly red, which is new.

All while it hovers in the air, constantly releasing air from different angles of its body to stay airborne.

And on its back, the would be king of villains, Tomura Shigaraki. Wearing a simple outfit, long black pants and a matching t-shirt, grey boots, and no longer sporting the dismembered hands which were held to his body.

His eyes immediately narrowed onto Horizon, and a standoff began.

Shigaraki glances at the crowd for a moment, his hands begin twitching as he can feel his skin itching. The desire to disintegrate everyone here bubbles to the surface.

But he takes a deep breathe and calms his mind, knowing of all the people in this world, Horizon is among the two he can take the least amount of chances with.

"He, he-ro?!" The Nomu asks, deep and grating his voice echoes across the mostly quiet area. "Hori-zon?"

"That's him," Shigaraki says. "That's the strongest Hero in the country, or maybe even the strongest in the world."

"Second in the world," Horizon says. "Star and Stripe is still a monster..."

Shigaraki takes a mental note of that, "so guess that means you aren't invincible after all, and you're clearly not as sharp as I thought. Letting me get this close was a bad idea."

Shigaraki raises his hands and cracks his fingers.

"Doesn't matter, its only you," Horizon shrugs.

"You dam---!" Shigaraki begins getting riled up, but composes himself once more. "I'm not the same person you met at USJ."

"I didn't even meet you at USJ, you weren't even good enough to get to me, remember?"

"Hood!" Shigaraki commands, "lets kill him, then everyone else here!"

"Fina---" the Nomu instantly disappears, swapped with a single leaf.

Shigaraki suddenly finds himself 30m above the ground, falling, unable to do anything about it.

'Alright, lets call your bluff,' Shigaraki twists his body into a direct nosedive toward the ground below. 'Now you have to save me, otherwise your sheep will watch you let me die, and you care so much about what they think, isn't that right, hero...'

As Shigaraki suspected, the public was truly shocked at this move, and when he was less that 3m from the ground Horizon immediately warped him away.


He felt and everyone heard most of the ribs on the right side of his body shatter as Horizon stops his vertical momentum with a strong right, sending him rolling through the mud and dirt.

Shigaraki eventually rolls to a stop, now covered in filth as he forces himself to stand, holding his right side.

He was already struggling to breathe, blood running down his lip as he forces his eyes to stay open.

'It shouldn't take Hood long to get back here, if I can stall him until then, maybe we can split his focus with some of Hood's new ranged energy attacks...that could let me get a hit in.'

Shigaraki immediately rushes forward, all the while Horizon stands still, not even drawing his blade.

'Something isn't right, there has to be some kind of trick. This has to be a trap. Why isn't he doing anything? Is Hood doing something to split his focus this much?'

His thoughts are still racing, doubting this situation as he closes the distance and jumps forward, and to his disbelief, to the horror of everyone watching.

Horizon doesn't react.

Not even as both Shigaraki's hands are wrapped round his neck.

Shigaraki's eyes go wide as a feeling of ecstasy overtakes him.

"Ha! You got too cocky Hero!" Shigaraki screams as the body glove only around Horizon's neck immediately disintegrates and he sees his real skin, he feels Horizon's skin below his fingers.

All the onlookers and people watching at home feel their hearts break as this happens, but after a few seconds, nothing else happens.

The battlefield is entirely silent, and even Shigaraki is confused.

Because the familiar feeling of matter becoming dust beneath his touch, isn't there, he could still feel Horizon's skin.

"Wha---" Shigaraki's confused expression become one of horror as Horizon grips both his forearms.

He spreads his arms, holding the smaller man in the air as if he weighs nothing.

Horizon stretches his neck, allowing Shigaraki to see his unbothered skin, then explains to the now relieved audience what juts happened.

"So, your Quirk really does work by tactile telekinesis, but instead of telling matter to stay together, you tell it to fall apart," Shigaraki's eyes wide, realizing this was all just a game. "That's too bad, nobody can tell Hand of God what to do..."

"You were just tes---ARGH!" Shigaraki feels and hears the bones in his forearms get crushed and snapped, fragments immediately break the skin.

The onlookers are slightly horrified, but after all they've been through at the hands of these villains, and all Horizon has done and risked to protect them.

They couldn't bring themselves to care as much as they would have months ago.

Horizon's ideals of being less restrained against violent villains was becoming more popular through the public at every level, something the government was vehemently against.

But he is Horizon, so they cannot stop him.

Even when he completely snaps Shigaraki's forearms and rips them off, dropping him into the mud as if he were nothing.

"AHHHH!" Shigaraki's screams echo across the battlefield, the media crews gets every moment. As the severed limbs are tossed aside and blood mixes with water, as the so called king of villans wails and cries in the mud in unbelievable pain.

As Horizon stands unbothered, looking down at his victim, as if daring anyone to speak out against this.

