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27.27% MHA : I Explode! / Chapter 5: I Explode! (Part 4)

Chương 5: I Explode! (Part 4)

(Alternate title: Break the world! EXPLOSION!)

High above in the sky, before the pressurized air could reach him, Viktor opened his eyes. An indescribable golden cross flashed in his crimson eyes before vanishing the instant it appeared. His fingers twitched before it folded into two tight fists bursting with orange light.

Opening his eyes, he could see the world that was previously in slow motion slowly moving back to its place. Moving his eyes to the side, he could see the previously flaming wolf was just his hallucination. It was a pillar of fire that reached towards the air cannon heading straight to his face.


The flaming pillar and the air canon collided mid-air and canceled each other. Causing another shockwave that pushed his body further towards the collapsed buildings.


Although he should be happy that someone was trying to save him, he couldn't help but question whether the guy actually wanted to kill him instead of helping him.

Instead of questioning it any further, he opened his bloodied palms. While the world was still going in a slow-motion, he began popping tiny explosions on his right palm to increase his sweat production, while slowly reaching towards the pipe above him.


With a firm grip, he rotated his stiff body to the side and poured all of his sweat inside the metal pipe. It only took 5 seconds before the world resumed its course.

His previously hazy mind cleared. Everything, from the uses of his Quirk to how it operates, it all suddenly clicked.

"I see..."

With a serious face, his body language suddenly changed. From the swaggering stiff moves he used previously, he suddenly turned nimble and agile. With practiced movements, he somersaulted in the air and did a front flip.

Now, instead of his back crashing against the concrete, it was his open palm instead. Cracking and popping with an orange light, he aimed it at the impending building.

'If I used my explosions to stop my fall, there is a higher chance that I might break my arm from the sudden switch in force. Instead of redirecting my fall, it's better if I obliterate any obstacle in front of me and land on my knees to kill the force, not only will it look cool, I would even be able to try this body's slight shock resistance.'

Disregarding his safety in exchange for looking cool, he grinned a little at how big his brain his.

As if All For One's attack that could destroy half of Kamino Ward was a lie, Viktor moved gracefully towards the oncoming building, with a hand over his face and a metal pipe on his side, he whispered:


An orange light emitted from his palm before it stretched forward, making combusting sounds as it reached towards the wall. Like a dragon's tongue, the moment it touched the gray wall, it directly melted its way through.



The entire building collapsed under the explosion, surprising the shit out of Viktor. He was only expecting to blow a hole and land safely inside, he didn't expect the entire building to get blown to pieces with just a casual touch.

As the dust rose towards the sky, naturally it covered the ground too, making Viktor wonder what's up and down, with his position that was slightly tilting forward, he couldn't tell which way was the right way because his brain was still rattled from the previous attack.

"Ex-" just as he was about to fire another explosion to blow the wind away, the dust suddenly cleared and what greeted him was the solid ground. "...plo-"

Thud! Crash!

Planting face first, he rolled over and over until he eventually stopped rolling. "Guh..." He could taste the dirt in his mouth but overall he was fine. "Maybe my shock resistance is also part of my Explosion Quirk?" he mused. Cracking his neck, he immediately jumped up and gazed at the ongoing battle. Even from his position, he could feel the ground shaking from the force of their punches.

'Am I really going to contend with those monsters?'

Viktor would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. In his previous world, he has seen missiles destroy bases. rockets exploding people to oblivion, and even suicide bombers exploding to pieces.

As a normal gangster(?), it was a bit unrealistic of him to think that he could beat someone who could literally punch him to nothingness. Just from All For One's air cannon, he felt that just another shot would be his death.

According to his memories, even one of All Might's smash could send him in a coma for years, let alone a villain that could challenge, if not beat All Might in terms of power.

"Hah... shit."

A part of him wants to play dead and escape, another part of him wants to explode All For One to pieces.

Closing his eyes, he began to think about what he should do. Eventually, he came across his master's advice.

"My useless disciple. If you don't know what to choose between a knife and a gun, then just do what your gut tells you to do. If it tells you to use the gun then use it. If it tells you to use the knife then use it. It doesn't matter what you choose, it will all be the same. You either have to kill someone to use it, or die trying."


Viktor wondered what kind of drug his master was in.

To think she had the genius to tell that to an 8-year old speaks volumes of her insanity.

"You know what... fuck it."

He decided to just let his instincts go ham. Whether his choice was wrong or not, at least that's what he decided on. In all his life, he always hid and ran away from any adversity. This time it will be different.

With Bakugo Katsuki's Quirk Explosion and his skills to kill anything with a human physique, he was quite confident in his chances at beating All For One.

