When Adria gave the information, she also made sure to add in the details about the current situation they are in, which means the power they hold as Nylan, the possible known situation of Azrail's strength, and some more. Overall, everyone has now got at least a basic grasp of what's going on and what kind of situations might happen in the future.
"My grandson really is something!" the proud grandfather Guo Ai shouted out with a hearty laugh, the pride in the old man's face etched deep, while Fulu Ai gave a gentle smirk to support the statement. The monstrous situation and power of Azrail had fully sunk into them, and the whole family had understood the fact that they had severely underestimated the little kid in front of them.
"So how much have we gathered?" The question of Guo Ai brought a smile to Azrail's face as Yun responded to that question.