Chapter 32: I believe!
"I have to tell your friends what kind of person you are, right?" The man in red armor focused his eyes on Venomous who stood expressionless. Her eyes were looking far behind him, clearly ignoring his presence.
She didn't take a step nor replied to him.
Another man popped out of the carriage and glanced at the show with curious eyes.
"Do you know her?" He was pulled by Venomous' cold face that despite what was said, still looked charming and attractive.
An executioner called Big K replied, "I know her. We used to go to the same high school four years ago. Back then, she was so popular. A beautiful, high-class girl that chose to go to the normal school despite her wealthy family. She became the center of attention with her presence alone, but her eyes were different from what you can see now."
He sounded loud so that Michu and Sandra could hear him.
"You can change your hair color and style, but it's hard to forget about a killer you used to go to school with," Big K shrugged, then brushed past Venomous. He wrapped his arm around Michu and said, "That's a nice taste you got here. I also like older women."
He shook his head and pointed at Venomous who stood next to him motionlessly, "She had everything and yet she killed her sister. Why would she do that? It's rare for sixteen years old students to get a house, choose school freely and just have that much freedom; and yet she had it all. So why did she kill her sister?"
"..." Michu didn't reply. He continued to look at Yumi's eyes carefully.
Big K ignored that as it would be shocking to anyone, "She killed her for more money. Just that… Honestly, I can't understand it… You have literally everything, a secured future and you still lowered yourself to kill your blood just for a few more zeros in the bank. Now, imagine what she can do in this world."
The executioner sneered and began to pour down all ideas that just bloomed within his mind. A heartless player was the primary focus of those; a killer that would kill any NPC and erase him from the world. A killer that would bring massacre for one's benefit and sway more innocent players like him.
All of those were insulting and Michu didn't like that.
He had to carefully look at Venomous, though.
"You got a nice blonde chick here. Focus on her instead. It's easy to get a girlfriend in this game as people are more willing to try new things here. If you play a white knight, then you are more likely to get her. Haha!" Big K laughed, then ordered, "Delete Venomous from your friend list and give up on her. That's for your future."
"Are you a gangster?" Michu replied, his eyes finally responding to the insults the man had been spitting so far. "Are you not? Then why are you ordering me around? I also don't like that hug. You have rough hands." Michu slapped away the armored arm, but he needed to exert all his strength so far.
The difference was rather too high.
[Big K Lv. 53 HP: ???/??? MP: ???/??? Guild: Death Clock Guild.]
"Haaa!" The man sighed loudly, "You need a lot of help. Listen, if you don't delete her, then I will kill you. And I will kill you each time I see you. This route… I guess you come from Mountain Cliff City? At least the area around it. I don't want to see this killer and her naive friends getting stronger." He threatened, "So delete her if you want to have peace. It's no good to have an enemy at such an early level, don't you think so? Can you afford something else other than potions? Haha!"
"You have ugly eyes," Michu said, "Your voice is irritating and makes me get goosebumps. It's disgust." He sighed, "Sister used to warn me a lot about gangsters and she exactly described a person like you. Are you the one she had seen?"
"Are you that stupid or you are pretending?" Big K pushed Michu using his strength advantage. His target fell onto the ground as if his legs broke! With his eyes looking down at Michu, Big K said, "I am doing a saintly work of saving your naive heart from this killer, but you can't appreciate my gentleness. I guess you can't think with her around you? Well, then think in the beginner city." A big ax went up.
It descended onto Michu's body and split him in a half in the blink of an eye.
[You have died.]
[You lost one level.]
[Death penalties have been applied to you.]
[Your resurrection point had been set - Kocardo City.]
It was Michu's first death.
A silence fell heavily after Michu's body turned into red particles that faintly floated up to the sky. Those vanished mid-way and left everyone speechless.
Wasn't there a penalty for killing a player weaker than you? The Big K didn't care, even if his name got red-flagged.
