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83.33% Another Dimension The Ultimate Amalgam / Chapter 10: 8 SECRET BASE L4

Chương 10: 8 SECRET BASE L4

Ryan, Noah, Zach and Alan lived the miraculous by their supernatural presence in Nootra, home world of comics' heroes. They first met Denver, the dinosaur, and his companions. Then they met Batman, Hawkeye, his daughter Rain, Cesare, Yann, Superman, Captain Nootra, the Ninja Turtles, Shredder and Saiyans. They faced opposition when Nootra's security agents took them for intruders and chased them. The Saiyans decided to take them to a secret base in north Nootra to find help for their return to Earth. Going over the Frightful Forest, some villains attacked them, but the Alliance, namely Rahan, Conan, Samba, Leuk and Tarzan, plus their guest members the Fantastic 4 and Spider-Man, joined them and together, they defeated Freeza, Wrath-Amon, and their allies, including Windfang, Turles, Raditz, Dr. Doom, Terrax with the animals that had rallied behind them.

After eliminating the opposition in the Frightful Forest, Son Gohan, Son Goten, Krilin, Trunks, Noah, Alan, Ryan and Zach continued on their journey to the northern secret base. There was a wide sea immediately after the forest leading to L4. Having crossed it, they came to a deserted place, an extensive flat territory void of anything. Son Gohan asked his companions to land, but some wondered.

Goten: "Why do we take a break when there's still a great distance to cover? I can go on for another four hours before I'm exhausted."

Krilin: "There's nothing on the horizon, Gohan."

Gohan: "Don't always trust perception, Krilin. We're exactly where we're supposed to be."

Trunks: "You mean we've arrived at L4? But there's nothing in this place."

Son Gohan gave a signal by clicking his fingers, clapping his hands, and stamping his feet a number of times, following an order.

Goten: "Thanks for the jesting, brother. While we're at it, you can as well perform the choreography mom taught us on the Dance of Shamans."

Krilin: "Seriously, Gohan; do you have to play ridiculous at this hour?"

Zach: "What he's doing must have a meaning. Anybody has an idea?"

Goten: "I was a child the last time I came here. I don't remember how things used to be done."

Krilin: "I've never been here so don't ask me about the clowning."

Trunks: "I've seen something similar before. It's a code for accessing the base. It may appear simple, but you need total concentration to do what he's doing there. He must perform each movement correctly without missing any, or else he will be denied."

Ryan: "Watch, guys; something is coming up."

When Son Gohan finished the ritual, a magnetic water-like flux, as big as a door, appeared. Son Gohan asked his companions to follow him and as they stepped closer, the magnetic fluid drew them and pulled them inside. The traverse was instantaneous for it seemed they only crossed a door. On reaching the other side, they found themselves in a place harbouring an immense building stretching to the sky. It covered a fantastic land surface to unseen horizons. It was nothing some of them had seen before. A noble hero was standing at the entrance of the building.

Alan: "Getting better and better!"

Ryan: "And we're only at the gates."

Zach: "There was a fault in the representation of his armour."

Noah: "He's way too sublime."

Goten (to his comrades): "It can't be helped. They're uncontrollable when they see a hero for the first time, as Mario said."

Gohan: "Guys, sorry to interrupt this moment of ecstasy, but we have to move forward."

Son Gohan walked to Iron Man,[1] L4's guard, and asked access to the building. Iron Man, in return, asked the motive for their visit.

Gohan: "These friends from planet Earth were accidentally transported to Nootra. We brought them here so you can help them find their way back home. I know you have experts in all science and technologies at L4, you yourself being one of them, Iron Man."

Iron Man: "So these are the aliens Headquarters is looking for? Well, sorry you've been in jeopardy in the Frightful Forest for nothing. I shall hand you over to Central."

The Saiyans and the Earthlings were taken aback and couldn't believe what Iron Man just said. Alan, who was particularly fond of the armoured hero, spoke out without restraint.

