Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
Sitting at his desk in his 1A Dorm Room, Horizon sees a collection of Pro Heroes on his dual monitors.
All of the Top 10 Pro Heroes and a few other top ranking pros together for a meeting he was hosting.
Behind his monitors all the way at the other side of his room Sero, Shinso, and Juzo were playing cards at his coffee table while waiting for the meeting to be over.
"---that covers where all of you need to be on Sunday," Horizon says. "I've already assigned a division leader for each of your parts, but since you've worked with each other before feel free to adjust that as you see fit.
This is all about us being in sync, these people have been moving a lot of drugs, guns, and...other things."
"People," Ryukyu says. "This is part of the human abduction ring we suspect the League of Villains is using to feed their Nomu Labs, right?"
"It is," Horizon says, and all the heroes react in absolute disgust. "Since they have Kurogiri we can't afford to just take bites out of their organization, that's why I've been collecting data for the past few weeks so we can hit them hard.
Hard enough that he can't simply use Warp Gate to solve the problem. But that requires us to hit 11 different cities at once, which is why I actually need help. Because contrary to what the public likes to believe, and what I want the villains to believe, I can't actually be everywhere at once."
"Not yet," President Pantu pops up in the call, surprising many Pro Heroes who didn't know she was here. Seeing their reactions she elaborates, "I've been here from the start, only to observe how Horizon conducts himself in these situations, thus far, most impressive."
"Naturally," Horizon says. "But you must have broken your silence for a reason, right?"
"I just got done with the briefing and the maps you sent us, how did you get this information?" Pantu asks. "And more importantly, why wasn't the Police or the Commission brought in on this, we've been trying for years to get a mole this deep in the black market. The most we get is a few middle men, but this...this is distribution and manufacturing..."
"It honestly wasn't that hard, I just questioned one person, followed the trail. And eventually I found someone desperate enough to put some trackers on the shipments they move, then used them and some more follow up investigations to map their organization."
"And you didn't bring me in on this because?"
"Because while I do trust you not to be a spy," he says. "I'm sure you have leaks in your organization, can't risk them either breaking into your system or overhearing a conversation."
"Or you used methods that aren't 'heroic' in our sense," Pantu's face remains cold and free of emotions.
"Well...everyone talks when I get my hands on them," Ryukyu flinches at his words, which Endeavor doesn't miss. "But this time all it took was money, did you forget that I'm rich?"
"Regardless of how he got it," Edgeshot cuts in. "We have the information now, and my team as well as a few other Pro Heroes have already made contributions by following his instructions. Small investigations and staking out certain locations, not to mention I've worked with Horizon before, I trust his judgement on these matters."
"Yes," Endeavor finally speaks up, and everyone can see a wisp of green flame over his shoulder, Burnin was listening in. "Horizon is oddly skilled in these types of cases, lets follow his lead instead of inserting doubt and trying to change his plans. He's clearly spent a lot of time on this, I'm sure he's thought of almost everything."
"A brilliant new star shining before us, I trust this young hero!" Crust says, and half the Pros have to resist the urge to roll their eyes at him.
"My concern is the logistics on the police side," Best Jeanist says. "You want to keep the police in the dark but we can't do this without their support, at least to round up the captured criminals."
"I'll deal with that," Pantu says. "There are police stations nearby, I simply have to make sure they're equipped with assault gear beforehand, then when the attacks start they'll be alerted and deployed. This way any would be spies don't have time to warn the criminals."
"Its more likely that the stations are simply bugged," Horizon says.
"What about the teams?" Mirko asks, from her camera they could see buildings changing behind her. She was clearly leaping between the rooftops under a cloudy night sky. "Can I work solo?"
"No you're with Jeanist," Horizon says. "You're good 1-on-1 incase they have any heavy hitters, and he's good against groups of opponents. Teaming up is a necessity for this mission, no exceptions."
"No exceptions?" Endeavor asks with a raised brow.