He turned his eyes to Sandra, but Venomous' faint laugh instantly retracted his eyes, "Why are you laughing?" Big K asked, "I guess it must be funny for you to see all those naive fools die like idiots for you? Even if he died because of you, he must've serviced you enough. It's been four years and you have gotten stacked Yumi." Big K spoke big words while looking at items that Michu dropped.
Those were mostly consumables and bananas, "Bananas? Who the fuck keeps bananas? They can't even regenerate stamina or properly satiate hunger…"
"Why am I laughing?" Venomous repeated the question, "You remember me, I remember you. Weren't you the classmate who had been constantly bullied by our class delinquents and their friends?" She turned her eyes at him, "It seems like you haven't matured at all. Since when does the loser become the bullying one? Is it because of the level gap? Is it because you know what the whole school knew about me?"
"I haven't matured, huh? I am doing fine in my life, you see. I have a proper job, a good gaming time, and a woman whose eyes don't look poisonous." Big K replied with pride and self-content.
Venomous quickly retorted, "And why would you compare her eyes to mine? Are you infatuated with me to this point? I had everything, you had nothing. I guess you hoped I had some loser fetish and would notice you?"
Yumi didn't stop here. She shifted her eyes to Big K's friend and asked him, "Has this man ever killed someone with equal level? NPC, monster, or player? If he did it with his party, then congratulations, a loner has found some friends. So, have you guys aimed higher at least once?"
Big K's friend didn't say anything. It would impact Big K negatively as he often said that aiming higher would bring more losses to equipment and their stuff.
Though he looked like an executioner, Big K's friends often laughed that he had a soft heart for equipment and rewards. His big red armor had maximum durability and never fell before 70%, as he would often bring it to a blacksmith to repair.
He was a person who looked strong and menacing on the outside, but carefully took steps forward and spoke big words after assessing his situation.
"I take it as a no," Venomous didn't wait long for an answer, "Big equipment, big ax, and big in name as well. Are you trying to look bigger to hide your fragile heart?"
"Haha, listen, Yumi." Big K approached Venomous, but she threatened with glare. Since the gap was here, Big K didn't stop and faced her closely. Their eyes were filled with reflections as they were that close, "You can speak as much as you want. That's all you can do to divert attention from what you have done… But it won't change anything. Everyone knows you are a killer now. Contrary to your life in prison, I had a normal life and properly matured. I wonder what you are doing in life now."
"The one who diverts attention is you. Don't you put a strong emphasis on normal life and your maturity? And you also speak about the present while avoiding the past. True, aren't you a big bully right now? Of course, you wouldn't speak or mention your past at all. Did you forget already the feeling of scorching cigarettes on your forehead?"
"Shut up. I told you to listen, so I am the one asking the questions. That snake tongue can only answer me," The man threatened and grasped Yumi's shoulder. His strong grip made her lose HP and pain bloomed from within.
Yumi didn't wait much.
She took out her sword and shoved it straight into her throat.
The blood spilled out like a fountain. It splashed on Big K's face and continued to ooze from Yumi's sword profusely. Her body entered a highly critical state with several penalties set on her.
She had intense bleeding and many others that took her HP faster!
"I am not going to listen to the fake gangster anymore. Live in that bubble of yours for how long you want… But let me tell you; you haven't matured at all. You became even worse than your bullies." Yumi smiled which made her look eerie with blood on her face.
Everyone including Sandra recoiled a few steps back from her sudden self-harm…
"On the other hand, I had a hard time in the prison. They were jealous of me. Those women cut my hair every day until I became bald. I had them kick and punch me because of my face and family behind me. I endured that and took the positives out of it after I got freed. A piece of shit like you won't push me around."
Her strong mental and suspicion towards others was born from that.
Big K's lips trembled and he stuttered, "Was it worth it? All for grandfather's inheritance that didn't even enter your hands?"
