I read ancient proverbs then I worked my qi until I was exhausted, I ate and then I slept. Although I barely moved I was starved after the qi workout and a couple of tubes from embarrassing places disposed of my waste into a receptacle inside the robots housing.
The normal day night cycle was ignored, and I worked to the beat of my own drum. I kept my mind focused on the Dao and qi in the real world rather than stress over what was happening in the other one. The forest, Gisael and Dark Bear were all put away in a mental draw because there was nothing I could do. I couldn't think about them yet without depressing myself.
Jia visited often and the doors slid open for the another of these verbal combat sessions.
"You awake?" she asked.
"I thought you monitored my vitals," I said.
She pursed her lips. "It's easier to ask." She sighed. "We've got major problems."
"I know."