"Yes that includes myself, Simon, Cellophane, and Mudman will be with me..."
"Team Horizon," Gang Orca says. "Wait, who's Mudman?"
"My work studies student," Crust proudly says.
"Versatile and level headed," Edgeshot says, "he'll be good for this kind of mission."
"He's also the final member of my team, we'll deal with one of the big storage and distribution houses near Minato Tokyo, it's off the shore on small uninhabited island, should be easy enough."
"You're suppose to have a pro with you. Did you forget you're still just a student?" Mirko reminds him. "Let me come supervise!"
"So you can annoy me for a rematch, just be glad I unblocked you from the Hero Network, and if you aren't annoying after this mission it might stay that way."
"Mmmm," Mirko pouts and stops on a rooftop, but doesn't say anything.
"Horizon is plenty capable by himself," Ryukyu says. "Besides he won't be alone..."
"Of course you'd defend your bo---"
"We aren't dating," both Horizon and Ryukyu say at one.
Mt. Lady stifles a chuckle as Pantu speaks up, "their love life aside, Horizon is capable and I trust him to act in the full capacity of a Pro Hero. If I didn't I never would have allowed him to nearly monopolize Minato Tokyo."
"Your report doesn't have any information on the ringleaders," Endeavor says. Like many of the present Pros he's already begun reading it.
"You don't last this long as a criminal by announcing who you are. That's why I stacked the teams to have a mix of fighters and capture based Pro Heroes."
"You've thought of everything," Hawks says. "You're pretty impressive, guess the hype about you wasn't overblown after all."
"Oh you haven't seen anything yet," Horizon says. "But just be careful, and feel free to recruit anyone from directly around where you'll all be operating that you trust. If we displace too many Pro Heroes at once our targets will realize something is off, we can't risk that, especially since all the Top 10 Pros will be in on this."
"Gotcha boss," Hawks says jokingly.
"Well that should be everything we have to discuss tonight," Horizon says. "If you have any questions either ask now or call me sometime...only for things regarding Hero Work for you Mirko..."
They see the woman mutter something under her breath, but can't hear it.
After a moment nobody speak up, until Best Jeanist does.
"It looks like this briefing was informative and concise, we'll be sure to review the documents you've sent us," the other Pros nod along. "And I must say, I too am impressed, if I didn't know better I never would have guess a child was organizing this."
"Well, when the adults rather run around in colorful pajamas and capes and fight other likeminded morons, I guess the children have to deal with the real criminals..."
He gets a mix of reaction from the pro, but shrugs it off.
"Now I'm sure you've all got streets to patrol or villains to fight, so I'll let you get back to it," Horizon kicks everyone from the call aside from Pantu.
"You can't even take a compliment without insulting people," Pantu says. "Your bedside manner is truly the worst. But I am impressed with the work you've done, and here I thought you were just planning to do the bare minimum to get by."
Horizon chuckles, "oh no, I'm the best at anything I agree to do, and that includes this Pro Hero game."
"Well, perhaps Nezu's hope has some merit, maybe you will be greater than any other Pro Hero the world will ever see...including All Might."
"Pro Hero...you're still thinking too small," Horizon says. The words send a chill down her spine, but her expression would never show it. "But one deal at a time Pantu..."
"When this one is complete we'll discuss a more long term contract," Pantu says before hanging up.
Horizon leans back in his chair and sends Ryukyu a short message, then gets up to check on his teammates.
"Hey morons, everything is set, so you're all going to Horizon Tower with me from tomorrow night."
"Tomorrow?" Juzo asks. "But that's Wednesday."
"We've got some preparing to do, plus I've got a date so we need to be there by Thursday night."
"Since when do you go on dates?" Sero asks, skeptical at the idea. "I thought the great and powerful Horizon just seduces fangirls, and Ryuko."
"Ryuko?" Juzo looks a bit concerned. "Are you and Ryukyu a thing? I thought you said that's a stupid rumor?"
"It is a stupid rumor, he was talking about Pixie-Bob."
