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32.03% MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi) / Chapter 122: CHAPTER 118(Shattered Pillar)

Chương 122: CHAPTER 118(Shattered Pillar)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


Flying on his hoverboard, Horizon glares at his phone as he soars above Japan.

He was pushing his speed up to 400mph -643kmph- as he was watching the live news broadcast on his phone.

With the audio projected into his visor, he completely ignores everything and focuses on the fight.

Listening to All For One's words he can't help but scowl.

"Nana Shimura...she really just destroyed her family to save strangers, disgusting..." he mulls it over for a few seconds before realizing something.

"Wait, if All Might called her his Master...he has the body of a Quirkless person, so he must have gotten One For All from her.

And she had to have gotten it from someone, All For One attacked the camp for it so he knows about it.

Plus everything Deku just said means...how many people did that Quirk get passed down to before now?

Oh, that was a smart move, finally got rid of the distraction," Horizon mutters as Gran Torino is turned into bloody mist by All For One.

'Now I just need All For One to win or warp away so he can keep up his end of our deal...'

Moments later his hopes are crushed when, as always, All Might claims victory.

'Fuck,' he frowns at the screen, seeing All Might standing unconscious with his right fist raised to the sky and his left arm missing from just below the shoulder.

'Ok, I guess I can work with this, heal up All Might, get some more credibility from all the crap All For One was spouting during the fight about how if they wanted to guarantee victory they should have brought me.

Then I guess since All Might is definitely forced into retirement by this I can fill the much more blatant power vacuum, thankfully I've already prepared Minato Tokyo to be my territory.

And since All Might used to be there they don't even have many Hero Agencies in the first place because he always put them out of business...

I guess I'll have to ask Nezu for more days away from UA to do hero crap. Two days a week is already pushing it but maybe I can get Thursdays too.

That way I can do hero work from Thursday to Sunday.

Plus I can just start hunting down the League Of Villains immediately, if I lock up all of them before I graduate that'll get me to the #2 spot, if not number one.

Hmm, #1, Endeavor probably wouldn't be that easy to get ahead of, but now he's dealing with his nightmare family bullshit so he's distracted by that.

Plus I need to train up Sero so people know that I'm a capable leader and keep working on myself, that'll get me to the top spot,' he decides, considering the finer points of his plan as the scene changes on his phone.

Instead of the battlefield, the news helicopters follow the ambulance as it rushed All Might to Central Hospital, by far Japan's second-best medical facility.

Second only to whatever room Horizon happens to be standing in at any given moment.

Seeing this he hops onto 'Yay!' to check how the internet is reacting to All Might's fight.

And as usual, it was having a complete meltdown.

Multiple discussions and topics were trending, many of which involved people putting together any possible evidence of All For One existing over the years, but of all these people none would ever openly admit to being in collaboration with him.

Not while he's in jail, too far for his influence and power to protect them.

Checking the other topics Horizon sees almost unanimous praise for All Might, and some people are a bit too trigger-happy with the 'in memory of' tributes.

"These fuckers really haven't figured out that I'm his doctor, as if something like that would kill him...hell, he can't even die unless I allow it."

Poking around a bit more, he found exactly what he was looking for.

Absolute chaos.

People were crying and panicking all over the internet about the Symbol Of Peace being done, obviously forced to retire, and Horizon smiles below his visor.

Because chaos, brings opportunity.

"Looks like you sheep need a new shepherd...oh, sorry, you civilians need a new 'Symbol Of Peace'," he chuckles at the ridiculous thought.

A few minutes later and Horizon sees posts appearing, people already theorizing how this will shake up the Pro Hero Rankings in Japan.

And a moment later another alert catches his eyes, "wow...that's a big drop," he says, staring wide-eyed at his phone as the projected devaluation of the Japanese currency is shown.

"Makes sense, people really don't have any faith in countries without strong heroes, crime is definitely going to skyrocket now that All Might is down, so people can't invest in Japan as safely...good thing none of my money is stored here."

He opens the notification up to see the projected drop at 5%, such a sudden drop is catastrophic for the economy, and that is only for tonight.