Alan: "The Iron Man I know can't do that."

Iron Man: "Really? You think you know me? And why can't Iron Man do that?"

Alan: "Because you're a man of honour. You're committed to doing good no matter what the rules or authorities say. If you act otherwise by handing us over to our trackers, I would feel bad because you would have disappointed. The worst thing would be that everything I ever believed about you would turn out to be a lie."

Iron Man: "So you extra-Nootrans don't respect order? Another good reason to hand you over to Superman and his friends of Central. By the way, what did you even think about me; that I was a hero or something? I'm not sorry to disappoint you 'cause I no longer play that stuff. Does anyone care to know what I've become?"

Alan: "This is not my hero Iron Man. What happened to you? So far, the people we've met have proved themselves faithful to their personalities. Are you sure you're not an impostor, sir?"

Iron Man: "That's a good one: an impostor suspecting me of being one. In passing, kid; am I really your hero? It's a while since anybody considered me that; ever since I was reduced to being the guard of Nootra's remotest base. Citizens don't pass this way and superheroes are not impressed. Tell me, little one; are there more people on Earth who love me as you do?"

Noah: "Yes. There are comics, cartoons and even films about you, Tony Stark."

Iron Man: "And you know my secret identity! Terrestrials, you've passed the test. You've proved you have a noble spirit and are worthy to get in L4; for no undeserving one shall trespass."

Gohan: "You see why we brought you here? L4 is an integral unit of NSF, but they're not directly accountable to Central, like the Alliance. This is how we decentralize our civilization. Friends, you'll be safe in the care of the honourable heroes here."

Iron Man: "You're right, kid; I would be a monster to betray those who come seek refuge from me. Hit here, buddy; I'm touched you trust my integrity."

Alan hit Iron Man's iron fist. The other Earthlings, Saiyans, and Krilin came closer to touch his magnificent armour. Iron Man exhibited the many abilities of his armour and they were happy to see the amazing things his chainmail could do. Something, however, disturbed Alan.

Alan: "Iron Man, why do you occupy the post of a guard here? Sure, this building is impressive yet being a guard doesn't suit you, neither does it Batman. Your powers deserve greater functions."

Iron Man: "Nootra is populated by superheroes. People like us who have had enough of combat become watchmen."

Zach: "If I had some armour like yours, Iron Man, I wouldn't tire of working out every day."

Ryan: "Yes, because heroes don't have enough of combat until the final battle is won."

Iron Man: "I see you know our creed very well, little Earthling. Yet there comes a time of self-realization where you determine the most precious thing in your life, and you won't lose it for anything."

Noah: "What did you find, Iron Man?"

Iron Man: "My family: my spouse, my children, parents, siblings, relatives. I found the joy of living in a family and that is the happiness I had been searching. So I keep it."

Noah: "You mean Tony Stark has settled down for real?"

Zach: "You're lucky; I can't say the same about my family. I don't get along with some quite well."

Iron Man: "Kid, keep in mind that you're peculiar. Don't envy anyone for you're the only one of your kind. You can't be found in any place, at any time, in any person except in you. You're here to do something only you can. It won't happen if you don't do it because apart from you, no one else can do. The beauty of a man is his particularity. That's what makes him a landmark in the world.

'People are unique; we're complements and gifts to one another; not their copies. We were made many to be different. Different, not in terms of division, but different because even if we live together, we're not clones, but we enrich other people's lives with what is peculiar to us. Not everybody can do everything. One does this, the other does that; one is funny, the other is grave. Unity means living with people by accepting them as they are though we don't have the same personalities. We choose to draw from their difference and enrich our lives with what they offer. That's what I found and what I'm living in my family."

Noah: "I've never heard Iron Man talk this way, but I know one who's a pain in the neck back at home. I wonder why we were born in the same family."