"They have the same name?" Juzo asks.
"Its always confusing," Shinso mutters, still focusing on his cards.
"Yeah but I decided to put those rumors to work for me, so I'm going on a 'date' with Ryukyu, and I'll need you there as backup," he gestures to Shinso. "Not in costume this time."
"What about us?" Sero asks.
"You and Juzo can go patrol the nearby areas or something, this is a delicate mission, won't need to fight anyone."
"Good luck explaining this to Ryuko," Shinso says.
"Oh yeah," Juzo looks back at Horizon, half amazed and entirely confused. "When the hell did that happen, and aren't you dating Momo and Jiro or something?"
"Its a long story," Horizon says as he takes a seat at the table.
And Shinso happily takes all the cards and shuffles them, getting rid of his losing hand...
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
---7:30 PM, 1A Dorms...
"So what did you two suggest for this Culture Festival thing?" Horizon asks.
He was walking through the halls with Shinso and Sero, Juzo had already gone back to the 1B dorms an hour ago.
"A games stall," Sero says as the approach the elevator. "Like those games where you throw a ball and knock over some cans, then you get a prize if you score really well. I came to the UA culture festival last year and there were a few of em, super fun!"
"You came last year?" Horizon asks.
"You didn't?" Shinso raises a brow at this.
"I had better things to do, why? Is it so weird?"
"Well usually at least Hero Course students come one year before entering UA, get an idea of what the school is really all about," Shinso says.
"Yeah I came with some of my friends from middle school," Sero says. "I actually haven't seen those guys in a while so maybe they'll show up this year."
"Well its supposed to be bigger than ever this year, so maybe they will," Horizon says as the elevator begins taking them to the ground level.
"Will you have anyone coming to it?" Shinso asks. "I know you said you were homeschooled and all but, anyone?"
"Nope," Horizon says. "The closest thing I've got to a living relative is Nezu, but even that's more of a business relationship. And I don't have any friends outside of you two idiots..."
"Oh, right," Shinso's expression remains flat, but he regretted brining up that topic.
"Awe, you called us friends," Sero teases him. "Look at you getting all soft on us..."
"Drop it."
The elevator doors open and they enter the common area, to see all of 1A assembled at the couches.
They were all standing around clamoring about something Horizon couldn't be bothered with so he just walked over to a single seat and sat down, taking out his phone to try and ignore them.
'Can't believe I have to be here for this...because of course I go to the one school that actually cares about this Class Representative title crap.'
Shinso and Sero walk over to Asui and Deku and begin chatting, and a few minutes later Kirishima and Ojira are done getting cleaned up after the gym and join everyone.
"Alright everyone, now its time to begin the voting once more," Momo says as she gets their attention, realizing by now Horizon is only here because he has to be.
Momo calls everyone over to the couches where Horizon is and makes a small dry-erase board to tally the votes.
Horizon glances up from his phone just in time to see Jiro walk over and sit on the arm of the couch he's on, then looks back down at his phone.
"Just remember I'll be working security at the Culture Festival, so I won't be participating, which means I won't be voting."
"Right, now lets begin," Momo says. "We'll go in order of seating, first everyone gets to make a suggestion which I'll write on the board. I trust since this morning you've all had time to properly consider your suggestions.
When everyone has made a suggestion we'll call for a vote, its fine if you don't have a suggestion, but everyone has to vote since we'll all be helping for this to function properly."
They all nod along as Momo begins writing the suggestions.
---30 Minutes Later...
After a lot of back and forth discussing and debating ideas, they finally come to a decision.
"I don't really know about this guys," Jiro says. "I mean, I've never performed on stage before, and a whole concert in three weeks. Plus I'll have to teach completely inexperienced people to play the song, and write a song."
"No different than putting on a silly costume and running around fighting villains in the street," Horizon says while playing a game on his phone. "You'll be fine."
"Plus this is what the Culture Festival is all about!" Mina says.
