The three hugged for a while before Chloe stepped back smiling but before she could do anything, the girl almost collapsed and Ryan who was actually far from her ran to her direction immediately, holding her tight.
"CHLOE!" the rest screamed at the same time As Ryan carried her bridal style.
"Nothing much, sorry to worry you, maybe I am just tired." The girl replied back as she tried rubbing her head.
The rest of the family stared at her worriedly as the girl continuously reminded them she was okay but Ryan did not seem convinced as he studied her carefully, not letting anyone actually know what was running in his mind.
He picked up a glass of water and handed it to her as she gulped down the water in a fast manner.
"So Lisa, what is it between you and Anna if you don't mind sharing?" Grandma Lu asked finally attracting everyone's attention as they all stared at her waiting for a reply.
Lisa looked at them as she sighed.
Hello darlings ❤I am so sorry my dear readers ❤I had a lot of school work piled up but now that I am done with the majority, I promise to update regularly.❤