"All the more reason to get out of this country...but I guess when I'm the top hero it should become stable again at least."

Before he could look any deeper into the immediate effects of this battle Horizon's phone begins to ring, and he immediately answers.

"I'm already flying to Central Hospital," he says.

"Oh thank god," Nezu's worried voice flows into his visor.

"You're welcome, but care to tell me what the fuck is going on?! Why didn't you even tell me there was a counter-attack happening tonight?!"

"I wanted to involve you, but I was ordered not to," Nezu says.


"Pantu, she had some information that the villains were especially monitoring you, since only you can stop Kurogiri---"

"I'm not sure how that would work, but I guess it's not impossible.

And if I moved in their direction they'd have just warped away...that wouldn't have worked out for them but I see why someone could think that, but what did you have planned to stop them from just running away?"

"All Might," Nezu says. "And he was sure that All For One wouldn't be able to run away from a chance to settle their differences once and for all."

"Tch, I still should have been there, All For One said it himself that he was done for if they had me with them," Horizon grumbles.

"True, but All Might didn't want to put any more students in danger. We lost quite a few students during the training camp, we can't lose any more of you."

Horizon doesn't even doubt that statement. He's met the man after all, someone with such a strong 'Heroic Spirit' would never allow one of his students into a fight like that, even if it was Horizon.

"Heroic to a fault, so how'd you even find them so quickly? At the press conference tonight you said the police had no leads yet, you lied?"

"A necessary deception," Nezu says. "It caused both UA and the police to take some hard criticism in the minutes between that statement and the reveal that it was all a clever lie. We had hoped that the assault would have gone smoothly without anyone dying."

"That's always the hope," Horizon says.

Nezu sighs, "true, so far, aside from the civilians, Gran Torino is the only confirmed death, along with some police officers."


"Only All For One, the others got away from what I understand, teams are moving in to investigate the buildings as we speak."

"Shigaraki and his group of losers shouldn't be as dangerous without their backed, but we still don't know who is making the Nomu for them."

"We assumed it was All For One," Nezu says.

"If he's a geneticist then possibly, otherwise they've got someone who knows his way around a helical genetic code and pharmaceuticals..."

"Hmm, we'll have to look into it, but it won't be easy until we have some of their group in custody to question."

"Yeah that'd make things a lot easier," Horizon says. "How'd you even find the villains so quickly?"

"Oh, I half expected her to have already told you...Ms. Yaoyorozu attached a tracker to one of the Nomu at the summer camp, with some help of course."

Horizon doesn't know if he should be annoyed or surprised that now is when she chooses to be capable, when she had the best opportunity to completely fuck him over and ruin his escape plan.

"Good job I supposed," he says in an extremely bored tone, deciding not to think about it too much.

"You should tell her that in person sometime, how much longer before you get to the hospital?"

"Half hour, is that place secure enough?"

"The Commission is having all nearby heroes and a lot of police head there now to secure it, they expect trouble since All Might is the patient...every villain wants to be the one to finish off All Might."

"Better the hero the bigger the target on your back," Horizon says with clear disgust in his voice, "even extends to your family sometimes."

"Mhm, will you be able to save him?"

"From what I saw and what I know of his condition, he's got about a 1% chance to live, it'll take a miracle basically...so yeah, he'll be fine when I'm done, but..."

"But what?" Nezu asks, scared to hear the answer.

"The hero 'All Might', is done, you know that right?"

Nezu sighs, "yes, I prepared myself for this a long time ago, but I don't believe he's ready to hang up his cape."

"He won't have a chance, and you're a lot more ready than most, have you seen how the media is reacting?"

"Insanity and chaos, as usual."

Horizon shakes his head, "people just aren't ready for their one support pillar to shatter like this. An entire society leaning on one person is destined to fail, the system has to change if you want it to last."

"True, but thankfully, until those changes happen the masses will be a bit calmer since they already have an idea of who their next pillar shall likely be...right?"

Horizon rolls his eyes, "first things first, so for now let me just try to pick up the pieces of the last one..."

As Horizon continues his flight to Tokyo, both men would be proven right on this very night.