"Yeah!" Kirishima joins her. "Its not just about the delicious food and fun games, we've got the show everyone that at UA making sure everyone is happy matters most! It'll be super manly to cheer everyone up after the rough year we've had because of the League Of Villains!"
"It'll be Plus Ultra!" Mina and Kirishima devolve into a contest of who can hype everyone up the most.
But Horizon just looks up at the nervous Jiro, seeing her playing with her Earphone Jacks. "You'll be fine, just don't overthink it."
Jiro looks down at him and gives a nervous smile, then nods. "Alright, lets do a concert," Jiro says.
"I'll plan the dance routine!" Mina says.
"I'll play the drums so good those losers will die from how awesome it is!" Bakugo screams out, and a moment later the entire room was louder than ever before from all the excited chatter.
During this however, Horizon tunes everyone out and focuses on a duo that just entered his Room. A Room only big enough for the 1A dorms.
He abruptly gets out of his seat and begins walking to the door, causing some of his classmates to look over at him.
"Is something wrong with her?" is the first thing Eraser Head hears as he enters the door with Eri at his side.
The entire class gets quiet, knowing about the case some of their classmates were on and finally seeing the girl that just moves into the teachers dorm.
"She's fine," Eraser Head looks down to see Eri trying to hide behind him, clearly nervous with all the new faces staring at her. "Its ok Eri, everyone here is a hero, and you've met Horizon before, right?" he gestures to Horizon.
"The doctor..." she says quietly while stepping out from behind Eraser Head.
"I guess even when I was healing you I never really spoke huh," Horizon says. "My name is Horizon, I'm sure you remember me, I'm the guy who beat Overhaul and saved you."
"Thank you," Eri says, and gives a small nod.
"It was my pleasure," Horizon looks directly at Eraser Head. "You brought her over to say hi?"
"Midoriya wanted to meet her and apologize for not saving her," Eraser Head says as he guides her over to the collection of students. "Everyone here is training to be a hero Eri, you can trust them to protect you. And you've already met Horizon, he's the strongest person in Japan. When he's here nothing can hurt you."
Eri looks at everyone in amazement, never having seen these many heroes before.
Deku looks like he's already about to cry, and his classmates give him some room to approach Eri, already knowing how guilty he's been feeling about not saving her.
As Eri spots Deku, Eraser Head explains, "I'll be back in a few hours, Horizon will keep an eye on you until then. If you need anything just ask him, and he'll take care of it, alright?"
Eri just looks back at and nods, "ok, I'll stay here. Are you coming back? Promise you'll come back?"
"I'll be back soon," Eraser Head says. "Behave yourself alright."
Eri nods, then turns back to Horizon, who was just staring at Eraser Head.
"Um, Eri..." Deku kneels down to her level, already teary eyed as he gets ready to apologize.
Eraser Head begins moving toward the door and Horizon quickly follows behind him.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Horizon asks as the leave the building, standing on the lawn.
"A contact has some information for me, I need to head out for a few hours, you can watch her for one night."
"No, I can't, I've got training to do."
"Its one night, and you only need one hour of sleep anyway, you'll be fine."
"I'm not a babysitter Aizawa. Just leave her with Midnight or Mic."
"She doesn't know them," Aizawa says. "Aside from the people she saw fighting Overhaul, she doesn't trust anyone. It took her days to start trusting me before we left Central Hospital. And since Mirio isn't on campus, that leaves you as the only option."
"And you're the only one that can resist her Quirk. Her horn is small right now so she can't use it, but incase anything goes wrong, you're here."
"Good, I'd take you with me if I could but one of us has to stay on campus at all times until Kurogiri is captured, but I'm hoping my contact has some info about where he is."
"You have info on the league?"
"Something like that," Aizawa says. "Apparently they've got some 'testing grounds' for Nomu, I figured that Kurogiri has to be how they move to and from those sites."
"So we mark the sites and setup some cameras to track the schedule, then ambush him."
"Exactly, then you can get to work on saving my friend."