Yet nobody bothered to protest, and the very few who wanted to, were terrified of standing against Horizon.

Not because they thought he would hurt them, but because of how everyone else would treat them for standing against him.

Because Horizon is a remarkable gentle person when dealing with anyone who isn't a violent criminal, but his fans...are much less kind.

Thus small voices begins to cheer, screaming in joy that he was there to deliver 'justice'.

Then more begin to cheer with them, that their hero destroyed the monster poised to strike at them.

And the few horrified faces quickly became torn. They could either show their approval, or be amongst the few who wouldn't stand for such brutality.

But just before they had to decide...

"Annnnrh!" Shigaraki's screams suddenly stop, his pain disappears and he sits up, as if he were completely fine.

Then a wave of confusion hits him as his severed limbs dissolve into a brown sludge.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Shigaraki screams as his main body begins to dissolve the same way. "I can't be a double! I'm real! I'm a real person, I'm not a doub---!" his head becomes brown sludge before the realization can even set it.

'Huh, Twice has been practicing a lot,' Horizon thinks, he too was perfectly fooled. 'My basic Scan didn't detect anything because that sludge becomes living cells, I'll have to do deeper Scans more often,' he thinks while collecting a sample to study.

But to the public, the infallible Horizon obviously knew it was a double, and they all breaths sighs of relief, now certain he would never treat a villain in such a cruel way.

After collecting his sample, Horizon gets up and places it in his medical pouch at his back, turning for the crowd to see him.

All eyes are immediately draws to the damaged part of his body glove, seeing blue energy completely shrouding his skin as it pours off of him.

Further reinforcing the public belief that he need the body glove to sustain his life and contain himself, but the public recently learned that the energy within isn't destructive, but heals those it touches.

His few detractors who thought he was some type of walking talking bomb were relieved to hear that.

"Alright, lets get back to work!" Horizon announces as he begins walking to the crowd.

As he does this he raises a hand and grabs the air beside him, dropping Scalpel so it hovers beside him.

They immediately see bright green motes of energy gathering, being pulled toward him, ripped from a dozen kilometers in very direction to gather at his hand.

They all gather into a pulsing sphere which he compresses and crushes into his palm, and the sounds of glass constantly cracking is heard. The scent of burnt air fills their nostrils.

Horizon casually strikes out to his side with it.


Hood, the Nomu which nearly killed Endeavor in their duel months ago suddenly appears beside Horizon, swapped with some rubble.

And before this powerful and feared Nomu can realize what's happening Horizon attacks its brain.


The green energy expands into a sharp stake and penetrates its skull, and a small layer of frost forms on the mud around their feet as all the energy is pushed into its head.


As the bright light disappears Horizon is already walking away, and behind him the Nomu falls to the ground, its entire skull incinerated beyond any healing.

So thoroughly destroyed that not even DNA can be recovered from that part of the body.

A monster the entire nation, and most of the world feared, brought down in one swift act.

"Kamui," Horizon commands as he walks past the crowd. "Secure that Nomu, I have to run some tests on it, and have some people guard it since High End Nomu samples are rare," he casually waves his hand at Kamui Woods behind him.

And with that Horizon returns to his duties as a medic.

As if what he did was nothing special at all, because to him, it wasn't. This is simply his job, its what's expected of him. Nothing worth celebrating.

But to everyone else, this was the moment Horizon showed that when he is around, they truly have nothing to worry about.

This is the moment they realized, all the hard work his parents did to raise him into the great Superhero he is, has now been focused on protecting them.

And when the video of this event spreads, the legacy of the people who built such a great hero will only grow...


Chương 255: CHAPTER 251(Arsenal's Legacy Pt.II)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---USA, Los Angeles, January 11th...

Angel's Park is a massive area in the middle of Los Angeles, a city that has expanded in the centuries since the advent of Quirks.

Its size is slightly larger than New York's more famous central park, but its origin is drowned in blood and tragedy.

Now, nearing noon, tens of thousands of people swarm to the festival being held in the park, enjoying the food stalls that area already setup and waiting for even more to arrive.

Children are playing games, families are having picnics at the many ponds.

All while stages are setup all across the park and the scheduled performances take place.

In the middle of the park is a labyrinth of massive stone obelisks that could be seen from the surrounding cities. Standing out in the greenery as almost unsightly, but demanding reverence.

Many people were walking by, taking moments to gaze in awe at all the names carved into it, and some stopped at the memorial stone for the tens of thousands of people who could not even be identified of found to be etched into the stones.

And a few families were placing flowers at the stone memorials, for the people who were lost during that night.

But the faces of all the people looked strangely happy, considering what they were doing.

As if they were finally at peace.

As if they knew their lost loved ones could finally rest.

As if they could finally believe in justice again.