"Believe in what they say. If that makes your life easier… There are many things I regret about high school times… One of them is snitching to help you."
"I regret that. If I knew you would be the one to bring back the past to me, then I wouldn't even say a word to teachers. I found it heartless how they treated you, but-" Yumi's HP fell to zero and she turned into red particles that got swept by the wind.
Big K stood in silence.
Only Sandra's steps rang out in his eyes as she began to sprint away from them. His mind then got flooded by the past memories that he did his utmost best to seal, "Someone call the teacher… Please, please, please…"
"Aren't you in a better situation? Past is a past anyway," Big K's friend responded. He knew about the executioner's job which was the manager in one of many food restaurants. Big K had his girlfriend working here as well.
While he acted harshly and pushed people around, his woman was like a queen here and ordered others around too.
They were a compatible pair, in some way.
"Fuck it… I am the one who doesn't allow anyone to push me around." Big K snickered and returned to the carriage. "This psycho woman… I wouldn't even be able to shove a sword like that into my throat."
"She is something else, but that's what prison does to you, I guess. Fuck, I still feel some shivers…" The friend and Big K agreed, then continued their journey… "Remember that area and Mountain Cliff City."
Though he acted strongly, Big K's mind teemed with the past, and Yumi's words blended later on. He couldn't sleep that night and his employers had an easier time at work…
Yumi appeared in Kocardo City.
She instantly got spotted by Michu, "Yumi! Are you okay? I guess he killed you too! This is my first death! Look at all those people here. They all died too… I asked them around-"
"I am a killer," She cut him.
"Okay…" Michu responded with thoughts in his mind. But he couldn't properly lay them out and looked highly confused.
Yumi knew the monke, so she just told him to speak whatever lay behind his mind, "Say what you want. And do whatever you want… We are both at the level where we don't have to rely on each other and you can just go your way."
"But I don't want to." Michu smiled faintly, "I was looking deep into your eyes, Yumi! You see, I think a killer wouldn't have such sadness within her eyes if she killed a person due to greed! I don't know about it, but I feel like it was an accident. My heart hurt when he said that you killed your sister, but then I looked at you and it vanished. I have a strong feeling that it was an accident, so tell me what happened, Yumi."
Venomous dilated her eyes in disbelief, then took a few steps back. She was actually the one to move first and her whole body began to shake violently, "It was… accident…"
"I see!" Michu felt instantly better and looked far more at ease.
"You believe me?"
"I believe you!"
Yumi's legs grew weaker instantly upon this answer. He didn't even try to coat his words nor feelings, just instantly believed in her. She fell onto her knees and tears began to tumble down her cheeks.
Covering her face with both hands, Venomous displayed such a fragile sight that Michu went wide and looked out for help, "N-Nana…" When his mother cried, Nana was the one to help. Michu was always clueless about what to do when seeing someone else's crying. His hands waved around and surrounding people slapped his back.
"Hug her! And take her somewhere else. What the fuck are you doing?" A man with white teeth and handsome looks passed some tips! He even told her how to pick up a girl from the ground! He had some lady next to him and they quickly acted, "You two are a good pair! Thank you!"
"Whatever, dude. Just take her far away from this resurrection point. Too many people are here." The handsome dude waved his hand and took his lady away as well. He usually would be annoyed by the death, but Michu's dilemma spared him from it.
Michu raised Yumi in a princess carry, then went to the area with fewer people, "Ah, I also should tell Sandra to rest and log out." It was one of many tips from a handsome dude - tell other 'friends' to rest.
[Your Prince Charming Call Me My Sweetheart! Lv. 44 Guild: Love Paradise Guild.]
Michu wouldn't forget this guy's nickname!
Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!
Chapter 33: High Heaven Guild
"Grandpa has signed his legacy over for us." Julia was her name. She was Yumi's sister and just one year younger than her. Both of them were the best students and had many friends around them.
They never lacked anything, but they worked hard nonetheless. For fifteen and sixteen years old girls, school was the priority.
