Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
"Now that everyone is here, let's get this meeting started," Sir Nighteye says.
He was sitting at the head of a large meeting room inside his agency. Behind him was a projector showing a picture of Kai Chisaki, aka Overhaul.
And in front of him was an assembly of mostly small-time Pro Heroes. The most notable names were Ryukyu, the current #10 Pro Hero, accompanied by three of her work studies students. Nejire-Chan, Froppy, and Uravity.
Fatgum was also in attendance with his work studies students, Suneater and Red Riot.
And Sir Nighteye's own work-study student, the final member of the big three, Lemillion was also in attendance.
The big three along with two dozen Pro Heroes together for one raid operation.
"Yes," Ryukyu says. "Please tell us what could warrant such a gathering."
"And why kids are involved in this," Rocklock says. He was a brown-skinned man with dreadlocks and a green and yellow hero costume, lock-themed. "Yeah they're from UA but from the feel of things this could get really dangerous."
"My students are plenty capable," Ryukyu says, gesturing to Froppy and Uravity, as Nejire-Chan has already proven herself over the years.
"Mine too!" Fatgum gestures to his students. "Plus these guys have valuable information to add to this case, just a few days ago we got first-hand experience with just how dangerous this can be!"
"Focus please," Nighteye draws all eyes onto himself.
Looking around the room he's happy with the people he managed to gather, aside from the fact that he couldn't get Eraser Head.
Nighteye requested his aid since his Quirk is perfect for this type of operation, especially against Overhaul, but Nezu said both he and Horizon can't be away from UA at the same time.
The threat of Gigantomachia is far too great to risk such a thing.
"Right, sorry," Rocklock says.
"Now, I brought you all here to assist in the investigation, raid, and apprehension of a branch of the Yakuza named the Shie Hassaikai."
"Yakuza?" Ryukyu asks. "They haven't been a crime organization for decades, are they regressing now that All Might is gone?"
"No, only this one faction, led by Kai Chisaki, Overhaul," Nighteye gestures to the picture behind him. "His Quirk is rumored to disassemble things and restructure them, hence the name."
"A powerful Quirk," Fatgum says.
"Yes, but before we think about taking him down, we first need to gather evidence. Will you please tell everyone what happened to your students a few days ago."
"Sure thing!" Fatgum stands up. "Well Suneater and Red Riot were out on patrol when they got shot by some thugs, one of them fired a weird red bullet-like thing into Suneater's arm, it had a durable red case and a needlepoint."
"Needle?" Ryukyu asks.
"It only stung," Suneater says, voice almost too quiet to hear. "But the next thing I know I couldn't use my Quirk, couldn't even feel it, it was gone..."
Most of their eyes open wide at that, horrified by the notion of losing their Quirk, far more so than regular people since Pro Heroes live and die by their Quirk.
"But I'm guessing it came back since you're here now," Rocklock says. "You're ok, right kid?"
"I'm fine," Suneater grows a cow horn from his head, then it merges back into his body. "It wore off after a few hours."
"I got shot too," Red Riot says. "But I hardened before the bullet hit so it shattered against me, some weird red liquid splashed on my arm from it but nothing happened, guess it has to be in your blood to take effect since I was fine."
"One of the thugs they arrested gave up the name of the person who delivered the bullets to him," Nighteye says. "He's confirmed to be a member of the Shie Hassaikai, but we're unsure if he's working solo or under Overhaul's orders."
"This is a lot of manpower for a hunch," Rocklock points out.
"True, we do have more suspicions," Nighteye admits. "I've been investigating Overhaul and his group for almost two months, in that time I've uncovered dozens of rumors about them being a major transit hub for drugs and other contraband from Japan into Korea. We just haven't been able to get anyone to testify or deliver solid proof...atleast they never lived long enough to do so."
"Quirk suppressing bullets being smuggled into Japan," Ryukyu mutters. "These people are dangerous, I'm glad you called me in for this."
"Yes, but I must confess that the reason all of you have been selected is because of this," the screen behind him changes to a map of Japan, showing a dozen bases scattered about.