Countless people demanded that the Japanese constitution be ignored in the case of Horizon. Allowing him to be a fully licensed Pro Her without completing the trial period or graduating from a Hero Course.

A move made out of desperation and fear, because with All Might seemingly dead or out of action, people wanted someone they could hide behind when things got dangerous.

And as if to prove Horizon's point about society needing to not depend on one person to this extent, over the next 24 hours, the Japanese currency would lose 12% of its total trading value.

Soon trade and shipping would begin to slow as crime skyrockets, and at every level of society, people would feel the repercussions of this night in their wallets and bellies.

The shifting tides as the eras change.

Chaos, until Horizon rises to become their next Symbol Of Peace...


Chương 123: CHAPTER 119(Broken Symbol)

Discord: https://discord.gg/t7bHrdRY7Y

pat.reon: Keanu_Eugene (Unlimited chapters ahead)


---10 PM, Tokyo, Central Hospital...

In the massive plaza leading up to Central Hospital.

At the foot of the largest medical center in this part of the world, the building itself stood out from the grey and dull buildings around it.

A monument of white stone and brilliant shimmering glass dedicated to medical services and research. This legendary establishment was previously considered Japan's greatest house of medical miracles before a particular prodigy recently dethroned it.

But opposed to the usually serene and hopeful atmosphere of his place, all around it was currently in chaos. In the plaza, Pixie-Bob was currently fighting for her life.

Wearing a white top and blue dress with stockings, her scouter quickly equipped as she rushed to help in the fight.

Glancing off toward the edge of the plaza, past the chaos that was the Pro Heroes and police fighting the villains, she sees the mobs of people, scared and desperate for answers.

Barely held off by the police barricade at the edge of the plaza.

"What the hell do they think they can even do here," she grumbles, her anger flowing through. These people were putting more than just All Might in danger, but also Mandalay who was still in the hospital.

Edgeshot and a few other Pro Heroes were in the plaza with her, and more and more villains were drawn to it like moths to light.

Every villain wants to be the person who executed All Might after all, that was an easy claim to fame for villains in this situation.

Up above as the fight raged on, destroying the plaza and inching closer to the hospital, Horizon was already flying above Tokyo on his hoverboard.

The news feed was playing on his phone as he approached to give him a better view of the chaos.

And looking below him, all the people filled the massive street in front of the hospital like ants, all so heartbroken and scared of the idea of being without All Might that they rushed out of their homes just to be here.

'Just to stand around being fucking useless liabilities...'

While he was making his final approach, at home, everyone was glued to their screens, including all of 1A.

Some were frozen in shock after the Kamino fight.

Others were still crying their eyes out.

And along with them, everyone felt their hearts drop when someone broke through the crowd.

A short plain looking woman, only standing at 122cm -4ft- uses her Quirk, slamming her fists together while stuck in the crowd just a few meters in front of the barricade.


A shockwave turns everyone around her, police and civilians alike into red paste, tearing apart the skin on her knuckles as well.

The entire battlefield is silent for a moment as shock washes over them, and in that moment she takes massive leaps forward.

The clothes and skin on her legs are shredded with each step as the shockwaves propel her forward.

"I'm the only one that gets to kill him!" she screams at the top of her lungs as she takes a massive leap from the ground. Intending to jump into the tenth floor of the hospital.

But while in mid-air, barely a meter from the ground...


Horizon appears behind her atop the small crater her last leap caused, harmlessly swapped with a pebble, and leaving his board floating above -it would simply wait for him on the roof-.

He reaches out and immediately grabs onto her ankle.


He rips her out of the air and slams her face-first into the concrete floor, and without releasing her leg.

"Counter Shock!"

"Ahhhhhh!" she screams as the crackling electricity burns massive scars all up and down her body before he releases her leg, and the entire crowd is just staring at him.

'Huh, guess I need to relearn how to regulate the power of that move now that I've got so much more energy...' he thinks before turning and walking toward the hospital entrance.

He gives some of the villains a quick glance and they immediately raise their hands in surrender, realizing their window of time to kill All Might was done.