But the adult world quickly knocked at their doors, "He just died… Can't we not speak about it?" Yumi replied to her sister with sadness written on her face.
Julia's face flashed with pain as well, but she added, "It's a father who reminds me about it." The legacy was signed on the two granddaughters and no one else could take over it. The one who knew about its content was their father and his actions didn't hide how much he desired it.
Yumi knew that he mostly spoke about it to Julia because she was younger and more naive. She reminded her sister, "Remember grandpa's words… This is money for our future where we both become independent from our father and build our own families with love and care." Their father was a person who thought only about his companies.
He had never spared time for his father and even used second-handed means to kick him away from their family's business. He then developed so many more that the business world praised him daily.
But he ignored his family and the ones that needed him the most, "Forget about him."
Yumi looked at herself in the mirror while combing her hair. Her black, smooth, and silky hair cascaded seamlessly. Her red lips didn't need external stuff and her beautiful green eyes concealed an utmost love for her freedom and a little independence she had so far. Adding to her immaculate figure and already bountiful chest for a sixteen years old girl, Yumi was the beauty who could bring shame to any idols and celebrities around her age.
She puckered her lips and giggled, "All that's left is to end the school and find a prince charming."
Julia threw an irritated side-glance at her sister, "Prince charming? Rather than prince charming, you will get a monkey!" She stated while hugging her flat chest. Thus, the source of her irritation became clear.
"Monkeys are cute too. I don't mind being the smarter one," Yumi didn't feel offended nor annoyed due to that wish. Her smile didn't wear off until loud knocks assailed her from behind.
Their father came, "Julia! Yumi! Open the doors! It's me, your father!" The person they didn't want to see the most came at the wrong moment.
The two sisters sighed and Julia went to open the door, "I will open. Calm down!" She raised her voice, then her father barged into the house while nearly pushing her down. He didn't care that Julia nearly lost balance and tripped, but called out to Yumi out loud, "Come down!" Their house was a two-story building, so both girls had enough room for each other.
Yumi reluctantly appeared on the stairs, then looked down on her father with hate concealed within her eyes, "What do you want?
His name was Feng, "I got news about a gold mine. An immersive virtual game will begin in two years."
"A game?" Julia asked curiously.
"Yes. A game that will send our bodies to the new world and allow us to compete! Humans are competitive by nature, but the majority is held back due to society and its standings. I am the opposite and I plan to dominate that market. Besides, I know what competitiveness can do to a human, so I will leverage that and create a powerful force within this world." Feng was certain that this game would explode with popularity and there would be a high need on the market.
He planned the guild, the streaming services, and rights… All plans were in his mind!
But he needed way more money! He already sold a few companies and prepared to take a risk, "It's a future for all of us. In two years, Yumi should be done with her school. You will be able to make a name for yourself and-"
"I refuse," Yumi cut her father and averted his eyes, "Your disgusting heart is one thing, but you actually had a thought of using grandpa's money for this uncertain and high-risk business? You look down on him?! Do you even know that grandpa began as a miner?! How hard he toiled to get money and secure a future for his family?! You want to risk his last money for a game?!"
Yumi glared at her father with wide eyes. One could see a venomous glitter slithering around those that were only exclusive to her father. Those eyes soon calmed down, "Leave. Leave and don't come here again," She waved her hand at him, then went upstairs to her room.
Julia glanced at her father with tears in her eyes, then rushed after her sister.
"Julia!" Feng extended his hand and stopped her, "You mustn't be stupid. Do you want to waste this money for three years? You can't even begin your company yet and can you manage one without my help? Do you know how many people you need for it? An eighteen years old girl won't even be able to begin it!"
"You don't believe in us!" Julia yanked her father's arm, then quickly ran after her sister.
Feng stood alone, his eyes closed. Dark lines spread on his forehead and he seemed to hold a lot of complaints about his daughters. He soon kicked the ground and rushed after them.