'I just have to avoid his air cannons, then aim my palm at his face and explode him to pieces.'

Easier said than done.

Considering the fact that Viktor got a lucky shot, not once but twice at All For One, he expected that All For One will be guarded this time.


A sly smirk appeared on his battered face. He glanced at the metal pipe at his side and began stretching his hips. Putting it inside his pants, he aimed his palms beneath his feet. He closed his eyes and accessed Bakugo's memories. According to Bakugo, he could only propel himself by exploding behind him repeatedly in order to not get tunnel vision.

Viktor scoffed. Such pussy and uncool style of flying doesn't suit his taste. Even though Bakugo was half right that getting tunnel vision mid-flight sucks, as long as he looks cool in the process it doesn't matter.

His previously closed eyes opened, revealing a sharp glint that shone slightly in the darkness. His eyes zoomed in on the ongoing fight, despite not having a vision-enhancing Quirk, he could still see the figure of All For One floating haughtily in the air while casually throwing air cannons everywhere.

"Found you~"

Crouching slightly, smoke began emitting from his palms before it started glowing yellow. As the smell of nitric acid pervades the closed space, Viktor's eyes narrowed before a malicious smile split his face.




Viktor Blaze

Quirk: Explosion(Awakened)

The ability to control explosion from his palms. He can manipulate the size, heat, and blast of his explosions.




All Might was feeling the emotion known as despair.

If only...

If only he reached All For One.

If only he took care of the fight...

Bakugo wouldn't have been killed.

With a hollow look in his eyes, All Might gazed at his bloodied fist. His fist that was supposed to protect, now torn and broken. He gritted his teeth as tears threatened to drop from his eyes.

"Ah... a pity, I didn't expect him to show up. I could've sworn he already escaped." All For One said with fake concern. He raised his hands towards his head. "Still, this time it wasn't a piece, an entire chunk maybe?" he taunted towards the crumbling Symbol of Peace.

All Might opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out of it. Like a dead fish, he could only gaze at his powerless hands. He couldn't accept it, no, he couldn't believe it. His student was dead, just like that. There was no way a child like Bakugo could survive All For One's air cannon, and if he did, he must've died from the impact. Without even looking at the direction his student crashed in, he could already hear the building crumbling down, causing the ground to rumble.

He failed. He failed as a teacher. He failed as the Symbol of Peace. And most of all... he failed as a hero.

"Bakugo-shonen..." he closed his eyes and muttered remorsefully. The fire burning inside of him slowly dying out, just like himself.


"ALL MIGHT!" a hoarse voice yelled. It was filled with anger and grievance that made All Might raise his head. "WHAT IS THAT FORM OF YOURS, ALL MIGHT?!"

Turning his head towards the source, he could see Endeavor yelling towards him. his face morphed into righteous anger. "YOUR STUDENT JUST DIED, AND HERE YOU ARE CRYING!?"


A pillar of fire emerged from Endeavor's hands and he punched it towards the hovering All For One. "WHAT IS WITH THAT PITIFUL BACK?!" Hearing his friend/rival's lectures, All Might finally snapped out of his delusion and he firmed his resolve.

*BOOM!* fire and air clashed, canceling each other and creating another shockwave that shook the ground.


"Your right..." yellow lighting suddenly appeared all over his body. His previously shriveled form bulked up, resulting in a half-thin, half-buff up-like frame.

'Bakugo-shonen... I promise I will avenge you.' his blue eyes suddenly emitted a dangerous light. Yellow lightning arched its way towards his right arm, further enlarging it to his fullest form.

One for All 100%!

"If you just came to cheer him on," arcs of red lightning appeared on All For One's arm before it expanded and an orb of air emerged from his palm. "Then be quiet and watch like a good audience!"


"Quiet, you destroyer!" a ninja with a rope-like body flew towards All For One. "We have come to help!"

"That is our job!" Pro hero Kamui Woods replied while he rescued Mount Lady and Best Jeanist that was buried under the rubble.

"All Might." another cat person also decided to give All Might some morale boost. "This is all we can do... If we can help ease your burden even a little...!"


While All Might was busy being boosted with the power of love and friendship, seemingly forgetting about his supposedly dead student, Endeavor, Gran Torino, and Edge Shot were busy getting beaten the shit out of them by All For One.

With just his air cannons, he single-handedly(Literally) fought three high-ranking heroes in front of the citizens of Japan. Showing how overpowered he is, with the power of plot and his semi-immortality, even when his face that was previously blown to pieces by All Might, was bonked with a metal pipe by Viktor, he could still fight them and have the extra energy to monologue.

