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47.25% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 180: CHAPTER 176(Lurkers)

Chương 180: CHAPTER 176(Lurkers)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---September 23rd, 3 Weeks into Semester 2...

Descending from the sky above Horizon soars through the cool night air on his hoverboard.

Below he sees the coast, just north of Tokyo, a small port with rows of warehouses and only a few boats docked. No large ships resting here at the moment.


He senses everything for 500m around him, finding the people he came to meet tonight, and to confront.


He swaps with a piece of paper.

Suddenly he's standing in one of the far warehouses, still on his hoverboard, in a room filled with police officers wearing assault gear.

The sounds of guns being readied and aimed at him clack out from all sides.

"Friendly," he says casually, and sees the faces of some of the men relax and brighten, now far more confident they'd be going home to their families tonight.

With a miracle on their side.

"It's been a while!" the captain in charge calls out from across the room. The man was standing around a table with a map of the docks on it, his lieutenants beside him as they plot their assault.

Horizon hops off his board, which some of them men stare at as it remains hovering in place, and walks over to the table.

"Good to see you again," Horizon says. "Well, its atleast good that we're taking down more criminals together."

The man chuckles a bit, "yeah well, last time was that warehouse of Trigger in Tokyo, this time its guns, guns, and guess what, more guns."

"You always get assigned to the warehouse raids?"

"If its on the docks, it hits my desk, atleast in this region, and since this time I'm here before you go busting in there, we've got a warrant."

"Hey last time I had probable cause to investigate," Horizon says jokingly.

"Right, whatever kid, just don't toe the line, we really can't afford you getting kicked out of the Hero Course for some crap like that," the man says.

"I'll keep that in mind," Horizon looks at the map as he expands his room, seeing a few points marked as having sentries posted with higher caliber rifles.

And without asking he takes one of the nearby pencils and adds to the notes on the map.

"Safe in this room, you missed a guard posted here, these crates are your priority. They've got more ammo than guns in that place but they're all together, get to these crates when things get hot so they don't just have unlimited ammo to shoot at your men."

"Damn," one of the lieutenants mutter.

"Trigger?" the captain asks.

"Mmm, not that I'm sensing," Horizon says, then stops for a moment and turns to face the warehouse. "There is something, but, a different kind of container, atleast not meant for injecting. Only one case of it."

"Can you mark it?"

"Secret room below this area of the floor," he points at the map. "I'd warp it out now but it feels like they have it on a pressure plate and watched by a motion sensor of some kind."

"I see, is that all?"

"Yeah, but I don't see why you couldn't deal with this without me, you've got more than enough muscle."

"Are they in position?" the captain asks as he takes a picture of the updated map and sends it to them.

"Yeah, I can sense Team Lurkers," Horizon says. "Edgeshot is up on one of the cranes by the water, Kamui is camped out at the road, I assume you put him there to stop vehicles with Mt. Lady, since she's sitting beside him falling asleep."

Horizon looks in her direction, then raises his hand and flicks a finger upward, "Takt."

"What was that?" one of the lieutenants ask.

"Just keeping her awake, anyway, why am I here, you've got enough muscle for this."

"Here," the captain hands him a earpiece which he connect to his visor via his phone. "I'll have Edgeshot explain."

"Lurkers, Horizon checking in," he says.

"Kamui Woods checking in."

"Ngh, Mt. Lady checking in, did you do that just now Horizon?"

"No idea what you're talking about."

"Edgeshot checking in, a pleasure to be working with you Horizon."

"Likewise, and why don't I sense Cellophane here?"

"He's in Tokyo on a solo stakeout mission," Edgeshot says. "Less fire and bullets, he's good but I want to teach him the things only I can teach first, you've got combat covered."

"Can we please focus," the captain says. "Edgeshot, please inform Horizon of the discovery you made yesterday."

"Right," Edgeshot's voice becomes even more serious. "From my current position, I'm maintaining line of sight on both suspects. Yesterday when I was doing final recon, after everyone got into position, I got a glimpse of one of the men deeper inside.

His skin was kind of different greys and blue, and looked stitched together. His face didn't seem all that abnormal in this world of Quirks, but the Frankenstein's monster look was a bit too suspicious."

"You think its a Nomu, and you said you have eyes on two suspects, so a second one?"

"Precisely, they also aren't carrying guns, and haven't moved in the past fifteen hours."

"Are they to the southeast corner of the building?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"Because that's where the secret storage area is, there's a case in there we need to get, check the map the captain just sent you."

"On it."

"Good call waiting for me, who knows what kind of Quirks they could have. But the grey Nomu are supposed to be low-end, purple-black is mid-rank, and we know they've got some special High-End Nomus, atleast one."

"What? A high-end?" Kamui asks. "I didn't know that."

"The top Pro's will get the report tomorrow, along with the top police officers," Horizon looks to the captain. "Everyone on this line will know which is why I'm saying it now. My speculation is those things are meant to be hero killing specialists, or serve unique roles."

"But these Nomu should be on the weaker side from what you said, so we could have gone in yesterday," Mt. Lady whines. "We spent a extra night at this smelly port for nothing."