"That explains why lesser-known Pros like us are here," Rocklock says. "Those locations are in our respective areas, you want us to scope them out for you."
"Precisely," Nighteye says. "We need more than rumors to get a search and arrest warrant signed, we need probable cause. The Yakuza is still a big organization, and if it looks like we're trying to bully one of its branches they could cause problems, but if the Shie Hassaikai are caught doing illegal business, they'll cut all ties with them to protect the larger factions."
"Is there anything specific we should look out for?" Ryukyu asks.
"Kai Chisaki himself. Overhaul went into hiding after a recent chance encounter, he's being even more cautious than before unfortunately."
"If he thinks that we're looking for him, why would he stay at one of their bases?" Ryukyu asks.
"Because he doesn't know we're aware of all his bases, plus as easy as it would be to just go somewhere else, he's a control freak. He supposedly values precision so much that other than his right-hand man, nobody knows his full plan. He can't lead his people from far away, so he'll be close enough to keep an eye on them."
"And when we do find him?" Ryukyu asks. "Go in swinging and hope for the best?"
"Ideally I'll request more manpower from Pro Heroes and the police force, but from what I discovered most of the Shie Hassaikai are standard thugs, only the top men are worth taking special precautions for. All the files were sent to you this morning before this meeting."
"I've got friends on the police force in some of those places, I'll call them and see what they know," Fatgum says. "We used to take down drug dealers like this all the time."
"I appreciate that," Nighteye says.
Ryukyu nods along, "alright, so what areas do you want us to keep an eye on?"
---30 Minutes later...
Just when Nighteye was halfway through explaining the specifics of their roles in this operation, Fatgum checks his phone to read his new message.
"Hey Nighteye," Fatgum raises his hand to get everyone's attention. "Horizon just sent me a text, he's done analyzing the bullet we sent him, the one that shot Suneater."
"You sent it to him instead of the crime lab?"
"Ryukyu said he works faster and better anyway, I mean its only been a few days and he's done already."
"He's reliable," Ryukyu says. "If Horizon is ready you should call him while we're all here, he likely have found something new for us."
"Agreed," Nighteye nods to Fatgum who immediately calls Horizon.
While its ringing Ryukyu speaks up, "I recommend only speaking if necessary during this," she looks around the room. "Horizon is exceptional at what he does, but he's very...prickly."
They all give her strange looks, aside from the students in the room that is.
"That's the nice way of putting it," Froppy says.
"Fatgum?" Horizon's voice reaches everyone, already on speaker already.
"Yeah I'm here, we're in the meeting right now discussing the raid, figured you could update us all right now if that's not too much to ask."
"Huh, its already ten o'clock, I assumed that meeting was over already. I just got off the phone with President Pantu and was about to write up a report to send Nighteye."
"The president of the Hero Public Safety Commission is hands on with this matter?" Sir Nighteye asks.
"Its big enough to warrant her direct attention, and my own investigation has proved very promising."
"Investigation?" Rocklock asks. "Does this kid seriously think he can handle something this complex on his own? Overhaul is already onto us, we can't afford tipping him off even more."
Ryukyu shoots him a concerned look, trying to stop things from escalating, "Horizon is very capable, I was skeptical too at first but after working with him a few times, he's the rare case of someone meeting the claims the media makes about them, and even going beyond them."
"And he's super strong!" Nejire-Chan adds.
"Which is more than I can say about whoever said that just now, because I don't recognize the voice, so who are you anyway?"
The entire room goes silent, feeling the tension in the air, but Nighteye decides not to intervene, wanting to learn more about Horizon, about the man Nezu seems to think can surpass his idol, All Might.
"The name is Rocklock, and---"
"Never heard of you," Horizon interrupts him. "And since I've got a lot of the top Pro Heroes memorized, must mean you're one of the loser D-Listers."
"Hey I---!"
"Have a boring record," Horizon says. "I'm looking it up right now. A Pro for over a decade but you've only dealt with small time thugs and incidents, no real villain takedowns worth mentioning. Because your Quirk Deadbolt just lets you lock things and people in place... spatially atleast, just a bit better than a tube of superglue."