"How annoying." All For One finally decided to end his monologue and get serious. With a burst of air he aimed it towards the ground, the entire crater expanded, sending Edge Shot and co towards the nearby buildings along with some rubbles just like what he did to Viktor.

All Might held on, only for him to hear All For One continue his monologue. "Let's stop talking about emotions and start talking about reality." His seemingly impenetrable suit was torn, his arm swelled and extended forward, revealing multiple hands and metal spikes coursing through his skin. "Springlike Limbs, Kinetic Booster times four, Strength Enhancer times three, Multiplier, Hypertrophy, Rivets, Air Walk, and Spearlike Bones."

There stood All For One, with a bulging right arm, showing how many times he exercised. "The shockwaves until now were just to wear you out, not kill you," he revealed the obvious to All Might. "In order to kill you for sure, I will punch you with the ultimate combination of Quirks that I have right now!"

All Might, finally snapping out of his grief(?), reeled his massive right arm too. Preparing to clash against his long-time archnemesis.


Before the two behemoths could clash, a sonic boom echoed behind All Might, and before he could react, a human missile in the form of Katsuki Bakugo, holding a metal pipe glowing with red energy appeared.

He swung it towards the floating All For One and the resulting sound disappointed Viktor.


"Did you think I would fall for that again?" All For One asked as he used his enhanced right arm to block the incoming bonk of death.

Disheartened, Viktor could only sigh and shook his head. "Damn. You really did act like a villain." a maniac grin appeared on his face. "Eat this!" the glowing metal pipe glowed even brighter as light erupted from its holes, covering All For One, and Viktor who was already raising his left arm. Stepping on All For One's massive arm, Viktor did a backflip before using his other hand to propel him towards All For One again.



The glowing metal pipe exploded, with a burst of white light, all of the nitroglycerin-like sweat exploded, sending a shockwave capable of destroying an entire building at point blank-range. Splinters of metal spread far and wide, along with it was the surprised All For One. It sent him crashing through the buildings in a straight line, just like what he did to Viktor.


Viktor looked in amazement as he saw his right palm had a long red mark bleeding profusely. Despite having an explosion Quirk, it seems fire resistance wasn't part of the package, he thought to himself. "But still, this shockwave resistance is on another level." Viktor muttered.

After banishing All For One out of his sight, Viktor tilted his head towards All Might's direction. "All Might," he called out. "Leave this to the new generation." he proclaimed arrogantly. Viktor smiled, feeling cool of himself.

Before All Might could call out to him, Viktor conjured miniature explosions on his palm, but unlike his normal explosions, this one was producing shockwaves every time it pops. With a wave of his hand, a shockwave updraft appeared *KABOOM!*, successfully repelling the pillar of air heading straight towards his direction.


Staring at the flying air cannon, Viktor glanced back at his palm. 'Shit, this is too OP. Maybe I can actually kill All For One without looking desperate in the process?' he glanced at the helicopter hovering in the air, before his body subconsciously did a cool pose.

With swaggering steps, he walked forward. "Now then." Cracking his neck, he gazed coldly at the fuming All For One. "Time for some good old fashion beat down."


Next chapter: Air cannon? How about EXPLOSION instead!?


Katsuki Bakugo

Quirk: Explosion

Katsuki's Quirk allows him to secrete nitroglycerin-like sweat from the palms of his hands and ignite it on command, allowing him to create strong explosions. The more Katsuki sweats, the stronger his explosions become.


Power - 5/5 A

Speed - 4/5 B

Technique - 5/5 A

Intelligence - 4/5 B

Cooperativeness - 1/5 E


This chapter is unedited cause I cant focus properly.

(A/N: Toothache sucks ass. Please leave one comment for prayer.)

This one is a long chapter because I didn't upload yesterday. If my toothache persist tomorrow then... Nah just kidding I have another unedited chapter to upload.

Its my first time going to the dentist tomorrow. Wish me luck!


I know, I know its slow. But please have patience. It is an entire arc! An entire arc I say!

For those wondering whether this is a harem or not, well I don't really know.

You guys can vote on it maybe after the first volume? I'm busy writing another crossover fanfic with lots of romance and harem without any actual progression so...

Yeah, anyways, you will probably beg me to make it harem once we get to the drama part- ehem... Heheuhuehueuheuhehehe-cough!-cough!.

IamBoredGuy IamBoredGuy

Finally! One more chapter and this Arc(?) will be over!

The most awaited awkward moments and reaction of class 1-A towards the brand new Bakugo is coming!

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