Iron Man: "Child, each moment of our life is precious and we must live up to the challenges that come with it. Learn to see things beyond everyday routines and you'll find that your family is the best gift you have. The family is the place to appreciate variety among men though many of us have had a wrong start. But I've made up for the losses and now I treasure it above all. I came to understand that changing the world is having a sound family. The family is the world in its basic unit and a family in unity is the vessel that receives the blessings of Agape."

Ryan: "I know something about it. But Iron Man, you have to fight to protect it."

Iron Man: "What are friends made for? I've fought villains all my life and when I found my family, I entrusted Nootra's defence to friends and the security forces. What I can do best is to be there for my family and do this petty job."

Gohan: "No job is ever too small. The least you do is indispensable to society. If L4 had no guard, the heroes inside wouldn't do their job well."

Zach: "Iron Man, you talk of these things as if they were easily achieved. You yourself said you had a wrong start with your family. These wrong starts are the source of the breakdowns and losses people encounter in their lives. They mark you forever and not everyone gets over them after that."

Iron Man: "You can't change people and even if you could, you would be a dictator since you would want them to agree with you. Not even Agape did that. Each of us has our own reality and it's hard for someone to see the reality of another. Some people only consider their own realities and forget that others don't see things the same way. That's why it's fundamental that all men know truth. Those of us who know truth have a responsibility to bear with others. And by our faith and commitment, you'll see we'll transform everything into good."

Alan: "What about people who are already broken? How do you restore them?"

Iron Man: "Alan, restoring doesn't mean returning to the past and fixing things. Sometimes, those things are irreparable since conditions at present can't be the same as in the past. Something is indispensable for restoration to take place - forgiveness. Forgiveness here means giving no weight, no consideration or value to what you did or didn't do or to what others did or didn't do that produced those breakdowns in your life. You have to free yourself and others by letting go of the offence, taking it lightly, smiling whenever it crosses your mind. You must stop being in the skin of the victim, but be the builder of your life by committing yourself to making your family the best place in the world.

'The world is nothing but the people who live there, and these people live in families. Saving the world is first of all saving a man and his family. If every man saves his family, the world is saved. Man always lives in a family; as a child, sibling, spouse, parent, partner, teammate, colleague and in the many kinds of relationships there are in the world. If he failed the first step, he still has the many steps following, and at some point, he'll get it and have his life restored."

Krilin: "Man is the most complex being in the cosmos. Each man is a universe to explore. We're called to be tolerant towards each other and to choose to accept people as they are. If everyone comes to understand these things, we'll succeed in our relationships and evil will be erased."

Noah: "Why should it always be you to be tolerant? Why can't others also see your reality and make efforts to understand you? It's so unfair."

Iron Man: "If you reached Nootra just by believing, this tells me you're not like others. Faith is the simplest thing there is. It's the first virtue you demonstrate when you're born: you believe all things. Sadly, when people grow up, their perception distorts their faith and they tend to consider only what they sense. By so doing, they fail to see their childhood dreams realize. For the true dreams of a man are the ones he has when he's a child."

Gohan: "People try to attain their objectives by doing when there's a simpler way of attaining our dreams - by always believing. Noah, count yourself happy to know these things for not everyone can appreciate them. If you have the mind that makes you accept others as they are without judging them, you're distinguished among men because you create peace in your environment.

'Pikkoro taught me that peace is man's most precious asset. This gift is for those who're willing to end all strife within and without. Nothing good, not even the family, can be appreciated for what it is if there's absence of peace. You may have whatever you want, but if you lack peace, you won't be able to enjoy them. Peace is vital to life and life is a burden without it. As a peacemaker, Noah, you're a beautiful force of nature that keeps the world happy. That's why the cosmos will collaborate with you and supernatural things like this will happen to you, as they happen to us in Nootra."

Iron Man: "You've made my day, children. At least now, some people know what Iron Man is presently. Get in; the men inside will help you find the route to Earth. There are only geniuses in L4. Let me know when you're leaving. I have War Machine's[2] armour and I'd gladly give it to you."