Nighteye sees where this is going and tries, but fails to stop it, "can we please get ba---"
"A glorified beat cop playing Pro...another paper hero inflating the number of Pro Heroes in this country...I wonder how long it'll take before the commission sweeps you off the board and drops you in the trash pile where you belong."
"Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that?!" Rocklock gets up and slams his hand on the table. "And those records are confidential!"
"I'm the child they call in when people like you can't be trusted to handle important matters, that's who I am, and that's why I have access to your records, to sort through the garbage and clean this country...one piece of garbage at a time."
"You little sh---"
"Enough!" Nighteye has to raise his voice, stopping this argument in its tracks. "Bicker on your own time, we have a job to do..."
Rocklock mutters something under his breath and sits down, and Ryukyu just shakes her head at the man who completely ignored her warning.
"Horizon, can you please tell us what you learned."
"Sure thing Nighteye..."
While Horizon begins explaining, Nighteye is more grateful than ever that such a person didn't obtain One For All, because even through the phone he could feel a vile nature below the surface...
Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y
pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)
"Horizon, can you please tell us what you learned."
"Sure thing Nighteye..."
Everyone gets ready to listen in, and later they'd be thankful that this is all being recorded, because the information was so stomach churning they could hardly take notes.
"How long have you been building this case?"
"Six weeks," Nighteye says. "I got a lead when one of their members was caught hanging around some drug dealers, we kept an eye on him and learned he was the supplier, and now we're here."
"Right, well you've barely scratched the surface," Horizon says. "For the past three days I've been analyzing the sample Fatgum sent me and doing some research of my own."
"We're listening."
"What you're dealing with isn't some nonsense like Trigger, this is a new type of arms race, the kind that can go global very quickly.
The red bullet Fatgum sent has a blue counterpart I found two weeks ago, but that one doesn't make any sense on its own since it doesn't do anything.
The red suppresses Quirks, but I think it's more like a Quirk Deletion Bullet."
"But my Quirk came back," Suneater says.
"Yeah, after a few hours, but I contacted the Commission for their records, any reports of Pro Heroes losing access to their Quirk, got hits from all across Japan. Dozens of reports, some for a few minutes, others for a few days, the evidence is inconsistent.
That means this is still in its trial run, and the end goal is likely a permanent result. One lucky shot and your career is over, in a battle, you'd just die more often than not."
Everyone looks sickened at the thought.
"The blue one does the opposite. On its own, you could apply it to yourself and nothing would happen, but if you've been shot by a Deleter Round, it counters the effect and matures your Quirk factor back to its usable state."
"A plague and a cure," Nighteye says.
"Exactly, they plan to sell the Deleter Rounds to villains and the cure to the government, can't imagine what a government wouldn't pay for their Top Pro Heroes to have their Quirks restored."
"How would they make that deal happen?"
"Already found that out," Horizon says, once again surprising everyone. "I found a small pharmaceutical company that applied for approval on the patent to the cure, it's hidden fairly well as something else but the chemical markers are nearly identical.
I tracked it though nearly a dozen shell companies back to the Shie Hassaikai, or atleast one of their ghost accounts."
"No wonder the Commission is so closely involved," Ryukyu says. "But from the sounds of it, the Shie Hassaikai are manufacturing these drugs, not importing it."
"That they are, and I know how to stop them from making more. I read the briefing Nighteye sent, thankfully Fatgum sent me a copy so I'd be up to speed."
Nighteye gives him a slightly annoyed look since it's confidential information, but Fatgum just shrugs and smiles awkwardly.
"Arresting Overhaul is a priority, but his supposed daughter is of equal importance."
"Eri?" Lemillion asks, a sinking feeling forming in his gut. "When we bumped into him we saw her, what's she got to do with this?"
"She's the product..."
The entire room is silent, mortified, hoping he didn't mean what they think he meant.
"Seriously?" Ryukyu didn't try to hide her disgust. "He's using his own daughter to make drugs?"