"Commission's orders," Edgeshot says. "All Nomu sightings get reported to Horizon, and if he's available we wait for him before engaging, you know without him there isn't anything stopping Kurogiri from warping these people away."

"Yeah, I know..."

"I don't think Kurogiri would get involved here," Horizon says. "Shigaraki has been breaking any gang or crime organization he can get his hands on and adding them to his forces. This is likely one of those, that's why they've only got two Nomu, and they're hiding supplies here instead of wherever the league hides theirs, probably off-shore or in another country."

"Because if you have warp gate you don't need supplies to be close," Kamui Woods says. "That's a good point, so these are just street thugs playing with Shigaraki's toys?"

"Most likely, but better to be safe than sorry."

"Seems a bit odd to me," the captain says. "They went through the trouble of buying this warehouse in a nice secluded spot, bought all these guns and security, and even built a secret room for whatever is in those cases, but only have two of the weaker Nomu...doesn't add up."

"It rarely ever does."

"You sure you don't sense anything else?"

"I'm sure," Horizon says. "But I'll be going in first anyway, keep your men on the perimeter, and Edgeshot---"


"When I make noise, you get into the secret room and steal whatever is in there, preferably without triggering the pressure plate or motion sensor. We want them to not know we found it, and the pressure plate and sensor will do exactly that."

"No wonder you didn't just warp it out, but I can handle it no problem."

"What about us?" Kamui Woods asks.

"You and Mt. Lady catch any stragglers while I deal with the Nomu, we're doing this loud. Normally I'm more tactical with my approach, but we need to send a message to Japan that any gang that works with the league is gonna get their teeth kicked in."

"A bit crude, but I see the logic in it, we'll follow your lead on this," Edgeshot says.

"Good, I know I can count on all of you, so just stick to the plan, I'll go get into position."

"Position, what position?" Mt. Lady asks.

"I'm Horizon, I don't need to sneak around my enemies, I'll just walk up and knock."

"I'll start the signal interrupter," the captain says and one of the lieutenants rushes off to the technical unit.

"Great, so I'll go say hello..."


Chương 181: CHAPTER 177(Tactically Inefficent)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


"What the hell is he doing?" Edgeshot asks from his perch.

At that moment he was looking through his binoculars, to see Horizon walking in the middle of the road up to the warehouse.

Not at all an efficient tactic, but certainly a flashy one.

Stacks of empty metal shipping containers on either side of him, spread around the entire area so it doesn't look suspicious and empty.

"This is the plan," the captain says. "He's about to make a scene, everyone is ready to back him up."

Approaching the massive warehouse, the two guards at the metal gate blocking it from the rest of the area immediately notice Horizon.

"Oh crap!" one of the men reaches for the radio on his waist.

"Takt!" both the men watch as their radios are pulled off of them and clatter to the floor.

"Shit!" they both draw their submachine guns and take aim. But as they try to squeeze the triggers, they refuse to budge.

As they try to figure out what was wrong, what caused their guns to seemingly jam. Not realizing the hold Horizon had on the components of their weapons.

"TAKT!" The metal gate is ripped from the wall and slams into them before hovering in the air, then Horizon rears back his arm in a throwing motion.

And with one move he catapults the gate into the now alerted warehouse doors.

It dents the other metal door before clattering to the floor.

And everyone is ready for battle as he steps over the unconscious bodies of the two guards.

"Don't suppose you're going to surrender and explain this operation?!" Horizon yells out as he sees a dozen men aiming rifles at him, standing between himself and the warehouse doors.


"Guess that's a no---"

A volley of bullets and a cacophony of gunshots echo across the area.

"Dam---" Edgeshot was about to leap off the crane and get involved, but pauses as he notices all the bullets stopped in mid-air. "Oh, never mind I guess..."

Standing before the men Horizon just shakes his head, all their stunned faces looking at him in horror, "well, atleast I tried being nice."

Edgeshot's eyes go wide as he sees Horizon raise his sword and perform one horizontal slash at the warehouse roof.


The sound of stone grinding reaches out for barely a moment, and then he sees it, a perfectly clean cut diagonally from Horizon's spot in the road, to the back of the warehouse roof.

And in the next moment, he nearly drops his binoculars as Horizon raises his hand, and the entire roof rises with it, hovering high above the warehouse.

'Wow,' Edgeshot takes a moment to really absorb this sight. 'Enji said he's the most powerful Telekinetic in the world, I saw that video of him holding up a skyscraper...but this, in person, seems so unreal.'

The men inside the warehouse immediately begin to rush outside, and the two Nomu all the way at the back break into a sprint as well, so Edgeshot waits for them to clear out before he breaks into the secret compartment.

Edgeshot looks back to Horizon just in time to see one of the men drop his gun. He slams his fists together and his clothes rips apart as his body is covered in a small layer of brittle stone, sprouting out of his skin.

'Poor guy is gonna get cut up,' Edgeshot thinks as the man rushes Horizon, only for the student to snap his finger and point at the man.