Using his adult strength, he forcefully opened the door leading to Yumi's room, then began another talk.
He tried various approaches and explained things in a way that Yumi and Julia could only get a rough guess.
Nonetheless, they didn't agree with him, and seeing how intrusive he was, Julia lost all her doubts and joined her sister, "Leave our house!"
The sisters couldn't push away their father as he was stronger, so they began to just move around the house without batting an eye at him.
WIth how desperate he was, Feng followed them and continued to spit out bullshit.
At some point, he couldn't contain his anger anymore, "How can you not help me?! I gave you a good home, a good mother, and dignified life that would make many jealous! What did you give me in return?!"
He grasped Julia's shoulders tightly, his fingers digging into her skin.
"It hurts… Father…" She cried out and avoided his hateful eyes that seemed to belong to a demon.
Feng didn't care. He shook her and asked again.
Yumi came from another room and shouted, "What are you doing?!" She tried to push Feng away as fast as possible, but the adult man didn't budge. He continued to shake Julia and repeated the same question.
However, he also glanced at Yumi and asked her too.
The sisters were left helpless with the one crying from grief and pain.
"Let her go! Let her go, you demon!" Yumi reached out for everything her hands could find, but to no avail. Her father soon got annoyed by that and pushed Julia while turning his eyes to Yumi.
However, it was the beginning of the nightmare.
Julia couldn't find any strength in her body, so she stumbled on the ground and fell down on the stairs. She hit the ground with her head.
"Julia!" The sound of her fall was so loud that the father and sister stopped in their tracks. Yumi instantly turned around and went downstairs to look over her sister. She grew paler when her eyes noticed the blood pool around Julia's head.
The blood continued to gush out and it seemed like it was unstoppable!
"Call an ambulance! What are you doing?! Father!" She cried, her shaking hands not even able to properly move.
Feng stuttered, "A-Ambulance… Yes…" He took out his phone and began to click the numbers.
However, unlike Yumi's eyes that were filled with disbelief and pain, Feng was looking at his daughter with fear.
Thus, what he said broke Yumi's heart, "Ambulance? Yes, my daughter… has killed her sister."
"What… did you say?" Yumi raised her incredulous eyes at Feng who stood up with a trembling hand. He looked so stressed and fearful that Yumi grew livid.
She trembled more after he replied, "You have to take the blame… I can't… I can't have even a little stain on my name, even if it was an accident. My business-"
"YOUR BUSINESS?!" Yumi howled, "Julia can still be saved… And you didn't even try to help her! You just stood there and thought of a way to save your name?! I… I can't believe it… You are… my father?"
To Yumi's disbelief, her father did nothing. He just stood in silence and waited for the ambulance to arrive. But Yumi couldn't contain her feelings within herself. Her eyes continued to turn more evil.
She soon confirmed her sister's death and kicked the ground, "I hate you! I hate you so much!" Yumi threw her fists at her father and made one of the worst mistakes. She pummeled him down and brought more bruises and wounds onto his body, so later on, his story would be more believable.
After the ambulance arrived and paramedics entered the house, they instantly fought two dreadful scenes. The first one was the girl's dead body swimming in the blood. The second one was the father getting his face punched by his daughter.
They took Yumi away from him, then the nightmare escalated.
Her father used his lawyers, the judge was also bribed by him.
"It wasn't me… I loved my sister… She was naive, a little silly, but I would never kill her… I would never hurt her," Yumi, alone in the court, whispered. She had no strength to even speak, her body and mind exhausted. From her normal life, she had descended into hell with all people treating her like scum.
No one believed her, "It was not me," She pledged, but no one listened.
For the last time, Yumi raised her eyes at her father who expressionlessly participated in the case on the court. Before, he put all blame on her for the second time and didn't even allow her to talk back; not like Yumi could raise her voice.