"Worse, his Quirk is Overhaul, it lets him disassemble matter and reassemble it however he wants. And the genetic markers I found in the samples are from the brain stem and spinal fluid of a girl, young, around 7 or 8 years old, blonde."
"That's Eri," Lemillion mutters, a pissed-off expression on his face. Angry at this whole situation, at the fact that he was so close but didn't save her, he handed her right back to that monster.
'Midoriya was right,' Nighteye thinks. 'If this plays out as Horizon suspects, I'll have to apologize for not believing in him...with instinct like that, it's no wonder All Might has such faith in the boy.'
"What's her Quirk?" Sir Nighteye asks.
"Well I managed to dig up a report by her mom, Overhaul's adoptive father, the previous boss who mysteriously fell ill is actually her grandfather. His daughter is Eri's mom...was, she abandoned her. Her father was a lawyer."
"Was? Did Overhaul kill him?"
"No, Eri did," they all look aghast at that. "Her Quirk is the ability to Rewind time itself, storing Chronons in her body somehow and giving them out to other living beings, then manipulating their Chronons to rewind."
"So she sent him into the past?" Fatgum asks.
"No, time travel isn't possible," Horizon says. "We don't move through time, it flows through us, that's how Quirks like Sir Nighteye's foresight work, he reads the Chronos while Eri acts like some kind of viral infection to them."
"So she touched him, and he vanished," Ryukyu says. "Just like that?"
"Precisely, and her mom left the next day, its a freak mutation kind of like mine, but much weaker," Horizon says. "The bullets rewind your Quirk factor to remove the Quirk, but from the looks of it Overhaul hasn't perfected grafting her genetic material onto the catalyst he uses to make it permanent."
"So it's like a battery," Nighteye says. "You said she uses her own Chronos, so each bullet has some, and the more he can fit into one the closer he gets to making it permanent, but anything less only needs a certain amount of time to mature into being usable again."
"Yeah, so the longer between uses of her Quirk the stronger the next use can be, the further she can rewind you."
"But she erased a grown man, right?" Fatgum asks.
"It's not uncommon for Quirks to have a sort of 'limit break' when they first manifest, when the body suddenly unleashes unsustainable power. She'll likely never be able to do that again, but I'd still be careful when touching her."
"So we gotta rescue the kid, arrest Chisaki, and shut down this operation, right?" Rocklock asks.
"Hmm, you're actually keeping up, I'm surprised."
Before Rocklock can respond Nighteye cuts him off, "anything else Horizon?"
"Yeah. Because of the danger this situation poses to the stability of the world. The threat of Quirk Deleter Rounds, the Commission wants this deal with Quietly. President Pantu will send each of you a set of guidelines soon but she's already hashed it out with me this morning."
"What do we need to know?" Nighteye asks.
"Just keep this quiet, don't let any of the rounds get away from you, and your priorities are Eri and the remaining rounds. Without her they can't make more, we can always send in more muscle to deal with Overhaul another time, neutralizing the threat of this drug is the priority."
"If this is such a big deal, does that mean you're coming to help us?" Rocklock asks.
"Good question," Nighteye says, before Horizon can form another petty comment.
"Hostage rescue and investigations like these are easy, but I can't just leave Tokyo and head to the other side of Japan without the crime rate here spiking. My existence is keeping Minato Tokyo and Musutafu suppressed, even leaving for a few days will cause problems for the people here, ideally, you deal with this without me.
And unfortunately, it's much of the same with other top Pro Heroes like Endeavor, luckily you've got one of the Top 10 on your side already, that should be enough. Any of us suddenly heading toward their territories will cause Overhaul to take Eri and flee."
"That makes sense," Nighteye says. "But we've got enough to deal with this situation."
"If things escalate or the League Of Villains shows up then give me a call, but unless absolutely necessary I need to stay put."
"Understood, and since this is a sensitive matter, what timeframe, I assume we have one, right?"
"Yeah, ten days, if this isn't dealt with in ten days I'm coming down there. People here will get hurt and probably die...but Japan is unstable as is, the sudden emergence of these bullets will do a lot more harm than the result of me leaving my domain for a while. Luckily it should only take me a day or two to wrap up Overhaul and his Yakuza losers."