A perfect entrance to reassure the media that no matter what happens he'll always come back stronger.

The much more efficient thing would have been to simply warp into the hospital and trust the other heroes to handle this. He's sure between Edgeshot and Crust being outside they had it handled.

But All Might is about to retire, so he needs all the chances he can get to establish himself, even if that means risking seconds in which All Might could die.

'Better a dead martyr than a living cripple anyway...' he thinks while walking toward the hospital.

His presence truly did settle the tension in the air. Aside from the people still mortified by so many sudden deaths in the crowd, the viewers at home who barely saw that were relieved.

After learning Horizon lost to All For One they feared the worst, but now he's back and seemingly just as strong as ever.

And he'd definitely save All Might...right?

The moment he entered the door and was away from the cameras however, he shrank his room to just barely cover the hospital.


Everything and everyone within his Room was suddenly fed into his mind, giving him a searing headache that would soon fade.

But he found his patient, he also noted all the police officers patrolling the halls of the hospital and lining the walls leading up to the operating room.

Some nurses were running about in a frenzy getting everything the surgeons needed to save All Might, but they'd never be enough.


Horizon swaps places with the surgeon standing directly beside the operating table, then looks around at all the surprised faces.

"Get out, now..."

And surprisingly they do exactly that. No one so much as opens their mouth to say a single word to him.

Leaving him standing in the operating room with Yagi on the table. Laying unconscious with a small stump where his left arm was, hastily wrapped up, his Hero Costume torn up and hanging off him as if he were a clothes hangar.

His right hand was broken up and bloodied with much of the skin completely torn off.

And above all of that, he was still covered in Gran Torino's blood with some bits of him stuck in the costume.

'Never thought I'd actually operate in a hospital...now let's see exactly how damaged you are,' Horizon thinks as he rests a hand on Yagi's chest.

The entire operation room fades away as he focuses on Yagi's body. Feeling him down to a cellular level, using more and more energy to help get him stable.

He hears the heart monitor slowly but steadily increasing to an acceptable speed.

"Ok, step one done, now let's get a visual look," Horizon says as he reaches behind his back, taking his scalpel out of the small medical pouch below his jacket, then cutting Yagi's Hero Costume off to expose his torso.

'Fuck...' he sees the previous injury ruptured, now he can plainly see why it took so much energy to get him stable, because his Quirk is so desperately focusing on this injury that it's allowing the rest of him to waste away.

Looking around Horizon sees another table as well as all the machines and supplies the doctors and nurses expected to need, and he frowns at his current predicament.

'If I remove his heart to monitor it the shock of that will kill him...time to get creative...'

Removing his sword from his hip, scabbard and all, he throws it behind him, and it hovers in the air.

He then does the same for his jacket, making sure nothing could get in his way.


He separates Yagi's head, then carefully pulls one of the tables over with Takt and rests it atop it, very gently. Making sure not to remove the anesthesia mask.

'Ok, now let's see under the hood,' he carefully slices horizontally at the side of his torso, removing the top layer, half an inch -1.25cm- deep, and simply lifting off the top and placing it on the second table.

Now seeing the organs and still beating heart exposed -protected by a translucent jelly-like barrier of space-, he gets to look directly at all the damage.

'Hole in the heart.

All his ribs are broken.

His one good lung is already flooded and collapsing.

One good kidney already failed.

Liver nearly destroyed.

Intestines shredded.

His throat is almost entirely crushed, but the breathing tubes can deal with that for now.

I'll need to deal with the brain problems after...that'll be a whole other can of worms.

And after all of that, I'll deal with the cracked spine.

Then I can deal with the more normal things, broken bones, dislocated jaw, shattered orbital floor...the missing arm.

Doubt I'll be able to regenerate one for him, his body just won't be able to sustain that much mass, but he'll get over it.'

All of this analysis happens in the time it would take a normal person to get over the shock of seeing his organs laid bare.

Horizon immediately gets to work to save Yagi, to save All Might.

Aside from the terminally ill patients he's saved, by far his most miraculous operation yet. And certainly the most high profile.

He truly is the only person who could possibly save him...


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