While all of this is going on, surrounding the park there are streets of impressive skyscrapers, even by 2315 standards, and on top of one of the tallest is a woman, standing on the helipad.

At 150 stories in the air she looked down, barely able to hear herself think over the howling winds.

She wore a pair of grey sweatpants and a matching hoodie, with the hood currently on.

She stands at only 5ft2 -157cm-. Her loose, short, brown hair swayed slightly in the wind but was mostly tucked away.

A pair of thick black rimmed glasses helped her dull brown eyes to see even on the clearest day.

And on her feet were a pair of blue boots that looked a few sized too big.

She looks down at the park, and sees all the people like ants swarming about, celebrating justice and vengeance in one festival.

But her heart is still gripped by fear, the kind of fear that many of those people recently overcame and a few could let go of.

But to her, who had more power than anyone else in the world.

Power she flexed and used to threaten entire nations to exact that justice and vengeance on her behalf, fear still grips her heart.

As if deep down she knew, that the monster was still coming after her.

She looks down at her phone, and sees the timer.

'Only 11 seconds, and I feel like my heart is already about to explode,' she wipes her forehead, and the sleeve of her hoodie is covered in sweat.

Even in the cold wind at this height, the fear was affecting her this severely.

'Still scared of a ghost, as if that monster can ever hurt you now, as if she could hurt me from in the grave...' she berates herself.

But even thinking about the object of her fear that much had her stumbling back away from the edge, breathing heavily and slowly succumbing to a panic attack.

Luckily absolute focus is needed to activate her Quirk, or else an even worse tragedy would have befallen this city...

---Angel's Park...

Down below as all the people are enjoying the festivities, closer to the memorial stones a few camera crews were setup in front of a small stage and podium.

On it was a older white man in a fine suit, ready to answer their questions.

"Mr. Major," one reporter raises her hand. "As the mayor of Los Angeles do you really thinks its appropriate to throw a festival on such a... tragic anniversary."

The man takes a moment to think, as if he didn't have this answer rehearsed before coming here.

"This isn't a festival to celebrate tragedy," he says. "As the announcement and ads explained, this is about celebrating justice. A horrific monster was put down for what she did to us and a uncountable number of other people. That, is cause for celebration.

Because I know that the families of all these wonderful people," he gestures to the carved stone behind him. "Were beginning to wonder how many decades it would take before justice caught up to that monster, and now they can rest easy knowing the worst of humanity has been put down, for good."

The crowd seems pleased with his response and take a few notes, before another set of hands is raised.

"Yes, you," he points to a lady in the back rows who quickly stands up.

"And what do you have to say on the questions regarding the motive behind this attack. Some people still find it hard to believe that all of this," she gestures at the park. "Which used to be busy city streets, would be cleared out for the sake of killing one person alone."

The mayor nods, "yes, I understand that understanding such true and vile evil is impossible for our good intentioned American citizens, but believe me, it exists. And she's among the worst villains."

The murmurs stop as the lady sits back down, noting the serious expression on the man's face.

"I, much like some of the people here, was living just a few blocks from this very park when that attack happened. Granted it wasn't a park at the time.

It was just me, my brothers, and my mom. Us against the world, when suddenly there was a loud noise, our ears were ringing, all the windows were blown out.

All the glass from windows shatters and blew into the apartment, hell, if not for my brother jumping on top of me I would be a lot uglier than I am today," a few reporters laugh.

"But as the hours went on, it just got worse. Suddenly we heard noises all around, mom was getting my younger brothers under the bed when I looked through the window and it looked like a meteor was falling from the sky.

But it was just the biggest plane I'd ever see, crashed only a few blocks away into the spot we stand on now. We thought that was it, 'this is the end of the world', couldn't get any worse, right?

Well, when the gas mains started exploding, when buildings started falling all around us, things just kept getting worse.

And every minute of the 39 hours we were buried in rubble waiting for someone to rescue us, we couldn't even breathe properly because we were terrified of it getting worse at any minute.

Now my brothers, my mom, and myself, we all lived and only had minor injuries, we got lucky. But the almost 100,000 people who didn't get out, well they didn't get lucky. And their families probably felt like the unlucky ones for being left with a pile of rubble and graves to dig.

Now keep in mind one person caused that kind of destruction and death.

One person was that vile and evil, to do all of that, for money. To kill one person, now I personally think that person being put down like the filthy animal she is certainly deserved a celebration, and I wanted it on the anniversary of that day so that they could celebrate with us," he gestures back to the memorial stones.

The reporters nod along.

"Now I'm not claiming to be a saint, but I like to think some people have a god given purpose, and I'm still looking for mine. But some people find theirs early in life, for some its their Quirk.

For others its their heart. Some realize their purpose is upholding and representing freedom and liberty while protecting the people of America, and they become Star and Stripe.