"For four years, you will be sentenced. Half of it will be spent in prison after you hit legal age. As for now, you will be put in juvenile hall." The judge concluded and the nightmare continued.
Yumi still had good looks despite her exhaustion, "Look who has ended here. A killer? You don't look like a killer at all. Let's help her, ladies!" The jealous delinquent pulled Yumi's hair and other girls joined to play around.
Helpless and still shocked by the events, Yumi just thrashed around while pushed by their sick hands.
One month later, Yumi began to fight back.
"We are in the park. There aren't a lot of people. There is just an old fisherman not too far away!" Michu patted Yumi's back and followed the tips from the handsome dude. He raised his hand and stroked Yumi's hair while lending his shoulder to her.
Her cries got sucked by his clothes and sound got stifled as her face was completely buried within.
His other hand properly held Yumi. She was in his embrace on the bench and from afar, no one would be able to tell what was going on.
Anyone would rather feel that something hot was going on instead and they wouldn't bother.
A good example was a fisherman who gave thumbs up from afar in the beginning.
Alas, the sadness and relief had been coursing through Venomous.
"High Heaven Guild," Yumi finally said something!
"What is this guild?" Michu asked.
"A big enemy that must disappear… I don't care about anyone in this guild. I don't feel anything towards people who are unaware of the demon guiding them. I am going to become a gangster and destroy that business network. I don't care… I don't care at all…"
"Being a gangster is bad!" Michu responded.
"I know… I know you would be against it…" Yumi said, then let his clothes go. She looked stunning with her red nose and cheeks. A small tear still clung to her eyes' corners and it made her seem like a princess.
Michu blushed profusely and didn't know where to look. He never was in such a situation!
"Are you that kind of man who likes to see damsels in distress?" Yumi jested with a faint smile, "I don't think I am one of them."
"No… Uhh…" Damsel in distress? What did it mean? Michu caressed his chin, then said, "You looked beautiful and your eyes looked loveable! Hehe, even if you know that I am against it, you don't want to let me go! You know I like women!"
"..." This idiot! Far from prince charming! Even prince monkey wouldn't suit him!
"We must go on with the compromise! Losing a job is a very stressful matter! I know because my mom was in such a situation a few times. That's why it would be the worst for us to take jobs from other people."
"Compromise? What do you have in mind?"
"Of course… I don't mind being the smarter one… Hah, look… We can always find partners…" Yumi straightened her back, lay down on the bench, and crossed her arms. She also rested her leg on another, so all of this exuded relief.
Her still red face had a faint smile.
"Partners?" Monke asked.
"Yes, partners. Well, let's drop this topic. We don't even have subclasses. If we don't enjoy the game, then the whole road to the top will be arduous instead… I want to enjoy this game starting from this moment… Come here," Yumi's hand slithered around Michu's neck, then by putting some force on his cheek, she forced him to land on her thighs. She already took a proper position for that lap pillow and Michu couldn't complain at all.
Even though it was a little rough of her to push him down like that, "I know it! It's a lap pillow! Handsome dude told me about it." How fast can this dude speak?! His lips must be moving really fast! How could he gain such an ability? What did he train? That was the mystery of the handsome dude.
"Another pest… This one… I should thank later," Yumi stroked Michu's hair, then found a fisherman secretly showing his thumbs up at them.
She shook her head and laughed, "I will still go with the poison class. I like this route. A slow death to this guild…"
"Don't speak about poison now! This doesn't suit your pretty face! Oh, can I take a photo? I am already better at taking those. It's because of our goodnights."
"Go ahead… But don't share with anyone." Yumi agreed, knowing that Michu would share it with Nana if she didn't say anything.
Michu pouted, "But she is still suspicious of you. I think she also likes Sandra more because of the editor training! I saw some sparkles earlier in her photos. That looked a little pointless, though."
"Did you tell her about it?"
"No. She looked happy with this."
"See? You can keep some secrets. This photo is our secret."
Thank you for reading! Have a nice day!
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