Krilin: "Their world isn't like ours, Iron Man. Your equipment might only cause them trouble."

Alan: "Krilin is right. All we ask is your friendship and autograph."

Iron Man: "Long time anyone asked me those. I told you admirers are rare in L4. Here you are - the Iron Man badge with my signature for every one of you."

Goten: "Hey, I didn't ask for that."

Trunks (whispers to Goten): "Take it or he might change his mind about letting us visiting the base."

Noah: "You're too cool, iron head."

After giving directives concerning the Earthlings to Iron Man, Son Gohan and Krilin left their companions in his care. Iron Man opened the doors and Trunks, Goten and the four Earthlings entered the multiplex. They were stunned when they found themselves within the construction. L4 was an impressive sight of colossal buildings of various sizes, adorned with high-tech materials. The facility served as a fighting base, exposing all types of terrain for combat. Administratively, each building within the structure was a unit, a distinct entity with particular features for specific functions. Units with complementary functions were aligned one against the other to form blocks. A block was a division of a number of units, geographically separated from other blocks. A central control unit regulated the base's activities.

What struck the children as they progressed through L4 was that the base was all about training. It was a training centre equipped with sophisticated armouries and infrastructure for every kind of martial exercise. A large number of people were there and nearly all were training. Some did it on land, others in water and others in the air. This roused the spirits of Ryan and Zach and they asked Trunks and Goten to train them. The Saiyans were only too pleased to do so.

Goten: "You can't be in L4 and not just train."

Trunks: "Like when we were kids! Dad used to bring us here so we could progress quickly."

Noah: "How was it like to be trained by Vegeta?"

Goten: "Vegeta wasn't a soft teacher. My dad didn't always approve his methods."

Trunks: "Time flies so fast. I can't believe the progress we've made so far."

Goten: "Here we are, mentors ourselves. Where do we begin, friends? What do you want to learn first?"

Zach: "What I want to know first and foremost is how to fly."

Trunks: "I'm surprised you can't fly with all the skills you have."

Alan: "Are you kidding me? It's merely impossible to fly on Earth."

Zach: "Don't worry, Al; I'll know how to fly in no time. Let's start, Goten-sensei."

Without wasting any more time, Ryan and Zach went to work. Their sensei, Goten and Trunks, although not the best in their profession, taught them some concepts and moves on the art of flying. Their students, on the other hand, were too willing to learn. Their determination prevailed despite the clumsiness of their novice teachers, and it happened that after a few hours of training, Ryan and Zach could fly. While these four were in the process of learning, Alan and Noah went to visit the base. They entered some kind of locomotive that stopped at each unit, and they stepped out to explore. They crossed many buildings, and came across countless heroes committed to the good cause. The two Earthlings were over the moon as they received hearty greetings from superheroes. Their tour led them to a special site. This building was different from the rest in respect of its size. It was enormous and being the tallest of the base, it extended sky high. It was located in the centre of the base and appeared to be the central control unit.

As Noah and Alan stood there, trying to see through the glass walls what was going on inside, they sensed someone coming behind them. They saw his reflection in the glass and recognized his form. The two children turned round to see the one walking towards them. He was far taller and way bigger than any of the heroes they had met in Nootra. Noah and Alan were motionless, totally captivated by the sight.

Alan: "This world; it's beyond my wildest dreams!"

[1] Iron Man ('Tony' Stark) is a superhero in Marvel Comics. He was created by writer-editor Stan Lee, developed by scripter Larry Lieber, and designed by Don Heck and Jack Kirby. He first appeared in Tales of Suspense #39 (Mar. 1963).

[2] The War Machine armour was designed by Len Kaminski and Kevin Hopgood. War Machine (James Rupert 'Rhodey' Rhodes) is a superhero in Marvel Comics. He first appears in Iron Man #118 (Jan. 1979) and was created by David Michelinie, John Byrne, and Bob Layton.

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