"Mmm, you do realize th---"
"I know, but I'm trying to stay hopeful. I already lost Shirakumo once, I'd rather not lose him a second time."
"Guess I'm a babysitter now," Horizon mutters.
"Try not to be yourself, your bedside manner is the worst. But Eri is a good kid, polite and doesn't cause trouble. She's still scared of asking for even basic things because she's scared we'll turn on her.
I explained that the same way I'm her guardian, you're like that for all of Japan, so it should be easier. Just try not to overwhelm her with...well, your personality."
"You say that like I'll be a bad influence. If anything I'll teach her how to really navigate this world."
Aizawa narrows his eyes at Horizon, "maybe leaving her with you is a bad idea..."
"Well you don't have much of a choice huh, good luck on your mission."
Walking back into the common area Horizon sees Eri on his single seat with a plate of apple slices in her lap.
The other students were keeping an eye on her but Momo was at the board going over some designs for the stage and what parts everyone should play.
But Horizon ignored them and focused on the most important thing, "why is she eating apples?" he interrupts their meeting to ask.
"Well she wanted a snack, and---"
He cuts off Deku, "and of the entire pantry of snacks we have...you gave her fucking apples?"
"Watch your language!" Momo yells out at Horizon, surprising everyone. "You can't speak like that around a child."
"She's already seven, and she's dealt with worse than some bad words," Horizon says. "But seriously, apples?"
"What's wrong with apples, they're my favorite," Tokoyami says.
"Horizon doesn't like apples," Sero says, already barely containing his laughter. "You know...because he's a doctor."
A few people begin laughing but Horizon just sighs, "kids deserve to enjoy the better things in life without having to worry, especially after all the shit she's dealt with."
He warps away before Momo can try to scold him again.
A warps back with a pack of 30 chocolate chip cookies from the kitchen. 1A learned very quickly that Horizon enjoys snacks, so he always keeps his room and the kitchen stocked...and from what Burnin's social media accounts show.
The fridge in his office at Endeavor's Agency is also a goldmine that she frequently raids. Not to mention the stories they've heard from Sero about the food at Horizon Tower.
"Here Eri, try these," He hands her the pack after opening it, and she nervously takes one. "Don't worry, I'm the worlds best doctor and Japan's strongest Hero, nobody is gonna yell at you for this, and I can fix anything that happens either way."
Eri is hesitant at first, still unsure about this 'Horizon' person. But with Eraser Head trusting him, and knowing he's one of the people who saved her and the doctor who got her out of the stone after the raid.
She trust him, even if his face -visor- is scary and he seems mean.
Taking one of the cookies she bites into it, and for the first time in 3 years feel that euphoric rush of sugar that most kids love.
She scarfs down the rest of the cookie and reaches for another one immediately.
"Cookies always beat apples," Horizon says as Dark Shadow floats across the room to get the plate of apple slices.
Horizon then just picks up Eri which startles her for a moment, before he reclaims his seat and sets her down in his lap, hopping back on his phone as if nothing happened.
"Awe, I knew you were a softie," Mina says what most of them were thinking as she takes a picture and sends it to the class group chat.
"If that gets online I'll break your legs," was all Horizon said.
Asui rolls her eyes, "you aren't really scary with such a cute little girl in your lap."
"Tch, whatever froggy..."
A few moments later and everyone is ready to get back to planning, only to realize Momo is just standing there staring at Horizon and Eri, lost in her own mind.
Ochaco walks over to her and shakes her out of her fantasy, "Yaomomo, we were planning the performance, remember?"
"Oh, right, the performance...now where were we?"
Not to the same extent as Momo, but throught the night everyone was amazed by how caring Horizon was when it came to Eri, even if he was still crass, and didn't always teach the most heroic of lessons to her.
But they got along oddly well, it showed a softer side of him.
Which was mostly real, but he did have one ulterior motive.
'I'm gonna give this kid so much sugar before handing her back to Eraser...'
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