"Understood," Nighteye says. "I'll keep you in the loop as much as possible. Tha---" Horizon hangs up.
Ryukyu facepalms, feeling second-hand embarrassment, "I swear he's nice when you get to know him."
"Oh, I don't know about that," Froppy says. "I think you're just being nice, he's always kind of a jerk..."
"Yeah," Rocklock agrees. "Normally I don't speak like this about kids but...that guy is as--- a jerk."
Almost everyone nods in agreement.
"That's irrelevant," Nighteye says. "In three days he uncovered more than I knew existed in the past 6 weeks, the information he provided is beyond critical for this investigation. I'll have to alter our action plan but your roles as discussed today are unchanged. We're only now entering the observation stage of things."
"Then we should all head back to our territories after exchanging contacts," Ryukyu says. "We'll save Eri and stop these monster, I can feel it, but don't let your desire to save her quickly cause you to take unnecessary risks. Believe me, I want to save her as much as any of you, the thought of a child enduring torture like that sickens me, but the risk of us over reaching and scaring off Overhaul is far too great."
"Agreed," Nighteye says. "Heed her words everyone, be careful in your approach, now let's get to work..."
After everyone leaves, only Nighteye and his sidekicks are in his office, grim expressions as they sit around his coffee table.
"We have to tell him, right?" Bubble girl asks.
"The case is confidential, and he's not a part of it anymore," Centipeder says.
"Deku deserves to know," Lemillion says, a grim expression on his face, fist balled so tight it hurts. "He was right, he was right and I stopped him from saving her. I handed her back over to that monster...I don't know how I can look him in the eyes after that, or her."
"By doing what heroes do, by saving her," Sir Nighteye says to the young hero. "Don't beat yourself up for the choice you made, with the information you had I would have done the exact same thing. You couldn't have known, and clearly Chisaki manipulated the records so nobody suspected his abuse of Eri... just do what you can, and save her, that's how you apologize to them."
"Right," Lemillion wipes the one tear flowing down his cheek, "thank you sir!"
"Good, now I need all of you to give me a moment, I need to call Midoriya, and I've been given a lot to think about..."
"You're going to tell him?" Centipeder asks.
"Of course," Nighteye says. "He may not have his Provisional License right now, but the moment he gets it back, I hope he'll return and be my sidekick, I have much to teach him..."
As they all exit the office, Nighteye takes out his phone, his finger hovering above Deku's contact.
'It should be lunchtime at UA right now...but what do I say to him.'
He thinks back on all he learned that day, and quietly laughs to himself, 'I didn't know what I didn't know, and stumbled into something far more nefarious than I could have ever imagined, but today I got a lot of insight.
Midoriya's instincts are atleast on part with All Might's, that heroic spirit they share, something I always lacked. It must be nurtured and allowed to bloom fully. I certainly see why you chose him as your successor instead of Mirio, I suppose my time with Mirio has made him a bit too much like me.
He always thinks before he leaps, and sometimes being a Hero means having faith.
But I also see why Principal Nezu likes Horizon so much, that boy...that man, as crude and prideful as he may be. His accolades far outshine any of the bad in his character, he'll be a fine hero, but to be the Symbol of Peace you need to inspire people, and he fundamentally lacks that.
His attitude constantly makes it clear that he thinks of himself as being above everyone else.
Even through the phone I could feel him looking down on everyone, the complete opposite of All Might who would always lift others up to new heights.'
Nighteye touches Deku's contact and the call begins connecting.
'Horizon is certainly an all-star in every category the Hero Public Safety Commission ranks in, the undisputed future #1 Pro Hero...but you'll be the Symbol of Peace to the people, their champion.'
---Meanwhile At Horizon Tower...
Horizon was finishing up some work on his computer while Ryuko was bawling her eyes out on the couch.
"See this is why you don't eavesdrop, I told you that you couldn't handle it."
"But how can they do that to a child!"
Horizon just rolls his eyes, "you women and your feelings..." he mutters before warping away, leaving the crying woman behind, now ready for a day of hero work in Tokyo...
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