Others look into their own hearts and find peace and justice for all, and they become All Might.

Heck some people are lucky enough to be born and raised to heal the impossible as if it were easy, and that's how miracles like Horizon exist...who I did send an invitation to this event by the way."

He gets a laugh from the crowd, because they all know Horizon can't leave Japan so easily.

"But others, they're just born evil, and unlike most people, they don't try to change. They embrace the evil, and sadly for us good people of the world, some of them are too damn good at it.

Good enough to become arguable the most brutal, excessive, and bloodthirsty villain in the history of Quirks, and that's how Arsenal was born.

Now we're here to celebrate her being put down like the filthy animal she is, after every member of the United Nations hunted her for decades, she was caught in Japan just over a year ago.

So how about we make the next few questions quick and join the others in celebrating the good work of our friends in Japan for helping us rest easy at night..."


Back on the roof, the young woman was on the floor gripping her chest, breathing heavily and sweating as if she ran a marathon.

No matter how deeply or quickly she breathed, it was never enough.

It still felt as if the entire world was resting on her chest.

Her eyes were already watering as she tried to focus her thought, trying to use her Quirk to make the fear go away.


The emergency alert on her phone suddenly snaps her out of her panicked state and draws her attention.

That familiar beeping triggers her Pro Hero instincts and focuses her mind.

"Hello?" she immediately answers in a very high pitched voice, then slaps a hand over her mouth.

"Huh, why do sound like that?" the nab on the other side of the call ask.

"Uh...what did you need?" she deepens her voice slightly and tries to dodge the question.

"Why are you in LA? When you said you were stepping out of you agency for lunch, I thought you meant down the street not to the other side of the country."

"I just felt like going for a fly."

"2500 miles?" the man sighs. "First time since that night you've been back to LA, and this is the day you choose, when what stupid festival is going on, really Cathy?"

She frowns, "I thought I could handle it alright."


She rolls her eyes, "but...I still need time. Every time I think about her, I feel as if there is part of her out there that'll still be coming after me. And I saw what she did to my family, I can't just ignore that."

The man is silent for a moment before speaking, "Arsenal isn't sending some kind of ghost to haunt you Cathy, you just need to trust that she's really gone for good. I mean you pretty much threatened to attack Japan yourself to get to her if they didn't do it, no country is dumb enough to risk that."

"Yeah, especially since now we know All Might was already sick back then," she says. "But still, doesn't feel right unless I did it with my own bare hands."

"That doesn't sound very heroic of you."

"I don't care," she says.

"She's dead Cathy, she can't come back for you from in the grave, and even if she did, you're the most powerful being in the world, you'd crush her."

She smiles at that, "yeah, you're right. Ok, I'm coming back now, I'll be there in an hour or two..."

The man hangs up and she sees the timer on her phone, paused at 20 seconds.

'I couldn't even last 20 seconds without falling apart, how pathetic,' she thinks while holding the phone very gently.

She begins walking to the middle of the helipad and focuses on herself.

'NEW ORDER: I will be just like All Might!'

Her mental image of a prime All Might is fed into her Quirk yet again, and she begins growing.

As she grows her casual clothes is torn apart to reveal the Hero Costume beneath.

The red white and blue, striped costume like the American Flag takes full effect as the cape expands out from the back of it.

All her hair shifts from brown to blonde and her eyes become shining bright blue. And as he eyes shift her vision becomes better than perfect, allowing her to put her glasses away and put on the thin domino mask similar to Ms. Midnights, but red.

Her boots now fit as she grows to 6ft4 -193cm-, just an inch shorter than Horizon and Endeavor, but not close to All Might's 7ft2 -218cm- in his muscular form.

Because even her Mystery Class Quirk has , and pushing her own physical body to the point of matching One For All is certainly a limit of it.

But she is roughly 90% there, most impressive considering this effect has no exact time limit. In fact, all the time she's spent out of this form across her life since receiving her Quirk, can be added up to less than ten minutes.

This, was her first command of New Order, to make her into the man she saw as invincible.

And among her new few commands was...

'NEW ORDER: I can move freely through the atmosphere!'

Star and Stripe immediately begins hovering off the floor, suddenly gaining flight.

Over her career Star and Stripe has used her Quirk to create hundreds of effects, most of which are listed online by the media and fans.

But this is her most common combination, and its almost always more than she needs.

Without any more hesitation she rockets into the air, clearing the city skyline and soaring into the clouds.

And with one last look below at the gathering crowd, her eyes zoom in to see the faces of the happy crowd, then lock onto the horizon toward New York.


A small sonic boom is left in her wake as she goes from floating in place to hypersonic instantly, heading back to her Hero Agency in Manhattan.

Still feeling as if Arsenal would still come after her one day, in some unknown form.

Luckily, she is still the most powerful being in the world, but that would change in the coming months...


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