And all the bullets held in the air are hurled at the man, not hard enough to draw blood thanks to his Stone Skin. But as the Quirk is broken and the man lies unconscious on the floor, he was covered in black and blue bruises all over his body.

'No wonder Pantu told me to be careful about this kid, but he's been pretty respectful atleast. But if I was her I'd be nervous too, I guess she's smart to warn us Top Pro Heroes that he's got an ego and doesn't like playing with others. But I haven't seen any of that tonight...'

Edgeshot leaps from his vantage point and into the warehouse as Horizon is rushed by the other men, as the real fight begins.

The crowd rushes Horizon and he sees one man with a Tanto, but the man then touches the blade with his finger and it begins glowing red hot.

'Heat Metal?' Horizon wonders as the man rushes in. Beside him are two brawlers, likely with a Strength Enhancer Quirk.

These three men rush in as the others reload.

One slash with the red hot blade nearly hits Horizon, and as its about to make contact.


One of the brawlers takes his place, and the sound of flesh being burnt reaches their ears before the scent hits the air.

"AHHHHHHH!" the man screams out, but only for a moment as Horizon touches the should of the man with the Tanto still in his ally.

"Counter Shock!"

A quick discharge of electricity knocks them both out as the other brawler leaps up to kick Horizon in the back of his head.

Without even looking Horizon just raises his hand, feeling the enhanced strength of the man he uses a bit of energy to enhance his own strength to seemingly stop the attack with no issue.

"Hng!" the man's eyes go wide as the blocked palm grips his leg and spin with him, throwing him back toward his reloading allies, with enough force that he could easily clear twice the distance.

As the man is about to slam into the others Horizon swaps places with him and knocks out two men, before swapping again, and the man finally crashes into one of his allies.

With a few bloody slashes and broken jaws the others are quickly dealt with, then Horizon warps back into the open as the two main threats arrive.

They both appeared normal in his Scan, because Scan is only on the surface level, and doesn't show color. The true form of a shapeshifter can't be sensed by it, much like the clearly cobbled-together men before him appeared normal because he couldn't see the colors of them.

"You really are some ugly fuckers," he mutters as they both stare at him, completely unresponsive. "I guess they made you to try and blend in, well, let's get this over with..."

Horizon raises his sword and points it at them, and one of the Nomu immediately respond.

It releases a low growl, then belches out a bolt of lightning at Horizon.

He senses the bolt, but physically can't react fast enough.

Warping away is an option of course, but that doesn't send the right message.

Counter Shock: Lightning Rod!

The bolt hits him and joins the electricity already flowing across his body before he stabs Scalpel into the floor and disperses it.

The Nomu and spectators look a bit confused and amazed.

And Kamui Woods hears Mt. Lady mutter out, "sometimes I really hate how cool he looks."

"Worry about your spotlight later..." Kamui Woods whispers back.

"Lightning Bolt," Horizon says. "I'll add that to the list of Quirks the enemy has, and what's yours?"

As if understanding him the other Nomu begins growing, becoming almost as tall as Mt. Lady herself, and the woman nearly leaps into action.

Instinctively understanding that in most cases, she's the one to deal with giant-sized opponents.

But Kamui Woods stop her, sticking to the plan.

"Gigantification," Horizon says in a bored voice. "Ok, I've learned everything I can from these two, let's wrap this up."

As his words reach his allies through their radios he points his blade at the lightning-wielding Nomu.


Seemingly nothing happens, then the Nomu flinches a few times and crumples to the floor.

'So that's Injection Shot,' the spectators realize.

Until now they've only heard about this almost mythical ability to damage people or structures without any resistance or signs of attack. Because throughout Japan and the world, everyone knows one of the restrictions Horizon faces is that he cannot use this excessively.

And now they better understand why.

It is inherently an effective attack, but the damage it does is rumored to be excessive and cruel, leaving many to wonder how such a young hero came up with it.

The corpse crumples to the floor as the Gigantification Nomu bounds forward to stomp down on Horizon.

"Curtain!" Horizon raises a hand and his translucent blue energy barrier appears in front of him, as a large square structure.

The ground under the other foot cracks as the giant tries to apply more and more pressure on the shield, and Horizon feels his ability pulling more and more power to defend against the weight.

"Ok, you're annoying," he drops his sword which hovers in the air, then uses his now free hand to point at the giant's head.

"Takt: Celestial Body!"

Dozens of empty shipping containers suddenly rocket toward the giant's head, battering it from all sides as if they were gravitationally pulled toward it.

It stumbles back and almost falls over, but even as the sound of bones shattering and eyeballs being squished is heard, and the Nomu once again becomes a lifeless corpse.

The body remains upright, hanging from where this almost crumpled ball of shipping containers slammed into it and are pinning it in the air.

A ball of crumpled metal crushing the head, with the giant body hanging out of it.

"Ugh," the spectator's wince and turn away in disgust.

And as the corpse slowly shrinks back, he drops the containers and it becomes a splat on the floor.

'Horizon takes a breath and smiles beneath the visor, happy with these new skills he's been able to develop at a much sooner pace, thanks to All For One...'


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